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6162435 No.6162435 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6162456

last 3 digits

>> No.6162490

I'll take it

>> No.6162493

It's the main net you nigger

>> No.6162526

how much is it to run a node?

>> No.6162606

$100 by March if dubs

>> No.6162984

You're doing it wrong

>> No.6163101


aite lemme reroll

>> No.6163127

1 sat

>> No.6163145

How many LINK are needed to stake? 2K linklet asking.

>> No.6163152


>> No.6163156
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>> No.6163189

Read the fucking whitepaper.

>> No.6163556


>> No.6164008

Ok thanks reading now.

>> No.6164299
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It doesn't say how many link you need.

>> No.6164643

It will never happen, I've been doing some research and comparision of link and some other coins/tokens based on their market cap and current price

This is a scam, I've made peace with that
Link stands no chance at making it above $50, and that would take years to reach even that

If we're lucky, LINK $10 EOY

Just look at the market cap, supply and compare with other coins, it is a scam.

Sergey aint saying shit, because his whale buddies bought in early and they're scamming everyone

>> No.6164707

Nice fud, it's almost as good as your plebbit spacing

>> No.6164759

What should I buy instead?

>> No.6164838
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49 virgins

>> No.6164856

Do some research into the coin, and what Sergey has been involved with b4, its a scam

>> No.6164867

May $100

>> No.6164947

Buy LINK and do the same thing as they do

Buy as much as you can, and wait for the price to increase than keep selling

This is just a scam where you constantly see cup and hande and bull market, this wont make it past 10 this year...

Or go all in on Eon something else, do your own research

Thank you Sir

>> No.6164963

Hi I'm this guy >>6164643 posting from my phone now so different id.

I'd suggest confido. Not a scam (like chainlink is) and recently has seen good volume.

>> No.6164975

>Do some research into the coin
>not token
You just proved that you have no idea what you're talking about, now kill yourself

>> No.6164995

Nice fud brah. This is 4chan's coin. We own 10% of the supply and control it.

>> No.6165060

confido you say, seems very good, thank you good sir I'll buy 50k

>> No.6165127

>Nice fud brah. This is 4chan's coin. We own 10% of the supply and control it.

Keep spreading bullshit, have you read the initial threads?

Why did "tokens" get sold out the day they came out without 4chan even getting in on it?

Who runs this scam??

>> No.6165251
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Is he died?

>> No.6165287
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>> No.6165366

fuck youre so retarded, it's not even funny.

>> No.6165389


yea no I wouldn't be able to handle going back to 6k sats. Fuck this ta shit, just moon.

>> No.6165483

>Where I'm from we use that symbol in papers to show someone is kill. Everyone in schools and universities sees this like once or twice every semester

>> No.6165516
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>> No.6165561

the Sergey can sell hes premine with any price, he only need buyers, price mean nothing

>> No.6165567
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>> No.6165568

Its dagder he died in combat yes.

>> No.6165577

Hahhhahahaahahahahahahahahahahvahahavavavavah u cant be serious u fucking faggot

>> No.6165606 [DELETED] 

This desu. Were we're going we don't need handles.

>> No.6165667


Yea I know. I've held through October, it stunk. We've suffered enough. Let's just continue the nice parabola until the singularity.

>> No.6165708


Link is goat btw

>> No.6165750

I hope quite fast, because my project needs it.

>> No.6165773

10$ in march

>> No.6166072


>> No.6166107


> No LINK is required in order to be a node operator. However, holding LINK on your node (commonly referred to as staking) helps with ranking your node against others. Your node will also need some LINK in order to bid on smart contracts with the penalty amount. If the node is not selected to perform the job, or the node successfully completes the job, then it can retrieve that paid penalty amount.

>> No.6166171

No LINK is needed on the node but presumably you will have to bid on all contracts. However we don't know specific numbers whatsoever for how much LINK will affect reputation.

>> No.6166326

im a technical engineer at Sony. We have worked with smartcontracts and chainlink. Link is the most undervalued coin in the history of crypto, literally the only ones that know about it right now are big corps.

Mainnet will bring the price up to $50

>> No.6166362


I believe. My guess was originally $5, but it seems likely we'll reach that by the end of the month.

>> No.6166421

$5 and I'll have over $100k

>> No.6166499

Post some proof you work for Sony

>> No.6166569
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>> No.6166600


Same. $5 and I'm mortgage free. And I just bought in July lol

>> No.6166666

it's called a joke you retard

>> No.6166707
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my salary

>> No.6166720


Can you tell us anything else or are you just larping?

>> No.6166783


oh shit man, sorry about what I said. Chainlink has so many insiders posting on this board we have to be skeptical. Please spill as many beans as you can or come back when you can.

>> No.6166878

>inspect element

shut up you larping faggot pajeet street shitting virgin dickless wonder

>> No.6166879

Thx for backing me up lad. Allow me to check your quints.

>> No.6166882

Are you an engineer in that dept?

What do you do something like devops or programming, engineering, qa etc...

We're in similar field, just I'm in a competitive company, we are kind of making similar so thats nice

What are you salaried at senpai

>> No.6166898

you are so stupid you deserve to be poor

>> No.6166957
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I'm actually invested in LINK since day one

An have some iron hands as well, can't believe people sold everything they had a month ago at .20 cents...

>> No.6166984

Were you or do you know anyone who was involved in the AXA test? What can you tell us about it?