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6205969 No.6205969 [Reply] [Original]

Blockchain is the most dangerous technology ever created. It seems innocent and useful now as it was first implemented as "cryptocurrency," but as the market shifts to real world applications of blockchain technology in industry, science, medicine, and anywhere else, you lose your freedom. Want insurance, let me check the blockchain see if it's worth it. I want to buy your product, let me check your cost on the blockchain. Are you lying to me? Let me check the blockchain.

We become the AI, controlled by what we created.

>> No.6206054

We have enslaved ourselves to our own data.

>> No.6206077

Nice, just bought 100k

>> No.6206084

Ben Carson has a shit load of LINK

>> No.6206139
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>> No.6206148

not a shit load but he is one of the earliest holders

>> No.6206191

Sure is a lot of FUD in here.

>> No.6206285

berrrrrry spoooooky round here

>> No.6206391

ill take the money tho

>> No.6206401

$UBI slaves that can be unpersoned when they display wrongthink on Twitter. What could go wrong?

>> No.6206543

the most dangerous part is the fact that 30% of the worlds population survives on meeting demand for debt and inflation driven consumerism. If a petro yuan doesn't cause wwIII crypto will

>> No.6206581

You losing freedom to whom exactly? You don't "check" the cost on the blockchain you fucking retard. The reason for blockchain in economy to make sure you pay for what you asked for. It's the guarantee of trust. You free to spend your tokens on whatever you want to without fear and without regulations. If similar systems are going to be implemented in other parts of our society, we will get rid of all middlemen making profit out of you RIGHT NOW, you can be ultimately sovereign entity, but also a part of distributed society. What you need to do is DYOR.
It's not like/dislike system(but said system can be added sadly).

Perhaps you're one of the Black Mirror writers looking to make a script for new season involving blockchain?

>> No.6206643

to think they're not linked...
i'm starting to think it may not be good times to be a buger. any serious suggestions of a place to move with decent visa requirements...?

>> No.6206946

debt can be renegotiated or forgiven. Crypto debt is on a smart contract.

>> No.6207040

Yes, you are thinking of the current implementation of blockchain. I have been in since 2010. This has nothing to do with the financial or economic uses of blockchain technology. Big data is already a massive market, and you would be surprised what is known about you... Maybe even things that you don't even know about yourself. Full-scale implementation of block chain is playing god. Not everything is meant to be recorded. Blockchain goes far beyond cryptocurrencies. Look into chaos theory's effect on atomic movements. The universe has it's own blockchain.

>> No.6207174


>> No.6207292

thx senpai, blockchain is a big lie. All of these projects can be done through any other protocol. Blockchain is pushed by some communities as the saviour and shunned by others but they are both on the same side.

>> No.6207540

me again familio, this needs to be seen by all, gains are great but this tech will destroy the world

>> No.6207675

Yeah dude amazing you discovered a conspiracy here, good job.

You going to gave up your personal info to someone anyway. Would you give it to a another "actual dude" or distributed algorithm which doesn't have designated owner? Or maybe you want to live in 1970s?

>> No.6207755

which protocol can give you 100% legit deals in trustless environment? Do you know what BFT problem is about? Do you even math?

>> No.6207768

>you will never live in the 70s
why even live

>> No.6207825

a lawyer

>> No.6207952

haha WHAT
Since when another human being became 100%-truthful entity?
>FUDer baiting so hard he doesn't even noticed everyone just saging his stupid thread

that's what you get for namefagging, mindless bumping and stupid FUDing you fucking bitch

>> No.6208037

>ID is a thing

>> No.6208113

I come from the future where IDs are not a thing, but part of the blockchain.

>> No.6208332

The blockchain is scary. Debt that can never be forgiven.. everything tracked with no error. Cant mnasturbate without it getting recorded on the blockchain. At least the gains are good.

>> No.6209027

thats what im sayin homie