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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6222719 No.6222719 [Reply] [Original]

>parents know I'm in crypto
>want me to invest 2000$ for them
>want to set up accounts, buy crypto and manage their portfolio for them
>tell them its a lot of work and pretty risky and that I'd prefer it if they did the legworks themselves but that I'm happy to help them if they run into trouble
>"we didn't raise you to be this selfish, anon! we're only asking to share your good luck with your own parents! we'll even give you 1% of the profit afterwards if you insist!"

Who is in the right?

>> No.6222796

Don't do it. They'll hate you if you lose their money.

>> No.6222830

Tell them you will only do it if you get 70% of the profits and then buy LINK

>> No.6222848

Just buy them some ETH and it will grow slowly making them an acceptable profit

>> No.6222858


i take a 10% cut from winnings. but i dont do for family. friends only

>> No.6222904

This, doing it is only going to led to resentment unless you make them millionaires in a month

>> No.6222920

Probably the best way to play it. Don’t go buying and swapping shitcoins every week just buy eth and sit on it.

>> No.6222970

just give them 2k on top of their investments, but do it slowly over a few months, 500 every month that they "gained"

>> No.6222975

Who is that oatmeal going brah

>> No.6222979

Don't even think of doing that. Tell them how to use the exchanges and stuff, but don't touch their money. Grave mistake.

>> No.6223017

ETH is a shitcoin you dumb fuck. Just buy them NEO OP and collect GAS for yourself.

>> No.6223067

ignore your parents. don't buy anything for them. normies are fucking scum

my sibilings also asking why i didn"t "make them buy too" when they know ive been in it for months

ungrateful normies just want everything handed to them, and even when it is, they want you to force them to do it too

fucking kill them all

>> No.6223096

This or BAT, BNTY or some other proven coin/token.

>> No.6223145

Did this for my parents. Turned their 600 dollars into 5 grand...better gains than mine. JUST

>> No.6223161

don't talk about your gains to friends or family.
some things that can happen :
-you convince them not to play(voluntarily or not) and it goes up : "whoa how selfish of you, you didn't want us to benefit too ?"
-you convince them(voluntarily or not) to play and they lose: "because of you we lost XXX $!!"
Even if you get them to play and it goes up, they probably won't be that grateful anyway. why risk it ?

>> No.6223220

Just point those normies to GBTC and tell them to fuckoff.

>> No.6223267

This right here boyos

Also how do you handle taxes in this situation?

>> No.6223480
File: 188 KB, 512x512, 59EAFE2A-FCC3-474E-812C-1A8EC018F9E8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been in it for months

Get out normie

>> No.6223494

When will they just leave us alone?

>> No.6223507

In case you don't know, if your parents want to get in, it's time time for you to sell.

>> No.6223597

If you already do it for your friends you should do it for your parents in my opinion. Wtf man, just invest it in ethereum, no chance of losing money.

>> No.6223611

Negotiate a 10% cut fagbag

>> No.6224006
File: 33 KB, 447x447, D3179B68-4FBE-4B33-B021-5041846B4307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my dad so no

>> No.6224192

Here is the speech you need:
"Successful trading requires emotional detachment and an appetite for risk. I'm fine risking my own money, but I cannot achieve the proper state of mind when I'm risking other people's money"
If you absolutely have to, set them up with 50/50 BTC/ETH and impress upon them the importance of holding for 5+ years, because they'll be screaming at you to sell when the bubble pops.

>> No.6224440

I facepalm every fucking time I come to /biz/ and read threads about family, like this one. What kind of fucked up families yall ? All my father told me about my crypto adventures is this - "son the important thing is for you to be healthy, the rest are just details", the man would rather kill himself than take advantage of his children. It's called love and looking at your pathetic excuses for a family, the world doesn't have nearly enough of it.

>> No.6224919

I still like to believe they're larping and not actually genuine degenerates from shit families, but this is 4chan so... at least 40% would be retards with retard families.

>> No.6225032


They probably have shitty American families, I have interacted with these types of parents and they are usually American for the most part. In the US the only thing people care about is money, money, money and nothing else. So I'm not surprised this shit happens.

>> No.6225058

you can't win with normies

>> No.6225118

Agree to do it only under the circumstance that they expressly know they could lose all of it.

>> No.6225166


1%? what are you jewish?

tell you parents to do their own fucking work or you want 50%