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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6315698 No.6315698 [Reply] [Original]

what's your end game /biz/?
how much is enough?

>> No.6315769


Masternodes and staking for constant income is better than hitting $x and just spending it.

>> No.6315785

Only at 35k right now. Don't think I'm going to make it anons

>> No.6315837


Realistically it would be crazy for crypto to be worth more than 5-7 trillion. Which is like all usd in circulation or half of stocks. So a 10x is the best that one could hope for. Given the challenges, the probability of reaching it is probably less than 50%. Your risk adjusted return is 5x. You can easily gamble on earning calls with Better risk reward so I am heading to the exit

>> No.6315928

10m after taxes
then move 25% to something slow and safe
25% for more crypto and 50% for me

>> No.6315968

For me it isnt about the money anymore. I just want my numbers to get bigger and bigger. It's like a game and pride. Breaking Bad

>> No.6315989

>thinks it's a game that will end
Buddy every week I move money out of crypto into good stocks, diversifying my portfolio. I'm getting ready to start a business, I'm making a killing in crypto in the meantime. This isn't a fucking game, this is the accumulation of wealth, our time to move from neets to fucking chads. Get off your ass, stop hoping for it to "end". You need to look at money differently, it's not make as much as possible and then spend it buying things you don't need. It's make as much as possible while spending it to make yourself a more skilled and smarter and better person, then make more money and buy nice shit with that income. Crypto is about building our principal that way this can be our time, then we take dividends and passive income and we use that to eventually get the cool shit.

>> No.6316022


Once that hits, I'm cashing out and gonna put it into some comfy stocks. Name of the game is passive income.

>> No.6316051

>he thinks he can get good passive income from 100k
kek, 100k is literally nothing

>> No.6316055

>buying boomer's bags

>> No.6316129

2.5 mil after taxes

>1.5 mil in dividend stocks yielding safe 5% return
>250k in amazon stock
>250k in precious metals
>250k liquid to buy possible stock market cash and maintain income
>250k on a house

I could get by on a lot less but this is comfy mode

>> No.6316144

fuck that, at 100K i'm putting down payment on a nice duplex and renting that shit out to wageslave normies

>> No.6316152

until i feel happy. whenever that is..

>> No.6316192

This. I’m only at ~$35k right now, mainly betting on req qsp and link, and I’m already looking into different states with cheap land to buy multiple rentals in once I make it, which for me would be $5-10m after taxes. At that rate I can comfortably put money in vanguards, stocks, and become a big boy white nationalist power player, while also being able to afford experiences that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to. This is going to enable a lot of econonomixally independent autists to start doing things in the world. Also bizpol master race reporting.

>> No.6316198

With good stock dividends, that much invested gets you a 1%er passive income.
I'm only at 5k, and I believe I can do this. Minimum is $2MM for me.

>> No.6316231

Probably $100k but I doubt I'll ever get that far.
Started a few days ago at $2k

>> No.6316244


That's the wrong way of looking at it. I'd say you're right for the top 10-20 coins or whatever, but there are plenty of 100-4000x opportunities at lower caps. If you have skills and speed you can make insane risk adjusted returns for a while longer. Good luck pal.

>> No.6316249
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1050 eth

>> No.6316271

Enough to buy a new engine and some other shit for my car. Also a bike.
But I made more than enough for that last year.. The cant cash out meme is real.

>> No.6316274

I just want a house, car and to pay off my student loan. Whatever will get me that.

>> No.6316294

>how much is enough?
4000 omisego

>> No.6316317
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>move money out of crypto
what did he mean by this

>> No.6316333

>tfw I could do this now

Where in the US would you make this type of move? And if it's just a downpayment don't you need to be making hella income to get a mortgage? Or will the banks give you the loan even if you're technically unemployed?

>> No.6316343



300k to invest in the company i work for
150k for taxation aka theft
50k to start flipping house again
100k leave in crypto

>> No.6316372
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I want to be the first crypto trillionare

>> No.6316373

It will never be enough.

I want the light of my life to burn against the eternal void as brightly as possible for as long as possible.

Dream big anons

>> No.6316377

Take that amount and multiply it by 1.66 if you're in the US because Israel needs your shekels and we've got to promote democracy in Iraq.

>> No.6316379

ICOs say hi

>> No.6316388

9 figures. I still won't leave, but I won't work as hard as I do now

>> No.6316446

Enough to pay off my student loans, so roughly $50,000 in fiat.

>> No.6316483


You can get an FHA loan on a multi family unit for 3% down. Just have to get approved for the loan amount by a bank and claim the place as your primary residence for 4 years.

- Go to low income state, buy 4 plex for 120k. Down payment is 3.6k. Mortgage approximately 6-800/mo. Live in 1 unit. Rent out 3 at 500/mo each. Or rent out all 4 and just have your mail sent there while you travel the world.

>> No.6316571

1 million now. Every new figure just makes me more greedy for the next figure

>> No.6316648
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600k~1 million dollar.
I know money is not my final purpose because I have no feeling when my blockfolio fluctuate 20k in 1 hour. It will help me at least for me do what I want in my 20s, not 40s.

The feeling of have not reached there is killing me everyday, my job is very stressful, I am trying, tired, even depression creeping in.

>> No.6316661

6k so I can travel again a little this summer. Starting with 600 so I'm not aiming too high

>> No.6316677

hair transplant

>> No.6316688


But I'm going to cash out at 400 at 500k and try to get to $1M with 100k.

Currently quite far from that goal, though

>> No.6316728

nah you probably wouldn't get a mortgage with no income and only a down payment. i'd keep the 9-5 till the cash flow from the tenants could cover the mortgage and my own expenses

>> No.6316764

>5-7 trillion
>half of stocks

try 73 trillion. Why are you pulling numbers out of your ass when you can find this with a 2 second google search?


>> No.6316788


No more, no less

>> No.6316839

Haha me too! I want to buy my hair back!

>> No.6316904

Need atleast 2.2 million after taxes for 2 houses/car a nice trip and savings. Don't think I'll make it but I'm holding till then. CAN the normies hurry up and start joining now.

>> No.6316906

I want "fuck you" money


>> No.6316935

>only thinking in USD capitalization
>crypto is global
>needed in shitholes like zimbabwe and venezuela to hedge against retarded government money printing

>> No.6316987

I'm at like 150k right now

aiming for 1-2M until summer

>> No.6317019

Pulling 50% when 50% clears my mortgage. After that, I don't care. The whole market can burn to the ground and it won't make a difference to me.
Clear all debt. Anything afterward is just icing.

>> No.6317045

Going bald atm. Thought about this but those pills fuck wit me

>> No.6317059

Looking for the same anon, I'm currently at 1.1k, although I just want to spend it on clothes, vidya and have a comfy amount of money so I don't have to worry about not affording something small as a student

>> No.6317077
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The real end goal is STAKING ETH in CASPER proof of stake.

Then just withdraw the interest and load onto Monaco cards and retire on that never needing to touch your principle.

>> No.6317084

Obviously I mean taking weekly profits and moving them out.. I've been averaging a doubling every 2 weeks, you think I'm keeping that in for corrections. Not a fucking chance. I'm literally a college kid who's future has gone from almost certainly 20 years of wages laving, to probably never going to have to wageslave in my life. Thanks /biz.

>> No.6317205
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I'm on Propecia anon, it works.

>> No.6317351

We will make our modest goals anon. Small comfy holds bro, best of luck

>> No.6317393

I want 2.4m. Will cash out a large amount and get into real estate, index funds and other forms of investing. Will probably keep 15% in crypto.

I'll do a bunch of budget traveling/adventure stuff and then settle down to start a family.

>> No.6317438


I'm going to make 8 figures or suicide. Life is one massive gamble so lets fucking go!!

>> No.6317495

Boys most of these are possible. If we just hold and get start to get more normies in and keep growing crypto we will win. We in early, get the normies to carry the rest for us when they start to chase thier million dollar dreams

>> No.6317499

Started out with 5k, my goal was to clear my student loans. Now I'm at 35k and thinking.. fuck it, if I x7'd my initial investment, I could easily do it again with this 35k. And probably again after that.....

I'm not stopping until 1M bros

>> No.6317501

You too anon!

>> No.6317529

You should look into Minoxidil. It even makes you grow beard if you apply on face.

>> No.6317531

Nigga you can get a good HT for less than 5k.

>> No.6317563

Why not just buying neos and generating gas? Neo will be 2k at least that means 1k for each gas token, imagine.

>> No.6317574

I just want to fix my fucked up teeth and overbite.

>> No.6317614
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Even if I do make it (we're all gonna make it anons), I'd likely be driven insane from boredom as a rich NEET and would likely occupy my time with creating a multitude of enterprises in order to derive a sense of accomplishment; after a certain point, money begins to lose its value anyway and becomes more like points in a game

>> No.6317712

I took it for a year, really don't want to be one of "those" guys but I got some sides after about a year and couldnt get boners as nicely. Freaked me out

>> No.6317805

If I walk with $10k in the green, I'll be more than happy happy with that.
I got in about a month ago with $500, just extra from wageslaving, which tripled before the dip the other day. I threw in another $200 on FUN and now I'm just gonna sit, see where I am in a few months or a year.

It's chump change, but if it helps pay my student loans which'll hit in a couple years, then I'll be more than happy.

>> No.6318118

Enough to be comfortably wealthy after the big banks/investors claim a large portion of the market share and cuck the crypto-market like they did with fiat.

Cashing out is a meme.

>> No.6318814

im fucking ready to be a chad

>> No.6318827

I just want to earn more and leave more for my children than my father was able to achieve and help them earn more and leave more than I have.

>> No.6319215

$200k would be enough for me. Gonna quit college once I hit that number and move half into safe hedge funds and stocks.

>> No.6319306

I have no idea. I've come to realize I just want to be a /comfy/ programmer that builds things and sells them on the internet. Specifically SaaS. I want to be independent though. I will need probably $3k cash to live nicely.

>> No.6319680

what the fuck is that chrischan?