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File: 316 KB, 2048x1365, ct-donald-trump-stupid-president-20170531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6249084 No.6249084 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't this man said anything about Crypto Currencies?

>> No.6249120

the crypto economy allows the US intelligence community to actually crack down on the illegal drug, guns, and human trafficking trades, which for decades was used to fund black ops. instead an organization like the CIA can either mine / start its own crypto or it can hack adversaries that they know have large crypto stashes.

>> No.6249128
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because he's retarded.

>> No.6249142

He is Satoshi Nakamoto

>> No.6249211


Also, crypto is proving extremely useful in draining wealth from China.

>> No.6249231

no fuggin way


>> No.6249270
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>> No.6249271

He's too busy fondling his nuclear button, which is bigger than kim jong kong's.

>> No.6249291
File: 65 KB, 500x503, 1509161837440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because Barron is a genius and a bitcoin billionaire

>> No.6249337

>Trump will never let asset prices crash during his presidency
>in 2016 global investable assets were $116 trillion
>crypto is an entirely new asset class
>crypto is not yet even $1 trillion
>institutional money, which usually leads the charge, has for the most part been limited to Bitcoin and Ripple
>99% of normies have never bought crypto
>95% of normies are oblivious to crypto

>> No.6249399

This. Trump is a money man. See how he taxed the crypto instead of getting rid of it?

>> No.6249441

the moment he does he will "legitimize" crypto. EVen if it's fud, people will now know about it and go buy like crazy, increasing speculation.

>> No.6249452

bog trump

>> No.6249502

he'll legitimize it if he says negative things about it?

>> No.6249576

>he taxed
That was added in by a Democrat from Colorado.

>> No.6249723


>> No.6249970

The guy is literally a gay Jew.

>> No.6250003

Not that I would expect republicans other than Rand Paul to oppose it. They're all retards

>> No.6250041

Look what Happened when Jamie Dimon a wall st CEO called it a fraud: it skyrocketed and he retracted his statement.

Imagine if the leader of the free world said something similar.


>> No.6250099

Listen to this anon. He know the truth.

>> No.6250144

considering he accepts or accepted bitcoin for real estate once the cooky democrats would just make that the headline for a week... he should shill btc...

>> No.6250178
File: 94 KB, 634x392, trags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no law against the president having a financial conflict of interest

trump is going to do a x100 leverage short on btc and then go after coinbase on twitter

>> No.6250211

The guy is literally a senile retard

>> No.6250306

I'm shocked. Into the oven when?

>> No.6250367

he is too busy sexually harrassing women, breaking promises and sucking rabbis cock to pay attention to this stuff

>> No.6250441
File: 84 KB, 900x506, neontrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you there Donald? It's me, you, from the past. Do they think you're retarded yet? Good good. Everything according to plan.

>> No.6250484
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He's stocking up on XRP before he comes out and bans everything else.

If you're not doing this then you are the guy in the gif.

>> No.6250518
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 09584390583409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>busy sexually harrassing women

overdosing on MSM reporting is not good my man

>> No.6250522

Let me guess, you also didn't look at the Podesta email dump by wikileaks cause Chris Kuomo said it was "illegal."

Go back to shareblue faggot.

>> No.6250534


Actually he seems like a pretty cool guy if you ask 4chan. You on the other hand seem like you need to go back.

>> No.6250604

>all investable assets in the world were $116 trillion.
>Crypto is nearing 1T
>anons actually think crypto will continue to grow
This shit will come to an end very soon.

>> No.6250825
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>> No.6250849

it will make Trumpcoin moon through the roof.

>> No.6250901

Betting on his autism that he'll create a paradigm shift in the crypto world

>> No.6250953

This. He definitely has a good portfolio

>> No.6251093

He's probably heavily invested in XLM. Will dump when Congress pressures him to tax all coins, or when the coin market is about to crash. It will be the 1929 stock market crash all over again and World War 3 ensues.

>> No.6251451

That's the most vague thing ever said about anything