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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 276x183, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
620732 No.620732 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here bet on sports?

What do you bet on? (sport)

Do you bet spread, line, futures, over/under, total ect?

How much has it profit/loss you?

>> No.620743

I did a fanduel once for shits and giggles.
Fucking blew that $25 away in a couple months

>> No.620747

I did on mma. Best results I called 9/11 bets right unfortunately they were all small bets and a bunch were underdogs. I stopped caring towards the end and placed much bigger bets lost and stopped. There is a guy on sherdog forums that posts his bets every event and has a proven track record of making a lot of money. He doesn't bet too extravagantly but his % returns are really good. He posts them before each event and if you followed his bets I'm sure you could make some money.

>> No.620759

Fuck fanduel. The odds of you winning are so much lower then you losing. It's just so damn addicting I blew away $125 in about a month with that site.

This is actually exactly what I do except for NBA games. My win % over my last 100ish games is 65% I believe with 28% return on my investment but I don't bet alot of money at a time. I wanna start betting more but it scares me at the same time haha

>> No.621070


>> No.621087
File: 1.98 MB, 300x225, 1397393137942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Betting since 18 now I am almost 21
First year was bad.
The last I basically spend it thinking about profitable strategy
This year finally making $$$
Its really hard.
If i am really lucky in one month my roi is about 20- 30 % so...
All my bets are in soccer, and horse racing.

>> No.621098


> What are spreads

you can't win because of spreads. I watch sports all the time, I talk sports, I live sports, as do my friends. I also know a lot of gamblers. And I dabbled myself.

You just can't win man. The spreads make it impossible to make a profit. The people that make the spreads are VERY good at what they do. They ensure that no matter what, the house wins.

I have never met a person who has made a profit betting sports, not one.

Your very best bet is to bet on sure thing bets, like if they Patriots play the Jaguars in NFL. But even then, you'll bet like $100 to make $10. And if you lose (which will rarely but sometimes happen) you are totes fucked.

just trust me on this one.

>> No.621118

I have about 30 different accounts. I evenly bet the lowest and highest spreads on any event with a significant difference in odds and hope to middle. Not very often but sometimes you will see an outlier on the lines and that's when I jump.

>> No.621129

>I have never met a person who has made a profit betting sports
>I live sports, as do my friends
there's your problem - stop hanging out with losers.

>betting on NBA
it's like you want to be poor, op.

>> No.621156


Go ahead and show me an individual who makes a consistent living betting on sports.

I'll wait....

In fact, I'll take it a step further: Show me your picks for even a single week of betting, in any sport on earth. Let's see if you are able to make a profit.

>> No.621162
File: 61 KB, 1343x639, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet spread almost every time. The other times I play total. I'm not saying that maybe this is just luck but I think I have a feel for it


>> No.621175


> Dollars won
is that net or is that gross?

Meaning is that figure before or after losses have been added in?

If that is after losses, then kudos man, I am impressed. What sports do you bet on?

I'll issue the same challenge I did the other guy, post your picks for a single week of betting and let's see how you do.

>> No.621178

>gambler and degenerate - know the difference
of course you can make money betting on sports. do your research first.

"hurr durr it's impossible" - just because you watch a lot of sports on TV, it doesn't make you good at predicting the outcomes.

>> No.621190

That number is pure profit. Honestly should be more but I ended up taking a week vacation where there was no internet (Hence the plateu in the middle) I usually bet every NBA game that is played. Challenge accepted. If this thread is still up tomorrow I'll post my picks for the games. If not I'll make a new thread

>> No.621195

>bet every NBA game that is played
quality picks right there... can't wait...

>> No.621197
File: 81 KB, 1345x546, Bets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the double post but I'll post my past 25 game log for everyone to see. I don't bet very much a night which makes it exciting considering I could up my base bet number and have the potential to make a lot more money. (Top 3 are being played tonight)

>> No.621198

I play percentages more then the games themselves if that makes sense. I don't try to fluctuate my betting depending on if I think a game is "easier" to bet on or not. That's how I ended up losing a lot of money once. My winning % is 65% so that's how I make the money I have to this point.

>> No.621227


Not bad. keep us updated.

>> No.621228

I bet on Formula One because it's the sport I follow the closest and because it makes for fun betting.

I make pretty small bets because I'm an American and don't really want to be bothered with having to go through the whole buyout process.

>> No.621231


So lets see it then. I notice you avoided the direct question.

It's simple really. If you or someone you know makes a profit gambling, then surely you can at least exhibit a single week of betting picks to prove your self.

>> No.621240

Nfl, just to make things more interesting. I made over 500 in the seahawks this season if I can find a good line I'm going to put it all down on the owl

>> No.621419

Anyone who's following I went 2-0 on spread tonight and 0-1 on total

>> No.621422

The Seahawks are my favorite team. I'm not a betting man, but if I was, I know that they are almost a lock to beat the spread most regular season weeks. The stats are crazy.

>> No.622203
File: 36 KB, 921x283, Jan21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As promised here are my picks for tonight.

>> No.622211


cool lets see what happens.

if you are in the green this week, I'll jump in for the next round of betting.

>> No.622279

In case people weren't aware there's a very active general on /sp/ called /bet/.

Historically /biz/ gamblers like to crunch the numbers and work muh paper models, whereas /sp/ prefers to research individual games and find an edge - e.g a youth team playing first teamers that isn't priced in.

Some on /bet/ do it full time.

>> No.622290

Thanks I'll have to check it out!

>> No.622291 [DELETED] 

1. Yes, a lot.
2. Football (soccer)
3. Asian handicaps mostly
4. 5 figures

>> No.622293 [DELETED] 

We've been going for over a year now. It's not as good as it used to be, but some good stuff is still posted. A lot of the older people have moved on.

>> No.622299

We've been going for over a year now.

If you post 'picks' such as >>622203 you won't be liked much tbh. Most agree that this is too mainstream and you bets have no edge - that's information the bookies don't have.

>> No.622302


I have 0 idea how to bet aussie sports but i'll check it out see if I can learn a thing or two!

>> No.622308

Aussie sports? You've lost me....

are you talking about the link in the OP? That's just a spreadsheet that a lot use to track p&l - nothing to do with aussie sports apart from the name of the site you get the sheet from.

80% of /bet/ posts are soccer related, the rest American sports.

>> No.622331

Hahah oh sorry just checked it out. Just assumed from the OP

>> No.622333

Oh sorry I just saw the OP and assumed

>> No.622336

Lol, nw.
and in response to your OP:
1. Football (soccer)
2. Asian handicaps
3. Enough to make me want to do this full time once I leave university

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

>> No.622378

I do fanduel every day. I have a ton of wins and have won over 300$ in a span of 5 months. If you play smart and chose a low risk roster you should be okay.

>> No.622425

I would love to do this fulltime. Obviously I'm very inexperienced so far but I've done fairly well lately and the appeal of making as much money as I want to risk is very alluring to me. I want so much more information but I have no clue what questions to ask haha

I'm awful at fanduel what sport do you play on it?

>> No.622500

I bet $25 on NFL spreads once and made 10k.
Then I had this urge to make more bets but realized I was about to lose my win.
Now every once in a while I bet $10-25

Only made 2 wrong bets out of 50.

>> No.622519

Well none of that is true but cool story anyway

>> No.622667


What... how do you bet $25 on a spread and make 10k. Something doesn't add up here

>> No.623017
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>> No.623117

Nice one...if you can maintain that over the course of the year you'll get picked up by Vegas...you won't though ha

>> No.623215

I won't do it full time, but it would be nice, you're your own boss, work any hours you like, get to watch sports, no start up costs, and I could live off it money wise. Huge gap in CV etc though.

>> No.623238

Yeah I definitely don't expect to get this lucky every night haha but it's always a nice pick up

Yeah definitely don't plan on ever doing it fulltime unless I had enough to start up my own business in something unrelated and be able to have that as a reliable income still.

>> No.623254
File: 14 KB, 934x112, picks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 4 games on tonight but here and my picks for them. 11 games on tomorrow night though so probably better outcomes on the games tomorrow.

>> No.623718


Hey man, can you email me? or post your email if you want.

I'd be interested in getting picks from you. I'd give you kickbacks on wins.

more info via email: davidcardinalsfan@gmail.com

>> No.623806

Likewise, could you email me your picks?
How do you get such a high %, followed NBA your whole life I assume?

Email - ryanbusiness333@gmail.com

>> No.623968


Come back...

>> No.624169

>what is short term variance

He's posting them here anyway.

>> No.624184

/bet/ is fucking wank

>> No.624225

Agreed, but it's good for beginners. This time last year it was amazing, but most including myself have moved on, and it's mostly muggy picks and shite posted now.

>> No.624260
File: 14 KB, 921x107, Loss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about my absence! Been really busy. Last night was a tough night only going 1 - 3 (I made some stupid blind picks, just got lazy) but I expect tonight to do better with 11 games on instead of 4.

I might consider this I dunno I feel weird emailing people on 4chan lol.

>> No.624268
File: 34 KB, 929x261, Jan23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here they are.

>> No.624374

Hey dude, what website do you use to place your NBA bets? Thanks in advance

>> No.624427


There's no risk, I do it all the time. Create a new, throwaway, email account if you want.

Basically just looking to kick you back money if your picks win me money, simple. If you're picks make me money every week, I'll kick back like 25% of the profits. It's risk free.

I just worked with a guy from here about 1 month ago, and paypald him $75.

>> No.624429
File: 322 KB, 1299x1509, jwest tips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much you wanna give me?

>> No.624431


ehhhhh, there's an old saying, "never get involved in a business you know nothing about"

I don't know the first thing about soccer (football)

but thanks anyway. nice record btw.

are you able to make a living just gambling?

>> No.624433

This was just everything I posted on /bet/ for a few weeks, when the newfags would constantly moan about which trips to follow, who had a verified record etc.

and thanks!
Stakes were just generic stakes etc, stake more than that per game normally

>> No.624481

So wait.
If I give you the money, you will pick for me, and you will get a provision?

>> No.625187

I use sportsinteraction but I'm planning on making the switch to bet365

Alright that'd be really cool I'll shoot you an email!

Very nice! I wanna look into a sport that I can bet while the NBA is in offseason

>> No.625384

I was joking, but many do that.

Are you Canadian? If you're from the USA you can't use 365.
and yes, >soccer is great, although so many bet on it the value goes quick. I'd get into something like handball or badmington lol, can't imagine many handicappers exist in those sort of sports.

>> No.625417

>J West

>> No.625418

How are you friend?

>> No.625419


Botev Plovdiv -0.5 AH wins

>> No.625422


I think we should completely abandon /bet/ (not that we haven't already) and just start posting here without telling anyone. Get all the old trips together and use this as our knew thread for sharing shrewd picks.

>> No.625423

>not PSG W unders
>not Domzale -1.5

Lel, agreed, will inv some people in
Do you browse /biz/ a lot then?

>> No.625428 [DELETED] 


Very occasionally, this is probably the first time in a couple months I've been here. I rarely even browse /bet/ anymore. Are you still in contact with BT/oil over facebook?

>> No.625429

Hello old friend.

>> No.625430

/biz/ is only for INVESTORS

>> No.625431



how is the risk involved in investing any different from what is presented here?

>> No.625432 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 329x386, Screenshot 2015-01-24 at 13.30.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Afternoon sir. I hope you're ready for the OFI fix this evening.

>> No.625436

What's going on in here?

>> No.625437
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 3662503+_feef0dbcd7a0f02b0c17dcd32f01f2a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you acquire that awesome picture friend?

Were you on the Veria-fix couple of days ago?

>> No.625439
File: 80 KB, 715x395, 1417478214803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.625441 [DELETED] 


I missed the Panionios-Veria cup match if that's what you're referring to, but made a killing on their 4-1 victory last saturday.


You probably won't believe me but I would always post the opposite to the bet that I was currently on (for fixes such as these), just for the small consolation that if I lost money, at least I could enjoy the rare commodity of me being right on /bet/ (and the banter that came with it).

>> No.625443
File: 111 KB, 1200x523, toprus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You probably won't believe me

(This one is my new favorite reaction image. Save and use it if you want to)

>> No.625446 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 449x442, Screenshot 2015-01-24 at 13.46.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wasn't invited into the fb group with all the old trips

>> No.625448
File: 97 KB, 1600x772, sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think why...

>> No.625449 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 630x611, Screenshot 2015-01-24 at 13.50.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my Albanian proxy is permanently banned from 4chan and I can't find another VPN provider that has one.

>> No.625452
File: 433 KB, 406x505, 1422054443221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the wife?

>> No.625453

If you're up for that, I'll give you 50% of the win.
Also, where are you from, I have a feeling you're from the same country as me.

>> No.625454

Did you buy an Albanian passport just for laffs?

>> No.625456

Unless you're some super richfag, it's not my thing

>> No.625457
File: 138 KB, 387x388, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye forever boys, it was nice talking to you all for one last time. You won't see me posting again. I wish you all the best in your future gambling endeavours.



>> No.625458
File: 58 KB, 645x773, 1421069599017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-don't go

>> No.625492

ripip SP
Anybody get on that Czech friendly tournament thing that seems to be happening?

>> No.625520
File: 20 KB, 771x576, 1416753997528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Albanian fix right now and SP isn't on his proxy and trip to post about it

>> No.625637


Howd you do on this btw?

>> No.625641

betting on the xgames in aspen pretty aggrssively

>> No.625730

is this our new place? has that /biz/ autist succeeded?

>> No.625735
File: 34 KB, 808x263, 8-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.625743

I'm actually Canadian so hopefully I can get used to that site it sounds like it just has a lot more options available.

Xgames are pretty cool!

>> No.625752
File: 16 KB, 804x131, Jan24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picks for today. Only 5 games on sadly.

>> No.625769
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>is this our new place? has that /biz/ autist succeeded?
What is life without SP

I might quit too
a part of me has died today

>> No.625783
File: 17 KB, 400x388, 1363935122740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SP is kill

>> No.625787
File: 49 KB, 1111x1024, leef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Soccer Psychic

>> No.625788

>SP will never jerk off over pictures of your friends and family
>SP didn't succeed in doxxing you back in the day
Surprisingly bitter feels

>> No.625789

How so? (Never go on /sp/ so I don't know)

>> No.625814

Not the board, the man >>625457

He's in heaven now

>> No.625823
File: 16 KB, 485x614, 1414699849481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That song
All things that have a beginning, must have an end.

>> No.625889
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>> No.625902
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>> No.625906

I'm following your picks. Thank you.

>> No.625938

the next time you are picking i will be with you. hope you will be here. get a tripcode

>> No.626327

1 out 5 fucking terrible.

>> No.626336

Actually it was 0/5
Don't worry dude I followed these tips aswell

>> No.626370

Haha sorry fellas, it was a weird night in the NBA. If you were to tell me the bucks were going to blow out detroit in the same night Utah ass rapes Brooklyn by 30 I'd think you were fucking with me. Not making excuses though just a bad night.

>> No.626394

Nah don't worry man I just put on like 90 kekaroos

>> No.626419
File: 529 KB, 854x469, fixes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utter Tears
Salty Ocular Fluid
Utterly Salty Occular Faulty Tears

>> No.626421

Hehe didnt even see this untill now top lads those albanians

>> No.626479

tonights picks ?

>> No.626495

So I used to post on /bet/ a lot for my NCAAB picks. Is this like the new bet?

>> No.626694
File: 15 KB, 918x110, badloss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As has been said yesterday was a bad day.

>> No.626697
File: 30 KB, 803x239, Jan25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's tonights picks!

>> No.627908

It's the less but equally autistic version

>> No.628026
File: 32 KB, 809x244, 5-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went 5-5. With the allstar break coming up expect the betting on underdogs to increase because all the good teams are playing like shit and they'll continue to play like shit until after the allstar break.

>> No.628036
File: 17 KB, 808x131, Jan26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picks for tonight

>> No.629051

How did you do?

>> No.629109
File: 13 KB, 200x200, inconspicious man watches a legitimate canadian soccer game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tears if you weren't on the Fortuna II v Zwickau fix ;)

>> No.629212

4-1. Anyone still follow these?

>> No.629249
File: 17 KB, 809x134, 4-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot to upload picture.

>> No.629810

I do
Keep posting them

>> No.630571

i do . you made me some money sir. thank you

>> No.631674


What's the most everyone here has won/lost from a bet?

>> No.631803

Most lost at once - 215 dollars
Most won at once - 250 dollars