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File: 65 KB, 1280x720, tron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6161730 No.6161730 [Reply] [Original]

better to sell it or hold it? Is it scam or is gonna moon?

>> No.6161779


scam and it is gonna go down for next weeks and you are an absolute idiot to buy it in the first place

>> No.6161789

Hold at least til end of January. thank me later, anon.

>> No.6161817

No one really knows. Chinese government just released a statement on being pro-crypto so I imagine many chinese coins will begin mooning soon.

>> No.6161819

huge scam

>> No.6161829

if you think this is a scam you shouldn't be in crypto

>> No.6161961


don't listen anon, they're announcing a partnership this week. If you're going to sell, then wait for the news this week and dump your bags selling now is not a good idea

>> No.6161967

if tron is a scam, then verge is legit.
if verge is a scam, then tron is legit.
if xrp is a scam, then tron is legit.
if tron is a scam, then xrp is legit.
if your mom is a scam, your dad is legit.
if your dad is a scam, you're adopted.

>> No.6162022

Buy the dip, and sell the small inevitable moon.

Then invest the profit into something better.

>> No.6162236

till 6c I'm in profit...so I will wait a little bit...

>> No.6162546


LOL, I have been in crypto since you were just sucking mother's titties. WHAT THE FUCK IS TRON? Wow, much 10mil. users in 1billion China, much token for Chinese snapchat. You are fucking idiot.

I am all in VEE, HST, VIBE... do your own research and stop being such a newbie pussy for fuck sake

>> No.6162602

>notronner detected
Fucking gayboy getting left behiiiiind oh nooooo :))))

>> No.6162622

sell now & buy later!

>> No.6162732
File: 61 KB, 640x640, DTDRZzxWkAAg8WG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's maybe Scamoon
screencap this, you'll thank me later

>> No.6162832

>WAAAH people want to make money on shitcoins
There's nothing wrong with investing in a shitcoin to turn a quick buck. At the end of the day if it makes you money it doesn't matter how much of a fucking scam it is if you don't get scammed yourself. Stop trying to justify yourself investing in coins that normies don't know because you can't fit in.

>> No.6162870

uh huh, sure you are bud. Ironic, if YOU did your own research youd see im right

>> No.6162879

don't sell retard it's going to be 10k in a week faggot. TRX is better than bitcoin.

>> No.6163311

This motherfucker right here, check out this motherfucker. How in the fuck did you survive to this age?

>> No.6163473

>1 new post

He's obviously joking you mongoloid

>> No.6163670

Tron is the new bitcoin

>> No.6163886

Tron is a media payment coin. For people like youtubers? I just went fast over the website. Am I missing something here?

>> No.6163947

Tron > Bitcoin anyday

>> No.6164027

The discord pump group that is unstoppable.,

https://discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

>> No.6164084

In theory, it can't moon, because it's literally nothing.

But then, there are billions of retarded pajeets worshipping the cult of sun, so you never know.

>> No.6164147


>> No.6164191

It's a decent coin, will likely go up yo 0.50, but that's it

>> No.6164313

Why not start accepting them for services and increase faith in the currency?

>> No.6164380

>pumped with billions of dollars by nothing but twitter hype
>normies pump even more money into it thinking its going to keep going up forever
>tanks because there's no one left to buy because no one with any sense wants to touch a shitcoin that blew up thousands of percent in one month
>bleeds out breeding the first generation of tronmarines

>> No.6164529


ok faggot, that's what you and your little FUD buddies said about REQ, LINK, ETH, the list goes on. anytime a coin has a setback or lull immediately you and your cronies start popping up all over the fucking place talking shit. you're just upset you didn't get in early and now you're going to miss out on massive gains.

sorry bud. maybe making money isn't for you. Tron has made me good fucking gains so far, and I'm holding cause I know it'll go farther up. anyone who has been watching the crypto market in general knows that this is how coins break out

>> No.6164608

I hope none of you think this coin is in any way useful. The roadmap is plain embarrassing. Good hype though. But it'll only take one misstep for Justin to show the masses it's all air

>> No.6164623

It's overvalued as is, 5 cents should be that shitcoins ceiling.

>> No.6164735
File: 50 KB, 1080x1053, 20180109_115040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are delusional.

>> No.6164744

It literally has the most promising road map out of any shit coin out there. Great partners and platform. Name one shitcoin that is actually comparable to this, and I mean not some shitty "moon-mission" pump coin.

>> No.6164757

WEB 4.0

>> No.6164770

Received 1000 from air drops, read it when it was still small and spent 40eur at .002 cents.

Gonna HODL to see how far this coin goes, because I can't fucking lose.

>> No.6164810
File: 58 KB, 1009x245, fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we will look back at you, just like we now look back on the retard in pic related

>> No.6164826
File: 66 KB, 529x529, 1515445266965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't know shit, Tron is better than bitcoin, prove me wrong.
i know what i'm talking about, i went all in confido, which is way better than bitcoin and tron, but this is my hidden gem.

>> No.6164875

this btw.
TRX is WEB 4.0 already.
Bitcoin is WEB 0.6.4b at least.

>> No.6164880

70 billion market cap? never gonna make it sorry get scammed

>> No.6165000

numbah wan enemy faceuhbuk, we uh fight dragon in game oh trones.

>> No.6165160

And Check'em

>> No.6165233


>> No.6165238

are those digits DE ECENT REALIZED?

>> No.6165422

Do you honestly believe that TRX at its current market cap after doing multiple x10s has the same potential as a coin that was at the bottom and still had plenty of room to grow after barely doubling in price? You need to stop being emotionally attached to this coin before you get burned badly. It has nothing to do with whether or not Tron is a good coin. It's just common sense.

>> No.6165559

Bought at .03 cents and took out initial investment. Can't really lose on it, and most of the people that bought at .10 cents or below feel the same way... so this will keep pumping and dumping but never drop below .07 cents at worst.

>> No.6166012

Coin burn tomorrow, I think. Announcement later this week. Worth hanging on for a bit longer, even buying in if you haven't yet

>> No.6166182

>even buying
Lost me there. I have 9k with i never bought this shitcoin and just accumulated my omg stack. Just waiting until i can make back wht i put in

>> No.6166315

Coin burn is around the 20th AFAIK.

I can almost guarantee a large pumo this week but I have no clue where it will go from there. Maybe I'll get into trondogs since I'm all in amyway.

>> No.6166439

I like how people keep comparing TRX to bitcoin and eth, when bitcoin and eth are working products as in someone actually wrote code and both are doing transactions for years. While TRX is just some shit token (takes like 1 hour to create starting from "I have no clue") and a twitter shill talking plans.

>> No.6166631
File: 57 KB, 600x400, CNBC_Mad_Money_Host_Jim_Cramer_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No srsly. It's on top of my charts as a hot buy right now. See you next time on Mad Crypto. Srsly guys, I don't got dogs before this. Now look at me

>> No.6166729

Fucking Christ

>Sold hot dogs

>> No.6166734
File: 776 KB, 450x735, 89E448B9-3DD8-4FC4-902E-4A16D823472F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.6166884

Scams make money too. I mean, just look at the Jews. Look at extended warranties and preferred shoppers cards. There is real trading of value, and there are scams. No reason to get hostile.