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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6248706 No.6248706 [Reply] [Original]

>in since August 2016
>only $30,000 portfolio
How badly did I fuck up?

>> No.6248759
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dayum u missed alot of moons right ?

i startet 1 month ago with 800 € im here now @ 6k lol

>> No.6248794

Badly. I started with 500 in 2017 and I have 200k now.

>inb4 my moonshot trajectory was ETH, ANS, REQ, and DBC, aka /biz/ shill coins.

>> No.6248883


How much did you start out with?

>> No.6248934

i don't know. Like maybe 50 or 100. But overtime I bought in more. Maybe spent like 3k total

>> No.6249199


Hey look on the brightside you have 30K more then a whole lot of people. If the exponential rise continues all you have to do is play it semi safe and youll be up in the 5 digits in no time

>> No.6249305

i think you mean 6 digits. But yeah part of the reason is because I have been playing it safe. I am like 80% bitcoin 10% monero and 10% ark. Ark is my moon mission.

>> No.6249736

I feel you. I started in August as well, with 3,000 and im only at $33,000. I only held bitcoin until December, when I started taking this shit more seriously, and doubled from $16,500 to where I am now.

I don't beat myself down about it though, its still a 10x profit. And now im being alot more active at trading and I know I'll get to 100,000 by June/July.

>> No.6249797

Oh wait, shit... I just read u started 2016, u thought i saw august 2017. Yeah, u fucked up lol... but keep going, I believe we have at least 1 more year of insane gains.

>> No.6249834

I've been trading since JAN 2016 and I'm only at 30k as well. I used to want to kill myself every day for all the moons I missed but now I don't give a fuck.

>> No.6249896

Very bad.
I started at the end of november. 44k now

>> No.6250046


You need some help, ma man.


You're welcome.

>> No.6250510

238$ in august 2017
4k today


>> No.6250601

November 2013

>> No.6250638
File: 17 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1515520450219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

800 in june 2017

About 9000$ now, diversified into ETH, LTC AND DGB.

Feels decent but what should I do to take it to the next level lads.

>> No.6250677

>in since october
>only made 15k from $1200

what the FUCK i hate cryptos now

>> No.6250744
File: 34 KB, 657x462, DS956ShXkAA4vtx.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in since 2011
>$2k from $300 since August

Poorfag here

>> No.6250748

damn dude. How do you feel?

>> No.6250798


>> No.6251156
File: 76 KB, 535x960, 26196160_1920276538287718_3701539330283531172_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice larp. If true, you've gotta be one of the lowest IQ retard pajeets on the planet.

>> No.6251254

no. just risk adverse.

>> No.6251390

stop comparing yourself to other people who got lucky in a massive bull run. there are plenty of people who are losing money by entering late. just focus on your next move. stop dwelling

>> No.6251708

but isn't all of society just a game where you compare yourself to other people? I mean sure I'm doing better than a lot, but of course, there are people on this board who are way more successful than me. This will always be the case, and it fucking kills me internally.

>> No.6251784

you really think youre the only one whos missed opportunities? jesus christ u self absorbed piece of shit.
>wasting time dwelling on the past
>not using that time to research
keep doing it