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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6243883 No.6243883 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto is so fucking dumb. It turns everyone into snake oil salesmen. Why would anyone want to participate in something that's so obviously unsustainable and too good to be true. I hope you all lose your money because you deserve to for being greedy.

The only legitimate thing about crypto is that it has "scarcity". But it's hardly unique in that respect, everything from precious metals to commodities, stocks and real estate have real scarcity. Cryptocoins aren't magically worth trillions of dollars because a line of code limits supply. In the long term every cryptocurrency is going to fall out of fashion, making fools out of those that stayed in and fraudsters out of those that cashed out.

>> No.6244276

says the poor jealous faggot

>> No.6244324

im not complaining about free money
also buy xrb or stay poor faggot

>> No.6244580

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.6245166
File: 732 KB, 749x1113, LOANS RIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the free money obviously... Buy XLC.

for real though, it will help free humani9ty from the debt based and on credit banking economic system we have today. Providing we stick to Satoshis fundamentals then it will liberate us from the money lenders control.
It is also why shit like SALT is cancer.

>> No.6245216


>> No.6245699

when you buy bitcoin though, that just turns into cash for someone else it doesn't get rid of any debt or credit.

Money lenders aren't going anywhere, it just might mean slightly less profits for them.