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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 225x225, coss-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6323891 No.6323891 [Reply] [Original]

This shit has a market cap one tenth of KuCoin and it's shooting up RIGHT NOW. Still $2 so get in while you can! Post your referrals and we'll all share in some sweet profits as this baby hits $20 plus you'll even more earn dividends based on all the trades occurring on the exchange.
>50% dividend rate in perpetuity


>> No.6324001
File: 175 KB, 200x300, 1493425410196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6324168

OP is correct. Especially as they are remaking their website/UI.
But use my referral instead of OP.

Op is a fag.

>> No.6324788

feel free to use my calculator for your newly bought coss.

>> No.6325214

does anyone even use that site except for buying coss.

its always shitting itself, dont buy this

>> No.6325216

Market is bleeding but i am like 50% kek. Get in boys hype with Coss is real.

>> No.6325273

dont buy this scam

>> No.6325305

If you missed the the kucoin train this is your chance


5 Coss to anyone who signs up with my link and makes at least 1 trade

>> No.6325349
File: 126 KB, 800x769, 1492625797992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah apparently people do use it, was surprised to log into a $1.91 fee split dividend the other day.

>> No.6325350

Some people do, look at the colume on CMC. Also, there isn't an API yet. When bots finally start trading volume will go through the roof

>> No.6325363

tfw coss is the only thing making my folio green today


>> No.6325370

Stay poor rajesh

>> No.6325392

early botters will get some nice arbitrages :D

>> No.6325432

This is what is going to make me filthy tich this year

t.200k bagholder

>> No.6325465


>> No.6325490

I don't even know what the referral does desu

>> No.6325514

They seem to require verification to withdraw though which is fucking cancer.

>> No.6325567

explain how it is a scam? inb4 "hurr durr kucoin is betterrrr therefor coss is scammm"

kucoin has a textbook pyramid scheme referral system that loses value over time which looks way more scammy yet everyone here loves it

>> No.6325620
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on Coss currently. Shit is legit. It looks a lot better than gdax. To me, gdax looks like some autist posting his arch linux tiling desktop.

>> No.6326150

shit is still cheap as fuck, dividends are way better than on kucoin where you'll only get 15%, coss will always be 50%

>> No.6326372

you idiot

the investment is to bet on that their new UI and trading engine will work

>> No.6326475

Why haven't you buy this yet?
It only has a market cap of 132m and more importantly a volume of only 5m daily it is ranked the 87th exchange in terms of volume.
When it gets to KuCoin levels that is 216m daily volume you dividends will multiply by 43, those are a lot of shitcoins and a lot of them will moon, right now they have a wide variety of rare shitcoins for you to buy.
If you don't buy this now you are saying no to the possibility of getting a weekly salary for life.

Dont be an idiot and buy when it gets to $30, they will release the new UI this Sunday, this is a preview of how slick it looks, who knows how high will it get by then.
Sing up with my link, in 10 years you will thank me. https://sso.coss.io/api/invite/DZ9XK0CT9E

>> No.6326503
File: 136 KB, 1024x552, coss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im retarded i forgot the pic

>> No.6326898

Where did you get that dark mode theme?

>> No.6326966


>> No.6327427


just signed up @ your link, here's mine for the next guy:


lets all get rich together this year boys. we deal the cards, the game is ours.

>> No.6327586

here's a better dividend calculator...

and a referral...


you're welcome biz

>> No.6327591

ive been using and trading on this exchange since October
sign up, enjoy the benefits.

>> No.6327631

>I didn’t listen to the COSS shills
I want to die

>> No.6327635
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>> No.6327687

i almost bought 10000 kcs when it was 1 dollar, made me want to kill myself

but now i went in on coss instead, its still early, hopefully this will give me cains

lower coin supply so this can easily go to 20 dollars without even having as much traffic as kuckkoin

>> No.6327797


>> No.6328019

it's obviously going to take time...
it's not even saturday yet
launch is on sun

>> No.6328041
File: 165 KB, 1200x686, Rune-Close-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rune is a tough motherfucker. Hes looking great even though is on his fourth chemo so far. Im happy he still has the power to do his awesome job.

Im pretty sure he will beat the cancer.

>> No.6328301

In since early December


>> No.6328326

Exchange is shit. Can't even compare it to Kucoin

>> No.6328635

Coin metro is gunna kill this

>> No.6328834


eloborate, curious, sale already done I see