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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 97 KB, 1400x933, lamden-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6221795 No.6221795 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like I got pajeeted hard. For a fresh EtherDelta token it's performing like fucking shit.

>> No.6221953

You have to wait for their rebranding.

>> No.6222000

And when the fuck is that?

>> No.6222073

>he fell for an obvious scam
get out while you still can

>> No.6222102

the entire market is going to shit right now and you're complaining that lamden is only trading at like 9x? lol

>> No.6222121

>Already x12 ICO price without any significant news
>only been tradable for about a week
>markets currently crashing

What the fuck do you expect?
It's holding its value well during the market consolidation. You guys are a bunch of greedy spoiled children I swear

>> No.6222156

Nah lamden is a total shitcoin, you know it, tau knows it, your Grammy knows it

>> No.6222182

This has been my comfiest hold throughout the mini crash

>> No.6222190

June 10 at 6 PM UTC, I can hardly wait!

>> No.6222195

still netting me sick gains nigga

>> No.6222231

How’s your 5k gains lol

>> No.6222272


>> No.6222283

June 10th?! Wtf is that dooms day? That’s a half year away mofo

>> No.6222314


>> No.6222340

Then sell you little bitch and stop whining

>> No.6222344

New exchange listings is what you should watch out for. I don't know any dates though

>> No.6222402

Better get out before it hits an exchange

>> No.6222513

>bought at 7c
>price is $1.19

shit I got pajeeted hard

nigger this thing is gonna take off to a 1bn mcap by EOY

>> No.6222517

you deserve to stay poor you fag
its on CMC only for 2 days what you expect and its only on non normie exchanges just wait

>> No.6222627

>5x to 10x EOY
Like I give a fuck.
How long? My plan was to get the fuck out before Shipchain gets listed and jump on the ship. And it's only five days away.

>> No.6222745

So you still hold tau rght now?

>> No.6222817

>5x to 10x EOY
>Like I give a fuck.

you are the dumbest piece of newcoiner dumb money holy shit

may god have mercy on your soul

>> No.6222915

Those are really shitty gains within a whole year and we both know it.

>> No.6223056

x10 within a few days is and price holding strong through a market wide crash is performing like shit? Nice FUD m8. I doubt you hold this coin.

>> No.6223102


1b? are you retarded? This will be at least 10b.

>> No.6223113

Anon, PLEASE sell to me. I have buy orders on ED that I can’t fill.

>> No.6223138

I hold 3260 of them.
>x10 within a few days
If this doesn't happen I'll have you hanged by your balls from a tree.

>> No.6223140

Are you guys retarded? The market is down 30% and this holds at -2% and you guys freak the hell out.

We're on a refueling mission during this turmoil. Calm down.

>> No.6223393

Shipchain tokens won't be unlocked until March. You have plenty of time

>> No.6223520
File: 561 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180110-081959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source on Shipchain info

>> No.6223627

>Has already gone 11x

This whole thing is fishy anyway, I wouldn't go as far as calling it a scam as they will likely still try. But I don't expect a high grade blockchain from this. Likely it will be the biggest shit ever taken in crypto.

>> No.6224096

And Icon was 22x ico by the time it hit binance and had nothing to show for it. It's just the world we live in

>> No.6224166

Remind me of all the working products Tron has, please.

List all the banks that have publicly agreed to use Ripple.

Tell me a single fucking smart contract used in the real world that isn't an ICO and isn't cryptokitties