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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6270722 No.6270722 [Reply] [Original]


But but my working product? How the fuck you have working product without blockchain? How is the transactions being put on ledger/chain if noone is mining or staking blockchain??
And lets not talk about fanatic chink loving shills that spam all forums with no critic thought.
Bought it ironically at 49.$ because everything on binance pumps, but you bet your ass i have stop loss set up for when this overinflated coin bursts

>> No.6270976

Just imagine the hype when we actually have wallet, whitepaper and blockchain.

>> No.6271084
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there is a blockchain that is private right now being used it goes public in June also see the latest article on twitter and Sunny's AMA it can scale up to 10,000 transactions per second. Raiblocks the supposed holy grail can only do 7000 TPS

>> No.6271298

They promise so much, like now we can run ico, and 10k tx pr sec..... I believe the hype when they present any evidence. Also what do they mean with centralize decentralization?? So it is centralized?

>> No.6271299
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Also we always knew the wallet and public blockchain goes live in Q2

>> No.6271433
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they have always under promised and overdelivered if you have been following the project. Trust me when I say the crypto world has never seen anything like Vechain. They are trying to find a balance between centralization and decentralization. The vechain foundation being the centralized part to put some order to the chaos of pure decentralization. Allowing enterprise's and Fortune 500 companies to benefit while still allowing the people and node holders to benefit and vote. This is why you don't see Microsoft buying and using ethereum or any big enterprises using etheruem for that matter. This economic model was worked through thoroughly for 100's of hours with PwC to bring maximum benefit to everyone and setting a high standard for ICOs and Dapps. Not crypto kitties and scam tokens.

>> No.6272155
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bump this is from the PwC innovation center in Shanghai featuring Vechain. I had to cut it off because the file size is too large.

>> No.6272255


>> No.6272375
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You still there OP?

>> No.6272751

Waltoncucks out.

>> No.6273316
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waltoncucks BTFO. SILENCE FROM OP AND THE DOUBTERS. /biz/ buying vechain is going to be at atheneums market cap one day. ETH went from 10-1300$ in one year. Buying VEN now is equivalent to buying ETH at 18$ at VENs current market cap. Don't miss the fucking boat.