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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6182507 No.6182507 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6183236

right here bro

>> No.6183301

been chillen like a villain straight shillen while holding my bags of fun aint spillin

>> No.6183327

Here cunt, what do you want

>> No.6183344

t. Dillon

>> No.6183404

Holding 6k, this is around 12% of my portfolio, I need this coin to moon

>> No.6183447

I'm all in, I need it to moon more.

>> No.6183461

15k FUN reporting for duty

>> No.6183500

300k reporting in, bought since it was 1 cent

>> No.6183521
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>> No.6183534
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15 k funlet reporting in

>> No.6183590
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10k Funlet

>> No.6183639

I only have 1k fun but I believe

>> No.6183745
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>> No.6183788


>> No.6183799
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>> No.6183963

>tfw debating whether to transfer my FUN to a wallet since the 60 FUN it costs could be worth $60 in a month or so

>> No.6183969

yes pls

>> No.6184079
File: 107 KB, 640x1107, 750F6D25-A998-455E-B32C-78DBA671E940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling pretty comfy right now

>> No.6184151
File: 3.38 MB, 360x249, 1407011441216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 10k of these today. Now what do i do?

>> No.6184188

come for the memes and shill threads
>stay for the revolutionary tech

>> No.6184209
File: 173 KB, 1080x799, sub-buzz-7403-1504173802-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold and have comfy fun.

>> No.6184211
File: 66 KB, 583x616, nofun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-Guys. Are we mooning yet?

>> No.6184217
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wait till $1 or $2

>> No.6184305
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Just mooned from .09 to 17-19 c. It will go up again. Chad fad.

>> No.6184327

Just under 15k FUN here. Loving this coin.


>> No.6184339


/biz/ has memed me into consolidating a lot of my altcoins into FUN.

Kinda worried now. It was a happy times when it was just a meme coin to me. But now it’s a significant holding of my portfolio.

>> No.6184438
File: 405 KB, 1083x778, 1515281234773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this coin is on a moon mission. I'm a newfag to crypto and I bought into FUN weeks ago and I just want to thank the anons who started the FUNCHAD meme and shilled this.

>> No.6184460

Same. I'm holding 30k of this since 9 cents. Comfy af at the mo, just hoping for another moon trip to increase the buffer.

Used to just use this coin to day trade, as it repeatedly went up and down like clockwork, but now big news is coming I am around 50% of my portfolio in this coin. I hope we all make it.

>> No.6184538

When is the big news coming?

>> No.6184642

February anon. UK Gambling license and releasing the blockchain based casino games.

>> No.6184762

big news has already been priced in, but after this https://www.icetotallygaming.com/#/ more investors will buy, and once beta releases sometime Q1 it will boom

>> No.6184839

I thought the gambling license wasn't going to be approved for 16 weeks?

>> No.6184923

10k here guise

>> No.6184934

Somebody post the anon explaining this in detail. Don't feel like typing it out from memory.

>> No.6185236

Take advantage of the dip!

>> No.6185332

kaho shibuya

>> No.6185514

After applying, it takes 16 weeks MAX.

>> No.6185575

What's going on why is it going down to 15 cents I thought the new floor was 18.

>> No.6185744


>> No.6185768

I hope the whales pump it again

>> No.6185780

Just a fun little dip and a chance to buy more

>> No.6186022

Wish I had some fiat to buy more

>> No.6186130
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>> No.6186632
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This is a virgin x chad thread now

>> No.6186668


>> No.6186729
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>> No.6186820
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>> No.6186834


>> No.6186876

15k reporting sir. Hoping to get to 20k before it really moons.

>> No.6186927


>> No.6187029

They are buying EBET

>> No.6187137

Been here since 200, gonna be a comfy 2018 for me.

>> No.6187171
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>> No.6187225
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the breakup

>> No.6187239
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Fuck off pajeet

>> No.6187245

So tell me about FUN. why should I get into it?

>> No.6187312

anyone think chad looks like gunjack from tekken series?

>> No.6187373
File: 823 KB, 950x1319, fun7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive memes, and massive gains

>> No.6187448

This thread is a short but great analysis of why FUN will moon:


>> No.6187481

best memes

>> No.6187678


>> No.6188212
File: 84 KB, 800x881, Jez_San_OBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boys, this is Jez San, the face of funfair. this is a face you can trust. this is the face of the man who will let us all make it.

>> No.6188341

>unironically why I bought 20k

It's amazing that I have any money left.

>> No.6188593

you'll make it within time memes can go far

>> No.6188712

I missed the dip AAAAAA
only holding 1k at 0.50

>> No.6189434

are whales the reason this fucker won't break 20 cents?

>> No.6189658

Yes, they're accumulating

>> No.6190110
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Yes, they're only thing delaying our trip to plutoo

>> No.6190280


fucking niggers

>> No.6190417

whales accumulating seems to be the excuse when a coin dips
see xlm

>> No.6190455

Indeed they are

>> No.6190500

Why is this coin so fucking boring. DO SOMETHING REEEEEEEEE

>> No.6190530

it's a meme you whales are accumulating

>> No.6190548

are you even paying attention to the memes? Real FUN fans realize that mooning is a process. Accumulate and wait.

>> No.6190589
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>> No.6190608

13k Funtrooper reporting for duty

>> No.6191253
File: 1.63 MB, 1659x911, FunFair_Win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These games are FUN! Can't wait to play them with real tokens and double my stack.

>> No.6191349
File: 336 KB, 736x499, funtrooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all going to make it

>> No.6191409
File: 1.48 MB, 1641x911, FunFair_Win2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started with 10k
>27k after 10 minutes
Either the demo is rigged or it's really easy to win.

>> No.6191501

going to be overinflated then SELL SELL SELL

>> No.6191575



>> No.6191632

Of course the demo is rigged you goofy fuck. They exist to build hype for the final platform.

>> No.6191691


>> No.6191784

Well, worked for me, I am HYPED to have some FUN.

>> No.6191831

not rigged. They are prooveabley fair

>> No.6191981

how do I prove it?

>> No.6192078


>> No.6192147

Just a fun little dip and a chance to buy more

>> No.6192238

it's consolidating for the next big push

>> No.6192302
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>> No.6192443

i just bought 24k worth we better see some fucking action before i dump

>> No.6192823

I BOUGHT AT 0.00131

>> No.6192853

Wait they have demos? where do you play? do they actually give you more FUN?

>> No.6193043

Weak hand need not apply

>> No.6193258

Holy fucking shit this fucking coin is shit
doing better than DOGE at the moment though
Though DOGE has more potential so that dipping isn't bad

>> No.6193290

Hey now us bongs are gonna use it to evade tax before we get cucked on the same level as burgers.

>> No.6193725

dips make it FUN

>> No.6193972

>Wait they have demos? where do you play? do they actually give you more FUN?
Right now you can only play with test tokens. It isn't live yet

>> No.6194276

Buy the dip! 10 btc buy wall at 1175. I picked up more at 1178

>> No.6194499

why buy in btc instead if eth..?