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File: 4 KB, 400x400, 1503481570_analysis-of-salt-lending-ico-blockchain-backed-loans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6276258 No.6276258 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone worth their salt would know how valuable
this crypto is in the community we are in. The team themselves know Salt will reach up to 25 dollars or more.

>> No.6276308

dont have a good feeling about it

>> No.6276543

It's going to take time. Salt is meant for long-term hold. Many people feel the same way that Salt won't be good in the future but that's because they don't have have much marketing due to them being in an infant state. SALT already has a working product and they are at a good time to buy.

>> No.6276932

i gave up on this coin. it didnt even reach the buy up to price which was shilled by PBC. i should've sold at 120k, but since the small pump from pbc i just sold at 105k since this shit just keeps dropping.

whales have a great use for this for sure, but they can just buy those bags cheap from us hodling this.

>> No.6276945

Good idea but heard a lot of whales are actively dumping

>> No.6276991




>> No.6277044

good luck with ur bags

>> No.6277057

That's why you need to hold longer. It's not too late to go in. PBG likes this coin and they haven't told us to sell it yet.

>> No.6277102


Yeah why pump the price when you can dump it stupidly low and arbitrage. Bit of an oversight on the developers behalf there.

Realistically the only guys risking large loans are the guys with serious collateral to back it up, aka Whales. They're going to dump their bags and oppress the price as much and as long as possible so they clear as many loans as possible.

Also you can't immediately use the tokens, there's a period at the start of the loan term where you can't pay with SALT.

This is actually a legit project with a working product but there is no benefit to holding it at the moment, sure if you want a relatively safe long play then go for it but I can't see this going 2x for months. Opportunity cost of that is huge. I'd focus on getting yourself into a position where you can actually use the platform and benefit from the lower market price of the token.

>> No.6277103
File: 46 KB, 800x449, 1513627974555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bags

we are the SALT marines and we're not selling

united we HODL, divided we sell

if I didn't buy this piece of S**T at 7$ I would've already solved a sudoku puzzle

bags are so heavy I would feel bad just giving it to someone else, I'd rather keep my karma balance up

>> No.6277136

this coin is guranteed gains not to mention its already worth 27.5$ each on the platform. This coin can hit 100$ easily.

>> No.6277166


Yeah but read:


>> No.6277197

pretty much also my opinion. whales supress the price very successfully and got me also. still made x2.5 profit. in the very long term it will rise but any other legit crypto will do better. its just not worth it (except for whales which couldnt wish for a better coin)

>> No.6277260


This the stuff that we get from non-VEN holders

>> No.6277274

Horrible investment
Awesome product tho cant wait to use it

>> No.6277283

What is this vapor wave bullshit I see before me.

>> No.6277489

Its guranteed long term gains. The same cant be said for the majority of coins out there.

>> No.6277798


With cryptos current market cap there is limited time before stagnation and declination of growth rates occur. Therefore unless you're sitting on 200k upwards you'd be better off going for coins with more risk but higher reward, at least for the first half of this year anyways. We only have a year or two to make it before regulation and predominately the market cap slows growth. There's only so much money out there and once crypto becomes truly institutionalised as is starting, the average investors will have little effect on the market. This means stability but it also means less ROI.

Salts worth having a small chunk of your portfolio in as a safe fallback for sure but I truly think it'd be unwise to place all your hopes on this when there are so many opportunities available to us.

>> No.6277878

Agreed OP, coins seems pretty undervalued for a working project with actual use, if coins which are all whitepaper with no working product like IOTA can make top 10, salt should easily reach top 20 by year end

>> No.6278055

the nature is completely different with SALT from any other coin. if it weren't it would be close to the value at their website.

you will most likely not lose money with it, but more likely get steady gains but in the VERY long term (speaking of 2 digit months, if crypto exists like this by there)

>> No.6278262


>> No.6278463
File: 261 KB, 1680x1084, haejin salt TA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

palm beach research shilled them this week meaning they probably have some news coming out soon (or already had??)

and this TA from a pretty trusted analyst said that said SALT is going to moon soon. probably not a bad buy.