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File: 12 KB, 500x428, cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6288997 No.6288997 [Reply] [Original]

Cardano quietly announces an ADA based debit card:


Anons, this debit card thing is cool, but do any of you realize that Cardano is genuinely the most technologically advanced and secure blockchain project there is? While you're busy trying to make money on shitcoins, you could instead go all in on essentially the only project that is solving all the issues of efficiency, scalability, speed, and security that other projects like Ethereum are failing at.

There WILL be an Ethereum killer eventually, and out of all the competing platform coins, i.e. EOS, ARK, LSK, QTUM, etc, Cardano is the ONLY one that fundamentally solves all of the problems with dApps on blockchain technology. Look at ETH right now and realize that smart contract dApps on Ethereum are incredibly expensive to run and aren't provably secure. Cardano dApps will be PROVABLY secure because they're using Haskell to write the entire ecosystem in, which is a language closer to pure math and can basically use mathematical proofs to verify each program written in it. There is no other project like this is the crypto space.

Remember when Ethereum was still $2? Do you wish you could have bought Ethereum at $2? Well, you can again, it's called Cardano.

>> No.6289049

The most expensive whitepaper.

>> No.6289057

its just a whitepaper, they have nothing yet, overvalued shit same as tron

>> No.6289106

Lmao debit card based on what?

Make a working network and then we can talk.

>> No.6289159

Wow, nice news. Lol @ the FUD.

>> No.6289175

This is gonna be HUGE in 2018

>> No.6289199
File: 146 KB, 762x575, 1513347601339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in since .13. No regrets

>Just HODL

>> No.6289228


Where did this myth come from? Do you fucks know what github is?


>> No.6289267


>only a whitepaper

This is the state of /biz/


If any of you were actually programmers who knew fucking anything you'd understand that Cardano has about half of all the most prominent names in Haskell development working on Cardano. Literally close to HALF of all of the most brilliant names on the cutting edge of computer science are involved in Cardano development right now.

>> No.6289352

Been holding since $0.10 so I'm Gucci.

>> No.6289491

I'm in since @0.11 and debit card was already announced then. You fuckers slept on that.

>> No.6289515


they have a working network, they're updating their wallet right now and when that's finished the API for payment processing will be available.

>> No.6289609


I only just got in during this dip. I'm jelly of you first wavers but I'm not too jelly because we're still in the smart money phase of this coin by about 3 months. By summer this project is going to be in the top 3. I'm sure we can all guess which project they're going to unseat to get there.

>> No.6289719

I doubt it will move that fast. Too much fud surrounding ADA "no working product" etc etc. They may be right in some ways, but they aren't looking into the future like we are.

>> No.6289891

if we're talking about an ethereum killer, are we also talking ethereum kind of price...?

>> No.6289933

Imagine it was my first day in crypto and I went all in then. Wasn't expecting $1 by 2019 desu.

>> No.6290335


FUD doesn't matter. It really doesn't. Cardano is the first project in the top 10 that's doing DPoS correctly. As soon as everyone realizes they're missing out on staking into Cardano early on, they're going to FOMO so fucking hard into ADA. I'm personally putting about $120k into ADA so I can set up a staking pool early on.


Oh no way man, there are way WAY too many ADA in circulation for it to ever reach 1k per coin. However as a percentage gain on a project that actually has a future there's essentially nothing else that comes close. ADA will easily 10x in 2018, and there are no other coins in the top 10, probably not even the top 30, that are going to 10x.

Not saying there aren't bigger percentage gains to be made in other coins, but there aren't any other safer gains as large as Cardano will see. ADA is the perfect balance of risk vs. reward and you'll sleep easy knowing you're staked into a project that will be a top 3 crypto in the next couple of years, potentially even #1, and I don't mean that as hyperbole, this project once they get sidechains could very well overtake BTC and that's not even being optimistic, that's just how disruptive Cardano is shaping up to be.

>> No.6290461
File: 107 KB, 540x960, 1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in Cardano at .20 cents.

I have $2,000 in reddcoin which is dead as fuck, what should I move it into?

Comfy with my 15k cardano

>> No.6290842


I have 10k in XRP at the moment that I really don't want to touch with the news that's due there, but I'm getting very restless watching Cardano at 70 cents and being told what it has the potential to do

>> No.6290843

yeah got 10k i aint selling for at least a yeah got in at $0.11

I am really hoping that the ledger nano s or ledger blue, will start supporting ADA. does anyone know if thats in the works?

>> No.6290876
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unloaded heavy bags at 252.49%; see you next round.

>> No.6291060

I would look into BCH, GBYTE, LBC, AST, NAS, ZEN, PRIX, ITNS, ALQO, OPT, and ZCL

>> No.6291097


holy shit that is one active github

>> No.6291224

You fail because of network effect. Everything is in ETH and ETH will dominate forever.
The Ethereum killer is called Ethereum 2.0
Don't buy a memecoin.
>charles hoskinson
>cutting edge CS

>> No.6291272

Yeah, they announced that last time

>> No.6291473

charlie hoskinson with

>the University of Edinburgh
>the University of Connecticut
>the University of Athens

and doesnt they guy who invented haskell work for Cardano?

>> No.6291547

circulating/max supply too high, it will never hit $10

>> No.6291624

Watch it once the crypto market cap hits 2 trillions

>> No.6291820


Like I said, they have a large share of the most active and competent developers in Haskell working on Cardano. Haskell is THE cutting edge programming language being widely used right now. It's a purely functional language with proof assistant ability, meaning that programs written in Haskell can be verifiably secure to a degree that is literally impossible in other languages.

Cardano is a big, big fucking deal in the academic space right now. It's basically THE project that can show how Haskell is the future of computer programming languages used for secure, distributed, concurrent, performant software systems. It's a big fucking deal in more ways than just being a "currency." It's literally the future of computing infrastructure.

>> No.6291852

That's before or after White House bans crypto?

>> No.6291863


>network effect

Nigger, ADA went from nothing to the #5 crypto on Earth in less than 6 fucking months you retarded sperg.

>> No.6291928

>not probably

Stopped reading right there, pajeet

>> No.6291934



Dumped all my $0.03 bags a few days ago.

>> No.6291935

Yeah, like every other shitcoin.

>> No.6291982

$10-$20 dollars this year, $260b MC for $10 dollar ADA that is totally doable. If that shit coin cripple can hit $150b in 2 months think of what this can do in a year

>> No.6291988

Delete this OP.
You don't need to give these brainlets a free ride when all they do is call this vaporware. People in the know already see the vast potential this project is destined for.

>> No.6292004

lol that hype. Calm down bra

>> No.6292043


It will eventually hit $100, likely sometime in or around 2020. Cardano isn't just a coin, and it's not just a coin+contract platform like Ethereum (which Ethereum fails at). Cardano is going to be the future of distributed computation. You know how you've been hearing about "the Cloud" and "Cloud computing" for ages now? Well Cardano is actually making secure, distributed cloud computing possible. You will be about run OPERATING SYSTEMS on top of Cardano, meaning websevers can run on top of Cardano and be secured by the entire blockchain, meaning the virtual END of DDoS attacks and censorship.

You can't and will not ever be able to do that on top of Ethereum because the underlying tech of Ethereum is incapable of handling that much throughput and will NEVER be able to handle that much throughput.

>> No.6292053

theyre not bags if you made money retard. and selling your ADA is the worst move you've ever made. you'll kill yourself in 2 years if you dont buy back in

>> No.6292085


>is a nigger who doesn't know what provable means in the context of computer science


>> No.6292117

Why would they do this? Crypto market has to much of a potential and that also means money to the governments. Whoever bans it is out of the game. Whoever manages to regulate it in a smart way is the winner. You underestimate us govt

>> No.6292176


Banning crypto is about as possible as banning the internet.

>> No.6292306

yeah crypto will become a strategic asset for governments. It would be completely retarded for governments not to be quietly accumulating BTC and blue chip Alts

>> No.6292502

Name one thing written in haskell thats ever been useful outside of academic circle jerking. inb4 fb spam filter

>> No.6292508

Exactly. And all in all I don't think that people ruling whole countries are more retarded than bunch of teenagers on 4chan trading their parents money. At least not all the govt. We all would be dead by now

>> No.6292674



That wasn't hard. Typical /biz/tard

>> No.6292825

ADA, topkek. No working product, platform or service. Enjoy your high market cap pump and dump scheme.

>> No.6292893

its being pumped, dont let op dump his bags on you

https://discord gg/tSWYF6V

(add the dot between discord and gg)

lol cant even get card in usa

>> No.6293128

>you missed this one buddy. we told you, you didnt listen and you missed out on the 100%-1500% gains that we all enjoyed. dont feel bad about it though maybe next time eh?


>> No.6293204
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>> No.6293260

>Muh eth killer
Cardanus can suck my dick, 30b dollar whitepaper
Eth works great, has all the dev support, has the mjority of coins running on top of it, has several scaling solutions implemented this year, has Vitalik and has trading pairs on every exchange

There is no need for a fucking eth killer you stupid shilling fag

>> No.6293266

How many ADA to own a node? I have 30,000 ADA from .11 but I want to have enough for both and enigma and cardano node. Has it been announced?

>> No.6293335

>t. Tron hodler

>> No.6293474
File: 400 KB, 533x546, justed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They think they are the /smartmoney/ buying in
Top kek. Its a top 5 coin right now, smart money has been unloading bags and will buy back in sub 15 cents

>> No.6293603

there will not be an ETH killer

there will be new problems to solve that cardano can solve

cardano just ran up too fast, but i'd rather be holding cardano bags than tron or verge i would consider buying cardano down the road at .45 again

>> No.6293623

I feel dumb reading these commits

>> No.6293638


There are no nodes, it's DPoS. 1 ADA entitles you to whatever percentage chance that represents on the network to win the lottery for each epoch. Since it's Delegated PoS, you can delegate your 1 ADA to a staking pool to increase the chances of being in a pool that receives the lottery award, then you get paid out proportionally to your stake in that pool.

>> No.6293653


>> No.6293740

Really wish I had more money when it was on 0.025 cents cause I saw the potential.. could have made a ton.. but fuck I only had 200$

>> No.6293839

Charles said it would take a bit because they need to work with the developers of Ledger.

Not exactly but the leading haskell incubator for developers in the world is working with the Cardano team, teachers and students (Thats Athens)

>> No.6293870



>> No.6293887


>Eth works great

They literally had to hardfork the entire fucking project to help some dumbassholes who wrote a broken contract. "Works great."

>has all the dev support

All of it, really? What about all of the academic and financial industry devs writing in Haskell that are contributing to Cadano? The majoirty of ETH developers are script kiddies.

> has the mjority of coins running on top of it

Yeah, a bunch of useless ERC20 tokens that do absolutely fucking nothing.

>, has several scaling solutions implemented this year

None of them actually solving the core issues with Ethereum, nor will they ever.

>has Vitalik

Vitalik is a liability, not an asset.

>has trading pairs on every exchange

Trading pairs won't matter when you can go fiat to alts, which is coming very soon. You probably didn't even fucking realize that's the only reason we trade in pairs, dumbfuck.

>There is no need for a fucking eth killer you stupid shilling fag

Yeah, except the fact that Ethereum is slow and expensive and will never be fixed.

>> No.6293982


>except the fact that Ethereum is slow and expensive and will never be fixed.

Oh yeah, and insecure. The biggest problem of all.

>> No.6294007

So basically anons

Buying this is the same as buying a ticket to Alpha Centauri?

>> No.6294109

I don't give a shit about Hoskinson or his gay academics. Eth has already proveb itself after the fork.
ADA might be a good project but stop calling it the eth killer lol

Let's see next year. As of today, ADA is literally nothing. Overvalued whitepaper

>> No.6294121

I'd say $0.69 or lower is a good price to buy

>> No.6294150

Stop pretending like ADA wont have any problems ever

>> No.6294170


Pretty much...

I'm a Haskell dev for 7 years now. Haskell and other purely functional languages are literally the future of programming, like when we went from imperative C to object oriented C++ and Java. It's that significant.

Cardano is being written in the future of programming languages in a way that will be the future of blockchain technologies. There is not a single other project in the entirety of crypto that is capable of accomplishing what is on their roadmap.

I think the only thing that will end up competing with Cardano in the longrun is going to be Hashgraph, and that's not even in alpha yet.

>> No.6294204

Expensive, never be fixed, difficult to develop on, not readable in any sense language wise. Fucking focusing on developing a Go library, FUCKING GO nobody uses Go other then young web developers who believe its the 'new thing'. I don't even know where to begin with the misdirection of the development of ethereum, its like a blockchain enviroment for web developers.

Nobody is saying that, its just going to solve the ethereum problem (actual thing developers in the space call ethereum, a problem, too bad 4chin and reddit are too stupid to follow developers on twitter)
in the long run, maybe. But I bet your weak hands would get off at mars.

>> No.6294265


>Eth has already proveb itself after the fork.

Sure, until it has to fork again because the technology if fundamentally flawed.

> As of today, ADA is literally nothing. Overvalued whitepaper

Their mainnet is out you fucking retard, and DPoS is coming out within months.


It's designed from the ground up not to have any of the problems Ethereum has.

Will it have it's own problems? Of course, and they will be far less critical flaws versus how broken Ethereum is.

>> No.6294301


>Expensive, never be fixed, difficult to develop on, not readable in any sense language wise. Fucking focusing on developing a Go library, FUCKING GO nobody uses Go other then young web developers who believe its the 'new thing'. I don't even know where to begin with the misdirection of the development of ethereum, its like a blockchain enviroment for web developers.

This anon gets it.


Audibly keked.

>> No.6294345


>> No.6294586

holy shit you are stupid

>> No.6294709

I'm a student and even I think its fucking ridiculous man, how far away can you get from readability? Tune in next time to see vitalik add a brainfuck library to ethereum, stay tuned.

But in all seriousness contracts should be easy to read, functional, stateless, it should resemble a real world contract in those senses. Once you sign its exact, no fuzzy objects that can be told to be doing something else. No public/private states to be forgotten.

Also some dick sucking here, but I want to be a haskell developer too because of its niche status and need in the buisness network world. These are reasons I'm drawn to cardano because the developers talk like programmers, nobody at ethereum talks like a programmer except maybe their compiler developers, but even they are dogmatic about their project and the space it inhabits.

>> No.6294778

If any ADA HODLers want to come in their pants just read this article that was published today


>> No.6294816

So why did Vitalik choose to develop eth like that?
Why did he not build it using haskell?

>> No.6294947

I don't know why do some people like ketchup in their kraft dinner? Inexperienced perhaps, he was the first mover who started Ethereum in python, literally a POC language in the most serious sense of python.

>> No.6295036


>teach CS at uni, everyone in the CS dept. bought cardano early dec

feels good

>> No.6295119

my friend is going to study CS in a couple months, he is a staunch anti-crypto FUDer what is he likely to expect from the CS students?

>> No.6295156

Fine, I might buy some since it is down 40% in 7days
But I hardly believe it can kill eth anytime soon. Even bitcoin core can't be killed despite being in its current state

>> No.6295227

Alright wake me up in 3 months when this will finally moon.

>> No.6295291

Its not about killing ethereum really, Charles is implementing backwards compatibility with ethereum into cardano because there is no real point in the software world to kill your competition. But if you make the experience to move over to your product better for developers then slowly they'll come.

Look at how Microsoft dominated the OS market, they made it easier to make the switch to DOS. They didn't release a product that killed everything else. Thats impracticable and implies that everyone is in the know.

>> No.6295326


Son, people holding BTC never expected BTC to be anything but digital money. People are relying on Ethereum to be a platform to run entire businesses off of. Once people realize it's almost impossible to run a large scale business securely and afforably on Ethereum, they will flock to whatever it is that can actually meet their business needs.

Cardano is the only platform coin I've seen that will be able to accomplish this. Mind you, I've run the gamut of comparable projects, like Eos, Lisk, Qtum, Ark, etc. They're all promising projects no doubt, but they just don't have the brainpower behind them that Cardano does. The fact that the Cardano Foundation is the only org that was intelligent enough to select Haskell as their underlying language is proof to me they're the only ones with any real long term viability as a crowning crypto in the dApp and payments space.

>> No.6295375

That's basically like being a Drumpf supporter at Berkeley.

>> No.6295666

I know this is an ADA thread but, which should my Ethereum hedge be heavier on? ADA or EOS? Im holding both as a hedge on my Ethereum bags.

>> No.6295807

satans trips say ADA

i say both

>> No.6296014

Im holding both but which should be heavier? I mean EOS has a smaller marketcap but ADA has more brainpower.

>> No.6296044

>18 posts by this ID
>11 posts by this ID
>in a thread with ~80 posts total

>the shilling is real.jpg

Yea, this totally doesn't look like a pair of shills from a PnD discord channel trying to jew people into buying their bags. Not at all.

>> No.6296287

>only thread about ADA on the board
>"Shills shills!!"
>buys DBC

>> No.6296326

>big deal in academic circles
you mean the same academia teaching gender studies and african arts?
same academia accepting nogs making rap videos at harvard?
same academia that used to scoff at bitcoin and said it'd never go anywhere?
same academia housing haughty pseudo-intellectuals who can't perform in competitive environments and withdraw to their safe places?
same academia moving at a glacial pace?
oh boy i can't wait to throw all my money
with charles "kicked out of bitshares, kicked out of ethereum, kicked out of ethereum classic, ran to japan to scam old people" hotkinson at the helm, there's no way this could fail
their non-whitepaper even talks of bending over for the state because regulations are good because they make us money, how strongly academical of them

money skeleton > haskellet

>> No.6296428

Is there any benefit to me owning more ADA in ourobous staking? Sorry, not a programmer need a bit of spoonfeed.

>> No.6296480


Ma boi just BTFO Dan Larimer the creator of EOS ya get me?

>> No.6296535
File: 42 KB, 446x373, 1426020224758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are clearly new and have a case of 'babi's first altcoin' attachment syndrome.
calm the fuck down about cardano!
kek. literally making things up here bro
haskell is overblown nerd shit that is -1000 light years behind mainstream languages in terms of network effects, flexibility and industry infrastructure
Vitalik is a visionary. Eth is being pampered into a best this year. compare that to the toxic Charles H who got kicked from Ethereum and his sceince project that will take many months or more to see a single slither of adoption
18b market cap is fucking insane for such a vaporwave project that just appeals to people like you, that think they are so smart and edgy..

you will probably sell when ADA dips 20% or more and will start Fudding it the next day
desu all you passionate shillers are just really embarrassing in general
(also clearly a redditor, please go the fuck back)

>> No.6296555

nope, those are soft sciences. false equivalency. Talking provably secure smart contracts here anon.

>> No.6296564

ADA for sure

>> No.6296625

If any anon here can give a technical answer why the functional programming based cardano is technologically inferior to ethereum, I'll send you 20 of my stinky linkies. I'll wait.

>> No.6296635

Its dPoS so that means if you don't have enough ADA to run a stake yourself you can delegate your stake to someone else, kind of like Ark but better in many fundamental ways. You'll receive your reward just like if you were staking and unlike Ark you don't actually need to send your ADA to the person your having stake it for you in the vote.

Can't say how much benefit because we don't have numbers, but even having 100 ADA could see returns, and you don't need a machine or wallet online to stake, so its free after investment.


>> No.6296648

holy shit this is embarassing. it reads like a rambling diary and there is no substance in there. at all.

Tell me how this is superior to DPoS. You can't. shit like this is writen to try and confuse people and to make them feel smart for getting behind it

>> No.6296654


>> No.6296696

>The same academia

No. It's a different one. It's the cryptography academia ie the guys that gave us the technology for https:// to work and the ecliptic curve cryptography behind bitcoin and all of Dan Larmier's projects. Each time they completely fuck up the world with some new math they publish the findings at a conference or in a journal.

>> No.6296715

surefire way to destroy anyone spreading cardano fud is to ask if they understand why functional programming is more secure than imperative programming. There are weaknesses to cardano sure, but if you can't address this one fact in your answer you surely have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.6296753

>how is it superior to dPoS
It is dPoS you twat, unlike Ark or EoS the reward mechanism is improved, offline staking, and fairshare reward from the treasury like Dash. This is an expansion of the concept.

>> No.6296814

man those academia arguments are some of the most retarded arguments i've seen on 4chan so far in 2018
why even bother muddying up your actual arguments with those?

>> No.6296819

I've read it, its not DPoS, its a centralized alternative dressed up in fancy language.

>> No.6296832

>it reads like a rambling diary

Maybe if you weren't so emotional and distressed it wouldn't read like that.

>> No.6296845

because he's a human, and fallible? Early-mover advantage in the smart contract space, but the product is technologically inferior to a functional-programming based distributed ledger.

>> No.6296913

shill harder twitter faggot

>> No.6296941
File: 965 KB, 1732x898, zeniohk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in Zencash, still $150M marketcap and announced partnership with IOHK!!!


>> No.6296946

>Its not DPoS
>says nothing to prove that
>"Fancy centralized alternative"

>> No.6296969

or you could just get Decred, which has direct PoS, I'm getting 25% return gains securing the network and I'll never get cucked by "delegates"

>> No.6297022

>gush about academia as a selling point
>move goalposts the second a closer look is put on what "academia" entails
ok then

>> No.6297038

>moves goal post doesn't defend himself
>I have a machine to stake with
>I have enough funds to have enough stake in Decred
>Thinks delegates control the stakes handed to their pool
>Needs to DHOR

>> No.6297072

>be you
>equate humanities and social sciences with computer science and mathematical proofs


>> No.6297105

what about larimer's critique of cardano?

>> No.6297116

OP speaks truth, if you wanna talk about comfy
Cardano is it
I only have 25% of my position in it, but am confident about the gains i will get and have already gotten.

You guys shill shitcoins all day, i barely ever see ADA threads. Morons

>> No.6297132

thanks for that, progressives who believe themselves to be moderates getting triggered is basically a litmus test for bad investment advice

>> No.6297154

can't believe you're defending your ridiculous arguments
was he supposed to specify the exact academic circles it is considered a big deal in?
because if he doesn't, you automatically assume he's saying that African Arts teachers are lauding Cardano?

>> No.6297163

when do you expect to arrive at the moon for ADA? seems like a long term hold to me

>> No.6297192

Dam that's dope. Cardano debit card... I want one

>> No.6297196
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 1482869835465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF are you on about? That was my first post in this shitty thread.

You don't even need a machine on to stake with Decred. I'm getting 25% return a year staking with something that's had a working product for two years. and I won't get KEKED by master nodes or delegates. Look at the lisk elite.

>> No.6297210

Don't tell them, let them die slowly.

>> No.6297236

it is a long term hold but i already sat through 2 moons with this coin. This is one coin i do not day trade and the only coin i have a wallet for. All my others are on binance kek

I can't call it, i haven't been keeping up to date. But definitely comfy in waiting months for it bro

>> No.6297264

ironically I'm both in EOS and cardano

>> No.6297274

>ETH works great
>Single-handedly brought down by kittens

>> No.6297288

no no, he was spot on. you're equating the sciences that have provided us with reliable worldwide connectivity with tri-sexual gender studies grad students. the mental gymnastics must be exhausting on your end

>> No.6297290

explain why all major advances in crypto have been made outside of academia

>> No.6297328
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>progressives who believe themselves to be moderates
what are you talking about? did you even mean to quote me?

>> No.6297329

>full topic going muh academia
>same academia as x, y and z?
>be you, kek, well meme'd
certainly the intellectual rigor expected from a distinguished academician of our times

>> No.6297388

uh, merkle trees came from academia. ralph merkle published the paper on them as an undergrad. of which every single blockchain is. so, no anon. that's just patently false.

>> No.6297440
File: 44 KB, 454x640, 1514633753612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6297196 my bad fren I thought you were >>6296819

Cardano's reward system doesn't change with the more votes you get as a delegate, you only have a higher chance of being picked to process transactions with more votes, no higher reward, no bonus unless you consider being selected more often a bonus. This is unlike Lisk where delegates get a portion of the reward of each voter voting to their pool.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kCg4DYJxTc explained in this video here,

Right, with decred maybe I need to do more research there, but your also talking out of your ass for comparing Lisks reward system to Cardano's, I'll checkout your shit if you check mine. But chances are I already missed the boat if PoS has been implemented.

>> No.6297474

nah bud. your original post was clearly an attempt to disparage the hard sciences by equating them with, how you put it, "same academia teaching gender studies"

>be you
>don't understand the divide between humanities and quanitifiable science
>hurt your knuckles dragging them on the floor everywhere you go
>have a dry mouth from continually breathing through it

kek status: top

>> No.6297513

>the internet was created in 2017
ok champ
state of academia 40 years ago has little relevance with what it is now
first your argument was "not all muslims", now you're down to "rhodesia used to feed the whole african continent therefore zimbabwe still feeds the whole african continent today"

>> No.6297560

pciking one example to the contrary does not refute the question
99.9% of all advances and market movers are outside of the bureaucratic circle. why? because its slow and the people arent as imaginative as the open source community.
Cardano development will be a slow and dull
If there is no spark to excite developers you wont get anywhere, fact

>> No.6297642

>first your argument was "not all muslims", now you're down to "rhodesia used to feed the whole african continent therefore zimbabwe still feeds the whole african continent today"

do you realize how worthless your strawmanning is, I'm not even that guy but I'm literally laughing out loud and your blatant inability to make a proper argument. Go offline for a while.

>> No.6297651


slow and dull is fantastic when you're talking about provably-secure, distributed, concurrent systems. yeah, cardano developers aren't focused on making cryptobadgers 2.0, but that's directly to their credit.

>> No.6297667

You don't have to be an academic to publish your work in an academic fashion. Literally all major advances in crypto have been published for peer review wether they've been invented in academia, by govt or by a business or individual.

>> No.6297744

there's nothing wrong with hard sciences, all cryptocurrencies are built on hard sciences you mong
so let's recap
"words defining a whole only imply a subset"
"anything true at any point in time is true now"
"an attack on the current state of academia is a criticism of hard sciences"
please go on

>> No.6297881


"academia is a monolithic structure with one value system"

That's literally what you're saying. If it's not, go ahead and break it down for a little brainlet like myself.

>> No.6297905

>"words defining a whole only imply a subset"
in this case that is absolutely true
you had no reason to assume the comment about academic circles was about anything other than hard sciences

>> No.6298030

2 cents :)

>> No.6298043

Consider buying some when Ledger wallet becomes available. Hope It won't take too long.

>> No.6298732

Still processing more tx/day than any other blockchain with serious scaling on the way

>> No.6299088


>haskell is overblown nerd shit that is -1000 light years behind mainstream languages in terms of network effects, flexibility and industry infrastructure

You are not a programmer. You know nothing about programming or programming languages, much less anything about fundamental computer science. You're a loser talking beyond their comprehension.

>Vitalik is a visionary.

Really now? What did he invent? Oh, nothing you fucking retard, he just cobbled together some garbage in Python based of Szabos papers from the late 1980s and early 1990s.


>18b market cap is fucking insane

Considering the majority of Ethereums marketcap was build in just the last 6 months and Cardano will be cannibalizing Ethereum's marketshare as soon as dApps can be deployed onto Cardano and 18b looks like child's play at this point in the game.

>> No.6299329


>serious scaling on the way
>going from 15 transactions a second to, best case scenario, 60-120 transactions a second within the next 3 years

Enjoy your cave.

>> No.6299452

>Ready this year
>1million tx/second

>> No.6300043


Nigger, you have absolutely zero clue of which you speak. Plasma isn't even out of the design phase yet, and years away from an actual secure and sustainable implementation.

Keep holding those bags in 2019.

>> No.6300177
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looks like a butthole >>6300000 >>6399999

>> No.6300196
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FUUUUUUUCKKKK is ADA really superior to EOS? But they dont have an autist on their team. You need an autist to succeed.

>ETH has Vitalik
>EOS has Dan Larimer

I need confirmation this guy is autistic and not just some redneck

>> No.6300296

Thanks, just sold 100k ;)

>> No.6300619


EOS is a JavaScript platform. Javascript is the normietard webdev language of pajeets and SJWs. It's slow, doesn't handle concurrency well, and is outrageously insecure.

ADA is a Haskell platform. Haskell is at the cutting edge of the intersection of pure math and computer science, offering provably secure applications and massive concurrency ability. It's the darling child of the most brilliant minds in computer science and is as close as we have right now to programming in pure math in a relatable way.

You decide.

>> No.6300890

Price prediction for ADA? Its pretty high already desu

>> No.6301287

Thats what ppl said when ripple was the same price. Beyond $5 is possible this year imo and thats a conservative estimate

>> No.6301360


Haskell is the most right wing programming language.

>> No.6301875


I genuinely believe once Cardano implements sidechains that their marketcap could sustainably grow to 500b+ easily. This is not optimism. This is going by the fact that ADA sidechains will enable companies to actually accomplish what Ethereum is promising and with little to no fees (each sidechain can set it's own staking and delegation parameters, meaning a company could dictate that only it's own nodes are used for staking, meaning they don't pay to compute or store anything).

I'm telling you, Cardano will make Ethereum look like a child's toy.


That's no joke actually. Unlike JavaShit and Pytard, white liberal SJW femishits and soyboy numales and their minority pets are too fucking stupid to ever comprehend Haskell, and believe me, they've been trying to poz Haskell communities for almost 2 yeas now and have fucking failed miserably.

>> No.6302487

A real question: Why buy ADA instead of REQ?

>> No.6302582

>you mean the same academia teaching gender studies and african arts?
Sadly academia gets a bad rep for that crap. Let's try to not generalize. In academia there are lots of good people who work 80+ horus/week to make research breakthroughs that change the world.

>> No.6302731
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What does security mean in this context? I associate it with privacy but pretty sure it has nothing to do with that.

>> No.6302891

He's a kid.

>> No.6303347

>There WILL be an Ethereum killer eventually
How do you know?

There's only ONE reason why ethereum is going to flip BTC: because it was sabotaged by Core.
That's why Ethereum was marketed as 'not a currency'. That's because BTC's network effects seemed unbeatable.
All Core had to do was to increase the blockchain. At 16MB we would have ~6M daily transactions and Bitcoin would be at a 90% dominance.
That's why ethereum is so congested and doesn't scale well. It was never intended to at this point in time. That's why vitalik sold 25% of his ether at $20 (afaik). Even then BTC's dominance appeared unbeatable.

Ethereum would have to intentionally cripple itself to lose. Assume that Cardano or whatever gets some genius improvement that allows it to scale much better without sacrificing usability. Before ADA has any chance to flip eth, eth is going to just copy it. Now what?

What about all those devs, all those projects already building on ethereum? It's hard to imagine what would have to happen for all that to shift to something else.

>> No.6303379

Please don't pump cardano
I'm still trying to get more cash online to triple my holdings during this dip

>> No.6303800

>Before ADA has any chance to flip eth, eth is going to just copy it. Now what?

Ethereum has so much technical debt it will never catch up to Cardano. Also, Cardano is backward compatible with Ethereum, however Ethereum is not forward compatible with Cardano. That means anyone can convert their Ethereum Smart Contracts to Cardano dApps without a whole lot of difficulty. So, why wouldn't anyone migrate their Ethereum contracts to the superior Cardano? There's literally zero reason to continue using Ethereum at that point.

>> No.6303849
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>same as tron

>implying all forms of art history aren't ultimately useless
>implying academia isn't a fiercely competitive environment
>implying academia somehow scoffed at bitcoin even though the underlying cryptography was developed by academia, to say nothing of the internet itself
>implying academia moves at a glacial pace even though industry and academia are always in collaboration
>he's still mad about american academia finally deciding to let someone other than white males enroll 50 years ago
I don't know how you managed to wrap this much autism into a single post, but congratulations

>> No.6303900

>Also, Cardano is backward compatible with Ethereum, however Ethereum is not forward compatible with Cardano. That means anyone can convert their Ethereum Smart Contracts to Cardano dApps without a whole lot of difficulty.

If it's really so compatible, in the extreme eth can hardfork into a cardano codebase and protocol, obviously retaining existing balances and addresses. That's assuming it's really so obviously better.
Now what?

Also I didn't really read anything about cardano. What's so much better about it?

>> No.6303909

Ty for that

>> No.6304258


>If it's really so compatible, in the extreme eth can hardfork into a cardano codebase and protocol, obviously retaining existing balances and addresses. That's assuming it's really so obviously better.

>Now what?

Dude, this is not how computer programs work. Cardano is backward compatible with Ethereum *smart contracts* not the entire Ethereum codebase. This compatibility is because Cardano is actually making an effort to MAKE Ethereum backward compatible to facilitate ease of migration from Ethereum to Cardano. Ethereum on the other hand cannot do the same thing. You really don't realize how absurdly different the Cardano codebase is to Ethereum's. Vitalik isn't even competent enough to work with Haskell in a meaningful way, much less merge entire functioning modules from Cardano into Ethereum.

Code isn't magic, kid. It's really fucking hard.

>> No.6304588

>Cardano is backward compatible with Ethereum *smart contracts* not the entire Ethereum codebase.

Smart contracts _are_ ethereum.

>You really don't realize how absurdly different the Cardano codebase is to Ethereum's.

Doesn't matter, protocol is a different layer of abstraction entirely. You do realize there are more than one ethereum nodes right?

It's quite disappointing how you chose to try to bullshit me instead of trying to answer sensibly.

What you wrote about backward compatibility is explicitly denied on the whycardano's page:
"The kinds of complex behavior that would enable the acts elaborated previously cannot run on CSL. They require the ability to run programs written in a Turing complete language and some form of gas economics to meter computation. [..]

When one wants to extend capability, there are two possibilities. It is enabled by a private collective of likeminded individuals and ephemeral in nature (for example, a poker game). Or, it is enabled by a ledger of comparable capabilities as Ethereum. In both cases, we have chosen outsourcing the events to another protocol."

So actual turing complete computation are to be outsourced to ethereum. Yeah, real ethereum killer that one. Lol.

>> No.6304952

>completely ignores computational layer,

>> No.6305161


>Smart contracts _are_ ethereum.

No dumbass, smart contracts are written in a scripting language (Solidity) running on top of Ethereum. You're just talking bullshit rhetoric with technical understanding of the technologies involved.

>Doesn't matter, protocol is a different layer of abstraction entirely. You do realize there are more than one ethereum nodes right?

This doesn't even make any fucking sense in context.

>"The kinds of complex behavior that would enable the acts elaborated previously cannot run on CSL. They require the ability to run programs written in a Turing complete language and some form of gas economics to meter computation. [..]

Yeah, the CSL you idiot, not the CCL. By the way, the fact that Cardano has two seperate layers (value and computation) means that Ethereum can't use anything from Cardano because it's an entirely different architecture.

Ethereum Smart Contracts can be recompiled to run on Cardano without too much effort because the Cardano CCL will be language agnostic like QTUM, meaning you can compile dApps from any language onto Cardano. You can't do that with Ethereum, you ether write it in Solidity, which is fucking garbage, or you use something better, like Cardano.

>So actual turing complete computation are to be outsourced to ethereum. Yeah, real ethereum killer that one. Lol.

Again, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

>> No.6305263

You know that any sidechain is as easy to interact in ethereum as in cardano right? Just because there's 'cardano' in the name doesn't change anything. It's a competitor to plasma and truebit at best.

>> No.6305532

>No dumbass, smart contracts are written in a scripting language (Solidity) running on top of Ethereum.

No, what's actually running is code in EVM. Solidity is one of the languages that compile to evm. There are like 5 others.

>This doesn't even make any fucking sense in context.

There's no 'ethereum codebase'. Ethereum is a protocol.

>meaning you can compile dApps from any language onto Cardano. You can't do that with Ethereum, you ether write it in Solidity, which is fucking garbage, or you use something better, like Cardano.

Finally, I knew you don't have a clue how ethereum works and that's the conclusive proof. Try to learn the basics before you try to bash something.

>> No.6305544
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>> No.6305798
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>> No.6305878

this guy fucks

>> No.6305903

>A real question: Why buy ADA instead of REQ?

>> No.6306257

so like now?

>> No.6306382


anon can you school me up a little bit on what ways an ethereum node compiled in haskell and a cardano node are similar and different? it's cool if no

>> No.6306603

>tfw we will one day see cardano overtake ethereum

>> No.6306615 [DELETED] 

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