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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6322166 No.6322166 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else have any good low marketcap gems they are investing in right now? Preferably 50M or less with plenty of room to grow.

Most recently i've pulled a 3x through Upfiring (UFR) and it seems like theres still plenty of room for it to give exponential gains
The coin has a low marketcap of 25M and an actual finished product.

I'm still invested in UFR but i'm interested in hearing any low Mcap gems you all may have stumbled upon recently?

>> No.6322177


>> No.6322196

PKT playkey rank 300 on CMC

>> No.6322206

yeah, buy more upfiring

>> No.6322229

Elixir (One of the most interesting lending projects) and Publica (A better marketed Po.et)

But not for short-term. Let them grow through the year, they are a guaranteed success.

>> No.6322235


>> No.6322238


>> No.6322259

ARY. Block array. Current mcap 9m
Will do at least 10x easily probably way more

>> No.6322284


>> No.6322303
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My dude. At first I thought it was pajeets shilling this shit but I feel like I might finally make it thanks to this.

My 3k starting crypto investment is 10k currently and I'm planning to stay in UFR until it reaches 30k and then jump on another low mcap coin.

>> No.6322318

people need to just buy eth for guaranteed gains instead of gambling on shit coins that won't exist in a year like esper on yobit

>> No.6322337

xspec has a working product and 90 m cap

>> No.6322384

How do you guys find these type of coins? Do you literally just scroll through coinmarketcap and research random coins?

>> No.6322473

Asking myself the same...

>> No.6322512

reading all day telegram 4chan reddit bitcointalk and then reseasrching

>> No.6322554

ECC is going x300 this year, obvious to anybody with a brain. Don't need to fomo in, just do some research. it won't pump for a few days but a new exchange is coming "very soon" according to a team member so expect a quick x2 minimum in the short term if you are nervous about holding.

>> No.6322564

LIFE. Low market cap + low price

>> No.6322572

just browse exchanges like cryptopia for coins with low market cap but high volume and buy, works 80% of the time, lmao

>> No.6322573


>> No.6322617
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For the first time I am genuinely in a situation where I have about 5 I could tell you about but I am fucking nowhere near done accumulating and I already fucking pressed my luck by dropping hints TWICE today on ALL 5.

>> No.6322648

Lux. 30m market cap but currently mooning. Be quick.

>> No.6322676

1 is not even listed on cmc and is super high risk. website is completely in chink could barely find info in english but a ton of very interesting stuff in chink articles>>6322617

>> No.6322684
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Liking UFR's model more and more. Monetary incentives will make p2p file sharing a fortress. No more "borrowing" visitor's CPUs to mine Monero. Fuck the Jewbergs!

>> No.6322766



>> No.6322788


Get in for the 100x gains.

>> No.6322830


>> No.6323025

any opinions on this? I read some talk about it a few days ago on twitter but I figured I would wait and see what happens

>> No.6323092

Ella - fair eth fork. 10M mcap

>> No.6323173

APPC is going to rise. Dropped heavy once it hit Binance, but it's nearing a tipping point

>> No.6323242


1 mil market cap and 1 mil circulating get the fuck in here anon

>> No.6323268


>> No.6323295

You should just buy more UFR.

>> No.6323329


>> No.6323791

Same, UFR, especially with the dip right now

>> No.6324105


>> No.6324292
File: 10 KB, 293x70, eGOLD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eGOLD has only a 1M marketcap. It has a unique use case upcoming with a lending platform and eSports betting platform with the same coin. Predicting 10M marketcap in a few months and 100M marketcap by the end of 2018. Really small goals, but will still give you 10-100x return.

They rebranded for their upcoming lending platform yesterday and will launch it in <4 weeks. Volume is starting to pick up and it will reach 3M marketcap easy in the next few days.

>> No.6324407

Currently I'm on ADC and CanYa mai boi

>> No.6324590


>> No.6324721

NIMFA. It has a working platform anon

>> No.6325086

PLAY it has a working product

>> No.6325581

At the current price, UFR has at least x5 in it before the end of january

>> No.6325594

Mhm the dev has 70% of the supply...

>> No.6325601

I hardly see bitboost shilled around here, check it out

>> No.6325661

This is the first I've read of Upfiring and I like the concept. Anything subversive is good. Why the hell don't Cryptopia accept Eth trading pairs though?

>> No.6325787

POLL big announcement on the 17th
I'll accept your thanks in btc next week

>> No.6325802

Cant believe no one mentioned PFR.

Good idea, product close to release, could fill a HUGE void in market, useful token, masternodes and so on.

Go buy PFR and 10x by feb.

>> No.6325816


>> No.6325903
File: 141 KB, 358x543, 1515650115246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically POLL.
Quite unique and I already made some profits. Considering they have an announcement soon I'd go in more if I had more money.

>> No.6325947

Poll might be the biggest moon after their announcement

>> No.6325958

P O L L G A N G who /pollgang/ here?

>> No.6325962

Since we are in a dip, i would suggest you to buy more UFR.

>> No.6326005

This. Also COLX, TAU and NAS

>> No.6326023

Ufr, poll

>> No.6326027

This is the first I’ve heard of Upfiring, and I like the concept!

>> No.6326214

UFR seems recovering atm, might be a good buy at last.

Don't care about all these shillz, as long as it gets me money I'm happy.

>> No.6326253
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>> No.6326282

PFR (super low cap thats going to explode)
AIX (ready for the kucoin pump machine)
PRL (rebranding coming soon >>> pump)

>> No.6326292
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SGR, $2m market cap, an exchange thats going to launch this year and has better features than Binance/Kucoin, partnered with same tech company that build sites for traditional stock exchanges, AI trading bots, auto tax calculations that are completely private, auto sell and buy back orders, etc, if u aren't throwing at least 10% of ur portfolio at this u have autism. will literally be a 1000x come this summer

>> No.6326305
File: 108 KB, 816x415, Pros and Cons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR is recovering fast, I would buy soon if I were you, this is a great buy in price, I honestly see 5x in store for the short term

the model they have put forward really seems like it would be great for torrent users and would clear up a lot of problems with the current state of P2P filesharing

If you're really looking to diversify I wuld look into CREA, low mcap, huge potential, great use case

>> No.6326318

forgot, will also have multi integrated desktop wallet, meaning u can withdraw ur shit directly from exchange to a wallet that supports EVERY crypto. no longer have to worry about getting mt goxed

>> No.6326525


>> No.6326551
File: 20 KB, 400x250, ufrmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I invested in UFR because it has real use case ! Decentralized torrent , seeding incentives ! We need that , I am sure UFR will be mass adopted in future . so i am hodling UFR ! are you ?

>> No.6326593

TRST obviously.

This coin is not just random shitcoin and it is extremely undervalued currently. Wait till everyone notices it and it skyrockets in price.

>> No.6326598
File: 2.55 MB, 2821x2052, 080BCCC0-6C0F-4A45-A9DB-E444053F38E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TAU(picrelated), PFR

>> No.6326607

Prepare for ARY on the 14th, anon.

>> No.6326624

TNB, I'm telling you it's going to the moon once the official app drops!

>> No.6326647
File: 167 KB, 935x1539, 1515001124623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAGA is about to break out
Odn looks good as well

>> No.6326657

BCPT ( BlockMason Credit Protocol )

>> No.6326743
File: 22 KB, 640x640, cre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CREA - Creativechain

15mil$ marketcap and already very professional online media presence and very competent team.
Basically the same Po.et tried to do but failed at it.
Soon to be listed on Kucoin. dont miss out

>> No.6326830

PFR/TAU bruh

>> No.6326881
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>> No.6326933

i bought this shit at $0,32

>> No.6326939

Stick with UFR and buy more. Will do 5x at least.

>> No.6326974

Yes what do you think people mean when they say DYOR

>> No.6327053
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ARYans will be the new elite

>> No.6327076

I am anon, I am.

>> No.6327087

DAT, easiest 3x of your life

>> No.6327131
File: 13 KB, 400x264, giv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least 5x, can easily be 10x times profit on UFR if you get in now, Cryptopia regs are online again too.

>> No.6327207
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Bismuth and Mothership are so underlooked that it's retarded. I've mostly come to conclusion that by the time there are shill threads on /biz/ for some coin that it's probably too late by then. Most people don't even bother doing research, they just grab the things that get shilled here.

I literally dropped my comfy REQ and XLM bags to get on these two.

DYOR tho, but I see no possible way of losing money with any of these 2.

>> No.6327292

5.2m mcap

Homepage looks like shit, biz tried to pump n dump few weeks ago.

Truth is its a working blockchain pow pos pot hybrid coded by some genius kid back in 2014. Devs are pumping their own cryptogains into the project and its being revived. Two forks on jan 30th and feb 7th, homepage being rebuild, there is a 10000 flt bounty if your homepage is chosen. Lovely community.

Join if you dont wanna be pushed around by discord pump groups. Active discord, growing telegram.

Youre welcome

>> No.6327755


What coins are these? If u ca share just 2 even

>> No.6328183


laughing my ass off at this coordinated discord pajeet shilling of UFR

fucking pajeets

>> No.6328222
File: 387 KB, 1037x733, 1515754375378[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BlockMason Credit Protocol (BCPT)
>60 mill market cap.
>whales accumulating
>dont miss another moon mission, anon :///

One of the limitations in the crypto world right now is the access to credit. There a few lending platforms like SALT, ETHLend and others, but they are collateralized crypto lending programs. As they stand right now, they are more focused on developing systems to hold existing crypto assets and then lend dollars or tokens.

The problem with these systems is that they have limitations: they are restricted in the types of collateral they can take, what types of funds they can issue and must answer to their token holders or shareholders.

The Credit Protocol (CP), created by BlockMason, seeks to provide a system for recording debts and credits on the Ethereum blockchain and open up consumer and enterprise loans on the blockchain. It works by one entity sending a debt or credit request to another, who then confirms it. This is then recorded and stored within the Credit Protocol’s smart contract. The CP is about more than just a financial tool. The beauty of the CP is that any company can set up a way log and record any debts or credits, even if they aren’t in fiat or cryptocurrency tokens. The CP is simply a backbone for other DApps to be built on top of it.

The Team, 3 co-founders
>Timothy Galebach - founder and owner of Almond Media Solutions. Graduated from HARVARD in 2007 in computer science.
>Michael Chin - managing director of Constance Capital Limited (PE firm). has worked also for Intermediate Capital Group and J.P. Morgan (It's fucking difficult to get a job at J.P. Morgan. i mean DIFFICULT)
>Jared Bowie - was the managing director of Bowzed Limited (advertising firm).

This is a low cap gem, lads. screencap this and thank me in a month.

>> No.6328293
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Consider investing in RATNOM or SKIYAP - very promising coins

>> No.6328440

hurrr durrrr big potential, big gains, big community, low mcap, low whatever, shill shill, buy my bags, I'm a fag

>> No.6328558


Currently makes up 20% of my total portfolio. Been in since ico and accumulating ever since.

Blockmason is EASILY a future >$1bil marketcap.

They recently hired a PR firm, and will be doing a charm offensive after the release of LNDR and as new partnerships open up (plus the gambling dapp)

>> No.6328652


>> No.6328935

this bought in at 9 sats

>> No.6329003

Where can I find more info about this?

>> No.6329119
File: 689 KB, 800x609, autistic-upfiring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upfiring is a great product. It will see a huge gain in the next week, as well as this entire month.

It's a fantastic product and a great team. Their userbase is already substantial.

I'm in it at least until summer.

>> No.6329219
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>> No.6329251

2FA coin

>> No.6329326

4CHN coin

>> No.6329348



L O L ...nuff said. enjoy your bags pajeets

>> No.6329351
File: 46 KB, 535x131, eboost-logo-web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eBoost (EBST)
$20 232 120 USD market cap
425. coin
Upcoming hard fork on the end of January

>> No.6329669

I bought since 9k sats and it's been dropping ever since.

Why will this start to rise now?

>> No.6329737

well they burn coins every week

>> No.6330105

>my 3K investment is now worth 10k

KEK, you just x3 your money moron

>> No.6330189

KIN. They're suffering from a pump on Jan 3, but they're working on the product, and just generally doing it right https://medium.com/kinfoundation/insights-from-kin-initial-product-launch-441c458a4ece

Gonna be MASSIVE

>> No.6330221

kin is dead. i'm sorry you bought it.

>> No.6330385

still up from my initial price though, but i guess i need to put the bastard down

>> No.6330408

ELIX, perfect time to buy in aswell in this dip

>> No.6330743


>> No.6330773

AIX- new coin on kucoin, the pump and dump has already happened, now steadily accumulating.
market cap is 65 mil

>> No.6330776


>> No.6330848

GVT will see equivalent growth to DASH

>> No.6330955

>UFR pajeet shills getting smarter
you already fucked up pajeets nobody will ever take you seriously
just sold my 100k

>> No.6331187

UFR and ELIX are my comfiest low cap holds

>> No.6331225

Keep hodling UFR

>> No.6331295

I was going to say UFR but since you already got it I'd recommend some BBT too

gl anon

>> No.6331404

ELLA's a top bet for a 10x. Working smart contract platform (a fork of the ETH code but not the chain) with no pre-mine and an extremely active dev and miner community. It will blow up when it gets a little traction.

>> No.6331514

>UFR pajeet shills getting smarter
>you already fucked up pajeets nobody will ever take you seriously
just sold my 100k

UFR has a great and unique product with low marketcap. You'll see when the price has 2-10x'd. Screenshot this.

>> No.6331559

aigang , just by my bags anons

>> No.6331591

just sold 100k more

>> No.6331933


>> No.6332073

>>>6322166 (OP)

I second this. Following its only competitor, it has at least a x5 to a x10