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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 460x318, catastrophicloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6258029 No.6258029 [Reply] [Original]

How much did everyone lose?

I went from 23k to 18k

>> No.6258086

and you probably went from 12k to 23k since late December. Scroll your graphs out boys.

>> No.6258154

I had 30k yesterday
I now have 13k
should've tethered up or cashed out on bitflur when I had the fucking chance

>> No.6258169

$52K to $36K annnnnd falling.

My initial investment was $7000 so I'm just going to sit tight...

>> No.6258178

basically 50% link/ven. went from 18 to 13.5

>> No.6258181

Went from 30K yesterday to 60K usdt 5 hours ago

>> No.6258182

brainlet here, made $1300 into $5000 as of last week, now its probably aobut $3500-4000

lost a few hundred in the last few hours but i have a grand floating in USD ready to buy btc as its falling so when the bounce comes ive got profit

>> No.6258219

Went from 18 to 13k.

Glad to know I have miserable company

>> No.6258252

what the hell went down over 50%?

>> No.6258259

9 to 6k and idk if it’s even getting stared.

>> No.6258264

56k->39k. Started with 10k so I'm not that upset but I'm certainly not happy.

>> No.6258269

$30K invested, just dropped from $55k to $41k. I want to die right now

>> No.6258277

90k to 80k
was hoping to hit 6-figures

>> No.6258307

you faggots weren't part of the chinkening in sept were you?

>> No.6258318

About 23k, bought some cheap crap n back to bed, less shits could not be given here. To all you noobs out there, don't shoot yourself in the foot by selling, thank me later

>> No.6258325

Cmc knew ahead of time wtf

>> No.6258342


>> No.6258376

3300 to 2000.

>> No.6258403
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$250k to $215k. 15%. Expecting 35% max.

>> No.6258446

10k to 5k

Owe please someone help me I can't see anymore. It's getting dark so dark. My gains my gains my gains my ga

>> No.6258505
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100k to 70k


>> No.6258510

24 hour change: $103k

>> No.6258535

75k to 51k in the span of a fucking hour

>> No.6258550

120k to 78k and it's still falling...

>> No.6258553

Down 40k and counting

>> No.6258563

82k-59k. Btc value only down a bit though.

>> No.6258584

5 to 4, reading this thread makes me feel comparably comfy

>> No.6258589

6k to 4k
fucking sucks anon

>> No.6258597

I dropped 60% in the last 3 days. Got fucked by holding DBC instead of selling at ATH. Stable now, I tethered up.

>> No.6258602

20k to 13.5k
I will just block binance and blackfolio, I can't keep looking at this.

>> No.6258618

55 to 47k. Acceptable losses.

>> No.6258639

230 ---> 180!! in like 25 minutes

>> No.6258661

305k to 205k. All in ICX.

>> No.6258677

I've seen a lot of different markets been on both sides of it

the pain is only starting, the real fear and realization is kicking in, happens with everything crypto was nothing special

I'd expect 90% pullback then it lives or dies depending on real world applications

>> No.6258689

same, 90K to 75K, not worried at all though I've been here long enough to know we'll survive

>> No.6258714

from 85 to 58

>> No.6258721

2600 to 1400

I was counting on this for bills next month :-/

>> No.6258724

From 6k to 4.5k.

I'm all in ZRX tho so I feel p confident in coming back stronger than ever. I expect at least 8k by the end of the next week.

>> No.6258740
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12% down, weeeee

Gonna buy more asap.

>> No.6258749

15k to 11.5k so fast i fucking lol'd when i saw it

>> No.6258768

down 52k, idgaf

>> No.6258769

Down 35K today feelsbadman. Still well above my initial investment so I've got that going for me which is nice.

>> No.6258780

19K to 12K-still up like 3x though

>> No.6258782
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52.5K to 38.6K

>> No.6258784

40k to 30k

>> No.6258786

66k to 41kk.

But you boys know this is happens every so often and now is the time to double down. The market has done this before and will do it again. Would not be remotely surprised to be back up to 80k in two weeks.

>> No.6258800

90k to 60k currently
buying as many chinese coins as i can currently

>> No.6258806

I went from 3.7k to 3.2k, wouldn't mind it too much if it wasn't slowly falling further

>> No.6258823
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5.3k to 3.8k, making the money was easy, no one told me the hard part was keeping it

>> No.6258836

tfw no capital to buy my stinky linkies

>> No.6258858

100 to 65k

>> No.6258877

Damn, just when I thought I was going to recover my stack, news come of SK banning crypto that send the markets to a death spiral.

>> No.6258879
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Still up 400% in less than a month lol.

>> No.6258892

130k to 100k

>> No.6258899

Still dropping though
It seems that lower-volume and lower-mc coins take longer to react to general market changes.
I'm not worried either thought since I've already cashed out my initial investment times 15 to usd so even if it all goes 0 i probably won't kill myself

>> No.6258906
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I went from 20 bucks to 15
Kill me now

>> No.6258920

5k to 3.4k (lowest point)
i might be poor but these bags are mine

>> No.6258923


50k to 41k

>> No.6258927

I kept switching between ETH and BTC and fucked up somewhere

>> No.6258930

1400 to 600, lol. I'm poor as fuck.

>> No.6258939
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from 370k to 300k

>> No.6258941

Aww man but which ones theres so many chinese coins

>> No.6258950

5.4 to 3.1 here

>> No.6258951

I went from 25k last week to 9k tonight. TRX, XLM, DBC, BAT, FUN. I'm not selling anything until next month.

>> No.6258954

Holy shit are you me ? I went thru the same loss

>> No.6258959

that's cos you bought less that a month ago noob

>> No.6258968

Mostly in XRB. Dropped from ~22k to 15k (so far). Started with 1k in June. We'll recover.

>> No.6258987

went from 26k to 18k
I picked a good day to start drinking again

>> No.6258999

Lose? I didn't lose anything.

The fiat in my bank account still reads the same number, and I still have the same number of coins (ok, except I gave away 4 skycoin).

You only "lose" anything if you make some stupid move.

Watch, I'll have MORE coins before this is over. and my bank account will still be exactly the same.

>> No.6259001
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It hurts.

>> No.6259008

47k to 45k but I increased my skellies

>> No.6259021

Official Theme of /biz/


>> No.6259050

i'm on the phone w/ the suicide hotline rn

>> No.6259061

70k to 50k
I ain't worried though, I seen this shit before

>> No.6259091

Lost $250usd and counting

>> No.6259100

35k turned into 26k


>> No.6259101


Yea so? Its just a little dip. Hope you didnt invest money you couldnt afford to lose.

Protip: shouldve bought a shitload of ven yesterday like i did

>> No.6259111

24k to 16k

>> No.6259149

5600 to 2900
initial investment was 800 though so

>> No.6259150

650k to 450k

Not even flinching about it. A month ago my portfolio was only 120k. In a month it'll prob be around 1 mil.

Dont be a cuck and sell. Invest in coins you truly believe in. Dont invest what you dont have/ cant afford to lose.

Its pretty simple.

>> No.6259154

205k to 160k

>> No.6259169

I went fro $25.00 to $22.92
how will i ever recover?

>> No.6259193

lmfao i wanna call them just for shits
probably some wage slave liberal female who has to pretend that a fairly well off white man like me is having a hard time making 90x gains instead of the 100x lmfao

>> No.6259214

7.5K to 5.8K

>> No.6259230

A-anon you may want to check the charts.

>> No.6259239

What you holding for a mil bro? Hope you make it

>> No.6259248

2k to 800.

I'm already poor, so idk if I feel anything.

>> No.6259259


3k to 800 usd.

that hodling sensation !

>> No.6259314

21k to 12k

does anybody have any good sad and depressing crash music recommendations

>> No.6259326

38k to 19k in the last 4 days. Fml

>> No.6259338

11k to 7.5k

>> No.6259355
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Portfolio down about 30k
I feel alive boys

>> No.6259408

400k so far.

excited to see how low it can go!

>> No.6259442

Thanks anon, I hope we all do.

Im holding link,req,qsp,xlm,ada, and neo

>> No.6259473

2k to 1.3k
Feels bad when you are a poorfag that turned 800 into 3000 3 weeks ago and now im getting raped cunt

>> No.6259483



>> No.6259487
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>> No.6259530


thank you anon :(

>> No.6259542

9k 3 days ago
6k today

I was gonna cash out $500 when I got to $10k...oh well, guess it has to wait

>> No.6259543

I feel you. Started with 500, got it to about 1400 (+- a couple hundred), and now I'm down to fucking 600. Being poor sucks, just let me win

>> No.6259577



>> No.6259582
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in satoshi, I went from 0.1 to 0.67. That night before the first crash I thought it was crazy I had 1/10th of a bitcoin since gox...

Guess even 0.1 was too good to be true.

>> No.6259634


>> No.6259641


Damn, that xlm probably has you desensitized to the feels lol. I got a big bag of it too. I probly need to get back into neo

>> No.6259651


>> No.6259734
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1.4M to 1M, bounced back to 1.2M

>> No.6259760
File: 3.82 MB, 4032x3024, 20171210_200247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

210k to 150k over the last 3 days. I need to lesrn to start locking in profits so I don't end up like tbe picture.

>> No.6259775

$50k turned back into $23k...

Feels brutal...

>> No.6259787

What's tether

>> No.6259798

haha, I got in at 0.17 so its still pretty comfty. When fairx shows up its going to be massive. Honestly all of these coins are going to be massive. Thats why I dont worry about the dips at all cause Im not planning on selling for at least a year anyway.

>> No.6259842

I got in at the same level, not worried. Good long term hold.

>> No.6259900

36k to 27k and not worried at all.

>> No.6259918

Literally tree fiddy

>> No.6259976

I got into XLM at $0.18, so I’m not feeling bad about it either. It’ll rocket up again at some point. Gotta let the snake warm back up for awhile...

>> No.6260017

assuming youve been in the ag ame a long time to make that much, do these crashes even affect you anymore like 200k is a lot to be down but are u just like meh. or

>> No.6260042

Went from $700 to $550.

I just wanted to get to $2000 so I could at least take out my initial investment of $500...

>> No.6260057

Precisely! Patience is everything in this game

>> No.6260081

You should record this convo and upload with your face and social media info

>> No.6260084
File: 24 KB, 652x202, Screen Shot 2018-01-10 at 8.39.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all in due to icx mainnet launch. will I recover from this shotload bags

>> No.6260088

great coin, about to moonshot
buy now or stay poor

>> No.6260121

50k to 39k in about 15 minutes, now back to 43k and slowly recovering

>> No.6260132
File: 2.85 MB, 1554x1807, neo not selling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

190k to about 165k. Back up to 170k and holding steady for the last few minutes. All in on NEO and I'm up almost 100k since last month so idgaf. Hodling strong.

>> No.6260143
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why what happened? wouldn't a launch cause a price increase or did the launch fail?

>> No.6260196

15k to 13k
Oh right thats because bitcoin went down and I took profits on my alts like a smart person would

>> No.6260253

>Yesterday check my ICX
>40 minutes ago check my ICX
>go to gas station and get shitty food check ICX again

>> No.6260254

My uncle lost about $600k during the last two days. Still up though.

>> No.6260301

$24k to $20k .. silently raging as i wagecuck

>> No.6260306


Since a high of 7k on Sunday, hit 4500 for a bit about half hour ago

>> No.6260327

30k to 12k. Back up to 19k now. Got JUSTED but bought more on the dip.

>> No.6260350

Update, it has already recoverd to 49k. I think we're all gonna be just fine.

>> No.6260369
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>mfw you've been in crypto long enough to know this is just a sale

>> No.6260435

12k down to 9k back to 11.5k
Has the dip finished already?

>> No.6260483

>I like this

>> No.6260496

Investing 101: You don't lose or gain shit unless you cash out

That said my portfolio is down about 40k

>> No.6260504


>> No.6260522

I'm down 2k should I sell??

>> No.6260537

Vechain. May god give a toilet to the pajeet that shilled me this.

>> No.6260539

At 38k I'm up 2% from yesterday. And up nearly 10% in sats. Only learnt there was a dip since coming in here.

>> No.6260558

I know a girl I used to go to school with who does this. Can confirm she is that exact stereotype

>> No.6260565

11 to 9 wooptiedoo

>> No.6260568

I dropped $25k then went back up $15.

>> No.6260577
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Pretty stable here. It has already recovered as I was typing this.

>> No.6260619


Was at 32 grand. Tethered up at 29 and good thing too or else I'd be down to 25 now. What a blood bath. Going to sleep on this and buy back in at a discount when this blows over.

>> No.6260653

$350k to $290k

>> No.6260666

$43k to $32k at the worst

>> No.6260708
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>when you feared a crash today and had everything in tether hours before the crash

>> No.6260731

Down to 73k from 98k back to 83k

>> No.6260740
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went from $5.1k to $3.6k. Feels bad.

>> No.6260744

85k to 75k

>> No.6260786


>> No.6260790

I didn't lose anything because I've been here more than 5 days and am not a weak handed cucked faggot.

>> No.6260802

Not the same guy, but have multi-million.

My initial investment was only $12k so it really doesn't affect me. Losing 100k+ sucks and I'd be sad, but I'm leaps and bounds above where I started. I can also afford to lose $12k so NBD.

>> No.6260813

400 peak to 172 now.

>> No.6260882
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Remember newfags
>never panic sell for loss

>> No.6260889
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>> No.6261017

I got in around .30 and had a bad feeling and got out around .8. Lucky as fuck really, started moving back in at <.60

>> No.6261026

And just recovered 200k in the time it took to type that response.

This rollercoaster is a white knuckle thrill ride!

>> No.6261069

NLG didn't budge

>> No.6261097

Theyd rather have a nice street

>> No.6261101

10k to fucking 20$..I'm so fucked

>> No.6261152


I lost about 300k but already climbing back up. No complaints.

>> No.6261160
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130$ to 100$
For once it feels good to be poor

>> No.6261163

21.7 -> 19.5, not as bad as some people here but i'm scared as fuck now

>> No.6261217


>> No.6261219

I'm just starting. Is it smart to invest in Alts that are 100% up over 7 days, 20% down over 24 hours, and 10% up over the last hour? Thinking about picking 10 random coins to do that with a couple hundred dollars each.

>> No.6261230


I went to get a fudge pop and was back to where I was. Food is key during panic sell-offs

>> No.6261236

The fuck did you do? Panic sell everything? Buy on margin?

>> No.6261320

i feel bad for everyone who had stop loss orders set

>> No.6261344

510K to 312K back to 480K in like 10minutes.

>> No.6261400

explain. now.

>> No.6261415

Half panic sold half all of my coins were falling while I was at work (like a cuck) so I couldnt at least held on to some of my money

>> No.6261427

yeah whoever crashed it was definitely counting on tripping every stop loss on the way down. BTC losing $2k in like 5 seconds what the hell

>> No.6261445

£900 to £400. Any generous whales want to make my year? Worth a try :(

>> No.6261509

138k to ~120k

>> No.6261576

Christ man...balls of steel

>> No.6261585

wait, buying high and selling low doesn't work?

>> No.6261661

once you've done it enough times, it stops phasing you.

People who panic sold, seriously, if you're this emotional, put your shit on a ledger and drive it to a safety deposit box. You're not cut out for this.

>> No.6261675


How do I take advantage and buy the dip when all my coins are taking a shit at once? Yesterday was easy enough when ETH was rise but I'm at a loss how to by the dip when everythings tanking at once.

>> No.6261706
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I guess not

>> No.6261714

$22k to $17.5k
75% of my portfolio is in XRB so it weathered the storm somewhat. It was just the 25% I had in shitcoins that went to...well shit.

Started in December with $2k though, so I'm not hurting too bad.

>> No.6261721

290K to 268K

Tonight I HODL and buy the dip. The retards who panic sell are giving their money to the rest of us.

>> No.6261968

Remember children, even when the market turns you don't take a loss until you sell.

You still have the same number of coins and your life is still the same whether the coin is worth $1 or $10.

>> No.6262086

That's actually good advice. Thanks

>> No.6262505

I'm still down 20% and decreasing.

What the fuck?

>> No.6262655

Started last week with $1900 All in mission on XML. Approaching $900 as we speak.

Not mad at all yet

>> No.6262749

132K to 116K
my initial invest is just $15, started in may
i dont mind losing 90% anyway, coz i already cashed out about 50k
this crash is nothing to worry about

>> No.6263221


>> No.6263780

I'm a poorfag, went from 830 to 640 ;(

>> No.6264029

I was surprisingly calm about it. Guess I've been through enough crashes by now.

>> No.6264053

20k gbp

>> No.6264191
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>not selling
>not losing

>> No.6264236

400k to 260 and now back up to 340

>> No.6264263

Down 3%
Feels good being a linkie

>> No.6264298

From 4900€ to 3200€

>> No.6264360

If you sell you're retarded and should never have gotten into crypto in the first place just hold tight and watch papa bitcoin form the greatest cup and handle in world history

>> No.6264487

That's a big dip in your portfolio. Always diversify

>> No.6264532

depends on the product lunched and if it was all hyped.

>> No.6264666
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>> No.6264703

9.7btc down to 8.3btc, really sucks but my bags are great so time will heal as always

>> No.6264730

I went from like 12k to 9.5k

Really who cares it’s temporary

>> No.6264767

99k to 91k

Was so close to six figures rrrreeeeeeeeee

>> No.6264896

I just fucking woke up. Why everything is falling guys?

>> No.6264975

green here since I bought more and added to my positions also accumulated a ton of eth which will be going into my hodl wallet

>> No.6264980

For sure, you should do it right now.

>> No.6265465

Btc value same

>> No.6265835

what app is that?

>> No.6265913

That's why you always keep some BTC, ETH and/or USDT to rebuy shit on a dip.

>> No.6265943


>> No.6266086

hold anon, you'll be fine. don't put your eggs in one basket next time.
I'm down 1.8% made some money with ETH with the ups and downs.

if you are a huge faggot that loves losing money, then yes. Panic sell with each dip. The rest need to make their profits and that money comes from somewhere.

>> No.6266244

93k to 84k

Ah well. Not worried.

>> No.6266392

62k to 47k.

Not even worried. We've been through this countless times.