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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 766x593, Coinbase failing again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6214641 No.6214641 [Reply] [Original]

All your gains are imaginary. Exchanges won't let you cash out in fiat because they will go bankrupt otherwise. Anyone who says they can "sell or withdraw their crypto for fiat easily" is a LIAR and SHILL for the exchanges.

>> No.6214674

Explain to me how I cashed out 200k last week then?

>> No.6214702


Because you are fucking liar, Mr. Shill :^)

>> No.6214703

Obviously you're a shill

>> No.6214737

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.6214792

can confirm, tried to take out 1000 a year ago. still stuck there

>> No.6214899

that's common sense. Who'll give out a million dollars in cash in a snap?

>> No.6214949

Wait a second. How did i cash out some of my buttcoins on localbitcoins not so long time ago?

>> No.6215021
File: 124 KB, 897x498, 546435435356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exactly. And yet you see shills here everyday claiming to withdraw 100k or 200k a day with ease.

Because you are a lying shill thats why.

>> No.6215034
File: 13 KB, 284x177, 1515514133185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being in crypto until this meme dies
>being such a poor fag he needs cash now

>> No.6215066

I cashed out 220k without any problems, don't know what you faggot have

>> No.6215104

Using what exchange?

>> No.6215105

Cashed out almost 5k on coinjar a couple weeks back, went through no problems

>> No.6215175

I cash out on Lykke. Send ethereum then cash out to my bank account.

>> No.6215177

Fucking normies, I swear

>> No.6215213

Obvious shill, sage all fields and hide

>> No.6215233

I cashed out 3000 Euro yesterday. Via ETC/Eur on Kraken Exchange.

Don't know about Coinbase tho..

>> No.6215274
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Sure you did buddy. :^)

>> No.6215649

It's a spooky bug, I got that too last summer a few times
But you can definitely cash out with Kraken at least. Took around 8K of profits in July.
Dunno what would happen if you would try to cash out 90000000000000001€ though

>> No.6215674

>withdrawing in bitcoin
okay grandpa, thanks for the heads up

>> No.6215682



>> No.6215735

What's the alternative?

>> No.6215971

Just use fucking localbitcoins its not hard.

>> No.6216021

full of spooks

>> No.6216033


That's a scam, you can't cash out.

>> No.6216058

>doing business with actual criminals and drug dealers

>> No.6216078

>use localbitcoins
>get murdered

>> No.6216103

what's wrong with coinbase?

>> No.6216107

daily reminder that brian armstrong and coinbase HATE BTCore. They like to see a flippening.

>> No.6216146

>meet me i nthe alley across the street from ihop for your 200k in cash

>> No.6216186

the only reason that's there is because btc went up to 19k then crashed so hard so fast everyone pulled out and blockchain got the largest back up of transactions in history

i mean i don't know much but... couldn't you open up a bunch of wallets, put your btc in that, withdraw from 5 wallets a day?

i mean binance has a 100 btc a day withdraw rate so...yeah. if pulling out 160k a day isn't enough you don't have much to complain about.

>> No.6216191

Can someone explain to me why everyone seems to be talking about fiat withdrawals, but the message in OP is about BTC withdrawals?
u all dumb?

>> No.6216209

Nice just smashed my phone and ledger

>> No.6216222

LOL retard you can meet in coffee shops and police stations my friend cashed out 66k and got 60k

>> No.6216254

Yes OP is a fag and everyone is dumb

>> No.6216257
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 163373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those niggers think using localbitcoins means meeting with someone in person

>> No.6216290

>giving actually criminals and drug dealers your bank account details, full name and address

>> No.6216293

nigga...fiat...is real world currency

>> No.6216324

nigga im not giving you an envelop filled with 60k in a police station wtf

>> No.6216347

It's popular.

>> No.6216352


coinbase cashed out 65k last year and i was feeling frisky so I did three 9K withdrawals to my checking account since new year. I also buy piles of gold and silver from JM with my BTC, when the transactions confirm.

I'm going to plan on pulling out 200K from Coinbase this year, I hope.. small amounts though total about 17K per month... heres to hoping.

>> No.6216394

Awesome, I'm gonna invest in this.

>> No.6216396

>Using coinbase
Here is your problem. That exchange is shit and doesn't even support Segwit.

>> No.6216440


reddit spacing. You have to go back.

its not an exchange, or barely anyway, its only a way for US citizens to cash out

>> No.6216488

but it has the best rates for me atm. am i missing someting?

>> No.6216580
File: 32 KB, 220x220, tumblr_n71mk1V1zb1r94a6eo3_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using cash by mail option so only thing they know is my PO box number
it's that simple

>> No.6216582

>Account details
Card number and your name (im my country it just shows the first letter of yuur surname to them)
U wot?

>> No.6216626

are you some sort of nigger?

>> No.6216731

great method how to cash out. not all at once, but steady and without coinbase-like fees. for euros only
www.bitcoin.de, you sell btc or eth directly to other users. worked perfectly for me the last times, people sell (and buy) amounts from 0,0001 to 10BTC. i always made smaller portions so people would buy it, from 100 - 3000 Euros you sell pretty fast. sucks if you live in a taxhell tho

>> No.6216752

yes no one would think to use a police station as a place to make a huge ass sketchy exchange

only a criminal would run into a police station and use 60k in cash for crack

i wouldnt do it either i was js. if i could meet someone up at a coffee shop and no one leaves until after i have the cash or the btc then yeah i wouldn't give a shit idk about large amounts tho

wew lad


>> No.6216783
File: 106 KB, 640x640, 1514101442709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about buying gold/silver?

>> No.6216940

This troll is really annoying because some brainlets actually believe exchanges could go bankrupt like this. They are not the ones buying your coins. You put up a sell order and you can only cash out if another person wants to fill your order.

>> No.6216989


jm bullion

>> No.6216992

this uh....this is moer a crypto board

look up the rates of silver and gold on a graph

>> No.6217091
File: 81 KB, 931x330, foreshadowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>withdrawals are working fine for me :^)

>> No.6217179

...and the fiat when you withdraw just appears out of nowhere? Okay.

>> No.6217260
File: 1.38 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180110-051152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this on snapchat just looked up bitcoin topic