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File: 41 KB, 522x522, taxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6312025 No.6312025 [Reply] [Original]

Tax season is coming up, and I'm getting scared.

How many of you are paying all taxes on crypto capital gains, accounting for every single crypto-crypto trade?

How many of you are just ignoring that, and planning to pay when you cash out?

How many of you are planning to go full Monero and try and evade taxes on your gains?

This is my first tax return after getting into crypto and I'm starting to sweat, don't know what to do

>> No.6312071

dont report it fag. only 800 ppl reported it last year

>> No.6312158

>bitcoin atm
>buy gold with btc
>move to tax free country
>throw money away to IRS

pick one

>> No.6312304

Don't pay taxes on crypto lol. They can't track any of it.

>> No.6312356

What if you cashed some out?

>> No.6312419


I haven't cashed any out, but have done lots of crypto-crypto trades, which apparently are taxable events.

>> No.6312471

only this year will you have to worry about it

>> No.6312561

Why only this year?

>> No.6312610


The new house bill clarified that from now on only real estate can be use for 1031 like-kind swaps. But, it doesn't explicitly state that it was okay to do it in previous years.

>> No.6312624

>are you going to give your gains to boomers, jews, and minorities?

What the fuck so you think.

>> No.6312671

The bill was passed in decemeber and takes effect starting january this year

>> No.6312735


The bill means it's definitely not okay going forward. But it doesn't mean we can use 1031 shit for 2017, it's still ambiguous.

>> No.6312753

That is a complete fabrication and will get you nowhere. How the f*** do you think you're going to go out and buy a house or a car if you don't declare any income do you think you're going to buy a $1000000 home when you only declare 300,000 and taxes or no taxes? F*** no your not so get f****** real and this goes for all of you and pay your f****** taxes you morons yes it sucks but so do you if your a f****** piece of s*** ruining America

And when you do pay your taxes then you can b**** about the f****** degenerate that don't pay their taxes

>> No.6312756

It fucking pisses me off uncle sam wants to get his mitts into my crypto gains. I didn't use any public infrastructure or services to make this. Fuck OFF

>> No.6312768

So apparently you're supposed to report when you buy goods online with crypto, lol.

Anyway my plan is to do just that when it's available but otherwise hodl 4 life and take out moon mission gains at ATMs. Thing is, I'm getting into this to help my family and am debating whether what I just said is the best plan, or to hold out for my end goal for them and then cash out and pay long-term gain taxes. But I don't to wait that long to move into a new place (can't now while I'm helping family).

>> No.6312788
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Taxing crypto is the biggest scam.

>> No.6312791

spotted the welfare recipient

>> No.6312823

fuck off statist, continue to kiss that jackboot and give acceptance to more and more taxes being american means not accepting getting fuckedby the goverment you faggot

>> No.6312837
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I waited until January 1 to cash out a substantial amount. I thought I wouldn't have to worry about the new tax rules until 2019 tax season.

>> No.6312858

Anyone with 1mil in cryptos still living in the US is retarded

>> No.6312862

please kill yourself IRS faggot

>> No.6312890

**** ** * ****** ** *** ***? **, ***'** ****** * ****** **** ** ********* ** ***. **** ***.

>> No.6312896

if you cashed out last year youd still pay capital gains, this just applies to crypto for crypto trades. Good news you dont have to worry about that tax untill next year atleast

>> No.6312919

do you even have to pay taxes if you didn't cash out

>> No.6312961
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>all trading done on binance with coinbase as a gateway

I dont give a fuck, not doing crypto to crypto calculations. hodling 3.3M rn.

>> No.6312967

its gonna be a colossal clusterfuck.
no one - including tax preparers and CPAs - really know wtf to do. not really.
just hope you're not the irs's example whipping boy

>> No.6312975

no child. just your crypto to crypto trades but your a big stupid faggot if you report that.

>> No.6312978

Technically yes. For next tax season you will have to report all your trades, unless they decide not to require that. LIke htf are they going to know, anyway.

>> No.6312999

Here's my real plan guys.

The government knows they are fucked when it comes to tracking and taxing crypto. And when they audit people they're going to spend 1000s of hours going through exchange logs and shit. I think it's possible they will allow a one-time tax to allow everyone to come clean. I'm hoping that happens around the time I want to cash out. Until then I'm tracking my shit in cointracking.info but I don't really want to fuck with it every tax year.

>> No.6313004

>self censoring
>on a latvian basket weaving forum

please leave and never come back

>> No.6313010

Same here buddy

>> No.6313082


Dumb fuck, the crypto tax law takes effect THIS year. So for every motherfucker is down rn, you dont have to pay taxes on losses.... unless you panic sell and buy back. ANy of you dumb fucks who have sold at a loss this year are destined for failure and deserve the book throw at you.

>> No.6313165


I was researching crypto taxes and saw that online goods thing and it blew my mind. I have no idea how that's not more widely known. Utterly destroys the idea of using crypto as a currency.

This alone almost makes me want to hold off on paying taxes. The system is fucked and they're going to have to write actual, specific laws for crypto that will clarify what to do. At that time I bet they'll allow a one-time amnesty for people to 'come clean' and pay taxes or whatever on their gains.

>> No.6313275


You're the dumb fuck, the 1033 clause is explicitly not allowed in 2018, but they didn't say it WAS allowed in 2017. If you don't report crypto-crypto trades you're rolling the dice that they don't decide that that's tax evasion.

>> No.6313331

In the U.S capital gains tax is based off your income bracket, right? I'm a NEET that has never had an income sitting on around 350k worth of bitcoin and ETH. Would I still pay capital gains tax? I'm in the 0% tax bracket for income tax.

>> No.6313361

Wrong. As has been said so many fucking times in any of these threads. And has been said in this thread you faggot.

You could argue for like-kind exchange with the irs for previous years, but you would be fighting them to accept it. The new “law” is just them saying for certain in the future they won’t accept that. They probably won’t for years prior to that, but you might be able to fight it.

Do your fucking research and stop spouting false info.

>> No.6313419

Most of you faggots aren't answering my question:


1. All crypto-crypto
2. Just cash out
3. Hiding

>> No.6313428

if they could have enforced it why did they clarify it?

you can't fucking come up with new tax laws and just start enforcing them retroactively.

>> No.6313513

Short term is based on income bracket. Your 350k in crypto is income. So go figure that you are in one of the top income brackets if you cash out/report all 350k. Or whatever your gains minus losses are that is. If you threw 50k in, you owe on the 300k you earned.

>> No.6313535
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tfw live in a lawless country and get cash illegally and no one gives a shit

>> No.6313587

in my country u can cash out 35k max without paying any taxes, so whatever

>> No.6313629

Just on cash out. No way they can track anything on exchanges where you didn’t put any ID.

>> No.6313634

Except it’s not a new law. You would have to prove that exchanging one crypto for another different crypto is like-kind exchange. And most likely, since the irs is the one that gets to decide if it is or not, will make you lawyer up to try to push it through.

>> No.6313647

I cash out $500 a week to maintain my NEET lifestyle so it looks like I'm just self-employed. Don't go out and buy expensive shit, just enough to pay bills, buy video games, and eat. So I just report it as self-employment income.

>> No.6313695


They aren't. The law was: you have to report capital gains, and when you trade one asset for anther you cashed out the old one, and it's a taxable event. That was always the case. What they did is clarified that like-kind is only for property, that's not the same thing as saying like-kind was ok before, just that it's absolutely not going forward.

Whether or not they can enforce it is a seperate issue.

>> No.6313734

You really think they will retroactively go after people for previous years? then your just one scared stupid pussy.

>> No.6313756

>All in on XMR
>Do one last double from the DNMs
>use a very modest sum to start a spaghetti sauce company that is actually a front to launder money

Come at me IRS im behind 7 countries

>> No.6313757
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That's all I honestly want to do, but I got a family to provide for, Jesse.

>> No.6313761


I have my ID on all my exchanges :(

BUT, I am a canadian citizen and will only be in the states for another 2-5 years. Do you think it's safe to not report crypto for that long, and then cash out when I'm back in Canada? If I'm going to pay taxes I want it to be to my glorious homeland not this yankee shithole.

>> No.6313798

If you eventually cash out a sizable amount, yes they will. Big fucking surprise but the government is greedy as fuck and if they think you have a lot of money they could collect on, they will go back the 6 years they can.

>> No.6313899

yes cashing out for sure though i doubt the irs one shitty contractor company could get even close to maybe even 1 thousand people out of millions. But the Crypto to crypto trading tax is unenforcable

>> No.6314033

True it is. Until you cash out. Then they will want to know how you went from 1 btc to 25 btc. Oh what’s that? It took you 2 years to do that? How odd, they don’t have any records of taxes from you for the last two years. I wonder how that will go down.

But no, not everyone will get hit. And most times it will always be when you cash out. Then they’ll want records on how you got to cash out, and that could fuck you over unless you’ve got great accounting fuckery skills.

>> No.6314154

didnt cash out till after 2017 fiscal year ended.


Ill worry bout it later bitch. I got all year to make even more

P.S. there are tax haven countries.
>ushould alredykno

>> No.6314197

>when you trade one asset for anther you cashed out the old one, and it's a taxable event
I’m confused on how this can be tracked properly in crypto at all. Say I have $1000 in BTC. I move $500 into XRP and turn it into $1000. I trade that back for BTC and get taxed on the $500 I made from XRP. I now have $1500 BTC, $500 of which was taxed.

Now I want to trade half of my $1500 BTC for LINK. Some of that BTC was already taxed and some was not. Are they really wanting to tax your money multiple times? All the while, BTC’s price is constantly fluctuating. It seems impossible to correctly report your crypto even if you wanted to.

>> No.6314206

fuck off leaf

>> No.6314298

Do you have merrimutt citizenship? I know they'll go after dual citizen leafs even when they haven't lived in the states for a couple years

>> No.6314303

This, I don't get why retards are bitching about "muh coin to coin transactions"? What the fuck were you going to report as the cost basis when you finally sell back to fiat if you bought 1 BTC and turned into 10 through day trading? You can't just make up a number, it's up to you to prove your cost basis. If you can't, the IRS is *more* than happy to have your basis be zero and have you pay gains on the full price of the coins.

>> No.6314376

They want taxes on all realized gains minus realized losses. The fact you are using money that is technically taxed doesn’t matter. You earned 500 and owe taxes on that 500. Now if you reinvest that and earn another 500, you’ll owe taxes on 1000. But like he said, it will be difficult to enforce until you cash out anything.

>> No.6314384

>Pay taxes!
>Who's gonna pay Shaniqua's welfare for her 8th kid?
>Who's gonna pay all the military bills for Lockheed and Boeing?
>Who's gonna pay all that money for Israel?
>You're the piece of shit ruining America!

Fuck this country. Why pay taxes when they don't do shit for you? At least if I was getting free healthcare/tuition I COULD reconsider my dislike of taxes but at this point I'm just slaving away for the benefit of others.

Anybody with over 500k in crypto should leave America immediately and never come back.

>> No.6314526

found a hard drive with it on there. How would they prove otherwise as long as your not on american exchanges? Think china will give a fuck what the US gov tells them to do? Just send it to your goybase account to sell from a newly made wallet

>> No.6314739

And when I cash out I get taxed on everything again?

>> No.6314818

Wait are you telling the irs you found a hard drive with it on there? Cause if so, maybe that works. Then you sell it for fiat, and surprise you owe taxes on selling it.

And fuck no, if it’s not a USA exchange they probably won’t get shit. But as soon as you have income arriving from no where, they will want taxes on it. And how you earned that income.

>> No.6314916

If you held whatever crypto you exchanged for fiat long enough to cash out for a gain, yes. So if you sell all your alts for btc, and between that and cashing out it jumps 2k in price, you owe taxes on whatever gains you earned from that 2k jump.

>> No.6314955

Holy fuck the tards.
No you get taxed on gains. You would get taxed on the gains you made while your gains were sitting in ETH.
So you made 10k on shitcoin, you trade shitcoin to ETH, you transfer ETH to fiat in like 15 minutes and in that 15 minutes ETH goes up 10 bucks, you now owe 3 dollars in taxes from the ETH gain when you cash out.

>> No.6314973

no shit buddy no ones talking about avoiding the capital gains, if you want to do that just go to a country like italy that has no tax on cryptocurrency and cash out there.

>> No.6315039

Why not just sell the coins on localbitcoins.com? The government will think that you are still hodling those coins long after you're dead

>> No.6315088

That was fucking unreadable you retard

>> No.6315126

they do investigate high volume sellers

>> No.6315170

i spent all my profits on cryptokitties then released the cryptokitties into the wild never to be seen again

>> No.6315402

I mined them during that period, what does irs say about that?

>> No.6315485
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I remember vaguely about a capital gains law that says you may use your capital gains tax free if it is going towards a first time house purchase? is that true and would that apply to crypto?

>> No.6315522

Mining them is a source of income. What did you exchange them for? K, that’s what you get taxed on, I believe same as if you’ve traded them.

>> No.6315890

What jurisdiction did the exchange take place in, faggot?
It either happens centrally where there is an entity and ends up in your bank from fiat (fair enough - it’s money, tax it)


It’s in a decentralised network and is only a ledger unit excising everywhere and nowhere, with nebulous value that isn’t recognised by any government.

The value of crypto to crypto trades is always ZERO


>> No.6316711

>implying it's easy to fucking move and find a comparable job outside the US

>> No.6316833
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Seriously, boston tea party 2.0 when?

>> No.6316929

So if we don't cash out we still have to pay capital gains taxes on money we haven't actually received in reality? Is this how it works? Say I owe them $200 I have to mail them a check because of my late night monopoly money?

>> No.6317038

Why can't we just say how much money we earned and get taxed a huge percentage off of that single profit? Why does the IRS actually give a shit about our crypto transactions? Would they not receive the same amount in taxes regardless of whether or not we simplified our transaction history?

>> No.6317306


>> No.6317333

So if you're in the owest income bracket you don't have to pay anything? Cool.

>> No.6317397


>> No.6317463

not even filing taxes lmao

>> No.6317512

Christ some of you guys are dense and don't deserve to have money. There's no way for the IRS to track your crypto money, nor would they ever spend the resources on you trying to work out what you're doing. Just pay the capital gains tax when you cash out. If you think the IRS would pursue you because it's not enough, you are fucking stupid.

>> No.6317562

It's poorly thought out. They won't be tracking your crypto to crypto exchanges
Just pay take on the cash out.

>> No.6317611

What if I just trade crypto for cash to another guy?

>> No.6317762

If you’re trading on Binance disregard everything and just pay when u cash out.
If you a coinbase gdax nigger prepare to get raped.

>> No.6317858

Don't know, but it's not traceable so I wouldn't worry. Don't declare. If you sold a PlayStation in cash would you declare?

>> No.6318297


>> No.6318315

explain what you mean to a financial brainlet please.

Are you saying that instead of admitting to and filing for thousands of shitcoin trades, we just pretend that we bought bitcoin at x price 8 months ago and held it?

If you've moved money through coinbase or any american exchange, they know you're in crypto. So what's your explanation?

>> No.6318334
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>How many of you are just ignoring that, and planning to pay when you cash out?
There is no form that allows you to do this.
You can only file a Schedule D and associated form 8949 with trade-by-trade accounting.

>> No.6318378
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>> No.6318409

w**t t*e fuck a*e y*u t****n to s*a nigger jesus fucking christ w**t is w***g w**h y*o g*t o*f t**s b***r y*u s****d deg******e

>> No.6318591
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>> No.6318598
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Everyone say it with me:


>> No.6318751

You from Hampton Roads my dude? I know a slut named Afton.

>> No.6319082

at least you will be able to afford a tax accountant and a tax lawyer.

>> No.6319154

You can buy citizenship in some countries for less than that. Should be easy.

>> No.6319203

Ok guys listen the fuck up.

The law is poorly written. We all know that. But I'be got a friend who is a CPA and shes one of the best I know. She also trades crypto. From what she has told me is you will never pay more than what you actually make. So lets go over an example: You buy Coin a at 1$. Coin a moons to 2$. You trade coin a for coin b which is 1$. Now the way the tax is written yes you would pay tax on that 1$ profit, but if coin b were to tank to literally 0 and you lost all your money in that transaction, you wouldnt be expected to pay the IRS for that 1$ profit because you lost money trading or investing. Ive gone back and forth with her over different scenarios and she has always told me you cannot get fucked into the position where you suddenly owe more money to the IRS than what you hold in value for your coins. Regardless if you make 1 million in profit in 2018 then tanked back down to your initial investment on the last day of 2018. Now if it tanked Jan 1 2019, I'm assuming youd be liable in some way for that huge profit, but then again if you fucking explain your situation to the IRS they arent going to throw you in a fucking jail cell because you are "liable" for a poorly written law that ignores logic like the shit we are discussing. Yes we all know its scary and uncertain, but think about it logically. Is the IRS really gonna try to force you to pay 150k on 1million profit that was lost, especially with evidence that your port tanked? Fuck no. They will realize you got lucky then got fucked and wouldnt even be able to pay. My advice is find a savvy CPA and have them explain to you what the law is, and bring up your own scenarios so you understand.

tl;dr You cannot be taxed more than what you make, if you leave the market in the green, you will pay taxes, if you leave in the red or break even you will pay no taxes or next to no taxes, because you didnt make profit.

>> No.6319395

Cash out. I don’t know how to do it any other way.

>> No.6319462

>$1M+ in crypto
>Needing to find a job
Pick one, dumbass.

>> No.6319529

if you lose money you can actually claim capital losses and write it off your taxes

>> No.6319565

Yes, thats true.

>> No.6319570

I'm writing a CLI program that will automatically compute my gains & losses so I can pay exact correct amounts. I will be fine.

>> No.6319631

Because then people just wouldn't cash out ever, except for some spending money here and there. The IRS is a tool of the Federal Reserve, who has a huge interest in killing off crypto. They are trying to force you to cash out more than you normally would by taxing crypto to crypto trades. This is a violation of your civil rights, but it shows that they are scared. Really scared.

>> No.6319632

>throw your bits into the bay

>> No.6319661


>> No.6319698

Many here want so illegally misreport their income. I think most will get away with it, but they're risking going to prison, just because they were too lazy, or wanted to get long-term capital gain rates instead of short-term rates.

>> No.6319750

Newport News anon here.

>> No.6319782

This 1000%. It’s a gamble to do like kind. As much as I’d love to, I’m not taking that risk. Besides, you pay the taxes now and won’t have to pay them later. All you’re doing is putting off paying 2017 taxes to pay them when you ‘cash out’. Same amount, just real risky saying it’s like kind.

>> No.6319968

What is with paranoid conspiracy theories on this board?
Barter has been taxed far before cryptocurrency was a thing. Cryptocurrency isn't getting some special treatment. Try trading gold for silver or real estate without paying taxes.
You overestimate the amount of cooperation in government agencies, and imagine some highly-coordinated big bad government. In real life, it's mostly individuals who just want to get out of work, so they can go home to enjoy what little free time they have.

>> No.6319969


That makes sense, but, should you report gains on each trade, or is it safe to just leave it and pay taxes when you cash out to fiat?

>> No.6319983

So I cashed out about $2k for emergency reasons. My initial investment was $1500. Still have about 6k in storage. I just put a capital gain of $500 on my shit. That’s right, right?

>> No.6320047
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>> No.6320059

But the very reason they are taxing crypto to crypto is a heavy handed scare tactic, they would get the same money either way but they want to make it more painful. The only other way I can see why they want to do this is they don't want you to dodge tax by spending your crypto directly, which is miniscule at this time, but would foster a bigger crypto for goods economy in the future.

>> No.6320080

Initial investment was 1500 and you got to 8000? If these were your numbers at end of December 2017 then your capital gains would be 6500. You’d owe $1625 if going by a 25% short term cap gains rate.

>> No.6320101

I came here from /pol/ :^)

>> No.6320118
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>public distributed ledger
>they cant track it

>> No.6320128

you don't need a job if you have $1M+ in cash and live outside the US. There are plenty of safe, comfortable, nice places in the world you can live for literally 40+ years off $1,000,000

>> No.6320163

You can say it’s a scare tactic if you’d like, but if you suddenly get $80,000 dropped in your bank account, they are going to want to know where that came from. Whether you’re in crypto or not, this would raise a red flag on any u.s. citizens file. It could be money laundering, drugs, sex trafficking, who the fuck knows. Not them, but they need to know. I don’t like it myself, but I get it.

>> No.6320188

Can I pay them in Ripple? Cuz that’s all I have.

>> No.6320476

damn these threads keep coming. pay when you cash out and see if that works if it doesn't then document what they do to you and post about it on here.

Once we know the rules the IRS will fall into a situation where people come up with 50 different ways to legally avoid the rules. We then force the IRS into a situation where its almost not out of the question where they will begin taxing us on face book likes. The IRS then gets so much hate that they basically bleed out(monetarily) trying to track anything anymore then its checkmate.

The first step is forcing them to enforce the rules. Then we win. We need to know every possible little detail for every possible exploit to the rules so devs can work their magic.

>> No.6320556

>You can say it’s a scare tactic if you’d like, but if you suddenly get $80,000 dropped in your bank account, they are going to want to know where that came from.

If you suddenly get 80 grand then you simply pay the fucking tax on it.

>> No.6320632

It's like people rely 100% on /biz/ for information. How about googling it? You get a bunch of results from journals and blogs explaining it in simple terms for braindead plebeians. How about reading instructions from the IRS?

>> No.6320722

Try taking 80k to your bank teller and deposit it to your account. Go ahead, let us know what happens.

>> No.6320785


No they arent. We have tons of lawsuits and litigation to fight the IRS with endless supply of money whales and investors have accumulated. We need to fuck with literally everything to a point on insanity. We need to increase the number of transactions and obfuscation and lottery's to a point where where the technology becomes so fucked up that its impossible to track anything and the laws have to be so vague that the IRS is starts taxing people for having too many followers on twitter.

The rules are gray as fuck, and shits going to get complex. so complex it will be amazing.

>> No.6321003

You're living a fantasy based on your ignorance.
IRS released a statement years ago that cryptocurrency is taxed as property. Just like gold, silver, estate, stocks. You would know this in less than a minute if you googled 'irs cryptocurrency'. That is all there is to know. There is no grey area. There is no debate.

>> No.6321007

Anyone know a way to merge .csv files from different exchanges and automatically have it arranged by date?

Btw, you can find your transaction history from etherdelta. Pretty handy:


>> No.6321117

>You're living a fantasy based on your ignorance.

Technology is a bitch. It replaces stuff. It effects society.

>> No.6321120

third world is good at times

>> No.6321151

Bitcoin.tax on cointracking. I like cointracking more. That what you’re looking for?

>> No.6321196

Eh both still don’t have the usd prices and cost basis built in. Its a bit annoying, but i might bite the bullet and pay for one of them.

Which is better?

>> No.6321265

lol I have literally not paid you faggots shit since 2011 on over a million dollars in crypto gains. Suck my cock IRS nigger lover.