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File: 326 KB, 765x511, Chink Moon Mission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6265609 No.6265609 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder... You are on a sinking ship named DBC.

If you aren't holding CAN you are a massive faggot. But let's talk about CANYA for a second, gay name right? What does it do anon you ask?

It fucking moons, it is newly released on Kucoin. If anyone knows anything about Kucoin.... every new coin on their has its moon day. Sometimes several

CAN has NOT mooned yet, just been tanking through all sorts of fire from the market fuckery atm.

Sell your DBC bags, that coin is long over.... trust me ... i know this. Get over CAN, MOON is IMMINENT either tonight or tomorrow

You have been warned

>> No.6265640

Enjoy your CAN bags

>> No.6265641

Still a DBC bag holder, selling at 50 cents.

>> No.6265662

the shilling on this sucks
>everything moons on kucoin and this hasnt yet!

>> No.6265702

but DBC hasn't mooned yet either

>> No.6265727

I'm sorry, not enough AI meme for you? Moron, this coin is already a working product. Not vaporware. You have been cucked into DBC, and i was one of the main shillers a week ago of that very coin.

It...will...fucking...moon. That is 100%
Needs a little momentum

>> No.6265728

I'll give you 0.5 btc if this isn't back at 60 cents by eow

>> No.6265755

Lol DBC hasnt moon either you cock sucker. This is the dumbest shill ever. The FUD is over for DBC, the whales are going back in and its doubling by the end of tomorrow.

Every coin thats ever been advertised on an exchange PLUMMETS. Enjoy inflating the price for the idiots already in it trying to get out.

>> No.6265786

thanks bought 100k
your shilling still sucks

>> No.6265804

um DBC has had mini moons moron
It didn't happen right away... it took a while for it to get there. Almost the same trend as CAN

I was in that coin since 8 cents RETARD. It wasn't doing shit in the beginning.

Can will have the same rise, better to get in cheap.

>> No.6265863
File: 42 KB, 225x225, 2017-08-30_17.47.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6265878

Is it 100% or does it need some momentum, fag

>> No.6265917

lul I'll take that bet. Isn't there a crypto that mediates this type of shit?

>> No.6265923

yesterday it was up 50%... as well as the day before. Today it is having a little correction.

If dbc cucks would move over... normies would see buys and swarm the fucking thing. We will see where each coin is in a week, i'll make a thread. Remember me faggot, your coin will stay stagnant, chinks want no part of it .

Huobi proved that, and i called it a week before. This coin has so much room to grow... facts

>> No.6265972

>assumes i have DBC
>assumes i dont have CAN
anon, you're an ass and terrible shiller. Go back to your discord and find someone new. I need these can bags to make me money and youre draining the life out of this

>> No.6265992

So you are relying on DBC cucks to make your coin move while at the same time bashing them? Seems smart.

>> No.6266023

Easy 3x in two weeks

>> No.6266029

Sorry, pretty new to shilling... not really my thing
All i know is
>new release
>Moon within a week
every time

sell the top for all i care, i don't plan to stay with this long term. I hope you don't with DBC lmao. There are so many better holds than DBcuck

>> No.6266084
File: 212 KB, 1920x1080, dbc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DBC before it mooned

>> No.6266087

explain why the coin is the shit
use big words that make normies excited
relate it to some other huge market that this can be a part of
talk about its current partnerships and how it just acquired a bunch of new people
then go onto how kucoin blows shit up
talk about lambos
also, don't call everyone that slightly disagrees with you moron and retard
go on, anon, with your new knowledge, and make me money

>> No.6266133
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, canbull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CAN now

Which one do you think is a better buy now? Which has been more pumped already? Which is more likely to be oversold and ready to dip? Do you like selling high and buying low, then going back up high again?

>> No.6266137

heeeey that looks like the candle I bought in at

>> No.6266193

I honestly have DBC and CAN
I would assume DBC would moon again first just because it's sub a dollar. Unless can starts getting wild and mooning out the ass, normies never buy shit over a dollar. I think youll catch a 2x out of DBC before CAN
I could be horribly wrong though

>> No.6266206

ty senpai
TY lad

I'll give DBC holders credit, they are willing to ride that bitch down to hell if needed. Someone shilled it well

>> No.6266291

The trade competition they running is ducking up the price.

>> No.6266293

honestly bro, this gets shilled enough here. Im nearly positive its on a discord group the way its so slammed around here. Just leave it to them, and hype their threads. It'll be fine there.

>> No.6266297

What is canya circulating supply / market cap

>> No.6266321
File: 1.73 MB, 1303x1842, __miyamizu_mitsuha_and_tachibana_taki_kimi_no_na_wa_drawn_by_ranma_kamenrideroz__e132c4450ef26a9c5ec083d976d4ee53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, guyz.
Eggspain this to me:

> task publisher pays miners with GAS 30% of their effort
> miners compute the task and receive the GAS reward + DBC tokens
> tokens are supposed to cover 70% of their effort after being realise

What is the point of owning DBC?
If you want to pay for your AI task, you pay in GAS
If you mined DBC, the only thing you can do is sell it.

How the chain sets its 30/70 payout faction? What if DBC gets dirt cheap and selling it won't cover an iota of my effort? Will GAS price for publishers rise?

This payout system screams fishy to me. Plz, tell me where I am wrong

>> No.6266401

I trade around all day to increase my sats. Then at the end of the day, I go back into DBC. I wake up a little bit richer