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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6178397 No.6178397 [Reply] [Original]

FUDDERS REKT. Everyone calling me a larping faggot even though I've been posting my portfolio for MONTHS.

I believe in you guys. You can do it.

>> No.6178448

congrats man

>> No.6178524

> cant cash out

Dont forget to pay your taxes soyim.

>> No.6178662

congrats man

>> No.6178765
File: 893 KB, 492x342, retard alert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still holding tron

>> No.6178807

Hey OP,

I was the one who talked shit to you last time about posting your portfolio on another thread the day before.

Let's be honest here. That WAS bullshit.

Now, if you made this money man then congrats! I'm seriously happy for you.

But you're still a fag though so don't get it twisted.

>> No.6178936

Just remember OP. I'm always here watching you when you post on 4chan. So don't be a fag or you'll be called out like last time.

For all we know, you could be lying about this one too cuz you proved to be a fag last time.

Unless you unfaggeted yourself you're still considered a fag in 4chans book.

>> No.6178981
File: 284 KB, 1125x2436, 1513192718341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy isnt larping.

saved his folio 1 month ago

>> No.6179178 [DELETED] 


Just lost 50 EUR on the 160 I invested totally. Pls richbro give me a second chance refuelling some ETH.


>> No.6179412

You have some serious ego problems posting your shit every day. So what? you got lucky on random shitcoin. Well done expert.

>> No.6179584

Wait until this time next year when LINK is 50...

>> No.6180132

based anon please teach me your ways. poorfag with ada, trx and ripple

>> No.6180243

now try selling that DBC for 632k without crashing the price

>> No.6180426

At which point did you bought 1 million DBC and TRON? Why did you got all in?

>> No.6180562

Yeah how do you cash out thouhh faggot

Enjoy your useless internet money

>> No.6180624

5000* forgot a couple zeros there, friend.

>> No.6180726

Congrats OP. Now have fun trying to sell that and actually turn it into real money.

>> No.6180873

How's that tron now faggot

>> No.6180930

grats with your 500k.

>> No.6180971


>> No.6180983


How is this even a problem for people? Just sell to BTC, turn into LTC, send to GDAX, increase cash out limit in settings, sell for fiat and fucking cash out. It works you idiots.

>> No.6181046
File: 14 KB, 300x300, images-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations man, im jelous i just have 300usd in eth will i make it ?

>> No.6181143

What exchanges do you use OP?

>> No.6181154

You can if you put in the work and think about this shit 24/7

>> No.6181176

has to be enough market cap and people there to buy it at whatever price he sets, which there isn't for those coins yet

>> No.6181189

It will rebound.

>> No.6181226

lol mill trx

>> No.6181290

BTW I started with $300 in Bitcoin when it was about $5000. I just hit $100K off the back of DBC, with a lot of stalling along the way. I believe in you.

I'm not accumulating as fast as some people on here, but I'm accumulating. Let's do this.

>> No.6181390

Im looking for a coin to invest but i think i will research more. Some people are saying CAN is good but i looked and im not sure

>> No.6181433

Congrats OP, but in my Bong money it is only £750,000, which is enough to buy a 1 bedroom flat in


>> No.6181491

OP I just hold some shit coins. But thinking of using TA to day trade for 1k. Is that a good plan or just keep buying from fiat and hodl forever?

>> No.6181560


Nobody in their right mind would buy a flat in london.

More /comfy/ places elsewhere for 1/3 of the price and double the space.

>> No.6181628

lots of talk today around FUN, LINK, XLM, REQ, and BAT.

>> No.6181687

I can make the same exact portfolio on blockfolio and larp too

>> No.6181690

Read the whitepaper. See if it's clear or looks scammy.

Research the devs/advisors. What are their credentials?

What does the token do? Is the token useless or actually providing value?

Market cap. Low market cap means more room for growth. But you shouldn't only look at low market cap coins.

Circulating supply. The lower the circulating supply, the higher in value each token can rise due to scarcity. But you shouldn't only look at circulating supply.

The less money you have, the less diversified you should be, but that's just my opinion.

Good luck.

>> No.6181878

poor fag

>> No.6182125
File: 56 KB, 1000x800, 5YjYpra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> thinks this money is real

enjoy looking into it in your celphone screen, this is the closest you will ever get to this money

>> No.6182296
File: 230 KB, 900x900, 1504053144548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>make $1m USD portfolio, you're literally a millionare
>in £ that's only £750,000
>then we have to pay capital gains tax and probably an accountant to manage the tax forms, probably wittle it down to £600,000
>go on Zoopla
>1 bedroom flat in Chelsea for £600,000
>then you realise you can't afford it because of £60,000 stamp duty, so can actually only afford a £550k house

There's no escape in this land.

>> No.6182347


Ok then, go ahead and buy an expensive flat in that shithole.

Try and avoid the trucks of peace though buddy.

>> No.6182410

Hey there's a gun in that picture I'm reporting you

>> No.6182429

>has to be enough market cap and people there to buy it at whatever price he sets, which there isn't for those coins yet

this is the problem with gettin rich on shitcoins, liquidity.

If really cashing some out, it needs to be a slow drain, you can just put in a sell order for 1 million...aka sell wall...without doing shit to the price.

>> No.6182550

On point advice.

Here's to >>6181390 and other lazy flippers, take a look at ACT.

>> No.6182763
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>> No.6182798
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>> No.6182886

Doesn't prove shit, what if he was larping back then as well? Not saying he was, 'cause only losers cry larp.

>> No.6182935
File: 37 KB, 555x448, 1298400322644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my portfolio has been stagnant at right around $22k

I turned $400 into that $22k in a few months, but I can't seem to make anything more than that. It's like I lost all momentum

>> No.6182949

a lot of them.

>> No.6183058

Where do you feel like ETP is going to go?

>> No.6183140

Good tastes.

>> No.6183148

theres people that did the same that you did
but they bought confido
dont act like youre some kind of mastermind
you dumped a lot of money into a coin and got lucky lmao

>> No.6183156

I had a similar problem since I committed to my XLM bags. Stalled out at 50k. The problem is I've stuck with XLM so long that I know as soon as I cut it loose, it will finally moon again.

>> No.6183572

It happens. I hit 30k 5 times then got cucked back down to 10k Im at around 95k
had 17k 1 week ago

>> No.6183625

Did you go all in with that 17k to get 95 over a week?

>> No.6183824

Are there any other coins you would recommend at the moment?

>> No.6183912

Started at about 4k; at 11k now after a month. Where are you guys getting your picks from?

>> No.6183978

/biz and reddit. Hivemind is the market

>> No.6184021

True. Any YouTube? I love Datadash. Dude seems to know his shit. Got me into substratum.

>> No.6184023

have fun transferring and converting while being taxed on all of them and then getting taxed AGAIN when trying to cashout so much that you end up with 500k

>> No.6184154


You fucking retard we can see your eth


>$378.82 (@ $1,280.35/ETH)

Now I am going to hack you just because I can, for being a lying faggot. Say goodbye to your puny not even half an ether

>> No.6184226

Yes but I should have 25k more I sold 33% of dbc for a 50% profit and hodled the 131k I have left

>> No.6184256

>There's no escape in this land.


>The four-storey townhouse could be rented out privately for £900 a week but cleaner Mr Abati, who earns £7 an hour, pays just £90 to Islington Council in north London.


>> No.6184346

how do you actually summon the balls to go that deep on what was a new low value shitcoin

>> No.6184377

How much did you start with and when did you start? What was your general strategy?

>> No.6184663



>> No.6184871
File: 570 KB, 915x799, AlwaysBeenBitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did it without BTC LTC or even ETH
If true
I am impressed anon.
You done good.

>> No.6185282

isn't there some kind of saying how poor fags always attribute everything to luck because of how butthurt they are??

If not, there should be

>> No.6185564


>> No.6185990

Goes to show that the ones who are foolish and take foolish risks get rich. At the time, only an idiot would summon the balls to go that deep in a shitcoin