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628219 No.628219 [Reply] [Original]

>graduated with Anthropology degree in 2014
>financial analyst

My job is boring as fuck. Should I go to medical school? I was thinking pathology.

>> No.628221

Not such a useless major after all huh?

>> No.628223



You're telling me I can get hired as a financial analyst w/ my Political science degree?

>> No.628224

Have you tried another job in your field? seems like you throw 5 years of your life pretty quickly.

>> No.628226

It covers much of everything. English, history, economics, psychology. It provides students with critical thinking skills, something the STEM fags can't. All they do is regurgitate what they read out of a book and financial institutions hate them.

>> No.628227

>worth it
Bill Gates and Warren Buffet was a Econ major and is the richest person in the world

>> No.628231


I don't know. I wanted to be a forensic anthropologist but those positions are rare to come by. Figured I could go pathology and still get a position in forensics, since they have a lot of pathologists in forensic research and academics.

>> No.628233


And you think a major defines their success? Both were doing what made them successful far before they ever went to college.

>> No.628253


Bro are you shitting me? Please tell me how you got hired with that degree? Tips etc or other qualifications? Basically tell me everything about your application and job etc. Pls i also have non financial degree

>> No.628264

2 peope out of some hundred thousand econ majors = good idea to major.
goddamn that is the most impressive overgeneralization i have ever seen

>> No.628291

Probably knew someone in the industry. No way this faggot is getting hired right out of school without a business related degree.

>> No.628324

Internships and networking > major

I did 3 internships for banks. Networked with other people while I was there. Finance is a glorified sales job.

Hey you. Please don't fill up my thread with misinformation. 4 of the 7 people on our team have non business related degrees. One was a student athlete. Two were anthropologists including myself. One was a history major. Two in finance, and one in econ. Then our Partner (the boss) was an engineering major.

Glad to see you haven't graduated yet. Hope you make it someday.

>> No.628339

Yeah I know someone with a sociology degree that got hired on with a marketing firm. Not as big of a stretch as op, but you get the point. College is about learning how to approach problems and critical thinking. It's also about making connections/landing internships.

>> No.628370

financial analyst my ass.

To be a truly skilled analyst you basically need to have a CPA and understand all the ins and outs of accounting.

What you do is truly not financial analysis

>> No.628376


You would be surprised. You can make any degree work if you try hard enough.

I personally know politics grads who are in marketing, english literature grads who are BSAs and project managers, history majors who are defence contractors. You name it, I've heard of it.

>> No.628835

>financial analyst

Exchanging one boring as fuck job for another boring as fuck job.

>> No.628852

>something the STEM fags can't

Do you actually believe this?

>> No.628854

Dentistry. /thread