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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 200x200, raiblocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6281606 No.6281606 [Reply] [Original]

>have RaiBlocks
>there is no reward for mining or being part of the network
>want the currency to work and be part of the network without receiving ANYTHING in return, only spending its power of processing for solidarity
>realize you would be much better off holding PoS (even though I don't think most won't be a scam)

Why the hell would you want it to succeeded purely because you want it to without financial returns?
This shit can not work, even though you would be doing this to try to prove to the community that it has value.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.6281803


>> No.6281843


Not controlled by government, so not communism. So you're wrong already.

>there is no reward for mining or being part of the network

the reward is a better world economy, because capitalism is easier

>> No.6281901

>Not controlled by government, so not communism. So you're wrong already.
In communism there is no government, theoretically, you're already wrong here.
>the reward is a better world economy, because capitalism is easier
How is doing things you should be rewarded for free of charge helping create a better world economy?

>> No.6281982

you like the project?
you got a lot of money in the project?
wanna help maintaining the network?
run a node
people seed torrents free of charge too
>muh everything thats made for free or out of goodwill is communism
kys faggot

>> No.6282029

>people seed torrents free of charge too
Yes but torrent seeders are decreasing every day, people don't want to seed it anymore. There should be a reward for seeders them also.

>> No.6282115

listen the muh node problem isnt such a big issue as everyone makes it to be
lets say a store wants to ditch visa and their fucking fee's
lets assume they choose raiblocks it will be in their own interest to run a node for their own security
heck even bitgrail ran the whole 100 million volume on 1 node the only issues that happened was the node crashing
the double spending was never true and just FUD
the network worked fine all the time everytime fuckups happened the exchanges were the culprit

>> No.6282247

What is a retailer that accepts Rai as payment? What is a person who uses Rai as payment? Both of those people have a lot of incentive to run nodes and I would argue a financial incentive in the retailers case

>> No.6282558


> In communism there is no government, theoretically, you're already wrong here.

Only for gift-economy related anarcho-communism, which is non-Marxist.

But this flies in the face of your claims about "rewards".

> How is doing things you should be rewarded for free of charge helping create a better world economy?

The answer should be obvious even to an anarcho-communist (where the idea is that value of work cannot be measured).

Check mate, commie.

>> No.6282630

t. only knows marx from /pol/

>> No.6282718


> Yes but torrent seeders are decreasing every day

Commies don't get macroeconomics. All because seeders are decreasing, doesn't mean there's a problem: people are moving from torrents to usenet (speed), netflix/hbo are becoming more affordable, bandwidth is higher and cheaper, so seeding costs less and is worth more.

>> No.6282797


Communism without state is anarcho-communism. That's the fucking definition. It's non-marxist.

Where do YOU get your wisdoms from?

>> No.6282906

let's creat seedcoin

>> No.6283053



Other incentives for running nodes
- exchanges (deposits/withdrawls)
- wallet sites
- desktop wallets (are nodes when synced)
- railblocks based app sites
- high-volume businesses (to avoid congestion which would interrupt their businesses)
- sites offering micro-payments (same)
- charities (same)

Also, adding incentives is planned.

>> No.6283602
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>Each wallet is a node
>One node can handle 100 million dollar volume


>> No.6283726



>> No.6283777


already exists - upfiring (UFR)

>> No.6283811

If it is free and fast, people will find a way to use it in their everyday lives

They will run nodes. Something as efficient as Raiblocks is not completely obsolete

>> No.6283812

>there is no reward for mining
XRB is unmineable
Read the fucking whitepaper you fucking idiot

>> No.6283838 [DELETED] 
File: 2.97 MB, 1242x1536, IMG_0820_20b058ee-69db-40ca-b0c8-15cb1bb250cc_1024x1024@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its being pumped, dont let op dump his bags on you



>> No.6284117

XRB will dethrone BTC while simultaneously enabling exchange to exchange arbitrage.

>> No.6284881

>top 20, $31 million volume coin is being “pumped”
does your mom know you’re this much of a faggot?

>> No.6285393

I have not seen fudders get more BTFO than raiblocks fudders. Every XRB FUD thread gets absolutely destroyed, and there aren't a lot of XRB shill threads which means you know it's a legit coin.

Holding XRB is the most comfy.

>> No.6286068

>Only for gift-economy related anarcho-communism, which is non-Marxist.
wew lad
This is Engles (because I know you'll never pick up a book on your own)
> As soon as there is no longer any social class to be held in subjection, as soon as class rule, and the individual struggle for existence based upon our present anarchy in production, with the collisions and excesses arising from these, are removed, nothing more remains to be repressed, and a special repressive force, a state, is no longer necessary. The first act by virtue of which the state really constitutes itself the representative of the whole of society — the taking possession of the means of production in the name of society — this is, at the same time, its last independent act as a state.

>> No.6286215

You are VERY ignorant

>> No.6286905
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>> No.6287113


pretty much this, there will be enough nodes from businesses which accept/use XRB in some way.

>> No.6287229
File: 1.89 MB, 236x224, Wtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In communism there is no government, theoretically, you're already wrong here.

Are we on hippi /leftypol/ or what? Please leave /biz/ right now.

>> No.6287503

Communism is a politcal theory you literal brainlet. Marx died before the USSR was even a thing. Countries run by communist leaders are totalitarian socialism in practice every single time. There was supposed to be a middle ground in between capitalism and communism called socialism. That is the proper form of government to help bring us to communism. But socialism (aka the state owns the means of production) and communism (there is no need for state ownership because the people own the means of production) are two completely different systems. Jesus Christ you don't have to be a commie to appreciate political theory.

>> No.6287748

Who give a shit about the *theory* in politic when you know it always end differently?

Please go back to /pol/ or /leftypol/ and stop comparing cryptocurrencies with a political ideals, it's two things completely different.

>> No.6287804
File: 70 KB, 1170x742, 1509342666404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who give a shit about the *theory* in politic
Someone with an education

>> No.6287939

Or a poltard who is a new on /biz/.

>> No.6288190
File: 2.11 MB, 330x166, 1511856700126.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, a /pol/tard with a nuanced understanding of Marx and Engles kek. You are really making yourself look brilliant here. Got any other off topic nonsense to regurgitate onto /biz/?
Unironically go ask these questions on /lit/ if you want to not sound like a literal brainlet next time you open your mouth; about 25% of those faggots actually read unlike the 5% here and 0% on /pol/.

>> No.6288308
File: 6 KB, 294x200, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got any other off topic nonsense to regurgitate onto /biz/?
>RaiBlocks is communism

>> No.6288440
File: 139 KB, 602x460, 1506761727883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he's talking to OP
Are you feeling OK? I think you may be suffering from symptoms of a stroke. If you smell burning toast please call 911 immediately.

>> No.6288577

Ah, didn't see.

I won't call 911 because I am not American. I live in a place which is full of leftists and communists. I just find it hilarious when Anglos talk about communism, it's like virgins talking girls.

>> No.6289081

To call xrb communistic is farfetched. It is the most decentralised crypto out there and it’s what crypto was meant to be. The CEO Colin already said he is developing incentives to run nodes u fucking idiot, get your facts straight.

>> No.6289600

>incentives to run nodes
Like, rewards?

>> No.6289704
File: 2.00 MB, 245x207, 1508664011456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no government in communism
>everyone will just give up want they earn voluntarily

>> No.6289821

I know fucking retards stop focusing on this shit

thanks for derailing the thread with your ignorance

>> No.6289930

some of you fucks need to get out of the basement