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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6159858 No.6159858 [Reply] [Original]

Went all in ATH. Then coinbase fucked me. Fuck life. Bye forever.

>> No.6159876

send me your coinz pls. also stream your suicide

>> No.6159898

can i get your xrp

>> No.6159916

Yeah blame coinbase poorfag

>> No.6159918

everyone on here knows cRIPPLE is a govt plot to take btc away from the shaky hands of the middle class.

>> No.6159930

Why would you buy ripple at an ATH? Please explain your logic to us before ending it all.

>> No.6159951

is XRP worth holding? serious question.

>> No.6160032
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>all in

you sure you won't just fuck up your sudoku too OP?

>> No.6160048

and also this. tell us bout your shit?

>> No.6160078
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kek'd heartily

>> No.6160103


>> No.6160104

Yes, it's big advantage is its "hackproof", which will become important later this year

>> No.6160135

thanks for 10x:ing my net worth anon

>> No.6160159

>Yes, it's big advantage is its "hackproof"
and how is this different from BTC, ETH, XMR... ?

>> No.6160220
File: 8 KB, 250x237, 1505002745363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I normally should not fucking jump into crypto trading on the words of fucking /biz/. Instead you should spend a few weeks researching that companies are investing in seeing what technology or Services they provide instead of just going off some fucking weak ass tips.
Do you notice how big is says nothing when they're fucking bag holding shit is going down?

>> No.6160896
File: 125 KB, 861x1300, 10819091-businessman-with-thoughts-of-suicide-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may i suggest a purchase of kill yourself coin before you go?

>> No.6161064

With jews you lose, you get what you deserve for going against crypto and buying a false god.

>> No.6161097


You needa fucking hour of google search

>> No.6161108

Nigger everybody told you here not to buy anti-crypto normie shitcoing like ripple. Where were you lurking?

>> No.6161218

it will take 3-6 months until xrp gets from 'muh banks norm coin bullshit jews reeeeee' to 'oh wtf shit is it to late to buy before 10 bucksssssss?
goooood times

>> No.6161252

there is not a digital asset or domain that's hack proof.

>> No.6161361

Weak hands, OP. I really think this will see a decent moon in the future, but with all the shit that's happened this week, Ripple just naturally had to dip. Half of it was panic due to the Korean exchanges being delisted from market cap

Normies, amiright?

>> No.6161434


>> No.6161446

agreed. i absolutely hate ripple and the idea behind it but i put 25% of my portfolio into it because i think it's gonna moon again

>> No.6161514

Is now a good time to get some? I figured a hundred bucks and hold can't hurt

>> No.6161523
File: 81 KB, 694x530, data-condescending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying (((Ripple)))
You deserve it, stupid goy

>> No.6161535

is ripple the only coin with a true value of 0?

>> No.6161551

Just hold for 5 months.

>> No.6161624

When you kill yourself you will just become born again and relive your entire miserable life from the beginning all over again.
See you in the next life, anon.

>> No.6161648

literally all crypto nerds are against this coin and claim its shit

>> No.6161710

We have reached peak r*ddit with this comment. Seriously go back and kill yourself.

>> No.6161741

Yea, amazing how dumb buyers are.

>> No.6161801

If you buy XRP or TRON your a fuckin normie and you will continue you get burned over and over again. STAY OUT OF CRYPTO


>> No.6161964
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Death has become me. kek eternal +1 xp

>> No.6162009

If you are going to pull out at least send me some

>> No.6162111

>literally less than seven days since ATH
>Freaks out when it dips

Fucking wait you wet tissue handed faggot

>> No.6162196
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>> No.6162268

Serves you right.
Bye bye.

>> No.6162288

>Muh BTC

>> No.6162378

> gets into crypto
> manages to get cucked by banks
yeah ... um...