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6278215 No.6278215 [Reply] [Original]

What can I do to get over this cold faster, /biz/? I am missing out on all these gains because I can barely function. I feel fucking awful, need to be fixed fast.

>> No.6278328

lots of water
hot water/tea with lemon+honey
blow ur nose faggot
hock some loogies
cold medicine

go to sleep

>> No.6278371

Im in your position too but I keep buying the dip anyway

>> No.6278391

get some dank raw honey eat a bunch of it. also acv

>> No.6278409


>> No.6278453


keep it up anon
gains won't happen alone

>> No.6278479

water, vitamin c, wrap up in a blanket.. sweat your balls off, hot shower, repeat.

if you feel pukey... use milk or icecream
it comes up really easy...

all i had was fucking salted popcorn and tap water to survive that shit....

>> No.6278792

500mg vitamin c twice a day

>> No.6279300


Make gains.
I got a nasty cold on new years and doubled my capital in the following week while drinking tea and staying in bad. Have not felt that good while being sick in a long time

>> No.6279415

It is not for goyims.
Goyims are only allowed to cope with the symptoms.

>> No.6279508

Nothing you can do now. Just get off your PC, sleep a lot and drink hot beverage. When you get out of it, then start to work out, eat and live healthy. Won't get sick as much and will get over cold way faster.

>> No.6279938

Im a nice goy so give me your crypto and I'll day trade for you and then I'll give them back to you after you get better

>> No.6280257

stop eating, start fasting, drink lemon water, take oil of oregano, de-stress, sleep, you be better