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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 333 KB, 1031x547, coinbase ripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6158484 No.6158484 [Reply] [Original]

Posting this for the last time. Don't say /biz/ didn't warn you.

See pic related.

to verify:
>scroll down a bit
>ctrl + F: dethroning

-Coinbase denied BCH "rumors" then added it days later (ahead of the announced schedule).

-Coinbase said a month ago in several interviews they will add new coins in January

-Brian Armstrong wants to tank Bitcoin. Millions of dollars of his company's money is locked in bitcoin because cost of transfer > money (fees are based on transaction size, not value).

-Brian hates Bitcoin Core developers and said more than once that he wants them gone.

-Brian tried to double the blocksize with segwit2x to bail out his company but failed.

-Coinbase tried to replace Bitcoin with Bitcoin Cash. Only withdrawals was supposed to be allowed for a while, he did the exact opposite to prevent a massive dump and stabilize the price.

-Coinbase shills Bitcoin Cash. It has a note on the transaction form saying "Bitcoin Cash transactions are cheap and fast"

Adding XRP is Brian Armstrong's best shot at Bitcoin. If you think he will miss it, you are retarded. Brian simply wants to avoid inside trading accusations. If Coinbase wasn't planning to add anything, why would he say anything?

>> No.6158522

the sonm team is building something exceptional, maybe youll want to check it out

>> No.6158534

>buy my bags pls sirs

>> No.6158614

We told you to stay the fuck away from Ripple. I told you, don't get jewed by the jews and accumulate BTC through alts. You didn't listen. Jews won't listen as well. Enjoy holding bags for 6 months

>> No.6158790

and you were wrong. I've been telling people to buy since it was 20 cents.

>coinbase listing
>DM listing (the amazon of japan, and the japenese are bullish of ripple because of their banks partnerships)
>announcement of partnership with non banks household names

and many more.

and you will keep FUDing it all the way to $10.

>> No.6158963


>> No.6159016

Buying more as we speak. Already made several grand off a couple hundred dollar investment in ripple a month ago. Sold above 3 dollars, waited for correction, bought a little more... dipped again, buying even more. When it hits 3.50 I will sell half again and wait for the dip and buy more. Why don't you like money?

>> No.6159041

I bought in at 8k
Was thinking about selling but maybe i will wait a bit

>> No.6159083

Should've got out of this shitcoin when it hit $3, anon.

>> No.6159137

Coinbase said straight out that they will not be adding ripple

>> No.6159173

me too, just bought more 2.1 and riding every wave.

the salty/ideological traders are killing /biz/.

>> No.6159204

"As of the date of this statement, we have made no decision to add additional assets to either GDAX or Coinbase. Any statement to the contrary is untrue and not authorized by the company."

Learn to read

>> No.6159235

sold a lot above $3, bought more at 2.1, will ride this bitch all the way to $10 (yes it will dethrone bitcoin)

>> No.6159269


maybe they'll add xrp then

I was thinking about it this morning though - the amount of industry connections xrp has - I wouldn't be surprised if it was listed on coinbase. why would coinbase allude to ANY coin additions after that btrash fiasco

>> No.6159270

They have not been doing well lately and I would not be surprised if they piick a loser like Ripple.

They seriously fucked up the Bitcoin Cash launch in every way you could fuck that up, even crashed the whole market doing it.

They have been far to slow in adding coins and are falling in volume. They are becoming nothing more than a gateway now and Ripple wont save them.

>> No.6159323

Yeah I'm gonna read into twitter likes and ignore their official statements, thanks for the advice pajeet!

>> No.6159362

Ripple doesn't pass the filter to be listed Coinbase and GDAX. The information is public and on their website.

Ripple will never be listed in Coinbase, except if they change their own rules.

>> No.6159366

they havent even finalized adding bch yet, ripple would be months away if it ever did happen, which it wont

>> No.6159397

other exchanges have literally millions of account waiting for verification (registered over a month ago in bitstamp and still not verified, stuck with shitty kraken)

Most tether exchanges closed registration.

Ripple will definitely bring them some good revenue.

>> No.6159421
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1515101154569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6159479

Only fags in /biz/ are bound to their own morals. And that is not how you make $

>> No.6159489

they are not rules, retard, they are guidelines, and they say at the end of the guidelines they basically can do whatever they want (i.e. ignore the guidelines).

Ripple is advertised almost in every magazine/newspaper, Brian won't let that money go to competitors.

>> No.6159494
File: 2.95 MB, 280x158, laughing coup.e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, the only time they go down now is due to outgoing transactions. Fucking losers.

Ripple may be a quick payday with a quick 24 hour moon but Ripple has no future.

>> No.6159552

I don't give a fuck about morals. I don't buy ripple because i think it's bullshit, and i don't think it will be finally widely used. Maybe i'm wrong, maybe i'm not.

But the coinbase listing think is scam and boring.

>> No.6159588

speculation: most normies missed bitcoin and think it's overbought, ripple will be their first buy

tech: superior to competitors and used in real world

it definitely has a future

>> No.6159604

Not listing xrp lmao.... they see how all those etherium and btc go to other exchanges to buy xrp. I bet theyve bought a billion xrp yesterday :)

>> No.6159626

Lmao is says the same fucking thing, quit trying to read into shit that ain't there. Not adding shit = No fucking ripple bitch

>> No.6159654

>"we have made no decision to add additional assets"


>> No.6159713

Yeah, just like how litecoin has a future because its cheaper than Bitcoin.

You will trick a few boombers in to buying it and some women and niggers but people with real money, white men, Kikes and pajeets, they know better.

>> No.6159732

"we have not made any decision to add any asset yet"

doesn't mean

"we have made a decision to not add any assets"

take some english classes, pajeet.

>> No.6159745
File: 84 KB, 433x599, 1503223352030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the white paper on xrp and you realize who's behind xrp you do not buy xrp I would never fucking buy xrp I would never suggest anybody buy xrp if you have xrp trade it for ETH. ARE YOU BLIND TO WHO IS BEHIND XRP

>> No.6159784
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, ripple comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

litecoin is copy/paste of bitcoin. no one wants to buy a cheap copy

Ripple on the other hand....

>> No.6159799

Here's how I know you're a shill

You're calling it Bitcoin Core instead of its actual name, Bitcoin.

Nobody calls it Bitcoin Core.

>> No.6159844
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, 1514977874557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6159869

"core developers"

the shills who call it Bitcoin Core hate Ripple even more than Bitcoin because it makes their shitcoin (Btrash) useless.

>> No.6159904

exactly, lucky to be in that position, working for coinbase or something similar and knowing some of this info you could make a killing. Almost 0 chance of getting caught inside trading info since this is the wild west and no regulation yet

>> No.6160065
File: 129 KB, 1354x1300, cripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple will always be the jewcoin to jew the stupid shitheads like you. Here is a bit of history lesson newfag.

Thanks for helping out banks accumulating Bitcoin to operate as lightning hubs. I don't mind though. I think it will be good for the future of cryptocurrency and mass adoption. It needs reversible transactions for the sheeps...

>> No.6160195

Comfy as fuck

>> No.6160252

I bought 8k at $.30 ... I loved the moon but it's been slowly bleeding every day. When is the fucking bottom? I has a nice 12x that's now 8x and falling.

>> No.6160341
File: 426 KB, 639x530, 1496582225567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real /biz/raelites, stand up and take the oath:

I will stand my ground
I will not surrender to the jew
I will watch them crash all alts,
And will hold with the ironest hands.
I will buy the dips.

>> No.6160342

Wait a bit longer so it is only 2x and meanwhile think about all the other moon missions you could have been in :D

>> No.6160435

The only thing poised to dethrone BTC is ETH. So him liking a post doesn't mean shit for XRP.

>> No.6160447

Thanks for all the encouragement pajeet

>> No.6160511

Daily reminder that this gets posted all day every day, and the only thing OP has to back up his conjecture is two liked tweets.

>> No.6160617
File: 111 KB, 625x773, 49295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>measuring the price in btc

you do realize if you replace xrp in this chart with gold, usd or anything else you will a "crash" too because bitcoin increased against everything else?

not sure if retarded or salty bitcuck

>> No.6160620
File: 43 KB, 570x587, 1515100942816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder, this Comment gets posted here all day every day

>> No.6160769


selling now would be stupid, we are heading to $4 this month.

>> No.6160938



>> No.6161401

>maybe they'll add xrp then
I see what you did there, and I liked it

>> No.6161457

too right

>> No.6161577

daily reminder that you will be posting pink wojak when it get listed and becomes #1
daily reminder that you blame /biz/ for missing out
daily reminder that you retardation is costing you crazy gains

>> No.6161616

daily reminder that you will be posting pink wojaks when it gets listed and becomes #1
daily reminder that you will blame /biz/ for missing out
daily reminder that your retardation is costing you crazy gains

>> No.6161673

Anybody that thinks CB won't add XRP is literally mental.

CB is a platform for people to buy BTC/ETH easily. As soon as many of those people have bought their common crypto they move it to other exchanges to buy XRP (or whatever else).

This means that CB are missing out on a fuck-huge market and a fuck-tonne of extra revenue.

Do you honestly think they're dumb enough NOT to add XRP?

Love it or hate it, XRP is the normies new god. CB's entire business model is catering for the normies.

>Derp, they've said they won't list Rippul

No, they didn't.

>> No.6161738

stfu with this fake news you faggot, xrp is dead

>> No.6161798
File: 374 KB, 633x425, ripple savings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6162532


>> No.6162892

XRP is a centralized shitcoin made for banks. Counbase wants no part. Enjoy your bags OP.

>> No.6163294

keep fuding

you will be posting pink wojaks soon.

>> No.6163622

cashies are truly retarded
their suicide attack on Bitcoin made Ethereum stronger while it did more damage to bcash than any of the other coins on Coinbase
people who leave Bitcoin aren't going to go to bcash just because it has "Bitcoin" in its name, they're going to go to the technologically superior competitor

>> No.6163634


>Huh, all these goys aren't paying taxes?
>Well make our own crypto currency and just take their money since we'll be in control of the markets!
>Great Idea Timothy! Get the bags ready!

>> No.6163732

And whats worse is Banks are not using it or have any intention to use it. Its a walking deadconi.

>> No.6163737

another poltard out of his containment board

>> No.6163759

insider info here, XRP will be added to coinbase this week

>> No.6163788
File: 237 KB, 1338x1358, ripple payment spec 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone will be using it

>> No.6163832

>Ripple is a jewish plot
>jews always win
Good time to buy ripple desu.

>> No.6163841

Whatever lets you sleep at night as your bags crush your dreams.

>> No.6163955

bought at 20 cents, sold a lot above $3, bought the dip and will sell again when it reaches $5

enjoy being poor.

>> No.6164326

its going over $300