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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6231060 No.6231060 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys I just got in crypto currency today. I bought 2 LTC on Coinbase. I'm trying to make an account on Coinmarketcap so I can trade my LTC for TRX and possibly XRP. Where can I create an account? I don't see an account creation page or any instructions on their website.

>> No.6231148

nah brah u need to get on that $XVG

>> No.6231198

Send LTC to this address, it belongs to coinmarketcap. They need to verify your funds then they will send them back.


>> No.6231214

A buddy of mine was talking about XVG earlier yesterday. He bought some and was telling me about it. I'd like to get in but i don't want to be spread too thin.

>> No.6231273
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I googled it just too make sure. No bamboozles. thanks.

>> No.6231284

lmao doesn't even know CMC isn't an exchange. what makes you think he knows how to send crypto.

>> No.6231347

But it is an exchange? You can clearly see every price of every single share on the market. Also, I know that's a wallet address. I just don't know how to make one of those yet tho

>> No.6231365

Semirelated, is there an easy way to buy altcoins? Bittrex, binance etc all have closed registrations.

>> No.6231390

Shit he's smarter than I thought.

>> No.6231484

lmao confirmed LARP

>> No.6231524

Binance was open for a while yesterday will probably be another window soon.

Kucoin should be open use my referral 27cgf plz

>> No.6231533

Larping detected

>> No.6231568

6/10 larp
i kek'd a little

>> No.6231584

this has to be a troll

>> No.6231679

wtf is a larp? i'm not trolling btw. I literally just got my LTC today. I was on /v/ and the topic of cryto currency came up. I asked some questions and they pointed me to this board. Fuck man, I just wanted some help.

>> No.6231745
File: 75 KB, 960x722, nintchdbpict000248633012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you sure? what gave it away?

>> No.6231791
File: 109 KB, 588x823, ugfiehf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coming to 4chan for help

>> No.6231898

i know the chan is normally full of morons but i was lurking for a few hours and decided to give it a shot. Where are coins for sale besides the one on coin base? I ws trying to use coinmarketcap but i'm guessing i cant?

>> No.6231899


>> No.6232143

dude, you're larping or you really are a retard. aaahhhh, i can't tell now
only advice: lurk moar

>> No.6232196

How do I buy coins that aren't listed on Coinbase?

Every other website that I come across either has its registrations suspended or requires some weird third party aspect to it. I create a KuCoin account but then can't deposit via a card or bank account.

The entire sequence with wallets and exchanges and keys seems so alien to me. Is there a decent guide anywhere? The ones I turn up searching are absolutely rubbish.