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6289027 No.6289027 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder

>> No.6289167

I'm not good at waiting for things but I have no choice. I missed Bitcoin and Ethereum because I didn't believe in what was obvious. It won't happen a third time. Fully invested. $25k all in on LINK

>> No.6289315
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Good move. This time be patient. This is a top ten coin.

>> No.6289464

I have no problem waiting. But I feel sick being this close to success at around the same time it feels like the world is about to come to a miserable end with all the problems going on geopolitically and even mother nature acting up. I feel doomed.

>> No.6289512

Only 16k people in the world hold LINK
We will make it

>> No.6289544

>I feel doomed.
I went through all that, then it passed when I realised I was being stupid

>> No.6289560

I may get in for another 5K but I want to see if it dips a bit closer to a buck.

>> No.6289578

www.fintechblue. com/2017/05/psd2-and-the-blockchain/

>> No.6289596

It's been like that since the 90's. We just see the bull shit more due to social media. Just chill my dude.

>> No.6289629

You're gonna be loaded.

>> No.6289633

That can't be anywhere close to right?

>> No.6289683

Actually it looks like it's on a downtrend. Looks like we might have to hold off on this chart till 2019 when sergey decides to come back.

>> No.6289686

I guarantee it will not be $3 by EOM

>> No.6289690

Relax, buy and hodl
Really simple

>> No.6289693

This shit will never be a moon mission prove me wrong

>> No.6289782

Downtrend is what we want. It's the cup handle forming. THE FORETOLD PROPHECY

>> No.6289792

LINK bag holders are truly the Rick&Morty fans of the crypto community.

>> No.6289826
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Lads, I got 4k link around $.50c, if I want to stock up will it ever drop below $1? Do i just nut up and buy more? $1400/2 weeks from my job i want to pull the trigger tomorrow but im afraid soon it will drop back to 50 cents

>> No.6289834

We are forming the handle, look at the 1 day chart.

We are about to go into orbit soon.

>> No.6289855


It's true, there is only 16k wallets that hold link, you can see on etherscan for yourself, literally the only people interested in this coin is biz.
That's why you don't hear about it anywhere except biz, people accumulated massive stacks of link while it was below ICO and now created this artificial supply and demand.

By buying LINK and falling for these shills you're literally buying biz neets lambos.. you made these faggots rich by buying their shitcoin, this was a below ico token not even a fucking month ago

>> No.6289862

stop trying to make this happen. replying this in every goddamn thread wont make it more funny.

>> No.6289893

You’re the same faggot that keeps posting this. I think linkies are retarded and gay but you’re posts are cringe niggerhead

>> No.6289903

you are adding to that by trading shitcoins. Finally machines will be more powerful that us and they will kill us all. Read nick land faggot

>> No.6289919


yea no, it blew past it's previous USD high and never got close to the sats ATH so this is no cup. This is wishful thinking analysis at it's worse.

>> No.6289926

New linklet here, just bought a thousand link. In it for the long haul. Im tired of fucking missing these obvious boats

>> No.6289978

Even in the daily? Looks like a cup to me.

>> No.6290003
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>> No.6290010

It was about 800 sats off from ATH, it's very cuppy to me.

>> No.6290027

It’ll be ok man, we can all use our power to better the world in our own ways. Crypto was invented to empower people.

>> No.6290048

GREEN "buy" id
Kek truly is on our side

>> No.6290064 [DELETED] 


NEW EXCHANGE offering FREE 500$ dollars get in, only the first 100k users get this bonus.

>> No.6290088
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I feel so sad when you people that mean good try so hard to refuse the hand that tries to lift you up. Don't say we didn't warn you.

>> No.6290107

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6290261

Does it come with a free moonlambo and complimentary keylogger as well?

>> No.6290309


>> No.6290539

Fuck off, retard

>> No.6290583

This will drop to like .90 before it rockets to 2.50-3

Buy as much as you can when it hits below 1.

Handle is being formed

>> No.6290617

This. Double dubs of truth confirm that link is goin to the moon

>> No.6290708

dont forget the 500,000 people on binance who hold link. but those will all lose it when binance "gets hacked"

>> No.6290871

This feels like Reddit trying to make an anti-Reddit joke to fit in

>> No.6290931
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Looks like a cup to me

>> No.6290942


Go back there

You racist

>> No.6291005

What's a good wallet for link anyways? I'm currently stashing it on binance but after I do my last buy in for the long hodl ahead I'd like to stash it somewhere non chinese.

>> No.6291062

myetherwallet hodls link nice and cozy for the Big Day

>> No.6291067

Download the official ChainLink-QT client from their website

>> No.6291091

you can send it to your BTC wallet

>> No.6291104

Myetherwallet. Buy a ledger nano for ultimate safety, if you’ve invested more than $1000 then you have no excuse.

>> No.6291147

why would you tell someone that lol

>> No.6291159

Alright I'll just dump them in there. Thanks.

Haven't invested more than 1000 yet, will have that soon though.

In the mean time I'll totes do this.

>> No.6291162
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Daily Reminder Vitalik thinks this project is a scam

>> No.6291206


>> No.6291237

Yeah he def said the word 'scam' in that tweet.

>> No.6291240



>> No.6291284
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Daily reminder no one gives a shit what Vitalik thinks.

>> No.6291288

What, buy a ledger nano? Yeah I'm considering it. Anyways just deposited my link to my btc adress. thanks for the tip.

>> No.6291293

>not worth 32 mil
>some people think the market cap is going to reach even 10 bil
you guys are in for a rude awakening

>> No.6291297

Vitalik roasts his own project too. He’s just an autist and he makes good points though overblown and pedantic.

>> No.6291350


>> No.6291410


>> No.6291482

How long will it take? Its not showing up.

I sent my whole 5k stack..

>> No.6291871

Nice just sent 100k

>> No.6291976

It didn’t show up for me until i sent more link to it. The second time I sent it link the balance showed up

>> No.6292349

Oh thank god


>> No.6292449
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>> No.6292877

Yeah I must say I’m quite surprised btc wallets support ChainLink considering how under the radar it is

>> No.6293280

BTC tries to stay ahead of the game, part of their master plan to remain as king.