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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6306024 No.6306024 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when you found Sergey is a communist wannabe. You thought IOTA is bad. Wait until it gets out that Sergey is left wing lunatic. Why is this bad? Because Extreme lefties have 0 clue how economics could/should work. Its over. I sold. I will make my money be following people who understand the basic of economics like no free lunch and opportunity cost which Sergey doesnt care about at all. He waste your time and your money.

>> No.6306096

>bernie sanders
Fuck fuck sell sell sell sell its over were crashing and burning

>> No.6306168

Even if Leftism had bad economics, what does that have to do with the product retard

>> No.6306182

what the fuckkkkkk

>> No.6306200

Bullish. Vitalik is a communist pedo defender

>> No.6306341

He subscribes to a certain philosophy that is known for being retarded in the field of economics. Do you think he wont use the same philosophies to guide the course of chainlink?

He has an entire team

>> No.6306364
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There's nothing wrong with communism.

Unironic communist here, the only thing Stalin ever did wrong was not murdering every single last kulak with his bare fucking hands

>> No.6306409

Smart tech guys have typically leaned left. Shouldn't surprise or disappoint anyone.

>> No.6306457


No /pol/ in ChainLink!

>> No.6306459

> Chainlink = done

>> No.6306483

Marx wanted a Central bank so it's kinda ironic that communists are ushering in an era of free banking

>> No.6306517

kys before you graduate high school faggot. Promise you are a skinny, latte drinking wristlet faggot who has never played a single sport in your life. You know nothing about competition.

>> No.6306522

What are you talking about? How does economics have anything to do with smart contracts?
This is piss-poor FUD, I'm not giving my magic beans to you Pajeet

>> No.6306540

lol marx what if people want to give their labor to people that organize that labor?

>> No.6306551
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Amazingly triggered snowflake spotted

>> No.6306562

Left wing people are more creative in general, right wing people are more orderly and conscientious. If you want to invest in an organized team for steady solid gains get behind a right winger.

If you want to get behind a disorganized artist with equal potential to innovate beyond imagination or crash and burn from character flaws get behind Sergey.

>> No.6306573

Buy confido, it's a good coin with solid technology behind it, we communists have to help each others

>> No.6306584


Why the fuck is "latte drinking" even an insult, lmao. Coffee is fucking delicious.

t drink lattes err day

>> No.6306638

Real men drink PISS. It's the American way

>> No.6306650

>chainlink is done guyss!! they aren't right wing!!

This is a level of autism i encounter on other 4chan boards, not this one

>> No.6306671
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>> No.6306688

Bernie is kinda based. I remember back in 2015 /pol/ was kinda torn between the Bern and Trump but memes made Trump more popular.

>> No.6306760

Crypto currency is inheritly leftist. I don't think there's a single right wing dev in the space, why would anyone in crypto want to support the fucking banks and wall st scum is beyond me.

Inb4 underage pol cucks think leftist means communist instead of anti fucking establishment like it has for decades

>> No.6306785

HAHA holy fuck you are dumb

Thats all you can say because you know its true. You cant refute the points made because you know you are a faggot high schooler who believes in a garbage edgy beliefs. You arent unique you are dumb

>> No.6306887

wtf are you talking about. Right wingers are about financial freedom. Lefties love raising taxes to pay for losers like you. Lefties want complete control of economics. Crypto is get away from lefties who are raping the average man through taxes and financial restriction

>> No.6306946

You do realize Sergey is designing Link for enterprises rather than plebs. The first use he sees it for is derivatives trading by fin institutions. Pretty fucking capitalist.

>> No.6307066

Crypto is about getting away from the banks and government. Supporting the current system is right wing.. trying to destroy the current system is left wing, therefore crypto is leftist.

Please don't confuse the entire left with scum that has only been popping out of the ground within the last decade. It's clear your introduction into politics began during the most recent election

Do you support crypto or do you support the federal reserve?

>> No.6307067

Pick one. Crypto is inherently anarcho capitalist.

>> No.6307146

>anarcho capitalist
Lmao no. I'll go with the leading pioneers in the industry bro, not what loser basement dwellers tell themselves to try cope

>> No.6307200
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Agreed, why does it seem like no one understands this anymore?

< Shit it was 99¢

Should I hop this and hodn or just day trade between .99 and 1.15?

>> No.6307204

Berrrrrrrnie!! Ok I’m all in LINK now

>> No.6307206
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"the power to appropriate the products of society" is a pretty talmudic way of dancing around the term "property"
I wonder why Marx was so intentionally vague in his description of this established and well known term...

>> No.6307287

> popping out of the ground within the last decade
marx supported central banking

>> No.6307296

Oh sorry, I didn't realize you were baiting, keep going

>> No.6307333

>Within the last decade

The party is changing into something you no longer support . Open your eyes.

>> No.6307343

But I'm 28 and successful in my industry. Don't be mad buddy.

>> No.6307352

Isnt he libertrarian

>> No.6307353

entire left are not scum but commies are and socialist like bernie are. I have been into politics before the election. Im not in high school like you. There is no major republican dominance right now as you claim because republicans have basically split into different parties both on the right. more government involvement in economics = more left wing.

> Supporting the current system is right wing.. trying to destroy the current system is left wing, therefore crypto is leftist

retard logic. Take a logics course when you finally get to college


crypto is closest to this. Anarcho capitalism. Although not a great ideology in practical terms but closest than any other ideology

>> No.6307366

its going to be comfy as fuck living on the passive income from every piece of external data going in and out of the blockchains

>> No.6307379

Private property and personal property are different constructs

>> No.6307415
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>> No.6307464

oh you finally became a manger at burger king?? congrats. Why are you working for the bourgeoisie. Rise up brother and go kill your boss.

>> No.6307536
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>> No.6307542

>being this illiterate.
If youre a true leftist, you understand that cryptos are just another form of capital and therefore right wing in nature. That's just the tip of the iceberg though, but I'm not gonna do your homework. I swear plebbit pseudo-leftist are the worst...

>> No.6307545

Communism is completely incompatible with human nature.
>hurr durr lets get rid of money and everyone will contribute their fair share

>> No.6307576
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God damn OP is such a fucking idiot. FUCKING OF COURSE HE SUPPORTS THESE KEKS BECAUSE HE HAS TOO OR ELSE WHEN THE PUBLIC BECOMES AWARE OF HIM HE WILL BE CRUCIFIED. Do you think Jeff fucking Bezos really supports democrat liberal lefty socialist ideals? Fuck no he fucking doesn't. There's a reason an Amazon warehouse is a fucking garbage place to work relatively in the first world. Do you think Warren fucking Buffett really thinks it's a tragedy that his secretary assistant pays a higher percentage tax rate than he does? Fuck no he fucking doesn't. Do you think Hollywood celebrities really belive in OHHHH SHARE THE WEALTH PLEASE DADDY TAX ME HARDER? FUCK NO THEY FUCKING DON'T. Why don't they write a God damned check if they want to give the government their money so badly?

Because they know it's fucking bullshit. They know they have to say these things and pretend to lefties and then they drive off in their fucking Maybach to their 3 million dollar fucking home with armed fucking guards and 12 foot fucking fences and then when they get there they send a tweet about WE NEED TO DO MORE TO HELP THE REFUGEES AND UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS.

Why? Why do they bother? Because fucking normies buy into it. Ohhhh they're such paragons of human decency and such amazing role models they give so much to charity (AND THEN WRITE IT OFF ON THEIR FUCKING TAXES. THE ONES THEY WANT TO PAY MORE OF). If they don't do these things, if they don't put on this show, they're crucified. Literally, metaphorically, take your pick. I'm not one for the 4d chess meme but tbqh Sergey may very well be playing 4d right now. He knows if he's successful people are going to be looking at him, at his interests his hobbies his beliefs whatever. He's cutting them off at the head.

At least I hope so desu.

>> No.6307600

Liberalism vs Conservatism is literally big government vs small government you stupid faggot. The only reason you think otherwise is because liberals don't like the current president.

>> No.6307603

Aye. Link is communism at its finest.

>> No.6307604

Do tell exactly how Marxism allows the public to "appropriate the products of society" when referring to private property such as land and buildings then

>> No.6307614

When you live in a capitalist system you have to make due until a time with which it's no longer necessary or that conditions are improved.

>> No.6307694

you can start a workers co-op, you coward, but you won't because RISK. That is why people LIKE working for a wage, to avoid risk.

>> No.6307760

We need to bring unironic communism to the liberal celebrities too.

>> No.6307764

Dear OP.

Your desperation to get your hands on my linkies is palpable.

>> No.6307824

Land isn't private buildings aren't private.

Private property is anything that generates profit

>> No.6307937

As a communist I'm glad I hold link.

>> No.6307997
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>Land isn't private buildings aren't private.
>Private property is anything that generates profit
wtf I want to abolish currency now

>> No.6308138
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Don't even bother with political theory on here. No one on /biz/ will ever read Marx, except for the people who actually took economics and had to read Das Kapital.

>> No.6308406

>Pick one. Crypto is inherently anarcho capitalist.

Wait, are you telling us that you and the other window lickers here didn't trade fiat for crypto with the hope of acquiring more fiat?

That is a lot closer to cuckery than anarcho anything. Problems with message boards is that they tend to devolve into echo chambers for idiots...i.e. anyone buying into crypto.

>> No.6308531

>leftist means communist instead of anti fucking establishment like it has for decades

Leftist never meant "anti establishment", it has always meant pro establishment, pro govt / anti liberty. The beta cucks who support leftists like bernie, obama, or most other politicians are known as leftards.

>> No.6308612

>After living in Prussia, Marx lived in France for some time, and that is where he met his lifelong lover Friedrich Engels. He was expelled from France, and then lived for a brief period in Belgium before moving to London where he spent the rest of his life with his wife. Marx died of pleurisy in London on March 14, 1883. He was buried at Highgate Cemetery in London. His original grave was nondescript, but in 1954, the Communist Party of Great Britain erected a large tombstone, including a bust of Marx and the inscription "Workers of all Lands Unite," an anglicized interpretation of the famous phrase in "The Communist Manifesto": 'Proletarians of all countries, unite!'

What is it with the anglo tendency to avoid all complexity in language? don't you realise it makes you (look) dumb?

>> No.6308650

>not an argument

>> No.6308679

>entire left are not scum

Yes they are.

>> No.6308683

holy fuck its over

>> No.6308711

The terms left and right come from the French Revolution where the people that sat on the left side of the gym were revolutionaries and the people on the right side were loyalists to the fucking monarchy. Jesus Christ /biz/ is uneducated.

>> No.6308736

Want to know how I know you're in high school/college freshman

>> No.6308746
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>> No.6308759


The military industrial complex is big government. The war on drugs is big government. Militarised police is big government.

The argument is never big govt vs small govt, the argument is whether you should prioritise putting boots on people's necks or trying to help them up.

>> No.6308799

i’m far right and I follow bernie, too. bernie is casual leftism, basically liberal capitalism and free college. not ideal, but also not a deal breaker.

>> No.6308831

I don't consider the war on drugs or militarized police to be inherently conservative.

>> No.6308843

>Land isn't private buildings aren't private.

In traditional communism/anarchism, property ownership was determined by usage. This scared off normies though because it implied squatters have rights to your home if you leave it unoccupied, so communists changed their ideology to mean you can own property that you "personally use" and that you can own it in perpetuity, i.e., exclude others from it even when it is not in use.

>> No.6308849

>the argument is whether you should prioritise putting boots on people's necks or trying to help them up.

how about you leave them the fuck alone like a small government would do?

>> No.6308860

This fucking sucks guys, I knew it was too good to be true. I'm selling into tether as we speak.

What is our new Hodl coin /biz/?

>> No.6308877

Your definitions are distorted by media playing the two party game

>> No.6308897

Banks are much less likely to lend to co-ops since co-ops don't produce as much profit

>> No.6308949

There we go. I was thinking about how to explain usage and occupation concisely but i couldnt get the words out

>> No.6309000

We really gotta start saying "private capital" instead to avoid this confusion

>> No.6309033

>refute points
all you did was create a dummy to ad-hom attack
you have no points and neither does he

>> No.6309054

Are you fucking stupid or something?

>> No.6309065
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>> No.6309093

oh really, lad

>> No.6309121

>yfw that's how it unironically was for 10,000 years
Zoom out anon

>> No.6309132
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Unironic fascist here, I look forward to our exchange of bullets

>> No.6309141

You must be. Marx wanted to ban hiring people for a wage because he was incapable of understanding why anybody would ever want to work for a wage. He could not grasp the relatively basic concept of financial risk.

>> No.6309281

yeah and would you want to live at any point in the last 10,000 years? quality of life increased exponentially in the last 20 years.

>> No.6309288

pussy. you are not real commie. Stfu

>> No.6309307
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lmao economists still study his work, which you would obviously know if you had ever studied economics.
>ban hiring people for a wage
Honestly I wish mods would delete these political threads, the people on here shouldn't be allowed to take a bath without water-wings let alone wax philosophical.

>> No.6309345

That is what Marx wanted to do. You lose, retard.

>> No.6309430

>lmao economists still study his work

at least you're proving your point:

>the people on here shouldn't be allowed to take a bath without water-wings

>> No.6309446

>average work day is 2 hours
>no stress over abstract concepts
>no taboo over sex, basically guaranteed to get laid
>close knit relationship to tribe and family
Modern society:
>average work day is 8 hours
>constant stress over abstract concepts
>sex is exponentially harder to get
>alienated from even your next door neighbor
Wow great quality of life we got here, thankfully I'm able to get some nice car I'll no longer want once I get it right

>> No.6309465
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>> No.6309505

wow you're a complete degenerate, no wonder you're a communist

>> No.6309520
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>> No.6309540

If you have a degree in economics you've read Das Kapital you literal brainlet; it's standard reading material.

>> No.6309556

>no taboo over sex, basically guaranteed to get laid
Actually, the natural state was harems and most men getting nothing.
"8,000 Years Ago, 17 Women Reproduced for Every One Man"

You lose, retard.

>> No.6309568

>only defense is to call me a degenerwate
>start paying people who previously didn't use money
>call it poverty reduction
Oldest trick in the book

>> No.6309577

that's like reading the bible when studying biology you larping wannabe

>> No.6309622
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right, those little niglets are far better off without that money.

>> No.6309669

Marx is considered one of the most influential pre-Austrian school economists in history you fucking autistic retard
I really wish uneducated /pol/ brainlets would fucking leave this board
you have literally 0 clue what you're talking about

>> No.6309678

>stressed out by abstract concepts
>wants more women to be whores
>wants everyone to work 2 hours a day without realizing the horrible effects that would have on society
>thinks communism will make his neighbors like him

yeah you're a gigantic loser. You want to do nothing all day and then get laid with no effort

>> No.6309710

You left leaning universities promote their ideology by teaching it to impressionable youth? What a surprise. Marx was a moron. Communism failed. Capitalism is the best system based on how human nature works. We are competitive beings and life is survival of the fittest. Its not perfect but its the best.

You are fucking brain dead kid.
>Live until 20
>Fuck your cousin who make retard kids
>All die of disease
>Walk for 3000 days to give a message to someone
>Walk 3000 days back, die
>Live in caves, Hunt, fuck (The only fun part)

In modern society, we dont have to worry about shelter, food and water as much. The game has evolved. It is now survival of the financial fittest. Brainlets cant survive. These same brainlets beg for government assistance to punish smart people who actually give to society and make inventions and innovations. If you are a commie please gtfo the internet and throw away your macs and iphones.

>> No.6309716
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Jesus fucking Christ this is painful. I'm going back to /lit/ and not coming back till the markets back and you guys go back to shilling.

>> No.6309783

>Marx was a moron.
Hmmmm why was he a moron anon? How were you more intelligent than him? Have you read his work?
>Communism failed
Yeah but Marx taught dialectical materialism in economics and the communist thought he proposed was by and large separate
>Capitalism is the best system based on how human nature works
What do you think capitalism is? Do you think the world is operating under capitalism right now?

>> No.6309794

Neat picture of Africa after capitalism
Why bother living longer than 20 if modern Life is completely vapid

>> No.6309882

Life is different for everyone. If you think everything is vapid then maybe the common denominator is you.

>> No.6309905

Maybe you will learn that Marx was opposed to the wage system and compared it to slavery, ala the phrase wage-slavery - and yes, wanted to ban it, retard.

>> No.6309955

What do you think a communism is? You just chill allday? no idiot, you are still working. the only difference is less financial freedom. You no longer choose what you do with your money. The government does. 100% of all your money goes to them. They choose your job. Everyone has to work and it leads to too many people working. Overcrowding occurs. You live in basic ghettos because the government is not giving out any extra cash. Its basically prison living. There is nothing glorious. Capitalism there is an end. there is a goal and only hard working, risk taking, smart people achieve that goal. Brainlets work their entire life.

>> No.6309957

Yeah how terrible would it be if we worked less than 8 hours, we were totally engineered to be slaves
So you're saying capitalism has failed the majority

>> No.6310027


Africa doesn't practice any form of economy organization

they are tribals in t-shirts and jeans

>> No.6310040

Legit, /lit/ is the only safe space on the site from these retards. They quickly stfu there when it's realized there's no echo chamber to support them.

>> No.6310073

Never been there. I guess I should go.

>> No.6310114

The fact that you even have to read Das Kapital in an economics class is proof of what a joke academia is. What's next, alchemy textbooks in chem?

>> No.6310139
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>whab iz dialebtible mateberlalizism

>> No.6310145

>they choose your job
You do realize that "the Giver" and "Anthem" were works of fiction

>> No.6310209

You're right Anon, they should read from only one school of economics and be punished for even considering deviation from that

>> No.6310267


well it seems you're the definition guy but if i may i'd like to mention that the modern 'right' is mostly pro-liberty when it ensures their corporate mongloid pals can benefit. see: ajit pai. see also: trump administration's tax coding that will be dicking your ripple profits into submission.

>> No.6310273

Marx was opposed to the wage system. You just lose, retard.

>> No.6310312

When the deviation always ends in millions of deaths through starvation and brutal oppression, then yes you should be punished for even considering it. Leftists should be killed on sight.

>> No.6310357

Marx supported central banking, so anyone who thinks he would support crypto is a retard.

>> No.6310370

Potato famine
Bengal famine
Chilean human rights violations
Belgian Congo
The list literally goes on

>> No.6310424

stay on topic desu.

>> No.6310435

That’s both sides today anon. Lobbying is a very big problem for all parties.

>> No.6310494

Why don't farmers just let all their livestock run off? Governments aren't in the business of leaving you alone.

>> No.6310504

Economics shouldn't be taught because I can tangentially connect any theory to a genocide

>> No.6310509

The cause of those famines weren't a central authority controlling production and people like the starvation in maoist China and soviet Russia. And less than 2k commies were killed under Pinochet. Look up how many political dissidents died under mao and Stalin then gas yourself kike. Leftists are pure evil.

>> No.6310561

A famine occurred under Stalin and then never again in the course of Soviet history
Funny that

>> No.6310586

King jong all
Pol Pot
and list goes on.

Communism has killed 100 million plus in a short time period

>> No.6310591

Yeah guys remember how great tribalism was and how that totally scaled without accidentally starving and murdering hundreds of millions of people

>> No.6310604

people aren't livestock you pervert

that's not what you said. you merely deflected from the fact that every attempt at communism up to this day ended in disaster.
and no, communist theory shouldn't be taught in economics because it's only relevant to economic history, not to modern economics.

>> No.6310605

vitalik defended the alt right
he does what he wants

>> No.6310659
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>> No.6310666

>Marx's criticisms hold significance
Holy shit dude are you that dense

>> No.6310718

*Don't hold

>> No.6310773

Full communism, retroactively dubbed "war communism" was abandoned after failure and the soviet union never tried full communism ever again.

>> No.6310866

they don't you dingus. marx has been proven wrong for a very long time.

>> No.6311001

Remember this next time you think a bunch of mouth breathing leftist retards controlling the army and micro managing the economy is a good idea.


The "Four Pests" campaign was introduced in 1958 by Mao Zedong, as a hygiene campaign aimed to eradicate the pests responsible for the transmission of pestilence and disease: the mosquitos responsible for malaria; the rodents that spread the plague; the pervasive airborne flies; and the sparrows – specifically the Eurasian tree sparrow – which ate grain seed and fruit.[1] As a result of this campaign, many sparrows died from exhaustion; citizens would bang pots and pans so that sparrows would not have the chance to rest on tree branches and would fall dead from the sky.[2] Sparrow nests were also destroyed, eggs were broken, and chicks were killed. In addition to these tactics, citizens also resorted to simply shooting the birds down from the sky.[3] These mass attacks depleted the sparrow population, pushing it to near extinction.[3]

By April 1960, Chinese leaders realized that sparrows ate a large amount of insects, as well as grains.[7][8] Rather than being increased, rice yields after the campaign were substantially decreased.[9][8] Mao ordered the end of the campaign against sparrows, replacing them with bed bugs, as the extermination of the former upset the ecological balance, and bugs destroyed crops as a result of the absence of natural predators. By this time, however, it was too late. With no sparrows to eat them, locust populations ballooned, swarming the country and compounding the ecological problems already caused by the Great Leap Forward, including widespread deforestation and misuse of poisons and pesticides.[9] Ecological imbalance is credited with exacerbating the Great Chinese Famine, in which 20–45 million people died of starvation.[10][11]

>> No.6311065

>all of these brainlets thinking crypto was accounted for in either capitalism or communism

You guys are fucking retarded

>> No.6311131

Agreed anon
btw what's your opinion on using massive amounts of water on almonds and livestock when the same amount of nutrients can be produced with other food sources for less?
I mean, the free market wants it therefore it's flawless and sustainable right

>> No.6311185

The 1920's famine was no real

>> No.6311404

what a benevolent leader you are forcing us to eat algae instead of actual food. why don't you leave to reddit? you'll feel much better there.

>> No.6311539

>yeah my offspring will have almost no water to drink but at least I could have a burger every meal for a couple years :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.6311567
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and I sit firmly on the right. Kill yourself commie scum

>> No.6311569

>A retard dictator is the sole reason an entire economic, political, and philosophical system should be discarded

Fyi Communism as described by Marx is marked by an absence of the state. Like it or not, libertarians are closer to this description of communists than they are to Stalin and Mao. If you understood Marxism you'd understand how that commie states like the USSR and Mid 20th century China failed to become actual communist societies because they relied on centralization of power.

Frankly I think a true communist society is impossible at least for another 50-100 years. There simply isn't have enough automation and proletariat outrage to spur the creation of one at this juncture of history.

>> No.6311676

People shouldn't be treated as livestock. But again, that's how governments invariably wind up treating their citizens

>> No.6312002

Communists and (right)libertarians obviously do not define the state in the same way. Libertarians believe that "stateless" communism is pure statism.

>> No.6312086

Could you outline the differences in their definition?

>> No.6312163

I guess Marx's entire theory of history, his specific detailing of how early phase communism would rely on the Dictatorship of the Proletariat™ to collectivize the means of production, and the eventual "withering away" of the state that Engels described was just a weird fever dream that I had and NOT a central pole of Marxist philosophy that never materialized and is a definitive proof that the whole bullshit system fails when implemented

>> No.6312169
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>> No.6312338
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At the end of the day you either think that the value that people create should be taken from them and the necessities of life withheld in the name of private proper tea... or you don't.

Pretty simple

>> No.6312445

The definition of the state as used by anarcho-capitalists is that the state is an entity that has a monopoly on law, and they kind of have a meta-view that pure propetarianism is the pinnacle of anti-statism.

Communists and anarchists are quite obfuscatory when defining the state. We know that they are not opposed to central authorities - anarchist Spain had one. Marx wrote "The executive of the modern state is nothing but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie". They appear to view private property as being the state. Abolishing the state to them means abolishing private property, this is why you will hear communists and anarchists, when debating anarcho-capitalists, refer to the private law agencies that exist in anarcho-capitalism as "states for hire". Protecting private property appears to qualify something as a state.

>> No.6312508

This is why /pol/ needs to shut the fuck up and lurk more. They don't know how to make money, they only know how to meme.

>> No.6312843

Nigger you people are the ones that want to take people's rights to their own labor away

>value is being "stolen" when one person agrees to work for another, trading his labor for something of value
>it's not stealing when we send men with guns to take capital from people by force to "correct" the voluntary agreement from before

This doublethink is just uncanny

>> No.6313072

Not a marxist myself but that guy probably didn't even know what word you're pretending to stupidly mis-pronounce

>> No.6313135

Marx was against the wage system. You lose, retard.

>> No.6313199

Lol, says the bougie. My wife used to live in the USSR. It fell apart a year before they were scheduled to bulldoze their family home and relocate them into a three bedroom apartment.

>> No.6313251

Things that never happened. He was a meme from the get go.

>> No.6313327

>decentralization is leftist

Said the leftist as he vies for centralized healthcare, centralized pension, centralized handouts, and centralized regulation.

>> No.6313355

I will say this does worry me a little bit. Fuck

>> No.6313508
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>see daily link thread #436 in catalog
>expect a cool discussion like always
>it's just /pol/

>> No.6313578

>the people who defend christianity but hate islam even though they come from the same desert
>the people who want to elect leaders that will burn away the rights of natives

>> No.6313579


>no single right-wing dev in the space

Sky coin, Komodo.... You're right though, lots are leftist trash, but I'm sure there's more out there.

>> No.6313616

>the people who defend christianity but hate islam even though they come from the same desert


>> No.6313690

sergey is eating big macs and defending communism! sell sell sell

>> No.6313801

Yes, what? Christianity is a foreign religion to Europeans (Whites). Have you ever looked at European history before the middle ages? Christians killed off millions of people who didn't want to convert to that desert religion which is why Europe was religiously dominated by Christianity and its derivatives. Absolutely no different than what Islam is doing now.

>> No.6314064


Based Vargposter

Fuck Abrahamic desert religions

>> No.6314082

appeal to authority
fuck off with your mentally ill bullshit, you naive communist

anyone who thinks that people shouldn't be allowed to work where they want to work for a living without being told that they're being oppressed if they're not given the fucking office upon starting work is a fucking moron
marx was a self-cucking useful idiot
kinda funny seeing people like you showing up on a board where a lot of discussion regarding one of the most potent weapons against centralized banking is thriving, and people are getting rich

you like marx so much, go move to fucking north korea

>> No.6314185
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jesus christ, what a fucking tact response
you've enlightened everyone on /biz/, goyim! keep at it!

>> No.6314565

If sergey's such a socialist why has he made so much money working for all these companies


>> No.6314576

Remember everyone, the religion based on self sacrifice and humility that created Europe and America is practically identical to the one cobbled together by a war mongering sandnigger that brought us the wonders of Saudi Arabia and Jihad

Members of a religion using force to convert people ≠ forced conversion being a part of the religion. Jihad is a purely Muslim thing. And holy fuck at "millions" killed in conversion, please source anything close to that for me.

>> No.6314766

Smart people in general have typically leaned left

>> No.6314799

So what I'm getting from this is we can shill LINK to bernie bros on reddit and watch out gains skyrocket

>> No.6314806
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>> No.6315214

Not true, they dominate the "above average" iq range. The actual spread goes average-low iq > conservative, above average iq > modern liberal, high iq > classical liberal/libertarian :^)

>> No.6315871

classic rant. you win biz today

>> No.6316314
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Cite this....

>> No.6316626

Youre dead wrong retard. The right will support crypto because it means the governments hands finally off Money AND not giving bailouts AND not feeding nothing that do not want to work.

Its the left that wants control in government.

>> No.6316655

following someone on twitter doesn't mean you subscribe to their ideology

>> No.6316814

Geez you are a retarded faggot. Are you talking about the periods when a HUGE company was under 10 people?

When some of the richest men on earth couldn’t afford toilets or electricity?

>> No.6316943


>businessmen hate him!
>learn how to take back your labor power in one simple trick!

>> No.6317113

You mean pseudo intelligent, right Sheldur?

>> No.6317366


Wanna go on a free helicopter ride?

>> No.6317581

It has high prices, clown shoes

>> No.6318132


Nigger christcuck, it's common knowledge.

>> No.6318928

>the number of pagans killed during the Christianization of Europe during the 4th -6th centuries is common knowledge

Sure friend. But if it is such common knowledge it should be easy to source, no?

>> No.6319852


That diagram is wrong:

Entrepreneurs + plebs = coiners (almost everyone today) and nocoiners (govs)

Synthesize that, and you get:

gov coin + wagecucks

>> No.6319926

Tribalism is not communism. Tribalists choose to share with people they know. People living under communism are forced to share with people they have never met.

>> No.6319929


Partial communism is called socialism - it's when welfare and wagecucks exist. Ironically, today's world is half-communist (socialist/leftist) and that's why it sucks.

Pure capitalism is when everyone is an entrepreneur/investor.