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6261764 No.6261764 [Reply] [Original]


i downloaded delta, but damn i don't want to transfer all my trades over 1 by 1.

is delta really that much better? why?

>> No.6262208

Just do it pussy

>> No.6262427

It's way better. Trust me.

Look at how many folio threads now have Delta instead. Blockfolio lags way too much and looks like shit.

>> No.6262450

Delta sucks
it tells you the wrong prices

>> No.6262754
File: 34 KB, 300x300, 3aAhc3mlA6FSGEWPJ-IBbu5bcxlzUBdnPj2GKF5HkWdHqMjot_CLnTgui-7r8YAemDo=w300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither. Get Cryptonaut

>> No.6263053

At least delta can load charts. or prices. or anything. Blockfelatio has been broken for weeks.

>> No.6263365

it's working now
and actually tells me the right price

>> No.6263403

>He doesn't set the market
If you keep it at global average of course you're going to get wrong prices.

>> No.6263424

I have everything I have set to Binance and it still always tells me the wrong thing

>> No.6263509

Blah, Delta sucks and is being astroturfed by paid shillers (companies are using biz to advertise and thats just so fucking lame). Bfolio is like bitcoin, its old tech but still the best.

>> No.6263533
File: 79 KB, 640x837, up29ebD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i downloaded delta, but damn i don't want to transfer all my trades over 1 by 1.

At least with Delta you only have to do this once and then the shit is synced. Blockfolio is literally only a local copy that CANNOT EVEN BE BACKED UP.

Seriously if your phone craps out, even if you restore your blockfolio is gone

>> No.6263558

my phone crapped out and I restored it an everything was fine

>> No.6263606


i like that all the coins are on 1 page, watch and ones i have money in.

>> No.6263643

fake news. blockfolio is running as it should. your phone is stupid lmao

>> No.6263697

I lost all data and the fuckers cant even restore it

>> No.6263704

started with both, haven't keep blockfolio updated in ages, nuf sed

>> No.6263832

its not there to look pretty
delta is eye candy over functionality
in blockfolio i can instantly see how many lambos i can buy at any given time. in delta it takes moments too long, moments that i could spend jacking off.

>> No.6263845

I’m sick of these threads.


Fuck off delta shills

>> No.6263876

Cryptopro master race.

>> No.6263957

>can't even show my entire portfolio in one screenshot even in "minimal" mode

>can decrease the text size so my portfolio fits on the screen

>> No.6264141

I like both, but blockfolio, when it works, tends to be more accurate with prices though

>> No.6264510

>open blockfolio
>cool it works
>if it doesn't work, open delta

Boy this sure is hard

>> No.6264692

Is there an app where you can simply enter API keys and have it figure out everything by itself through your trade history?

If not, should I make it?