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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 519 KB, 1500x843, iexec-e1509563254603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6323143 No.6323143 [Reply] [Original]

Did I tell you, or didn't I, anon? Why are you always so suspicious, anon? Fag much?

>> No.6323217

i don't know, did you? it's an anonymous board, who's the retarded fgt now.

>> No.6323240

When do u expect we hit 10 bucks

>> No.6323245

50$ coin in may when they release V2. No joke.

>> No.6323297

BUY THIS SLEEPING GEM - thisis a nobrainer:

1) 2018 will be the year when Ethereum’s killer Dapp’s come into fruition. As we all know these Dapp’s require tremendous computational power to do their calculations and the question is whether the Ethereum Virtual Machine can handle?- The answer is simply NO. For Eg, Request Network needs tremendous amount of computational power to do its financial audits and Ethereum Virtual Machine can be a severe liability as the computations cannot be scaled and is as limited as Miners computational power. So here comes IEXEC RLC, which can technically provide computational power to DAPP’s like ENIGMA, SIGNALS, REQ Network etc. These Dapp’s are waiting for the industry fundamentals like decentralized storage and computing to get completed. So it’s a no brainer that as DAPP’s grow, projects like IEXEC RLC will breathe life into them.

2) one of the most talented and experienced team in the crypto space they are just no-nonsense guys, no hype guys who deliver silently (looking at you Golem). Giles Fedak is one of the most respected persons in cloud computing arena. Hawei Hu has been voted as one of the top 40 smartest persons in China.

3) Competitors:- Golem Mcap: 919million, With no working product and are already lagging behind by 6 months with their Brass Golem which was supposed to be done last June. Golem is like a fat girl at a party infused with steroids. No one likes to speak to her. So if golem is valued at 913 million with no working product and IEXEC rlc still is at 150 million at the time of writing and with DAPP store already realized IEXEC will easily surpass Golem in the coming months.

4) EVEM MORE exchanges on the cards, besides Binance, we all know what this means.

5) Rumor about potential take over by IBM. We all know what IBM did to stellar you fags.

yesterday I told you to jump the ship ASAP but you didn't want to believe me, anon. poor fag

>> No.6323806


why the fuck did it have to moon so much. It was hard to trust your post when it had just gone up 50% and was in the process of dumping.

I had sold my other altcoin earlier and nearly invested in rlc but the 12 hour window came and went and I figured even if I put money in that it wouldn't go up fast enough to where it would make sense to give enough buy back my other coin on the dip. Missed the whole thing, fucking hell op do your shilling in a way more distinct from other shills

>> No.6323917

do i sell now? i still think it has long term potential but if this is a pump and dump it might kill it permanently

>> No.6323946

Hey man it's not for everyone. But maybe you should stop being such a mammoth pussy and get this money that's dangling right in front of your face. There will never, ever, ever be another opportunity like the next few months/year of crypto. Remember how hard it was to make money before this shit? That's what it will be like again. And unless you have a fat stack at that point to earn interest income off of, you'll be fucked. So suck it up pussy

>> No.6323947
File: 86 KB, 480x269, iExecAGATHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6323963

Been shilling this shit FOREVER. Nobody wants to be rich :\

>> No.6323998

fags hate money, very sad!

>> No.6324073

pls answer

>> No.6324102


>> No.6324106

This shit is not even at Golem marketcap, there are still 4 more announcement before the end of the month, don't be a retard.

>> No.6324110


I love how the Pajeet that made the OP picture chose some financial district with a park as a background.

>> No.6324113

this is a holders coin.
expect 10-50x in 2018 hands down

>> No.6324167

just look at the marketcap, fag. you really think you should sell now? dont be so impatient

>> No.6324265

What announcements?

>> No.6324320

You sell at the peak and wait to buy lower if it doesn't go above the peak.
Jeez, don't you guys do this for everything?

>> No.6324349

it's not even late to get in desu
I'm doubling my investment right now, this coin is a treasure
marketing hasn't even begun

>> No.6324381
File: 441 KB, 2500x1000, SUMMARY2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New (non crypto) partnership
3 new Dapps: https://dapps.iex.ec/
Marketing launch in Asia
Probably other big exchanges

>> No.6324428

Also Dapp challenge results

>> No.6324481

Thanks anon, i bought 50k RLC yesterday. Going to hold untill V3.... Hope i will get more millions.

>> No.6324524

Bought at 3k sold at 52k did I make it?

>> No.6324548

>bought on the first of january
>149% up

too bad i have no fucking money to reward my good decisions with

>> No.6324600

i have no way of transferring the $100 fiat i got into rlc i am very upset /biz/ ;____;

coinbase b& me for dnm stuff a bit ago and i'm still waiting on bitstamp and gemini verification

>> No.6324632

Holy fk I'm so comfy

BRB, telling my girl to open the champagne and put on the red panties.

>> No.6324737

bitpanda nigger

>> No.6324776

Is now a good time to buy for a nice short term gain? The crash hit me for 25% and I'm trying to make it back plus some extra to buy more eng while it's still low. Is $6 realistic by tomorrow?

>> No.6324782

Whats this going to do today from now? it dumped pretty fast and has not moved.

>> No.6324791

$10 eod screen cap it

>> No.6324794

I work for a large tech analyst firm, we are looking at IEX.ec as one of the big disruptors in the cloud and Data Center space over next 3 years. Their roadmap is both impressive and achievable and their team is impressive - and they appear to be slowly adding commercial expertise to balance out a very academia focused dev team. Most interesting will be the integration of HPC and AI to offer XaaS in things like Fog/EDGE analytics or HFT in capital markets. This has real potential and I expect will receive broader coverage from tech analysts and publications alike - buy bois.

>> No.6324803

from US

>> No.6324812
File: 127 KB, 900x1200, 1515294080125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw sold RLC stack yesterday

>> No.6324823

you better buy back in if you wanna make it

>> No.6324831
File: 95 KB, 893x377, RLC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC logo appeared on Ripple, god is with us.

>> No.6324992 [DELETED] 

bad idea to sell 15 ven and buy the equivalent rlc?

>> No.6325027

With chump change like that it doesn't even matter lmao

>> No.6325114


This coin sucks. Did nothing for months and now it's mini pumping and everyone thinks it's great? It hasn't even kept up with ETH

>> No.6325150

thats incorrect. It has kept up with ether.

>> No.6325154

it just got listed on binance america is asleep

>> No.6325248

Fire up vpn, transfer to skrill and then to bitpanda

>> No.6325251


>kept up with ether today


It's gonna pnd. It's trash son. It's never been able to dislodge golem.

>> No.6325274

No, its kept up with either since it was created. Learn to read a chart.

>> No.6325322

ahahaha fucking golem loser.

RLC coming at ya

>> No.6325326

ICO dump
Trades sidways for 6 months
Gets listed on a real exchange

Just like every coin, ever.

>> No.6325371


Wow #98 it's out of the weeds. Barely.

>> No.6325435

This is gong to be at .008 Vitaliks by the end of the week at least. Probably .02 by the end of the month.

>> No.6325481

>The desperation of golem FUDers

>> No.6325506

I have to say, bitter shitbag holders are the worst people on this board.

>> No.6325570

I would be pretty mad if I bought into the inferior cloud computing project too

>> No.6325619

This shit will power ETH.

It's going well beyond $100 end of year.

>> No.6325683

1200 in 2020

>> No.6325688

Will Americans PnD this shit when they wake up? I'd be happy with 30-50% gain to make back my losses.

>> No.6325716

Americans already sold at the top.

>> No.6325726

7.8 million sell order. Thats not cheap.

>> No.6325737

How are they selling when they are all sleeping?

>> No.6325760

It was around 10pm when it got on Binance.

>> No.6325797

I just wanted to deep my stack on this by switching briefly to the pump on z-classic to get me some of the bitcoin private shitcoin. Now RLC moons :( :( :(

>> No.6325820


>> No.6325821

Well thats good then, the dump is over.

>> No.6325939
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 2IXQLOut_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1200 - sounds crazy, but who knows...

IBM is at $165. The crypto market is international, and uncharted waters. Much bigger than the NYSE.

This has a similar sense like selling off CDs --
knowing that mp3 was around the corner. Buyers thought they were ripping -us- off...

>> No.6326191

lol golem

>> No.6326236

you can't compare a crypto company with a classic one. The specualation & price are way different

>> No.6326239


>HODL ZCL untill fork
>Sell all ZCL and invest in RLC
>see where BTCP goes

I will be rich.

>> No.6326526

Ibm m cap 152billion, rlc less than 400mil

>> No.6326668

True. It's unprecedented.

>> No.6326747

lmao Golem?
lmao where ya BRASS at Golum?

>> No.6326786

ZCL will 5x from here - and then you get the free BTCP which will probably start at $300 but have the potential to topple monero.

>> No.6326806

Or to put it another way; you'll make more money - for now - by staying in ZCL, selling it off, and the moving back to RLC.

>> No.6326901

I bought at the ICO but sold most of my stack, still would have made more money holding ETH desu familia

>> No.6327238

this pump is just the beggining, they have big targets and non crypto parternship coming in the next month.
100$ is a really easy price target

>> No.6327545
File: 82 KB, 239x229, 1439873305194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it getting dumped?

>> No.6327683

Not next month, next week

>> No.6327709

We just got pajeeted by the burgers

>> No.6327762

You guys shouldn't have bought. There was massive FOMO and excessive hype cause of the new listing.

Hindsight is 20/20, I almost bought in myself

>> No.6327915

Yes, but i talk about really big company. Not the one they will announce next week.

>> No.6328214

I shilled this every day for weeks. Accumulated about 15k. Sold half my stack to invest in DBC at 22c, and ride that moon to accumulate more. Then this shit moons without me, and im stuck with a measly 8000.

Am I still going to make it?

>> No.6328676

Please no more threads. Don't need weak hands in projects like this.

>> No.6328732

Thx OP made a nice profit