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628554 No.628554 [Reply] [Original]

Tips to pass the time at wageslave job? It's so hard... the hours are slow

>> No.628557

take a tar bath and just go to sleep. on the off chance that someone bothers you just yell das racis.

>> No.628565


go to the bathroom and smoke lots of weed, remember the eye drops and look around the store or whatever

>> No.628575

Get a book

>> No.628578

>working at a job you hate

either change jobs or kill yourself

>> No.628579

You obviously have access to a computer.

If you can't keep yourself occupied with the fucking world at your fingertips, you should pretty much an hero.

>> No.628581

Do something productive. When I have down time at work I learn German.

>> No.628593

Can you listen to audiobooks? Learn new skills on the computer or your phone.

>> No.628611

Go to bathroom and sleep.

>> No.628612


> alcohol

> weed

>> No.628632

Imagine what it would be like to be dead.

>> No.628635

Read a book

>> No.628679

i feel ya bro

i work retail (costco) on the sales floor "helping people"

i take a lot of coke when im working

>> No.628687

You snort coke while making $8 an hour? Doesn't that cost more than what you make?

>> No.628692

do you know anything about costco bro?

i started at $16 and now am maxed at $24 without any promotion

>> No.628696
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>$16 starting
What the fuck nigger? Why am I even in college?

>> No.628699

Costco has some of the highest wages of any retail. They're fantastic to work for apparently.

>> No.628701


OP is probably in bongistan, where they pay 80% of their income in taxes for free health care.

>> No.628715

im the costco cokeman and i live in new york

get fucked

>> No.628781

>tfw chemical engineer NOT at a plant
I download a new album every day and listen to it until I like it while I push paper around. My friend downloads comedy albums.

>> No.628783

In college when I was working shit minimum-slave jobs, I would memorize the digits of pi. They didn't want us reading, surfing the web or anything like that, so I literally memorized tons of the digits of pi to pass the time.

I forgot most of it, though.

>> No.628849

Get a job where you sit at a desk.
Then when you get that job use the computer you have at your desk to browse 4chan all day instead of doing the job you were hired to do. It's been working for me for almost 2 years now.

>> No.629389

That is so much money.

>> No.629391


Go to the toilet a lot. Wank while you think about raping your pushy boss's daughter.

>> No.629483

Sleepp with the boss
Bonus points for grill
Super bonus for not fat

>> No.629520
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>fucking plebs in america do $25 an hour
>my pocket money in Russia is $50 a week
Fuck you, I wanna do gram of coke every two hours m8.

>> No.629532

I'm only $14 an hour in 'merica (land of war) and i have a bachelor's in accounting.

>> No.629540

That is the most existentialist comment ever.

>> No.629541

Don't worry Broseph, WW3 soon, it wont matter how much paper you got.

>> No.629555

Umm creepy anon

>> No.629563

Learning programming is a positive feedback loop in corporate neetness. As you learn more you will make your job easier giving you even more time to learn how to make your job easier. You might have to fish the admin password.

>> No.629612

>listen to radio/music
>go pretend to take a shit every house = 10 min break with your phone
>walk around pretending to look for something/someone (did this at my old job, with that and the shit trick i only worked 1/2 of the time)
>go to breaks 5 min before time
>leave 5 min after time
>zone out a lot

>> No.629617

Every hour ofc*

>> No.629631

Listen to podcasts with a bluetooth earbud

>> No.629633

Pickpocket your coworkers

>> No.629717

Ok, that explains it. It is expensive to live in New York.

>> No.629725

>All of these monkeys working retail instead of getting into a specialized trade.
God it's great to be a union man.

>> No.629754


First, find a way to totally relieve yourself of work. I did some beautiful c++ and CSV magic that made my own position obsolete in minutes. I run the macros and that shit does everything in 5 minutes.

I sometimes trade stocks, browse 4chan, listen to music, read books, learn Spanish, or just straight goof off.

>fucking IT Consultant ftw
>the computers practically run themselves

>> No.629792

I did that as a security guard. Literally nothing to do but browse 4chan for 6.5 hours out of the day (night actually).

I wound up reading a lot of books. I tried to work my way through SICP but it was hard and I gave up.

It was hell. You'd think that getting paid minimum wage to be a NEET would be great but eventually it grinds you down. As far as I can tell, there are no long term solutions.

>> No.629830


yeah Costco is nuts man, they pay pretty good with no college degree

but they work you pretty hard, its non stop once you enter the workplace. Also you will be on carts your first 6 months, which is gay as fuck.

>> No.629851


why do union "men" act like such fucking babies all the time?

>> No.629896

Our security guards can't use their computer for anything other than the program that shows our faces when the ids are scanned.

>> No.629970

I work on a computer but it doesn't have Internet hooked up.
Shit literally sucks.
Coworker caught me playing games on it and reported me.
Now I just sit and rot because my job has a lot of downtime.

>> No.629992

I just got a clerical position at a university. In downtime, I could study for my classes, or best case, take the golf cart to drive around the university to get coffee or something.

>> No.630006

this mothafucking thread is from yesterday wtf did I time travel?!