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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 500x281, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6312673 No.6312673 [Reply] [Original]

hey biztards I'm looking to drop ~2.5k (cad) on a shitcoin. Give me suggestions and I'll do my research and reply why or why not I'll invest into it

>inb4 >1bil market cap coin

>> No.6312743

MRT. If WAVES goes up this goes up more. It's like leveraged WAVES.

>> No.6312746
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the next low market cap coin to keep mooning, dont tell anyone though

>> No.6312851

Dadi when it opens

>> No.6312897

VEN, ICX, or LINK. VEN is probably the safest bet. LINK has the most upside potential. You choose. Gl m8

>> No.6312914


>> No.6312964

block array

>> No.6312971

Dadi is trash. They copy pasted half their white paper. Look it up. Garbage.

>> No.6312992
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http://coinmetro.info except it's not a shitcoin

>> No.6313016

>$0.0008 right now
>Devs are open about the project and interact with their base everyday on telegram
>They are no advertising right now because they want to wait until they have their tech almost complete
>expected to be fulfilled in the next 2 years
>actually really innovative
Let me know what you anons think. I have a few million, could potentially be a millionaire from this in 2020.

>> No.6313022

Buy a masternode of Sucre, or pick up some Voise

>> No.6313051
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UFR on Cryptopia. (Less than 30M mcap)
CAN on Kucoin. (Between 100M and 150M mcap)

>> No.6313141

Why does buying a coin from a certain exchange matter? Genuinely asking.

>> No.6313172


Scam. Stay away.

>> No.6313183


>> No.6313223

Medibloc token based on decentralisation of patient medical information so wherever you go in the world you will have access to your medical records so doctors can't fuck you over with doing the same tests over and over

>> No.6313347

I was looking at this.. Thought it was an actual shitcoin that got pnd. Is it legit?

>> No.6313403

BBT, thank me later.

>> No.6313415


>> No.6313542

interesting to say the least, looks like it already mooned recently, but as a long term hodl seems like a no brainer at that price even just put a dollar in lol

>> No.6313574


Thank you for this one anon. 3M mcap, awesome ideas, strong team, campaign launch this month.

I threw in 1 ETH for shits and giggles. Should be good.

>> No.6313612

not every coin is listed on every exchange, most of the smaller ones are only listed on one or two exchanges in the beginning then as they get popular more exchanges start offering them

>> No.6313667

The white papers look good but as far as my research goes there only marketing for Asia but the concept is worth billions

>> No.6313708
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Anything on KuCoin worth jumping on right now?

>> No.6313713

You're so obvious.

>> No.6313749

op here, a bit dissapointed
looks meh, waves doesnt have much to grow
already went up a decent amount, will be looking further into it if dips
if you werent in the ico its too late
ven already mooned, link already moond and if you werent in ICX ico youre too late
ill be adding to list of further research
heard of it, will research more
sucre has no usecase? lol. voise already spiked a lot mate
lol'd @ ufr, will look into CAN
looks somewhat promising, 200m market cap though, a bit too late on that one
another anon mention that, will look into

>> No.6313775

woow its probably to late now tho, but that coin did insanely well today

>> No.6313792

Do me >>6313016

>> No.6313812


>> No.6313847

It crashed with every other altcoin right now, good time to buy.

>> No.6313952
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Buy while you still can still afford one

>> No.6313985

LUN and GVT 2 to 4 mil circ supply and 100m market cap room to grow to st least 1 or 2 billion

>> No.6314034
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Going to be a big one very soon.

>> No.6314092


>> No.6314107

yes do this one, looks interesting!

>> No.6314203
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Read the road map..

>> No.6314208


I’m shooting for all those jumping about 30% over the next ten days at some point.

>> No.6314317

Bitch even if I out in 2k and it rises to $50 I'm barely making anything.

>> No.6314419


>> No.6314423


trading at 1 sat, talk of new owners, gamble

>> No.6314619

Sorry I missed the shitcoin part...
Ok try LanaCoin (LANA) on cryptopia @ 0.00000024 will only go up from here...

>> No.6314670

Nice FUD. I'll be on the moon while you fags sink into the marina trench.

>> No.6314688

fap on etherdelta

>> No.6314858

Oh god no, I have to use EtherDelta again? Fuck life.

...Shit, it'll be worth it. I know what I'm spending my paycheck on this week.

>> No.6314908



>> No.6314968
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Just gonna leave this here.

>> No.6315057

I'll be buying more tomorrow. I fucking hate ED. You could use IDEX though.

>> No.6315114

Anyone down for some kodakcoin?

>i like dick

>> No.6315537

Looks very promising, if the websites statistics/claims are true then it's probably worth with an 8.5m market cap, will look into farther
lol if you werent in this in december its too late to invest in
lun already spiked, gvt already x3'd and i dont use binance/etherdelta lol
multi algo, merge mining, community coin, meh imo, nothing special other than low market cap, and already 3x'd, will buy if dip/crash
dat shet already 5-10x'd
already mooning, not wasting my time on coins that already spiked 3-10x within past 2 months
LMC looks decent, like a nice fun geocache coin if we were in china, INFX finally a coin worth looking into and if the devs are active/promising ill be investing, gotta make sure its not a scam coin, if TIX 10x then i'll be damned, 1ST looks pretty decent although theres a lot of gamer coins out there, DNT I'm already holding small bags that I sold off of at the recent pump, matchpool lmfao decentralized dating ahahah my sides, NXC looks too gimmicky, like they tried to revolve a game around a crypto currency as their main focus is to make money (duh, but looks like a shit-tier game desu), DCT looks nice although would be a hard 10x to achieve (100m + market cap)
cannot read chinese, cant really do my own research on this as coinmarketcap doesnt even show total supply
300m market cap, 3.5 trillion coin supply lol, bad vibes from their bitcoin talk thread sorry mate no go for me
Lanacoin literally has no unique usecase? only flashy bitcointalk / website lol
mate if you werent in on XLM in december its way too late desu
mate i wouldnt buy this shitcoin even if i was forced to at gunpoint, any true crypto trader wouldnt either, plus do you know the amount of money it'd take to 10x it right now? fucking lol'd

>> No.6315575


>> No.6315655

YOU.......i like you....What do you recommend?

>> No.6315697

looks like its driven by a pump n dump group, claims theyre innovative yet theres nothing too fancy about it, plus its literally coming down right now from a decent pump

>> No.6315744

>YOU.......i like you....What do you recommend?

GTFO with this reddit faggotry.

>> No.6315756

Was just messing with BITB....no one in right state of mind should buy this crap.

Since you've done your homework...wanted to get your opinion on what you would recommend to anon.

>> No.6315822

Don't get your panty in bunch...was just saying coz this anon has done some homework....no reddit here...

>> No.6315963


>> No.6316009


>> No.6316112

well mate a lot of the coins im in have already pumped 2-5x and i would not suggest investing into them unless they dump. Some i'm in are:
ZOI (before that juicy 10x), ZER (before that 10x), ZEN, XEL, XCP, TRI, NXS, INN, HOLD, ETN, XSH, DNT, CURE, CHC, BTS, ADX

all of these coins already pumped and I sold ~80% of my bags so i would not suggest them unless youre maybe looking to 2-3x your money on some of them. I would also not suggest investing into any coins with 500mil + market cap as those are the hardest to 10x, and especially not 1 bil + market cap coins because if a whale decides to exit then you're fucked. Also if you see your coin shilled on reddit its a good notifier you should be exiting soon (imo)

>> No.6316229

NIMFA on etherdelta

>just released platform
>only on the shiittiest exchange so far
> less than a million supply
> 1 mil marketcap

this will easy 100x in the next few months and will likely 500x before the end of the year.

>> No.6316250

I suppose. Depends on how much volume I can get on IDEX. Maybe it'll be just enough to grab the amount I'm going to get.

I might also be able to pull some gains from Canya once that moons on KuCoin.

>> No.6316364


>> No.6316405

shit's gonna blow up son

>> No.6316425

Want to make 50K in less than a couple months? Put that money right here right now:

>> No.6316452





>> No.6316481

ADC just DYOR on it

>> No.6316694
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>> No.6316785


>> No.6316786


>> No.6316925
File: 124 KB, 605x190, Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 9.45.52 AM copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Audiocoin. They even released Bjorks newest album and will do a press release about a partnership with a major music label.

Not to mention that that already have a working product for months, real artists/musicians, small market cap one of the largest music studio and equipment sales companies in the world.

Supported by Resetera.
They made Xtrabytes, COLX and FLASH possible.

Get in now or you'll miss a legit 50x

Price is 200 satoshi

>> No.6317098

HPB is 6 dollars right now, theres a language setting for bibox if you really want to continue looking into it

>> No.6317186


What do you think about this coin? I really couldn't come to a conclusion on whether to buy or not, some sketchy shit but also some good stuff too

>> No.6317228
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>> No.6317275


>> No.6317421

ITT OP wants his hand held and 10000000000 pajeets come out in full force

>> No.6317523


>> No.6317651
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>he thinks VEN already mooned

>> No.6317714

Agreed. Just bought 100k

>> No.6317867
File: 108 KB, 816x415, Pros and Cons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR aims to provide users a way to generate revenue by providing decentralized P2P filesharing. You can see it as the uTorrent or Limewire blockchain. Filehosts/seeders will get paid for their hosting services. This means that high quality seeders can provide files (think of games, movies, software) for a little bit of revenue. Every seeder will want to chip in on this, and users will want to get max-speed downloads for a small fee. There is no competitor in this sphere and URF is the first coin to propose this paradigm.

>> No.6318001

looks promising, will be looking further into
i like the idea of decentralized voting, kinda low market cap but could be big if catches on (people love that type of shit),
will want to see ian balina's opinion on this
POT looks promising, especially since the pot industry in canada is about to explode, ACC seems lowkey af, seems like the company behind it could raise the market cap themselves and so could those rich ass kids with 100m of daddys money in their pocket, DOPE looks like an inferior version of POT but still seems like could have potential (smaller market cap), XCXT doesnt really have anything unique to be honest but has nice visuals which plebs buy into, also low market cap, also coins starting with 'X' seem to moon like bread and butter
im sorry mate but this coin is going to get SHIT ON by something way bigger, sell your bags on this huge spike, there is a coin out there that solves all the problems the music industry poses and is lowkey af, do more research on music coins and find the bitcoin guru behind the development (hint hes a crytpo OG), that coin will 10-50x this year (has already 10xd) and will be one of the biggest coins on CMC (im talking eminem, lady gagy, kendrick lamar's faces backing this coin)
already though about it, nice slow incline of market cap and no huge spikes yet, if any industry money pours into this it could 10x, but just too risky for me with an 80m market cap, woulda been a good buy a month ago
already pumped, not sure if id feel comfortable although looks like an alright anonymous coin
as i said previous, i wouldnt waste my time on this coin, its going to get SWAMPED by another, do some more research anon :)
i bought electroneum because someone in my telegram shilled it and ended up 3x making my investment, ill prolly sell my bag soon on next pump as its already approaching 1 bil market cap

>> No.6318270
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$VRS and $HAT



>> No.6318361
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>recent IOHK partnership confirmed
>rebranded this week
>new website
>privacy coin
>possible DAG in the future
>secure nodes which incentivizes holding
>privacy focused version of DASH
>great whitepaper+roadmap
everyone likes the privacy coins these days

also look into BAT

>> No.6318406
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>> No.6318442

Kodak's crypto will be available soon. That shit is going to moon so hard. Their stock shot up 75% when they announced.

>> No.6318483
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>> No.6318559


>> No.6318983

although it does seem promising if it were to go mainstream, i could see this being the coin to do it with their mobile apps and such.
fun ahhaha i was way too late to invest into this but wouldve loved it if i were shilled it earlier
seems like a really good coin if the devs keep their promises, although too pricey for me to invest in, i will keep a tab if a crashening happens though
youre goddamn right i do, pajeets will do anything for a dollar of profit
lamden uses a lot of big fancy words, seems like they really tried to craft their wording to attract investors, already high price to buy in on which makes me think what motivation do the devs have for a final product if they already made millions, the effort of a poor pleb intelligent developer is not the same as a developer handed fat cash stacks whos thinking about going to costa rica over the break because now he can
seems like a normal risk investment, pretty unique usecase, kinda late to hop on the train if youre looking for them real gains, i could see this 2-4x'ing within a couple of months
VRS a lot of people saying devs have exit scammed, 10 bil supply can only imagine how much the devs kept for themselves yet somehow still has 200kusd 24hr volume on livecoin (btw dont use this scam exchange) HAT looks alright in the sense that theyre correct about untapped money being able to flow in however a lot of projects already on a similar vision (high competition)
already holding some zencash, got in at a cheap price, BAT seems meh as it started with a huge market cap and right now has an insane market cap, huge risk here, however i like 'cutting out the middleman' coins, still wouldnt buy unless i see a huge crash (lots of advertiser type coins out there, this one is probably the one to most likely reach to the masses)

>> No.6319035
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DeepBrainCoin. im not going to shill you because the shit sells itself. take the money or leave it, i`ll see you on my gay communist luxury spaceship.

>> No.6319158

sup faggot. Wait for wanchain to drop on exchanges, thank me later

>> No.6319220

hahahaha my sides, god damn a LGBT coin forked from litecoin, i know a lot of gays (ie /biz/) who would rather invest into bitcoin, but that community does like to have a hipster appeal and stand out from the rest, 777,777,777 total gay coins? at this price? hell naww
LEND seems too gimmicky, like we're trying to force crypto into people lives for specific use cases that just no one really cares about, on top of that its a high ass market cap, would be hard for public to catch on but could most definitely still 2-4x, im too late for the boat on this one, as for FUN i'm too late for this one too, seems like a pump n dump that will be forgotten about by next year

>> No.6319322


>> No.6319410
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Enjoy your bags RaiBlocks 2.0

>> No.6319431

10 bil supply? gonna take a lot of industry money to take it to $1 ea, i know theres wealthy fucks out there but theres many other 'ai' coins as well with promising features, too high for me mate.
sup, will be keeping a tab on this, although I think its too technical for the average user to understand, and thus will fall off from popularity, could see this being used by a small % of crypto users and some richfags, but not by the masses. Definitely need to do my research on this one and depending on the price I could see it 10x'ing if it doesnt start off at a 500m market cap on exchange release, im assuming there was an ico for this or private sale

>> No.6319441


>> No.6319497

Shill me on this

Theres only a few sketchy ass youtube videos covering it with pajeets and russians and this supposed "Swiss trader with insider information" and to top it off the website has no real info

>> No.6319580

this shit have whitelist?

>> No.6319778

an anon recommended this above, I like the idea of decentralized voting and the general population does too, its going to take a serious dev to implement it and a serious community to catch on it though, will be doing more research on it and watching the devs.
way too high of a market cap for me to invest on (the higher the market cap the smaller the potential gains, takes a lot more money to 10x a 500m market cap than a 5m market cap)
I'd like to thank every anon here for the research availability they've given me, and hope you took my criticism well as well as learned something from them. Will be shilling on these boards in the future so stay tuned for them gains.

>> No.6319874


Really, this is actually a pretty damn solid thread

Lots of pajeets but some pretty good unknown coins too

>> No.6319919


Shit do tell what music coin you mean

>> No.6320013

Fucking this!!!! Just please please please dude...

>> No.6320024


>no whitepaper
>no git repo
>anonymous devs

Sounds like a PajeetCoin.

>> No.6320069

eBoost (EBST) 22mil market cap, incoming airdrop and hardfork , ez 4x

>> No.6320092

wait for the next big dip and buy BNB

>> No.6320121

The Youtube videos about this coin are 2 pajeets a russian and some swiss guy, checked the telegram and theres pajeets all up in there. The website looks decent though what do you think about the actual idea behind it

>> No.6320178

XCXT. See you on the moon anon

>> No.6320322

He might mean OPT or Voise

>> No.6320400


I think you're right. Voise recently 10x'd it looks like

>> No.6320516
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Best DEX.

>> No.6320678

Sorry did not mean OPT or Voise, even more low key than that. Once the music industry money starts pouring in you will see it all over twitter and 4chan possibly. I wish I could tell you anon but please do more research it's out there.
bitshares only because a telegram group member shilled me it, made me a quick 3x and only keeping like $100 on it.

>> No.6320750

why can't you just tell us faggot?

>> No.6320770


Damn I will try and find it. Can you give a fellow canuck a hint?

>> No.6321051

gto , eng.

>> No.6321098

Check out MusicCoin could be the one

>> No.6321303


I don't think so, musicoin is more known than either OPT or Voise. Maybe Musiconomi but I have no idea who this crypto guru is that he's talking about. The guy behind musicoin is also behind Musiconomi but hardly seems to qualify as a guru

>> No.6321377

Moosecoin or Viberate?

>> No.6321445

Viberate has support from Charlie Shrem, if you google him he has some kind of guru talk about him could he be the one?

>> No.6321599


Viberate is even bigger than the others and moose coin is still in ICO so it can't have 10x'd.

This fucking guy, makes a thread asking peogle to help him find new coins and can't bother to tell us one

>> No.6321768

Yeah he's a faggot

Viberate is the only one with the crypto guru behind it, it's Charlie Shrem also i never saw it on biz or in any of the other groups i use to talk about crypto i'm sure thats the one if there is an actual coin he's talking about at all

>> No.6321781

If youre looking at it as a daily trader coin.. yes don't day trade this right now
At 100k cap, you're going to have people that want to get rid of it
Be greedy when others are fearful
2 sats
Will be a doge coin daily trader coin for livecoin
It will become an addiction until 200 sats
Which will eat up the buy walls
Keep in mind small cap.. has higher gains for every sat gained

>> No.6321790


>> No.6321793

OP, can you shill me one of your hidden gems?

>> No.6322289


>> No.6322563

does UJO have a crypto guru behind it? also its not listen on CMC

>> No.6322585


That seems quite interesting, but there isn't a currently traded crypto attached to the project is there?

>> No.6322613
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>> No.6322632

yes, i take that back. the project is based on ETH, and that anon said the coin is already on CMC and has 10xed

anyway, i don't know much and what is considered a "cryptoguru", but these guys are behind the project. check their twitters.

Smart Contract Lead

>> No.6322705
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ADC aka >bjorkcoin

26m mcap but DYOR...

>> No.6322831




Björkcoin: what’s behind Björk’s cryptocurrency album project

Björk will also be the first artist to use cryptocurrency in a meaningful way, making her album available to pre-order and buy with Bitcoin (BTC), Audiocoin (ADC), Litecoin (LTC) and Dashcoin (DASH) — all now valid currency in her online store.

>> No.6322906



>> No.6322939

XLC 8mil MC and it is solving a real world problem. 1 XLC = 1 game/item code to combat hacking basically but check out the bitcoin talk page. Over 130 pages on a relatively new prpject. Rebranding atm, just released a new wallet, on cryptopia and the devs are very active on github and things.

>> No.6322985

APPC, basically an appstore protocole done by one of the biggest 3rd party appstores called apptoide. CMC has to update their stats on it and it is currently only being sold on Binance, with more on the way

>> No.6323048
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>> No.6323115
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micromarketcap of $1 million. Launch a lending platform and esports betting platform. Will easily reach $10 million if not $100 million. Even though those are easy targets, it a 10-100x gain. Enjoy.

>> No.6323142


>> No.6323197
File: 107 KB, 1389x784, DTNiq1KV4AAxssj (1).jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AudioCoin (ADC)

>low market cap
>website being refreshed
>rebranding soon
>major partnership announcement in the next week
>using blockpool as a side chain eventually, based on ARK
>approx 230 satoshis

do your own research bruh

>> No.6323210


I don't think so, can't find anything about the team behind it. Maybe he was referring to Viberate, but it isn't really under the radar and hasn't 10x'd unless the ICO price was 5 cents

>> No.6323283

Viberate has not been talked about on this board so its under the radar here. OPT gets the most shilling around these parts