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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 4 KB, 244x207, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6215363 No.6215363 [Reply] [Original]

New on Binance;

Buy up to 0.0035 eth per, sell at 0.0090 - 0.01 depending on thr size of your balls.

Just a tip friendo ;)

>> No.6215535


>> No.6215779


Check the sats since I posted this, groups shouldn't try to screw others so much ;)

>> No.6215852


Sell target? YOu see this going up more?

>> No.6215900

Read the fucking post

>> No.6215920

their first VR concert is on the 20th, then a superbowl ad on the 4th of next month. what do you think?

>> No.6216198

you think x2 before eod?

>> No.6216421

Now that would be great

>> No.6216560
File: 808 KB, 1500x1189, stock-photo-young-couple-arguing-in-the-kitchen-383936497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooo don't tell these fucking pajeets about this gem I was not done accumulating yet!!!!! Let them stay poor!!!!

>> No.6216729

2x here we come

>> No.6216748

as a poorfag i need to catch a x2 or x3 for a decent portfolio
its hard to tell whats a pajeet PnD
and also dont have a cryptotopia acc
dont know should i sell eng at a loss and get this

>> No.6216801

OP you a whale pumping this?

>> No.6216876

what kinda of bubblicious fuckery is this
when this bubble pops their are going to be serious tears

>> No.6217016

This is one of my long term holds. Its got huge potential at revolutionizing music.

>> No.6217022

Thats why you make sure that the bulk of your portfolio is in legit coins which high potential, such as ICON, NEO, LINK, ETH.

Meanwhile ride bs coins to profit and exit in time.

>> No.6217140

Speaking of which, I dont see it on binance.

>> No.6217189


>> No.6217229

Wtf this is pumping hard.

>> No.6217257

I see the problem, had to refresh.

>> No.6217269

It just got listed on binance 6h ago, hence the pump

>> No.6217306

Yeah, I had that page open for 3 days. I put 75 dollars in to this coin, now worth 3000.

>> No.6217370

is there arbitrage trade potential here?

>> No.6217386

Make that 5000.

>> No.6217405

Currently .0018 on ED. So yes, there is unless its not just updating in Blockfolio.

>> No.6217406

What page? Twitter feed? How did you know they'd list it?

>> No.6217474

I had the Binance page open for 3 days so it was not up to date. I bought the Vibe ICO, Had no idea it was going to be listed. It was bound to be listed at some point though. Its a big deal.

>> No.6217485

yea thats why im asking thought maybe its my blockfolio fucking up
id do it but at work and no etherdelta acc
and putting any money in hitbtc is a big risk from what i read

>> No.6217563

If this gets near .009 i will transfer it to Binance and sell it and buy it back. I dont think its going that high that fast. Perhaps end of year.

>> No.6217673

I put the same amount of ETH in the VIBE and ICX ICOs. Guess which once made me more money?

>> No.6217719

No idea, I have not watched ICX. I put 75 dollars in to all my holds. Arbitrary number but lets me track their progress.

>> No.6217865


>> No.6217944

I put 1.5 ETH into the ICO. I have pulled out a little over 15 ETH and still hold 20k VIBE.

>> No.6217966

Shill me on ICX. Whats its business model and is it an Ether token. Been seeing it a lot lately.

nice. I dont have that sort of petty cash to work with.

>> No.6218028

that was when ETH was worth around $150 so I didn't exactly put a lot in to start.

>> No.6218071

>up 442.63%

fuck man

>> No.6218546

Took a hard drop right now.

>> No.6218656
File: 18 KB, 675x194, Screen Shot 2018-01-10 at 15.19.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chose eos thinking it would withdraw fast but it's stuck like this for half an hour on kucoin wtffff aaaaahhhhh help what do I need to buy me some Vibe

>> No.6218722

The eb and flow will do that. I dont care, even if it settles down, im going to be up 4500-5000 dollars in one day. I have no plans to sell it until it does a miracle and gets to .009 sometime this month like the OP says.

>> No.6218808

it'll go back up evt

>> No.6218837

should have used gas

>> No.6218930

what do you mean? I can;t put in gas, it;s kucoin

>> No.6219027
File: 124 KB, 605x190, Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 9.45.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a shitcoin compared to Audiocoin. They even released Bjorks newest album and will do a press release about a partnership with a major music label.

Not to mention that that already have a working product for months, real artists/musicians, small market cap one of the largest music studio and equipment sales companies in the world.

Supported by Resetera >>6202164
They made Xtrabytes, COLX and FLASH possible.

Get in now or you'll miss a legit 50x

Price is 200 satoshi

>> No.6219028

exchange for gas withdraw gas buy btc/eth on binance

>> No.6219092

bought at 2.4 after i read this, fck me lmao

>> No.6219121

had me until xtrabytes

>> No.6219153

they're gonna show footage from CES, plus first show in 10 days.. I think it'll moon to 9-10 again soon

>> No.6219198

how quick does it process?

>> No.6219234

seriously, people there made x100 on XBY

ADC should be a similar deal or even better

>> No.6219239

Curious about something. What is this VIU coin? Is that like Gas for Vibe?

>> No.6219507

was faster then eth for me and a lot less fees
the long confirmation times are on kucoin end

>> No.6219642

going up again!
1.5x before eod?

>> No.6219685

Still .0018 on ED. If anyone does arbitrage, you can make a lot of money right now.

All my shits tied up right now.

>> No.6219716

Sounds like a gamble