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6274506 No.6274506 [Reply] [Original]

I get the ethical arguments against ripple of being centralized and essentially the antithesis of what made people excited about crypto currency in the first place, but on the other side of things, is it really ethical to support a currency that is used for illicit acts like bitcoin is?

>> No.6274556

is it really ethical to support a currency that was designed to be difficult for females to use?

>> No.6274575

who gives a shit about ethics

the more pressing fact of the matter is that XRP doesn't actually relate to Ripple at all despite Ripple holding the majority of the coins
furthermore, Ripple can alter or sell or fuck around with XRP at their leisure

if you bought XRP I hate you and you deserve poverty

>> No.6274609

Stupid argument, fiat is used in illicit acts all the time, but you have no problem using that now do you?

>> No.6274614

Cash has been used for illicit purposes, yet you and your parents used it anyway

>> No.6274638

>brown eyes
Sad, she’s almost beautiful

>> No.6274646

you DON'T get the ethical argument tho.

A coin that stores trust and identity is morally superior to all currency out there. That's because there is no true trust-less coin ATM.

>> No.6274672
File: 138 KB, 1750x1003, IMG_20180109_225055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xrp is superior.

>> No.6274745


Why do you care? Are you afraid of XRP?


Honestly fuck morals, learn to adapt. Of it makes you money great if not you were warned.


>> No.6274801


>> No.6274854

Insta - botheredlatina lmao

>> No.6274884

wait until people figure out you can dupe ripple tokens...shhhhhhhhhh.
it's already being done.
also sage.


>> No.6274927

LMAO. most of the betacucks will be drained and going bankrupt with those gurlss

>> No.6275129

XRP shouldn't honestly be in competition with crypto as its more or less just a complete fucking upgrade to fiat rather than a replacement.

If XRP were to get on coinbase and if it had a Visa Debit card it would completely destroy pay pal. It would also automate the entire banking establishment causing massive layoffs and change everything about everything they can do and get away with cucking themselves hard as hell while also increasing profit margins and being able to survive in a world where other cryptos would have normally stomped everything in its path.

XRP is a different beast.

>> No.6275218

is it ethical to support free market capitalism, i guess is what you are trying to ask.

either you are for ponzis and getting wealthy at the expense of others or you are a beta cuck communist. theres no in between and clearly you are either a cuck or a roastie because no chad would be against satoshis vision

>> No.6275312


kill yourself crippled bagshitter

>> No.6276005

It's not only OK to use a currency used for illicit acts, it's virtuous. The purpose of currency is to facilitate exchange of value. There is never any scenario in which the absence of free exchange is good. Open your eyes, targeting the illicit acts is the logical solution to this problem, and it is entirely doable if there's an actual will to do so. The money laundering argument against bitcoin/cryptos is just a talking point from money launderers (bankers) who don't want their monopoly threatened.