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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 509 KB, 1920x1080, 1422070571996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
624566 No.624566 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.624567

I'm still waiting to see if he replies to my email. Not sure he will, at least not tonight.

>> No.624570
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>> No.624572

Just to add: it's highly likely he won't give me his paypal and he'll give me the whole no donations shtick. But here's hoping.

>> No.624573
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for the record

>> No.624574

There's an anon on gofundme who's about to stream his name and face, should we donate to him? The original guy seems to be a moron and is trying through kickstarter

>> No.624575

how long is this thing going to be open for?

>> No.624576

He most likely knows about what we're doing
I don't think he would give out his paypal unless we had the whole sum ready to be sent to him

>> No.624577

Why don't you guys just donate money via ads to him. He still owns the site. No random middleman anon to put your trust in. No approval process. No delay.

>> No.624578

If moot himself confirms that he'll be receiving the money, I'd do it.

I'd also be cool if we could all buy moot a cabin innawoods.

>> No.624579

I want to give so moot will take it easy in the woods

its the least i can do for wasting half my life with him

>> No.624580

This is the dumbest shit.

There is no way in hell he will ever take this money. Like seriously, no matter how you slice it, no matter what plot you have, he will never take this money.

>> No.624581

because he won't take the money out of the site then

>> No.624582

As discussed in the other thread, we want the money to go to moot directly, not 4chan.

>> No.624584


because he wouldn't pocket any of it

>> No.624585
File: 138 KB, 1257x924, mootstarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GET guy here

Taking a vote, how many anons want me to...

>A. carry on with the original kickstarter (still in confirmation process
>B. make a gofundme and post it?

>> No.624587

So what? He'll just let a million dollars that we raised go to waist? That'd be cunty, of course he'll take the money

>> No.624588

Heres the footage of my face people wanted.


>> No.624589

there's already a gofundme, just ask the gofundme anon for the password like he offered and then go.

What you guys don't realize is he won't take the money if it's a donation, but he will if it's a thankyou gift

Also you're going to seriously fucking insult Moot if you make it a kickstarter page, he believes in the legitimacy of kickstarter and this isn't what that site is for at all.

>> No.624590

I think he would take it and donate it somewhere. I can't imagine him taking all of it for himself (but he deserves to and I really hope he DOES just take it for himself)

>> No.624592

If we raise a million dollars there's even less chance that he'd take it.

He seems morally reprehensed towards donations and free money. If anything, he'd take it and immediately give it away. Not a single dollar of it would ever go to moot himself.

>> No.624593

alright, this is the new leader now, please set up a tripcode, gofundme anon

>> No.624594

We could always buy a ton of adspace, say have an ad as a dedication to moot.

>> No.624595

set up a tripcode quick, then I'll donate

>> No.624596

Jesus Christ

>> No.624597

I think gofundme is the best option for this

>> No.624598

moot was a cuck,
but he was our cuck

>> No.624600

alright, you're obsolete now, we have this guy >>624588

>> No.624602

Even if we don't raise the whole mill we can at least give him something.

>> No.624603


>> No.624604
File: 674 KB, 1062x966, mootspage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you this guy? I'm donating now.

>> No.624605

Yeah thats me.

>> No.624606

alright, donating to this guy, he's the only one who confirmed his id

>> No.624607


It needs to go in the op of every new thread now

>> No.624608

so..how does this work. you get a bunch of money from us and you..send it to moot somehow? he won't accept, and then you'll just say "guys he wont' take i I guess I'll just keep all the money because I dont' know what else to do"

>> No.624609


>> No.624610


>> No.624611



>> No.624612

We already have one

>> No.624613

If I can't force moot to take it, ill do what ever you guys want me to with it. Donate it, paypal it back to all of you, ect.

But thats a bridge we'll cross later.

>> No.624614

This is important, what if all in all, moot doesnt take it?
we should donate it to someone

>> No.624615

>For 11 and a half yeas

yee nice work

>> No.624616 [DELETED] 


>> No.624618

Meant for

>> No.624620

Why in the name of fuck would I donate money to moot? It's on record that he has been making money off of 4chan for the last few years, even more so since the 4chan captcha pass has been around.

If a 26 year old man can't support himself, he isn't a man.

>> No.624621

I caught it, iv updated.

>> No.624622


The more I read this thread the more I kek

>> No.624623
File: 13 KB, 200x202, laughinggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone gave $30


>they fell for the moot scam!

>> No.624624

We should make it a condition.

Either he accepts the gift or we waste it in some completely frivolous and lulzy fashion.

Moot take the money or we hire every prostitute and escort in new york city to go and vomit in the middle of times square.

>> No.624625

Who's the glorious anon who gave $30 already?

>> No.624626

alright. i donated.

>> No.624627

If moot declines I demand we buy a ballpit and ship it to his address in memory of Dashcon.

>> No.624628

If he doesn't take the gift we buy shit tons of ad space with moot tributes

>> No.624629

Hey guys, I'm streaming right now and I have a gofundme account ready to go.

Livestreaming here https://new.livestream.com/accounts/11831070/events/3753343?help=true

Gofundme anon (w/ trip), I'll let it be your call whether you want to begin funding with the one you made or mine.

>> No.624630

that'd me be.>>624626

>> No.624631

No. I can think of a better way to waste the money.

Hire Smash Mouth, Darude and 311 to play in Town Square at the same time for 8 consecutive hours. All they will play are All Star, Sandstorm and Down on repeat for as long as they possibly can.

>> No.624632

someone has already donated to his so

>> No.624633

Could someone post this on /a/? I know a lot of the posters on /a/ would dig this, they love moot. Sorry for sounding like a lazy asshole but its like 4:30am here in the UK and I'm going to sleep now.

>> No.624634

I think what moot would like most that is actually related to 4chan would be if we stopped janny from doing it for free, and instead made him do it for $$$

>> No.624635


oh.. my god

that's beautiful

>> No.624636

anyone got a link to the gofundme thing?

>> No.624638

we shouldn't make an if - then statement, because if we give him any avenue out, he will take it.

because we'd have to just donate it to the site if not, but we can't let him know we'd do this is he refused, because then he'd be bound to refuse so we'd give it all to the site instead.

so we should just present it to him an a thank you gift. it's donations you can refuse, not courtesy gifts well meant.

>> No.624639

Fuck I meant to say Times Square what the hell is wrong with me?

>> No.624640

This is so worth raising $1M

>> No.624641

We could link the thread but I'd be wary of going too far off topic. We don't want to get shut down.

>> No.624642

Ok, ill got make a thread on /a/.

>> No.624643

I like the cut of your jib anon.

>> No.624644


remove -

>> No.624645
File: 248 KB, 500x709, 1421691146197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone screencap this post

>> No.624646

>not raising MUH 6 MILLION

/pol/ is ashamed

>> No.624649

Use this >>624644 since is the one with money already in, however still waiting on verification this is gonna be legit

>> No.624651
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That's 6 gorrilion to you, goy.

>> No.624652

I wouldn't worry there are a few threads about moot on /a/ atm.

>> No.624653

/a/ thread: >>120293610

>> No.624654
File: 81 KB, 1098x749, HEY NOW YOU'RE AN ALL STAR GET YOUR GAME ON GET PAAAAAAAAYYYYEEEED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need some kind of insurance policy for this, right?

>> No.624655

Please do this

>> No.624656

Plus tip!

>> No.624658

If he gives us his paypal we should just donate directly instead.

>> No.624659

>people actually think he's hurting for money and hasn't been lying about how much he makes off 4chan

>> No.624660




make sure you let everyone know, and link to his video if their is disbelief

lets make moot rich guys

>> No.624661

I support this plan B

>> No.624662

$30 of 10k, nice

>> No.624663

Donate the million dollars to the NSA if moot doesn't accept it.

He can't in good conscience turn it down.

>> No.624664

he only just confirmed his identity, gofundme trip, are you around here?

>> No.624665

Can we raise $1m for moot AND this?

I can't imagine the headlines after that.

>> No.624667

guys i gibe money 2 moot very sad 4chen is gud times pls gibe 4 moot ty him for gud 4chen


>> No.624668

2 people donated in 3 hours!!! We can do this!

A new era of 4chan: where every Anon chips in $1 to troll IRL.

>> No.624670

Yes I am.

I made a video confirming my ID, and some of my info is on the gofundme page.
Heres the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8MmitPwipE

>> No.624672

He only just confirmed his identity, so people started donating

It's annoying that the minimum is $5, is there a way to set the minimum lower?

>> No.624673

He won't accept it, or will donate it to charity or something, just so you guys know.

>> No.624674

It's the thought that counts.

>> No.624676

honestly? I just want him to know we did this.

>> No.624679

Get this shit off /a/, if we decide to give something to moot it will be us, not you filthy crossboarders.

Besides, this is a fucking scam anyway.
Leave /a/ to itself.

>> No.624680

Not that I can see, sorry. They take a cut of each donation, I imagine the $5 minimum is so they at least make some money from each donation.

>> No.624681

He will, it'll be a gift, also

thank you for doing this, I was the guy pushing for you

>> No.624682

He already knows we love him man, let him leave in peace

>> No.624683


I don't even care anymore, I just want something interesting to happen in the spirit of moot.

>> No.624685

All good, I know I'll be donating shortly

>> No.624687

only two people have donated so far

>> No.624688

In his final moments, moot taught us the importance of inter-board cooperation.

This is our first test for moot to live on.

>> No.624689

What happens if people all pitch in and we raise like 100k, will it cut off at 10k?

>> No.624691

That is because as of right now everything is a clusterfuck. Get it together anons

>> No.624692

3 people. awesome.

>> No.624693


>> No.624694

Wait, the cap's set at 10,000? How will we get 8 hours of Smash Mouth, Darude and 311 with only 10,000?

>> No.624695

As the only board that is drowned in moot posts, i can say we love him enough to know when he is wrong.

This and most boards are the new 4chan, /a/ and a few ones are the only thing left of old 4chan, and we will keep those two separated.

>> No.624697

give him at least $5 or don't give him anything
don't be a fucking jew

>> No.624699

>What happens if people all pitch in and we raise like 100k
Then the gofundme guy will probably disappear and buy a house or something.

I'd gladly give a couple hundred bucks directly to moot, but not to some random dude on the internet that doesn't have a way to give the money to moot. I mean, what happens if moot doesn't take it? Does the guy just keep it?

>> No.624700

make sure you mention to everyone that this is the right page to donate too, mention everywhere that it's this one, or people will fuck up

>> No.624703

I had the limit set at 1M, but people said it was too high. I can change the limit at will. If we get close and people still want to chip in, ill just raise it.

>> No.624704


>> No.624705

we could maybe get those songs blasted for 8 hours straight through some huge speakers at maximum volume

>> No.624707

I recommend no one donate too much for these reasons. just a little from everyone, so we reach our goal, or if moot won't take it, we get to see something utterly ridiculous happen

>> No.624708


>> No.624709


>> No.624712

Can you post this on other boards? I think it will be more credible if it comes from you rather than a random anon.

>> No.624713

>give him at least $5 or don't give him anything
don't be a fucking jew
>I use to pay $6 for 1 porn magazine.

ORGANIZE, and let's do this

>> No.624714

Someone needs to make a complete infographic with all the relevant links, etc. like in the old times when there was an operation.

Let's make Operation M.O.O.T. a reality.

>Money Offering Of Thanks

>> No.624715

we know this guy's name and we have video of his face, also his paypal through the site if he takes it, there's no risk really

>> No.624718

I would never go buy a house. The market is terrible now. Iv been lurking on /biz/ for a while, I was top 10 in the market watch game for a few months until I stopped giving a shit...and other guys traded better than I did.

The money is going to moot. In the event he won't take it, an 8 hour 3 way concert battle has been proposed, or I could try to give it all back over paypal.

>> No.624719
File: 14 KB, 357x282, 10492304_10100294611265620_8626603886100204391_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Money Offering of Thanks

>> No.624720

>KND ref
You. I like you.

>> No.624721

>operation M.O.O.T.


>> No.624722

donate it to a greyhound fund, but he'll take it if it's a gift, it'd be rude to waste our money

>> No.624723


Or we could just pour it into a 'we love you mootykins' ad on 4chan

>> No.624725

Monetary Offering of Thanks is funnier. Gotta keep those Hot Pocket memes going.

>> No.624726

This seems like the most reasonable amount.

Smash Mouth's rates are kinda expensive, let alone paying for 3 bands and paying for Time Square space.

That'll take months of planning.

>> No.624727

the idea is to give moot the money, and not 4chan.

Sort of like cashing out his pension.

>> No.624731

I wonder how long 4chan could run for on $1M.
I'm up for this too, save we could all donate to wherever we send the 4chan pass funds and "put it on the ad" or something.

>> No.624732

Ideally we could do both. Fund him and help his legacy live on. It would probably make the transition smoother for everyone too.

>> No.624733



>> No.624735

Good. Now Slam it.

>> No.624736

I'd give money, but I don't think there's any way moot would take it, and we should respect that.

Better to just buy an absolute metric fuckton of ridiculous ads.

>> No.624737

for keks we should make a thread on a high traffic board like /b/ or /v/ or even /a/. hell even /pol/ managed to raise 3k for a bilboard.

>> No.624738

I was getting emotional during the q&a too, but god fucking damn it 4chan you are not going to fucking raise one million fucking dollars and give it to moot. Even if you go with the ten thousand dollar idea, you're so disorganized with this right now and moot probably won't even give you his Paypal. He made it pretty clear he doesn't like taking donations, and taking donations after leaving is definitely not how moot wants to go out with.

>> No.624739

yeah can you edit the gofundme page to show what we're doing with the money if mootles doesn't accept?
or is that a bad idea?

>> No.624740

find a video for darude thats louder

>> No.624743


>> No.624745

one year it cost about 300k, and I think that was during his busiest.

So let's just assume it's 3-4 years.

>> No.624746

If he doesn't take the money why don't we just buy 50000 4chan passes, then give them out to anons who donated.

>> No.624753

We should use
In the ad.
How likely is it that if we emailed this to one of the site emails and donated funds to the 4chan pass address with "put it on the ad" that they would honor it?

>> No.624754

>Now Slam it.


>> No.624755

I just donated, we're at $65 now

>> No.624757


That would actually be perfect for an ad.

>> No.624759

that sure is some delicious copyright on dat sandstorm :^)

>> No.624760


>> No.624761

Some one else post an OP, /a/ deleted a thread I made about half an hour ago. I don't want to get banned for making a ton of threads about it.

>> No.624762

Sandstorm isn't working on either of these but this is still hilarious

Should we promote this on /mu/ considering there's the possibility of an 8 hour meme band concert?

>> No.624763

yeah, please be very careful not to get banned or that'll be very problematic

>> No.624764
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>> No.624765

Buy him that cabin he really wants, he might even accept it on the condition that anons are allowed to crash whenever they want.

>> No.624769


who's posting it?

>> No.624770

If you guys really want to help moot, a donation drive probably isn't going to do it. You're better off helping him think up a way he can continually make money with his current resume, since he didn't seem to have any good ideas what he was going to do to make money.

>> No.624771

I like this idea, he could have put ads and shit everywhere but he didn't. We should give back.

>> No.624773

this this this this this this this this

We're just giving him a parting gift, don't think too hard on it

>> No.624776

Emailed you through the gofundme page, does that work?

>> No.624778

organized anon set up this shit with links like ye ol days

>> No.624779

I see that, but it's highly unlikely that he would accept it regardless of the reason or timing. He's turned down people throwing money at the site before for donations many times. Besides, it can be very tough for some people to accept money that has no strings attached regardless of the situation, and he's seemed before like his pride wouldn't let him do it.

>> No.624780

he can't link it, that's a bit dodge, the page is /givingbacktomoot and it's on gofundme, you'll see that it's the confirmed one

>> No.624782

we didn't have the page when this thread was started

>> No.624783


>> No.624784

It's still worth a shot. Especially if we try >>624765 accept a favor only if it's a favor to someone else.
I mean seriously? Some random fucking nigger that left her kids in her car can get SJWs to donate to her, /pol/ can organize a donation to a cop, but we can't help moot retire properly?

Are you fucking serious?

>> No.624785

We should donate to the Free Software Foundation if Moot doesn't accept our money.

>> No.624786

Cmon, display some basic reading comprehension, there is one confirmed gofundme page, created by Ryan Manor it's called /givebacktomoot on gofundme

>> No.624787


Yeah a proper OP would be nice

>> No.624788

spend it all on Facebook pay items and mail them to his account

>> No.624789

Sorry about that, it was still getting settled when that was posted, still though

>> No.624792

If we donate and it doesn't reach the target then do we get our money back?

>> No.624794

We just hit 80, boys, once we get to 100 this whole thing will really take off

>> No.624795

>anon has an idea
>everyone jumps on the bandwagon
>99% abandon it because boredom
welcome to 4chan. i'm still surprised /a/ could make a game.

>> No.624797


Should I make a new OP? I don't want to get banned for spam.

>> No.624798

there wasn't a link when I made the thread

>> No.624800

No don't, let's ride this one out first, otherwise it might be spam


>> No.624801

Yes, you should.

>> No.624805

Doing something is a good idea, it's just that cash is not the best idea. It's meaningful that people would want to do that, but as you mentioned there are people that will beg for money without shame from anyone, but moot historically hasn't done that even when he has had a near fanatical following before.

On the other hand, a pool of knowledge from those who hang out on a board discussing money could be valuable to him, so that's just why I suggest that it be used in a different way.

>> No.624806 [DELETED] 

made this on my home board of 10 years, just trying to get more publicity, lets come together anons.

>> No.624807

Well it already got posted by someone


>> No.624808

Here I made a thread template.

>Money Offering Of Thanks

>The Goal:
To raise enough money to give moot a comfy lifestyle innawoods. He sacrificed his time, fought off bloodsucking lawyers, and endured endless hate, all for us. It's time to give him a reward.

It's not. The anon in charge of the gofundme doxxed himself.

>replace underscore with .

Progress: $80/10k

>> No.624809

A lot of people are still apprehensive about donating - you may want to find a way to make it seem more official.

>> No.624810

Giving back to moot
Iv started a Gofundme to give back to moot, for everything he's given us.

>Why should I trust you?
Iv posted a video of my face, iv gotten a trip, and my name is on the GFM page
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8MmitPwipE

>What happens if moot refuses the gift?
One of two things:
1. We donate to a greyhound fund
2. There is considerable support for hiring Darude, 311, and Smash Mouth to play, All Star, Sandstorm, and Down for 8 continuous hours, in the middle of Times Square.

Link to GFM page:
gofund.me / givingbacktomoot
(get rid of the spaces)
Hows that for an OP?

>> No.624812


>> No.624814

Any suggestions?

>> No.624815

Post this on /b/ at least

>> No.624816

Yes, that's fine. Gogogo.

>> No.624818

>putting this kind anon's name on /b/

>> No.624819

I know this is biz so it's money related but:
If this fails, this is going to sound incredibly disrespectful. Sure, if you raise a substantial amount then well done.
This is one hell of a gamble. Let's hope it pays off.

>> No.624820

That OP you made ought to clear up confusions.

>> No.624821

Let me fix it

>Money Offering Of Thanks

>The Goal:
To raise enough money to give moot a comfy lifestyle innawoods. He sacrificed his time, fought off bloodsucking lawyers, and endured endless hate, all for us. It's time to give him a reward.

>What If He Doesn't Accept The Money?
We'll hire Smash Mouth, 311 and Darude to play a continuous 8 hour concert in Times Square where they will play All-Star, Down and Sandstorm non-stop

It's not. The anon in charge of the gofundme doxxed himself.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8MmitPwipE [Open]

>replace underscore with .

Progress: $80/10k

>> No.624823

should we all start spreading the word on other

>> No.624824 [DELETED] 


>> No.624825



>> No.624828

thanks anon, been here a while and still cant link shit -.-

>> No.624830

New thread made. Abandon this one.

>> No.624834


>> No.624842

So instead of raising something for moot you come here to shit post?

Gee /a/ I can really see how much you love him

>> No.624873
File: 84 KB, 354x498, Yotsubato Volume 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What If He Doesn't Accept The Money?
Why not using it to fund an OVA of Yotsuba&! ?

>> No.624878

That's...actually not a bad idea.

>> No.624880

Gofundme starter I've mailed you. I have things that can help you with your crowdfunding. Please contact me on IRC @Rizon #givingbacktomoot.

>> No.624887

>only 10k

We need to give him like atleast 5 mill

considering this site has 20 millone users thats 0.25 cents from each person

>> No.624894

Ok ill check my mail and get back to you as soon as I can.

I can change the limit at will, if we get close and people are still donating ill up the limit.

>> No.624912

I could just give him a lifetime lease on one of my cabins up in Maine, i have 3 on some land i bought for timber investment. 10 miles from the nearest paved road so it should be inna woods enough.

>> No.624922

let's be realistic

>> No.624948

Already made a post on /v/ and /co/. Spread this shit like a wild fire.

>> No.624960

well what are you waiting for. email him

>> No.624994

Working on it. It will get sent tomorrow as i'm too tired to write properly right now and i need to figure out how to make sure he reads it and knows i'm serious.

I'll probably write it up and make a thread on /out/ to post proof (it's a slow board that he visits and it's the proper board anyway) as well as some folks to help get his attention.

My land has minimum lot sizes so i can't just slice off a few acres and give them to him, my working idea is that i could more or less give him a lifetime sublet to a couple acres for $1. I have 6 that border a 1000 acre protected forest so a couple of those should do it.

Also the area has damn near any /out/ related stuff you could want, it's a unorganized territory about 25 miles from Canada. It might be a really good option if he got donations, more or less a place to stay and explore while he got to know the area so he could pick out a bigger place to purchase.

Local knowledge up here could easily mean the difference between $150K buying 50 acres or 500+. I paid $50k for 45 acres as well as 3 cabins and an old truck for example, knowing where to look means alot so a place for him to stay would be really helpful.

>> No.625022

That's insane, I really hope he hears your offer anon, that's such a nice thing

>> No.625031

Started a thread in [s4s]


>> No.625087

What happened to the GoFundme?

>> No.625103

this, not working

>> No.625105

oh please post proof, I love the idea of m00t being able to live in the woods after all he's done for us

>> No.625132

It seems like its gone...>>625103

>> No.625139

did the motherfucker just leave with 100 or so dollars

>> No.625152

my guess is that gofundme killed the thing for w/e reasons.

>> No.625164

jk apparently /a/ was threatening the dude so he shut it down.

>> No.625165

Where is it?

>> No.625191

>implying that wasn't moot that posted that.

>> No.625199
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 1421797313760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how do we know the guy setting up the indiegogo or kickstarter or whatever won't just take the money and run?

inb4 nobody responds because /biz/ is full of retards who have no answer to this and want to sweep it under the rug

>> No.625227

In another thread here he seems like /a/ harrassed him and threatened to harrass his family and friends, other people are saying it too (from /a/) , so who knows. But a lot of evidence points to him really getting harrassed to the point of shutting it all down.

>> No.625299

literally nobody threatened him

someone on /a/ said wire fraud is a federal crime and he refunded all the money

>> No.625323

People threatened to swat him, and there were a few deleted posts with links to file for bomb threats to the local police. It sucks the fund went down, but I cant blame the guy. Shit got really fucked up.

>> No.625324

fuck /a/ are a bunch of cancerous cunts. so fucking toxic

>> No.625330

Just came back, how can we get the other boards to know about this?
I'm pretty sure if I make a thread in another board the mods will delete it.

>> No.625332

It's dead. No one trust giving money to some random guy on the internet. Only way this would work is if we had moots PayPal and he wouldn't give it to us.

>> No.625334

this is a dead idea. the guy got scared off by /a/ and refunded the money

>> No.625337

I'll donate if you want to start another fund, but keep it here. Nobody likes crossboarders.

>> No.625379

Moot likes them

>> No.625391

I want to buy him a tea cup

>> No.625394

This can't just be over... fuck
There has to be a good way to do this.
I'm too tired for this right now. Hopefully we can get this started tomorrow.

>> No.625404

>tfw waiting for one on /fit/

>> No.625405

Read the thread you fucking moron, there's no word to spread, not like it matters as it was badly organized and rushed from the start.

>> No.625407

Can we please make this happen somehow?

>> No.625450


DUDE! We fucking met I think! I'm the swiss guy. We were in the same hostel in august 2013 in Copenhagen! Is that fucking you?

>> No.625474

it's the principle that counts, anon, not the result.

>> No.625482

But how do i know one of you won't just keep the money?

>> No.625503
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first guy to donate here, had to go to work for the past nine hours or so.
what in the nine hells is going on. where's my money. why would /a/ do this.
i thought fapping to chinese cartoon babies was their outlet

>> No.625505

/a/ loves moot more than anyone

they love him so much they know he wouldn't want something like this

>> No.625510

but we just wanted to show our appreciation in a real way, not just saying it.
the thought doesn't count

>> No.625517

>still owns the site
didn't he say that he sold it?

>> No.625524

>didn't he say that he sold it?
Not unless it happened since last night. He's stepping down as admin, and is interested in selling 4chan, but I don't think anything has happened.

>> No.625545

>he wouldn't want something like this
This isn't about what moot wants anymore.

Also, he's the guy that invented 4chan, there is no reason anyone assume he has well formed decision making skills.

>> No.625551

IIRC, he said so it was in the first hour of the QA
I might be wrong though

>> No.625560

>People threatened to swat him
Literally nobody
>and there were a few deleted posts with links to file for bomb threats to the local police
There was one guy that posted and said he would file with the wichita PD if OP decided to take the money and run

>> No.625594


>> No.625616
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Email sent, i assume it will take a while for him to get to it.

>> No.625767

I don't think he will accept it. Not to say that it's not a nice cabin, but he might see this as a Charity/Donation. Hypothetically, if he takes it, would he have internet access with appliances?

>> No.625781

Yes, there is a directional cell antenna that links to a cell tower about 15 miles away.

And it's not charity, not really. I wouldn't be actually losing anything or giving him anything. I would be letting him use a patch of land that i would not be using anyway (it's long term timber investment land) as long as he lives or a similar period. I intend for it to go to my heirs so we are talking like 40-50 years before they would be thinking of harvesting the trees. I would just give him a $1 leas for life , 2030 years or whatever period he was OK with.

Honestly he doesn't understand rural land values, esp not up here. I could just give it to him for 4-5 years while he scouts out the area for a place of his own. Just from listing to him talk about his vacations he could afford a modest amount of acreage by skipping a couple of them, 10 acres for under $10k is not uncommon up here. We are an unorganized territory, building a cabin/shack is easy, you don't even need permits or to follow building codes. Financially he can handle it if he eventually wanted to find a place of his own after a few years, a while ago i saw 15 acres up for $7500.

>> No.625784
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Light, refrigerator, stove/oven all gas powered. Electricity and internet, pic related

>> No.625792

>a while ago i saw 15 acres up for $7500.
where is this? i was always interested in buying sizable plots of land but whenever i looked online the cheapest price i would find for non-desert land would be about $2k per acre.

>> No.625813

This is seemingly a pretty good idea, and something that he might go for. But you probably have a big hurdle to get over to try to get him to trust you and have him realize your offer is legitimate. It's probably going to take some effort, but here's to hoping you have some luck with it.

As far as what other people want to do, if people still feel like giving back to him somehow, he might be open to some kind of direct donations to a charity of his choosing instead. I'm pretty sure that has been suggested before, but if someone was able to find out what ones he prefers, and if there was some way to keep track of the donations being given in his name, that might work out. He'd probably feel a lot more comfortable with that, and that way more people could feel like they gave back a bit.

>> No.625815

Northern Maine away from populated areas. $500 an acre is not uncommon for large lots or even small ones in remote areas. For huge lots even lower, like $250-300 an acre. That one you mentioned was a bit of an exception as it was off of a road that had power, i believe it was off of a rural route about 20 miles from Rt 95.

The thing to remember is not only are most of the lots remote they will always be remote due to land use restrictions you accept in exchange for super low taxes. Usually you can't sub divide below 40 acres and there will NEVER be utility service. Also you are limited to how much raw space you can develop, for instance i can't build more than one primary residence with up to 4000 sq feet of floor space.

But up in Aroostook and Somerset land can be very cheap, even smallish lots near towns (5-10 acres) can be cheap if you look hard enough. I have seen 5 acre lots for $4000 and those were within walking distance of a lake and road.

>> No.625816

Kind anon, if you could convince him that this is not a donation by having him pay a small rent or something to make him not feel like a moocher, I think it could work. Later we can organize a small fundraiser and get him a grey hound.

>> No.625829

are these plots advertised online or only locally? if they are advertised online do you know a common website that they are listed on?

>> No.625842

I actually had an idea about that. One of my problems is i want to raise some livestock (a few goats/sheep and chickens) but that means i am basically stuck there forever because i have to take care of them. However i have infinite scheduling flexibility otherwise.

So maybe i could just ask him to water and check in on them for a week or so once a year while i was out of state.

So once a year while he was around i'd send him a email/bang on his door and be like "yo moot, i'm going down south to fight alligators for a week, make sure the goats have water. Have my SKS in case a bear tries to molest the sheep"

Basically ask him to look out for the overall property once in a while which seems quite reasonable to me.

>> No.625858

Both. A good way to start is to look around listing sites that aggregate listings then go to the sites of agencies that have something that catches your eye, the local agency will often have properties at lower prices than those on a aggregation site like landwatch. They will often also have properties that they didn't bother listing on anything other than their own site because the mark up for the larger sites finders fee makes them uneconomical.

Also up here you can often find property on local sites that have weird covenants. A common one is cheap land+2 cabins/houses with a lifetime sublet for one of the cabins+a acre of land, that sublet and acre being the old guy/couple who are selling the place. You can find alot of those on craigs list. Don't try to find land then get money to take advantage of a deal, have the money ready for when a deal pops up.

I got mine by finding it for $65K on Cabela's (yes the outfitting store they do real estate ) then going directly to the local agency and talking them down to $50k. Paying in cash is VERY useful, you can cut 15-20% of the price that way.

>> No.625869

>a lifetime sublet for one of the cabins+a acre of land, that sublet and acre being the old guy/couple who are selling the place.
does that shit extend to their next of kin or is it only valid while they stay alive? if it's the latter it's really not a bad deal since they can help you watch over the land and eventually they'll die so you'll have full control over the land.

>> No.625883

The latter, you get it when they die. It is becoming common everywhere not just rural areas.

Usually it's a old person or couple who want to keep the place but can't stay there year round so they live with relatives or at a boarding house in the winter and come back in the summer. Or it might be a old person with no heirs who wants to spend their investment, it is much better for them than a reverse mortgage because they get all the cash up front with no strings and no property tax to worry about. If you think about it it really is an almost ideal value for both parties in terms of financial gain both long and short term.

>> No.625893

well thanks for the responses. i was always interested in maine as a possible spot to buy a plot of land as it's not as well known as the rocky mountain/northwest region, but has a similar climate.

also, could you recommend any particularly good locations in the state? somewhere where drug abuse or crime isn't a problem, close to good fishing areas, and so on.

>> No.625920

As to drug abuse and crime: It is literally the safest state in the union. The entire state had 63 vehicle thefts, that includes boats, ATVs and snowmobiles. Aroostock has a modest problem with backwoods methlabs in a few isolated areas but those folks stick to themselves for obvious reasons. Pretty much anything north of Augusta is a good place to look.

What you want to look at are townships and plantations. These are "unorganized territories" which are exactly what they sound like.They have no local or county government and no municipal codes, fees or takes. My property tax on 50K is $216 a year. You also don't need to follow building code for log or timber framed building if you make them yourself or even get a permit if they are under 750 sq feet. I live in Upper Enchanted Township and i am the only registered voter there in 70sq miles.

Basically you want Aroostock, Somerset, Washington, Penobscot and Piscataquis County but there are deals almost everywhere but the far south which can go die in a fire so we can dump their useless, charred AIDS ridden corpses back over the Massachusetts border as a warning to those scum to stay the hell out of our state.

Er, i mean "out of state transplants from prosperous areas have changed the character of certain border areas in the south reaches of the state"

>> No.625949

>Er, i mean "out of state transplants from prosperous areas have changed the character of certain border areas in the south reaches of the state"
that's my only gripe with maine, is that it's next door to the shitty ultraliberal northeastern states.

>> No.626031

I would not worry, all hatred of southern new englanders aside it is a pretty damn big state, it is the rough size of Serbia. If you live in the north of the state you are a good 4+ hour drive away from Massachusetts.

>> No.626332

Could someone please archive this thread so i can point moot at this thread if he takes me up on my offer? Assuming he actually responds i'd like it as evidence that i am serious about my offer.

I am quite serious about giving moot a cabin in exchange for anything he wants so as to make it not a hand out. Hell, i'll charge him "hang out for me with a hour get a cabin for a month" or "feed my goats for a week" if thats the rates he wants.

He seems like a pretty cool guy and i've spent 10 years on his site, i own alot of land near places that he would like to explore and i'd like to offer that to him. It costs me nothing and having him as a friend would be pretty cool.

As someone who wants to raise a few goats or Sheep as a hobby i can imagine several people worse than chris to feed them while i am gone.

>> No.626354
