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File: 69 KB, 300x300, funfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6320330 No.6320330 [Reply] [Original]

pic very fucking related, got dumped to .11 and is only going to stagnate because of huge sellwalls set up by whales

I put 10k bucks into this and I seriously want to fucking die right now.

>> No.6320386

When did you buy? It's .14 right now.

>> No.6320496

first half at .05 and second half at .11

>> No.6320510

How about wait more than a week?

>> No.6320543

You people are literally retarded, Funfair is one of the most promising ACTUAL FUCKING PROJECTS IN CRYPTO. I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TRON OKAY. OR FUCKING RIPPLE. FUCKING SAVE IT.




>> No.6320559

FUN is not bad, at least you got half of the bags from 5 cents. FUN actually have a lot going on Q1 2018, beta release and stuff, just wait, I feel like it could go to 50 cents

>> No.6320618

Those sell walls mean whales are accumulating. There's no doubt in my mind that they're stocking up for ICE. Hold until then and you'll be fine.

>> No.6320626


>> No.6320659


oh no a sell wall on a hold coin with defined roadmap and dates

>> No.6320702

Didnt every thread say feb 6 ICE convention. Have some fucking patience

>> No.6320729

So you made good money?

>> No.6320802

Still holding 13k TRON I bought @ $0.2

>> No.6320822
File: 64 KB, 594x598, 1513495983717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ATH buyer detected + Bought on the pump = Retard.

No sympathy. Enjoy your bags.

>> No.6320863

gonna have to agree with this anon

>> No.6320865
File: 36 KB, 400x400, go-away-bitch-buy-some-other-shitcoina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6320883
File: 64 KB, 662x712, 26611e364b3c0f44c0e5f792e6ad75a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought at 980 satoshis
I'm not stuck with bags am I? set stop limit just in case I get fucked

>> No.6320997

just hold. you won't make gains this month, or even feb. Hell, you might not even see it in march.

Once this gets utilized, it will be very valuable. Even just a little tiny bit of it.

>> No.6321022

>actually thinking you'll have fun with FUN

ey la mayo

>> No.6321044

Look at the last two weeks not the past two days you blithering moron.

The entire fucking shitcoin market is crashing except for a few, and those are ones that barely fucking did anything until now. Meanwhile, FUN had pump after pump with no dump. It's getting shilled in a month, a full release after that, and an entire year of insane announcements planned.

They're going to have a 50-man team dedicated solely to this project, the people behind the coin are likely the best team in all of crypto right now, every promise they're making is essentially already assured (such as getting a license). They've poached team members from actual casinos and the people in charge already have connections to casinos so you know they'll be hitting all the milestones people in the threads shill. The coin has zero real fucking competition (go look up the comparison threads, even the new casino coins don't even come close to FUN).

Can you stop being retarded for a single second? Even if you bought at the absolute ATH and it dumped immediately after, you're still going to 4x your money, minimum, in a month.

>> No.6321157

Also, because I feel like giving you something to laugh over, here:


Look closely. This is some illuminati-tier shilling. You don't get to pull this kind of shit without insane connections.

>> No.6321255


This. Fucking retards don't understand that this is not just another shitty college kid vaporware project. This could very well become the first legitimate and widely adopted crypto use case. Zoom the fuck out from the candles, idiots. You'll be FOMOing into this shit at .75 in a couple months.

>> No.6321396

I was going to buy a shitload of fun coins but I had to ask myself...why would a casino ever use Fun coins instead of already established and stable cryptocurrency like litecoin or eth

Or even more than that why wouldn't they just make their own cryptocurrency like everyone else and make mad bank off the people looking to get rich.

Fun is dead in the water.

>> No.6321419

It's a good coin to have rn. Not 10k but a good amount. Just fucking hold it

>> No.6321447

what part of ONLINE gambling don't you understand?

>> No.6321460

Hahaha please be a troll

>> No.6321495

Cute FUD. We were shilling for you idiots to buy sub 200 SAT for weeks. Then the second you decide to buy and lose 15% of your money you cry "dead coin." You niggers are pathetic and are simply jealous of others' success.

>> No.6321501


because they need to develop all the background software, they are competing with a massive team who have already finished the product, they are competing with other casinos who will just buy fun and be ahead of them...

>> No.6321521

I understand that. Places like bovada already takes bitcoin.

Why does Fun offer that other coins can't accomplish?

What software? online casinos like bovada already exist and it already takes bitcoin.

What is fun offering?

>> No.6321548

This is still a relatively cheap coin. Stop being a newfag and having a mindset that you can easily become a millionair in less than a month faggot.

>> No.6321563

Its not only the coin, its the entire project that has potential. It isnt about just using a cryptocoin for gambling, this will make the first trustless casinos

>> No.6321602


fun isnt just a currency, its smart contracts that force the games to be fair and the odds fair, thats the important software part, and why its call funFAIR.

>> No.6321603
File: 255 KB, 480x640, 1449184676370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's an idiot who knows nothing about the product he is bashing. How about instead of asking yourself, you find out the answers instead of doing these mental gymnastics in your head.

>> No.6321799

Unlike every other gambling coin, FUN is effectively just technology that casinos can put their own spin on. All other coins are full casinos.

FUN means that a random person who owns a bar can now have an online casino. Online gambling has a $60B marketcap in the US alone, not including the Asians who love to gamble, not including things like CSGO gambling, and definitely not including the people who love to gamble but don't want to deal with sketchy backend shit in current online casinos.

Casinos that use FUN can loan their coins to other casinos for guaranteed dividends. This means that a casino can purchase as much as they want and never be at risk of some of it being used for a few years.

Overall, this coin solves the billions of dollars of lawsuits that come from current online gambling, allows casinos to attract audiences they otherwise wouldn't, can make additional dividends they otherwise couldn't off their holdings, and don't actually need to go to the effort of proving themselves as being fair.

A casino 'making its own coin' would accomplish literally nothing. To match what FUN offers, they'd need to be able to match the 50+ people in FUN's, would need to take away their own money in order to build said coin without any guarantee it'll bring returns, and they'll actually have to compete with any casinos that do use FUN (protip, they'll get less customers if someone has to choose between FUN and some random casino's own variation that doesn't offer nearly as much and doesn't nearly have a team as good backing it).

Online gambling is something that can be done from literally anywhere. You don't /have/ to choose a casino just because they're closer. You can pick the ones using the best tech that proves themselves the most. A casino can also attract customers that want to gamble online at one casino that uses FUN, but want to go in person to one nearby them with those same tokens.

>> No.6321820

>you will never have an adorable daughter grill
Noooooooo I'm here forever fuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.6321911

not being used for a few years*

>> No.6321944

>>What is fun offering?
>i don't know how to read a whitepaper

decentralization, lower transaction costs, the ability for anyone to launch their own online casino using their software

>> No.6322006

How is fun different than coins like Ethbet?

>> No.6322024
File: 253 KB, 1620x1080, 1515225852105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6322030

FunFair is the only developer who has developed turing-complete state channels that can be used with smart contracts, which means that playing their games is faster and cheaper than any other blockchain gambling solution, along with obviously being provably-fair. Note: just because a casino accepts crypto doesn't mean you're in control of your funds or that their games are provably-fair.
Casinos are incentivized to adopt FunFair's software due to ease of use (able to set up and customize your own casino is a few clicks), FunFair's quality game UIs, the increased business casinos will receive from people who will want to play at a casino that can't scam them, and its cost-advantages due to the "gaming servers" being the decentalized ethereum network, along with FunFair licensing their software out for free.

>> No.6322100
File: 29 KB, 745x481, ethbet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only meme you fell for was buying high and selling low

dont make the same mistake twice

>> No.6322102

Then go kys you fucking pleb. You don't deserve the gains this is going to make.

>> No.6322146

>Another shitty dice game
I can't remember if this pays dividends either but if it does then it's never gonna make it. Funfair's not a game, it's a platform that lets people make MANY games and the ones on the showcase are just a facet of what's possible. They haven't talked about it much but Funfair's got something they currently dub "Funfigurator" (really shitty name atm) but that's what anyone can use to develop their own games and run their own casino on using FUN tokens on their end.

>> No.6322180

>I was going to buy a shitload of fun coins but I had to ask myself...why would a casino ever use Fun coins instead of already established and stable cryptocurrency like litecoin or eth

The Fun token will have 10x lower gas costs than other ethereum-based blockchain casinos. This would be a huge advantage for both casino operators and players and will probably lead to the disappearance of all other crypto based casinos that don't use the FUN token because they simply won't be able to compete.

>Fun is dead in the water.

Nope, you're just an uninformed brainlet that doesn't understand this project on the most basic level. Seriously, educate yourself before you make posts that expose you for the idiot you are.

>> No.6322243


The advantages of the FUN token are going to cause all ethereum based blockchain casinos to go extinct. EthBet is literally going to be obsolete before it even launches.

>> No.6322287

Ethbet, like every other non-FUN coin, is a full casino. Other casinos cannot put their spin on it. They have to adopt their entire infrastructure to making Ethbet work. Not only that, it doesn't even have a third of FUN's team (and it'll be less than a tenth when they do their upcoming team upgrade), nowhere near the number of games (or people working on making more), no guarantee for casino dividends, and effectively the only things it /can/ offer are the things FUN already offers far better.

Heck, if I remember correctly, Ethbet is the coin that, in its own whitepaper, tries to fud FUN with false claims because of how scared they are of it destroying them.

According to the FUN discord, though I didn't put much effort into doing my own research (but other people in there did), Ethbet is an obvious scam and is using illegal.

Finally, pay attention this thread in the future as it's apparently being updated with the new coins coming out (like Ethbet). From what the writer has said, though, after doing some indepth research on the competitors, there's still nothing that stands up to FUN.


>> No.6322327

Enjoy being scammed lmao

>> No.6322341

I traded most of my Eth for this meme coin.


>> No.6322343

>Not only that, it doesn't even have a third of FUN's team

EthBet is literally run by 1 anonymous guy known only as "Blake". Not even joking. It's not a team, it's 1 guy.

>> No.6322362

Oh fuck I was just saying what I remembered after the various discussions about competitors, but that's fucking hilarious

>> No.6322370
File: 429 KB, 399x614, 222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy those $600 million bags lmao

>> No.6322393

>literally one person in the team
I'll see you in four years when your dev actually makes a second game

>> No.6322396


you got JUST'd because you bought into a market that was crashing faggot. FUN at its current price is a fucking steal, wait for Feb for great gains

>> No.6322454
File: 1.11 MB, 1367x5000, ethbetmoneylaundering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we need a second game for speculative tokens to raise in value

>implying being the internet's biggest and easiest money laundering loophole isn't enough

>> No.6322510

>money laundering loophole
Holy shit I never thought of that...

>> No.6322655

love it

>> No.6322698

Except that doesn't mean the coin itself is worth anything. There is zero reason for people to invest in it. People will only put in what they want to launder, so the marketcap will never actually increase. You'll put in a certain amount to launder, cash it out, done.
It's also not even remotely attracting the online gambling crowd, as they'll go to actual gambling sites. It'll only attract people who are obviously sketchy, and thus you just put yourself on a watchlist when you provide records of gambling.

Ethbet itself isn't going anywhere even if you can use it for a loophole lmao. And given that the team is literally one guy, it means anyone can make something similar, so it's only a matter of time until it's regulated in some form because giving everyone the ability to guarantee they launder their own money isn't going to remain a thing.

>> No.6322699

Dont put everything in one coin and panic sell everytime it goes down fifty dollars.
Its okay, six or so moon missions will pass by and it'll make or break you.

>> No.6322855

>Except that doesn't mean the coin itself is worth anything. There is zero reason for people to invest in it.

as apposed to funfair?

you have a huge amount of bias as your arguments can be applied to almost every coin. i hope you didnt buy at the top anon

>> No.6322990

>people buy coins when they're cheap
>price increases
Wow you have more money to gamble, who would ever do that?
Or, you know, the obvious - casinos are buying the coins and they're doing most of the pumping. There is no entity outside of individual people who want to launder money that have incentive to buy Ethbet.

vs Ethbet
>you put in money to launder
>you launder it
>you pull it out
Once it's released there is zero longevity in the project. At that point the only people who would ever put anything into it are people looking to launder, whereas Casinos have to keep buying FUN to keep their stock up to pay off people winning, especially as it's burned overtime.

Your logic is flawed as fuck lmao. They aren't even remotely equatable. One has absolutely no use for the tokens outside of betting them for laundering, and no requirement for them to be bought for the project to remain afloat. The other requires constant purchases, the prices will always increase so there's a reason to buy in at any point, and it's actually a reputable source that won't get you thrown on a watchlist and thus never allowed to cash out even if you do prove your money was gambled away.

>> No.6323661
File: 193 KB, 768x768, noballoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't read either of the whitepapers
(hinthint that's the thing that tells you how the thing works)
>refuses to even perform a google search
>has feelings instead
>asks why they would make an actual product vs just exploiting more idiots like him
I don't think we can roast this person enough. I'm GLAD you didn't buy. I don't want mental deficient people like you shilling my coin and making it look stupid. pic unrelated.

>> No.6323714

You're alarmingly stupid.good riddance you weakhanded faggot. Thanks for boosting my net worth

>> No.6324493

Relax Cryptobeak. You'll give yourself an aneurysm you cunt.

>> No.6324568
File: 125 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180112-042554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like perfect time to buy honestly...