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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6237798 No.6237798 [Reply] [Original]

Is it good or is it wack?

>> No.6237975

it's pretty much about to do what bitcoin did in november-december but just on steroids, so yeah...

>> No.6238032
File: 54 KB, 200x200, smugaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good sht breh

>> No.6238059
File: 201 KB, 1500x842, fire_upfiring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price increases have been pretty good. But i also think there is a lot potentiel in the technology behind.

Getting a good decentralized torrent system have been needed for a long long time. So yeah, i think it is a good investment.

>> No.6238130

It's a pump and dump scam. Proof: https://m.imgur.com/a/QORqg

>> No.6238150
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so hot rn!

>> No.6238400

Dude see the post below you, it's a pump and dump.

>> No.6238419
File: 122 KB, 500x369, ufr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR is good.

>actual use case

That alone puts it ahead of the jillion shit coins out there.

Grab some Upfiring now unless you hate money.

>> No.6238531

No there isn't actual use. Read the hundreds of other threads with people proving there isn't.

>> No.6238562

Shitty p&d orchestrated by pajeets in a stinky discord.

>> No.6238699

Even though there are those who will tell you it’s a scam, after being shilled on this coin by someone on reddit I decided to look into it properly as I think it’s fair to give most things a chance as long as its not something stupid like PAC.

P2P technology has been in SERIOUS need of an upgrade, because uTorrent is getting real old, real fast, and with something like torrents, decentralisation is a no brainer.

Think about it. Closed torrent communities are the best right? You know you’ll get safe, secure files with great seeder ratio. But these sites are closed because they have a VIP element to them.

With the UFR token users actually have an incentive to seed and being on the Ethereum blockchain means secure transactions...

All this without goverments and regulations and site shutdowns.

Makes a lot of sense to me. :)

>> No.6238753

As said before dumping anytime soon would be unreasonable as it still has a long way to go until it starts to stagnate, a long way indeed so a quick 2x atleast is possible within a few days

>> No.6238772

How is this proof? Are you retarded nigger? This is a proof that there is a discord server trying to shill the coin, yeah, but that means nothing. There is a server shilling every coin above rank 500 you fucking retard

Didn't I tell you to buy when it dips to 1.70? I hope you listened moron, cos now look

>> No.6238812

Yeah no shit. Anything that gets shilled on here so hard can't be anything else

>> No.6238826
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UFR is literally the only low cap coin i'd buy now.

It has a solution for a real problem, an active and responsive dev team and - most important - a low market cap.

you know what this means? m-o-o-n m-i-s-s-i-o-n

buy now, or regret forever when you see it up 100x in a few months *(not joking at all)*

>> No.6238855
File: 229 KB, 2048x1024, 1515372936490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR has been going up for couple of weeks now. P&D are done in matter of minutes. Just hop on the train and stop bitching. There are still atleast 10x gains waiting for us.

>> No.6238870
File: 35 KB, 455x331, pter_-_Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks on track to recover nicely from the recent fud. 50x? not any time soon. But I'd be crazy surprised if mcap doesn't break 150m Q1

>> No.6238881

As someone who has actually worked on P2P tech, this coin is an interesting idea. Could potentially change the landscape. Considerably more viable than many of the other shitcoins out there.

And if there is a grouping shilling it, who the fuck cares? Based on the screenshot they are explicitly not a PnD group. More reason to get in on this before it hits more exchanges.

What are you waiting for?

>> No.6238884

I work as an engineer in a data warehouse, and if you had any idea how big the initial investment in a server farm is you would understand the potential ufr has.
Essentially any company would be able to have any amount of storage space and bandwidth they desired and it would be instantly scalable to any size.
This will make many hosting businesses obsolete and it will give easier entry for new companies to manage filesharing at scale.

>> No.6238911

>it's a pump and dump scam hurr durr
Regardless of the discord shilling the coin has resisted to the overall dip and is currently on the rise. It has gone down and up, and continues going up at the moment. I wish I had invested into UFR in the dip and now I regret it

>> No.6238931
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Even though the price went down with the rest of the market today, I'm still bullish as fuck on UFR. I've still made 4x off of this and could easily still see 10x in the future. FFS, this was almost 20k sats last night until Ethereum took a big shit on everything, buying UFR now at a massive discount is a huge opportunity if you haven't bought already.

>> No.6239184

Project looks legit. If there is a discord shilling it then all the better, /biz/ is a powerful social component of the coinmarkets. You're lying to yourself if you don't think hundreds of dedicated people advertising this coin isn't helpful.

It's worth at least 2% of your portfolio since the tech is real, the devs are working hard, and the community is strong. I wish I had listened before it 5x'd.

>> No.6239218

shoo shoo pajeet

>> No.6239400


Just get in. Dump some of your shitcoins that are just gonna keep dropping. Jump on UFR and start making that loss back.

>> No.6239499

You think a coin with the name -Upfiring- is gonna go anywhere? It’s a shitty PND

>> No.6239570
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>> No.6239602

I just read that image completely and I see nothing wrong with it. There's no buying or selling signals, there's no PnD, only guys who believe in a coin and want people to know about it, similar to what the XRB community does by shilling every fucking subreddit.

>> No.6239634

I think its gonna go up

>> No.6239715

It will go upward albeit as always be responsible for your own butt as there always are dumps at the end of every coin, still worth a gamble

>> No.6239853

fucking faggots dickridding eachother
go back to your shitty discord

>> No.6239964
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stay butthurt NOGAINS

>> No.6240045
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>> No.6240158

Your link clearly shows it's not a pump and dump. Are you retarded?

>> No.6240281

Most of the shills are so retarded that people now think this is a scam coin you stupid nigger
The shills are detrimental to the price of the coin

>> No.6240560

Have fought all dips way too easy too not go up

>> No.6240828

This is really funny, how you are trying to shill your coin. The more you post - the less attractive your coin looks.

>> No.6240957

This is the real deal. Can only go up from this dip.

>> No.6240976
File: 20 KB, 400x250, ufrmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

said the increasingly nervous pajeet holding TRX.

>he didnt buy Upfire at 30c EOY 2017
>he doesnt buy Upfire at 2 USD today
>he wont meet me on the moon in 2 months

>> No.6241048

Up 1000%.

Dips 30% and people are calling it a scam.

This coin going straight to $5 after it consolidates.

>> No.6241079
File: 185 KB, 500x366, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. The floor on UFR gets higher every day. It will keep snowballing and mooning to lamboland, especially once all the weak hands are cleansed and the FOMO homos finally pick up too.

>> No.6241136

invest anon you wont regret

>> No.6241156

I'm up 500%
Read my post again you stupid nigger

The discord group is bunch of faggots with 2 eth larping as whales and market makers

Lmao, the people calling this a "pump and dump" don't know what a pump and dump is

Fuck em, let them remain poor and ignorant mate

>> No.6241286
File: 738 KB, 642x628, waat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal proof that its not a pump and dump