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6208916 No.6208916 [Reply] [Original]

I have been involved on the net since 94. I've been "rich" multiple times but now I'm wealthy and these normie beta cucks are messaging me on facebook, calling my cell text messages etc. I have lost all motivation for life I'm almost scared of them for the reason that they are jealous as fuck and constantly hounding me for information. They should do research themselves but they are the wrong kind of idiot to tell to go duck themself. They would do shady shit becauae they have nothing to lose then I would have to kill them. I wanted to be "cool" and started hanging out with the wrong crowd earlier in life. I cant believe i let these stupid fucking total losers into my life at one point. Ive been ignoring their calls and texts. Soon some idiot will show up at my house. If this was a fews year ago I would just knock the son of the bitch out and leave him dying in my porch but I'm trying to go legal now paying taxes etc so if someone knocks on my door I will have to tell the carpet bagger to kick rocks and may have to call the police. My only option now is to move out of middle class cuckville and not tell these brain dead com shots where I live. Ive done the work for over 15 years. I deserve what I receive for the work I put in these losers think they're going to get this for nothing fuck no.

Make this a lesson for all of you watch Out who you hang out with.

Anyone else dealing with this kind of issue? People trying to come back into your life?

>> No.6209037

Move and get off social media, change numbers, emails, etc. Make sure you're hard to dox.

>> No.6209049

Your own fault, faggot.

>> No.6209086

>facebook made me depressed
WOWOW what a fucking surprise.

>> No.6209093
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>associating yourself with niggers, in any way, ever.

You deserve this, anon. This is now a niggers eating money thread.

>> No.6209132
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>> No.6209207

You only have yourself to blame.

>> No.6209208

Change your phone number, email,delete social media and move somewhere else. Envy, jealousy and greed will make retards do some crazy shit.

You simply have to keep moving forward in the direction you want to be an ignore the static around you. The crabs will always try to hold you back.

>> No.6209342
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Buy new friends. Ever noticed how irl the rich only have other rich friends? You don't see billionaires socializing even with millionaires. Only in films a rich guy dates a poor woman.

>> No.6209652

I say this because the same exact thing happened to me.

Everyone I thought I knew turned against me. Everything from drugging me to rape. You really don’t want to know all the details. I got out of one situation and the rumors from the previous one followed me right into the new social circle.

It wasn’t just that I was coming into a large amount of money either, I’m really young looking for my age and attractive. So all of the would be predators came out to after me.

I still have the money coming in, and I had to burn a lot of bridges to protect myself in the process, but I made it out following that advice above. Cut all contact with the people you used to know. Find new people to associate with. Preferably people of a similar socio-economic status. Keep building your wealthy and share tips with those new friends once they show that they are worth trusting.

Learning how to vet people is something you’re going to need to learn how to do. Never let anyone into your personal circle without vetting them first. I don’t mean asking questions, I mean background checks hire a PI to find out if they have shady associations. Leave no stone unturned, you have to come first. Primarily your own personal safety, because some of these people will do some shady shit to get at your resources.

On resources, hide them away. Make them untouchable. I won’t tell you how, because that is something you have to figure out to keep it impossible for someone to discover.

They tried killing me to get my money. Don’t let them try the same to you.

>> No.6209888

Thank you to all of you.

>> No.6209890

Are you a drug dealer?

>> No.6209951


I am an inventor.

>> No.6210014

I never tell any about crypto or my gains. I lay low till I get a lambo.

>> No.6210069

Post messages they’ve sent

>> No.6210110
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> telling people about your gains
that's where you fucked up.
Bragging is something human but envy is also very human. That's why the Lambo meme is only a metaphor. Only an idiot would buy a Lambo to show off. Money is freedom, for you, for your worries, for your soul.

Three topics not to talk about:
> Money
> Politics
> Religion

Topics to talk about:
> Diseases
> Hobbies
> Work

>> No.6210212

Yeah this. Who the fuck uses FB except for messenger cause their idiot family uses it?

>> No.6211085

The "don't talk about politics or religion" is a jewish scheme to make sure that our idiot, israel-loving boomer parents DID stop having these conversations, FORGOT HOW to have these conversations, and that is why we now have a generation of people who ACTUALLY WANT identity politics.

>> No.6211320

How would normies know unless u post on facebook and have photos of your lambos in your albums lmao