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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6327055 No.6327055 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /biz/

We've recently created a Slack channel in which to share, discuss and plan for arguably the biggest menace crypto will be facing in 2018, taxes. The goal of the Slack channel is to discuss the current regulatory lay of the land, the most efficient ways to minimize your tax burden, the most crypto friendly tax jurisdictions, past experiences and others.

We will be conducting ongoing research, post resources we find, conversations we've had with official tax authorities and law firms who can provide with legally binding statements and any material that will help make educated decisions regarding your future moves.

Whether you're a crypto millionaire who's panicking over the prospect of parting with 50% of your wealth or an ambitious NEET who wants to maximize his gain profits, this is the ideal place for you.

Do yourself a favor and join our community today: https://join.slack.com/t/biztaxes/shared_invite/enQtMjk4MTgxOTk1ODMxLWU5YmE5NDRkMGVlYTgyY2U1ODdlMjU4MzdmNjhmMzM0MTJlNGZhZGMxZDk2MGQ2ZGEzMGY2MzQzZmRiZmI1MDA

>> No.6327342
