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6251776 No.6251776 [Reply] [Original]

I fucked up biz

I started on Dec 20 with 500 bucks. Thought I was good at day trading and turned it into 3500 as of Monday.

Recently I invested in something because I FOMO'd into it. And it plummeted.

I have 1500 left. I haven't been able to function today because I've been staring at the candlestick all day hoping it'll turn around.

So I ask, In a situation like this, Where I wholeheartedly trust the coin and trust the coins team and community. Should I just cut my losses and take the 2000 dollar loss and trade the 1500 until I'm back to where I am or should I just hodl until the day it's supposed to take off and only trade with the 400 that I didn't put in this shit coin.

Please advise biz =(

>> No.6251912

So you bought TRON at ATH? Sell it ASAP!

>> No.6251968

what did you buy

>> No.6252014

Fortunately you're not gambling with money you can't afford to lose, right? You're still up $1000. Why so worried?

>> No.6252028

I bought VIBE before going to bed last night thinking I would wake up to gains.

Worst trade I have ever done in my life. Never buy into a coin at 2am

>> No.6252051


>> No.6252078
File: 13 KB, 400x400, Phoscoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy Phoscoin, PSC. It's in presale. x1000 gains.

>> No.6252112

Just hold . You know how many hundreds of thousands I missed out on . If I just held I would be almost a millionaire. Instead I had to make back money. Now I'm doing great just holding

>> No.6252113

stop day trading all together.

>> No.6252224
File: 56 KB, 904x692, 1469324040422[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LoL hodl now fag, VIBE is your best shot at doubling up right now. Or sell and watch it moon without you and cry forverever. Moon or Tomb, you pick.

>> No.6252260

Cuz I feel like a failure. I made my money by stalking CMC for undervalued coins. Searching 4chan for legitimate opportunities. And reading candlesticks.

I feel like such a ape for dumping most of my funds in a coin just because "it was JUST released on binance"

I'm asking if I should hold because I'm debating that the only reason I'm holding onto this coin is because I refuse to go at a loss. And I don't want my arrogance to make me poor so I'm looking for another opinion

>> No.6252411

Never fucking again. I used to use 100% of my portfolio to trade. Thank God something told me to just leave my funds in CanYa

Moving forward I'm just going to put 90% on 4 coins to hold and 10% to throw away on 4chan shills and pnd discord groups.

>> No.6252489

I bought VIBE at 3700 so I need it to almost 3x itself. I've never in my life had anything ride so heavily on the success of a SuperBowl commercial.

>> No.6252663

Are you looking at the same VIBE as me? the one that just mooned by 500%??

>> No.6252741

You started with 500, you're still positive on gains.. Just hodl man

>> No.6252911

ya the same one that plummeted from 70000 sats to 16000 in 10 minutes.

its taking a step back. theres a limited amount of time before crypto currency gets lokced down to prevent the average joe from making a lot of money. I want to be comfy before that door is closed.

>> No.6253135

VIBE will reach ATH before the superbowl, hype alone is enough in crypto. Add on top that they have a pretty neat idea as well, watch their youtube videos. I think it will be the next big thing in social media, entertainment and education as VR becomes more mainstream.

>> No.6253219


>make vr/holographic concert of iggy azalea.

>make her wear something slooty

> have every neckbeard stare at her upskirt


you can replace iggy azalea with justin bieber for the femanons, everything else would be the same

>> No.6253304

And they already have A-list connects through Monster through Dre so there's that. One of the founders was a manager for akon when he was big so they must have decent connects too. Celeb shills > normies will blow this shit through the roof.

>> No.6253430

what is 70000 sats? sorry newfag here :D trying to learn

>> No.6253436

Just consider it an expensive mistake and move on. Crypto has a learning curve just like anything else. You're still up $1k, so keep on keepin' on.

>> No.6253496

Don't post until you've lurked for atleast 1 year faggot

>> No.6253591

tough luck nigger faggot

>> No.6253630

ya the general consensus seems to hold onto it. So this will be my first major hodl.

Im getting a vacation payout cheque that im putting into this so in a few days i'll have 2k to play with so I dont mind hodling.

Gonna screen cap these posts and post again when I cash out or am able to make a profitable stop loss

>> No.6253708

a satoshi is the smallest divisible unit of bitcoin
when you get 70k sats, a unit if a cryptocurrency is trading for 70k satoshi

>> No.6253822

I'm considering putting everything I make in the near future into crypto. I make 8k/month in a job I hate - it's a great way to motivate yourself to get out. Everything I've read indicates there's lots of time left to "make it" in crypto. Seeing all these millionaire portfolios makes it hard to believe sometimes, though.

>> No.6253828

so you have still 3x'd ..... go on ...