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622143 No.622143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why rich people just don't do drugs everyday? I consider myself poor NEET from middle-class family, still get high daily (if enough money). I'd never be sober if owned one million, so how do multimillionaries live without drugs? Or are they drug addicts? Or, maybe, never tried drugs?

>> No.622146


Because people with your attitude don't get rich?

>> No.622148

Most rich people are born rich. Also, if you're already rich, why the fuck don't you do drugs?

>> No.622152

Drug addicts don't tend to stay rich.

>> No.622167


the sucessful seek out their highs from life, not drugs.

but often times they seek highs from drugs too.

>> No.622174


Drugs cloud judgement. If you can't think clearly, you are soon to be parted with your money.

>> No.622201

Why? I mean really rich people, multimillionaires.

>> No.622205

because it literally fucks you up. i don't understand how this needs further explaining.

>> No.622207


Substantial wealth should be protected and propagated over generations. It only takes one of two generations of fuck up progeny to really dry up a decent well so to say. Value of an ivy education seems to be depreciating. If you do drugs all day what can you really offer to growing your families wealth? Tech is an anomaly where people are able to amass wealth without old money connections.

>> No.622208

Do you not understand how it is bad for your health and concentration. Or do you not understand how it will negatively impact your wealth? It's actually not too hard to waste away your wealth, just look at sports athletes and Lottery winners.

>> No.622210

Most people don't get rich until they are older. And while I know will come as a shock, most adults grow out their desire for drugs.

Despite what see on TV or movies, the "hip, well-off pot-smoking middle age cool dude" is almost universally a myth. Most people still getting high or doing other drugs into their 40's and beyond are pathetic social pariahs, even if they keep their shit together.

Furthermore, there's still a stigma associated with drug use of any kind (again, despite what you see on TV or in movies). Not to mention the legal consequences. Rich people have more to lose by harming their social standing, and reputation, let alone running afoul of state or federal laws.

>> No.622219

All of the implications ITT.... Of course rich people do drugs, you'd be naive to think they don't do rails off their $1000 hookers. Sure, not all of them do it, but it's safe to assume a vast majority of them do. There's a lot going on behind closed doors.

>> No.622266

Why aren't they drug addicts then?

>> No.622287

>Despite what see on TV or movies, the "hip, well-off pot-smoking middle age cool dude" is almost universally a myth. Most people still getting high or doing other drugs into their 40's and beyond are pathetic social pariahs, even if they keep their shit together.

People who smoke weed because they enjoy it tend to not let anyone know they smoke weed. The older, more well off people remember the bad stigma that pot used to have and hence keep it to themselves.

They are, but they have the means to avoid the life of shitty apartments, shitty jobs, and crime that most addicts enjoy. They also tend not to get high on the job or before work.

>> No.622300

>They also tend not to get high on the job or before work.
How the fuck?

>> No.622301


By using the same fortitude of mind that brought them to the top of their game

Being addicted to your daily fix, but only enjoying it in the evenings/weekends, is a thing many addicts that have good lives do

>> No.622315

So drugs isn't something special for the rich guys? Same way a 6 yo could ask why millionaires don't eat icecream all day long, right?

>> No.622320

>People who smoke weed because they enjoy it tend to not let anyone know they smoke weed.
Its virtually impossible to smoke weed recreationally and not be obvious to other people., especially if those people used to smoke weed.
>protip: you're not fooling any one

>> No.622341


Yes. Almost exactly the same.

>> No.622347

>Its virtually impossible to smoke weed recreationally and not be obvious to other people., especially if those people used to smoke weed.

>never go out in public stoned
>don't like Bob Marly of wiz kalifia
>keep you appearance neat
>don't wear pro-pot shirts
>steer clear of marijuana legalization debates with friends
>buy from trusted sources behind closed doors or grow your own

The sterotypical pot smoker is someone young, with long hair, who openly supports legalization, and like pro-pot musicians and media. The clean cut business professional who enjoys a joint at home after work is as far as you can get from a teenage stoner.

>> No.622360

>never get high on your own supply

>> No.622382


Its usually easy to tell who smokes by their personality and mannerisms.

>> No.622397

+1. There's nothing easier to spot than a stoned person trying to act not stoned. (Except maybe a drunk guy pretending to be sober.)

What does it say if you have to be this closeted and secretive about your recreational hobby?
>Sounds a bit pathetic, which was my point 20 posts up.

>> No.622404

Yeah, if you ALSO SMOKE POT.

>> No.622405

>There's nothing easier to spot than a stoned person trying to act not stoned.

Except that you would never see them stoned?

>> No.622409

Sounds like a lonely, isolated way of "enjoying" your leisure time.

>> No.622417

Because drugs are degenerate.

>> No.622424

Or you do it with a close group of friends like i do. They all got their lifes together and don't look like stoners. So just dont let your coworkers bosses neighbours family members see you smoke and you'll be alright.

Oh and OP most harddrugs are just very very bad and addictive for the body and your time on this planet is the most valuable thing there is so i'd rather stick to a joint or a beer in the weekends and occasionally an xtc pill on a party. If i would do this every day it would become normal and the joy i would be getting out of it will be significantly less.

>> No.622429

this. i know a millionaire and he knows others millionaires.
ah, males..

>> No.622437

I live in a state that has weed legal. How long before stigma is removed about smoking cannabis? Would love to attend some pot parties. I rarely ever smoke but I support ending prohibition for every single drug. Even heroin, yes I have friends who are addicted to that shit.

>> No.622444

>There's nothing easier to spot than a stoned person trying to act not stoned
How to spot that? Because my parents don't notice anything when I'm stoned.

>> No.622453

>ITT: Claims from no source everywhere

>> No.622454

Every single millionaire I know does some form of drug from weed to much much harder. What the fuck are you on about

>> No.622474


Some do, there was some documentary about that rich guy is clearly an opium addict but he is fine because he has a secure hook up and enough money to feed his addiction. Which just goes to show the benignness of opiates, and that the real problem is not opiates but a lack of opiates. Legalize it.

>> No.622499

Who's gonna work then m8? Also I wanna watch that film, where do I find it?

>> No.622509

>My parents are real good about ignoring the elephant in the room and don't want to distance me.

Fixed that for ya.

>> No.622532
File: 449 KB, 500x301, 1406588235291.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China did this in the 1800's it started two wars and left the country a broken ruin by the 1920's which left the door open for a japanese invasion and subsequent communist uprising.

>> No.622535

Normal people (not drug addicts) don't do what you do or think the way that you do.

You're a drug addict. Seek help. Seriously.

>> No.622541

No, actually when I get home drunk they notice. I mean, really drunk. So, how does a stoned person behave?

>> No.622542

>You're a drug addict. Seek help. Seriously.
How do I seek help? Any why should I?

>> No.622554

>be me
>meet a crackhead
>former CEO of a company
>smokes crack err'day
>drives a Saab 9-5 Viggen
>tell me he was fired by the board of his company
>they knew about the drug addiction
>instead of a lump sum, they said up a trust
>trust will pay him $50,000 a year for life
>he smokes all the $50,000
>waits till the new year to reload on funds
>smokes some more

true story.

>> No.622557

Just move along from this thread. Op clearly wants to call rich people stupid because they don't do drugs. When in reality doing drugs is a poor life choice and a bad investment.

>> No.622567

not sure if srs
the reason they're rich is because they focus on doing shit with their lives.

>> No.622569

Tons of rich people do drugs. They waste all their money on drugs and become poor.

>> No.622585

Just watch Wolf of Wall Street, bud?