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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 40 KB, 696x449, 91B5CE52-E19C-47FB-8420-DEF7D850064F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6157411 No.6157411 [Reply] [Original]

>only on 2 shit exchanges
>mcap 28 mil
>active devs that are AHEAD of schedule
>working product
>perfect timing in music industry climate for a decentralized streaming app
>just hired new dev for iOS development
>website is gorgeous and streamlined
>compared with other cryptos trying to target content industries, opus is ahead of the game in almost every category except for mcap
>easy 10x once this hits a solid exchange

OR you can stay going sideways with your coins that have already mooned to shit and aren't going any higher

>> No.6157513

> buy my bags
sure pajeet
please try again

>> No.6157536


>cant get etherdelta to work
>already lost 100 dollars trying to buy OPUS
>ETH still transferring to hitbtc

why cant this just be on a normal exchange

>> No.6157541

Stay poor

>> No.6157542

this shit has gone up 3x in 3 days motherfucker and its STILL only at a 28m market cap. It's going to 100+ this month and is getting listed on binance/bittrex. Don't buy if you don't want to but don't blame us when you miss out on the lambo.

>> No.6157582

do bags exist for 30 million market cap coins?

this seems like a valid coin. i'm comparing it to shit like Upfiring which seems like vaporware or EBET dice.

Is it a scam?

>> No.6157592

It will be pretty soon.

>> No.6157598



>> No.6157637

all the moon missions seem to start at Etherdelta. The best coins start there cheap. Sadly it's broken

It's cos it's the first stop after an ICO, before any exchange approvals. That's the ground floor right after ICO investment

>> No.6157651

>not using LTC

>> No.6157662

This is why its so cheap. Buy it at twice the price on binance/bittrex in a couple weeks.

>> No.6157672

It is definitely not a scam.
- solid team
- working product

>> No.6157681



>> No.6157715

>tfw bought at 1400 sats

please buy my bags

>> No.6157737

This. Big gains never come easy

>> No.6158008
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>> No.6158100

It’s inevitable

>> No.6158450

Got an order in on HitBTC @ 1100 sats. Good price?

Ain't getting filled!

>> No.6158535

Too low maybe

>> No.6158617

Their GitHub hasn't updated in 6 months . . . is development on this alive?

>> No.6158740

I was the anon talking about current. https://tokensale.current.us

OPUS is shit. Its got 16 nobodies that are artists on it. Its a streaming program for 16 fucking artists that you have to pay for. You are literally buying a monthly subscription for 16 artists.

Current has a working app on iOS, it works on spotify, youtube and soundcloiud. It mines data. Mark Cuban is in it. Galia from Bancor is in it. I don't like these people because Cuban hates BTC and Galia... well we know how bancor is shit and does nothing.

However, Sten from storm is in, and so is Johnson from PinkCoin. Great team and whitepaper.

Not saying that OPUS won't moon, but think about what you're buying guys. A token that has less buying power than bitcoin, something to stream music you don't even want to listen to.

The hype may pump it, but as a music coin, it is garbage.

>> No.6158743


>> No.6158977

nice fud

>> No.6159007


bad idea

>> No.6159018

Dude you're fine. Hold for a week

>> No.6159040

token sale hasnt even started for that though . ho many months till it's on an exchange?

people became millionaires in the last 9 days.

>> No.6159062

Prove me wrong. Who is actually using it? They tout 'over 15 artists using it' as a win. Seriously?


You really buying this shit? Post your pink wojack now.

>> No.6159097

>compared with other cryptos trying to target content industries, opus is ahead of the game in almost every category except for mcap

I like this.

But how much moolah does Bandcamp make?
Or are we going to see Paul McCartney on here selling his new stuff?

>> No.6159119


Jesus its not even been released yet. Don't buy in then. We don't care. This shit has already begun its moon journey. 10 mil to 30 mil in mere days. It's now on its way to 50 mil and then it will get listed on binance/bittrex and go 100+.

>> No.6159207

Join the presale. Dump it for 2x. Buy back for .7 29x it later.


How much money can you make from 16 artists that nobody has heard of?

I'm telling people straight up what it is. Its a streaming service for 16 artists. You think 100 lil uzis are magically going to appear on it? Delusional. When its released they will have music you wanna listen to on it?

>> No.6159250

>Direct-To-Fan Platform Bandcamp Has Now Paid Artists $100 Million

That was in 2015.

>> No.6159295

>he wants fortune-500 level performance from shitcoins that aren't even on market yet

why anon?

>> No.6159296

>Its a streaming service for 16 artist

no, 16 artists support the project, the product hasn't even been released yet .. go shill your coin somewhere else

>> No.6159358

No you're shilling some presale scam instead. 16 artists support it != platform for 16 artists. You don't know English pajeet.

This is going to be a winner overall for music streaming. Go shill your shitcoin ICO somewhere else.

>> No.6159594

Meanwhile... current has already released an app that links to fb, twitter, soundcloud, spotify and youtube and the coin isn't even out yet.

OPUS screams scam.

So you're buying something that has less buying power than BTC and doesn't even have a working product? Seriously anon, my friend was in the OPUS ICO and he was burned maybe that is why I think its shit now, but you have no idea what you are buying do you? You're buying a pre-release platform, that has no artists. They don't announce artists for a reason. There are none.


yeah ok look at the fucking team you brainlet

>> No.6159676

are you even on the same biz board as everyone else man?

90% of the coins making people millionaires have no platform and will probably never release one.

you're just FUDing because you either missed out when it was cheaper or youre trying to suppress the price.

>> No.6159776

I said in my OP that it may moon but have no real value. I go for long term holds which is why I am warning anons that this has no future.

I mention current because its a long term hold for people who are interested in music coins. I think this will be fine for short term gains, but long term it doesn't look good.

>you're just FUDing because you either missed out when it was cheaper or youre trying to suppress the price.

Nah buy it. Nobody could refute me, and you are being the most honest and transparant. Its a shitcoin that may pump in the short term.

>> No.6159812

BTC is fucking useless dude. Who wants to spend 50 hours to transfer a coin. Go shill your crappy ICO somewhere else.

>> No.6159974
File: 21 KB, 825x339, opus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the fud. Think about it:

How many underground artists/DJs would post their music here instead of soundcloud.

The infrastructure for streaming music on blockchain is massively cheaper than a centralized service.

Every independent artist will want their music here instead of other services. 100% profit, even if small, is better than what they get now.

How many underground music fans there are right now that will jump on this just because they hate the music industry - and furthermore, who's to say a big production company wouldnt' post some top 100 artist here anyway and still rake in 100% of the profit instead of selling it at a discount to iTunes or whatever

The speculative price of this should take it at least 3x and thats a huge understatement.

>> No.6160056

This anon gets it.

>> No.6160063

follow up- forgot to mention they have a great team, COO won forbes' 30 under 30 and they have proof of a working product and are crushing deadlines

>> No.6160095

Why can't streaming as it is be good enough? People are happy. People will not use this unless it is better than Spotify etc.

Shill me on the use. I can't see normies adopt it

>> No.6160177

are there any competitors ?

>> No.6160293

>Who wants to spend 50 hours to transfer a coin.

What are you going to buy with OPUS? Nothing, because you can't and you're going to sell it for BTC or ETH, something that actually has buying power.

Its all about exposure in music. You expect people to pay to listen to artists shilling their own music? You can get it for free off soundcloud, datpiff or pandora/spotify. Its great for artists, sure, but who is going to pay to listen to random ass nobodies when they can do it for free off youtube, and artists are so desperate they are shilling their music on soundcloud comments?

I don't see it having a real value. If it does, they should announce some 'real musicians' so they have legitimate backing

>> No.6160377

That's fine. Don't invest. I'll just sit here on my 5x gains and watch it go to 100 mil+.

The platform is legit. It works. People will use it. Enjoy your bitcoin platform thing.

>> No.6160431


Are you implying that we are here for any other reason than to maximize profits off of this bubble?

>> No.6160453

>nitpicking a coin this hard with a 30m marketcap

bro maybe head back to /r/wallstreetgainz

Have you seen the top 100 rank coins? The top 200? Jesus christ... some people

>> No.6160494

Why does it need buying power if it's a utility token, and not a currency.

You buy the token to use the service, not the other way around.

Who's to say that massive production companies wouldn't post mainstream music here and take 100% of the profit, since they do own the music anyway.

>> No.6160498

lmao he's doing value investing

>b-b-but how will it compete with Bandcamp?

what a retard. just ignore him.

>> No.6160514
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>Its a streaming program for 16 fucking artists
This is the worst fud I've ever seen.

>> No.6160551

say that to my zcl gains that have real value and are much higher

just warning you its a bubble and they have nothing

once the hype dies and normies realize they can stream for free off youtube, its over. get out before then, and put it into something that actually does something

>> No.6160606

And I do expect people to pay $5/month for a legit streaming service with tons of independent artists, just for the fact alone that they feel good about supporting 100% profits to the artist.

Just watch, big artists will endorse the shit out of this just as a statement that this empowers independent artists.

>> No.6160654

Like BTC which no one accepts and takes 4 days to transfer?

>> No.6160810

the difference is marketing which this has none of.

so you expect this to be held up by the altruism of big artists? Yeah ok

>using bitcoin to buy anything but shitcoins off exchanges

>> No.6160814
File: 4 KB, 200x193, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, the fudder forgets people like to give money to support artists they like

>> No.6160946

Thaaaank you...

"I'll donate $5. I get to use this awesome streaming app for a month, it has some exclusive indie artists i haven't heard, and i feel good that I donated $5 directly to the artists!"

And again, who is to say that big production companies wouldnt post the music they own to the service and rake in 100% profit, which is probably easier than setting up contracts with spotify/iTunes etc.

>> No.6161069

>normies realize they can stream for free off youtube

you can stream off youtube for free? wow.. that's just amazing.. sold 100k

>> No.6161191

Why is a coin needed for such a service?

>> No.6161233

This is why no one uses Spotify. Because you can just use YouTube for free!

>> No.6161337

Look up the difference between a utility coin and a currency.

Buying the OPT enables you to use the service.

excerpt from reddit:
Opus is a pure utility token. Here an excerpt from the FAQ:

Opus token are first required to purchase decryption keys (Songs) from user contract to fan contract. To > do this, a Fan can send OPT to the Opus smart contract whereby and automatically receive the decryption > key.

OPT can also be used by artists to promote their tracks indirectly through the artist bounty system. For more more information regarding this please refer to §3.7 of the Whitepaper

The OpusDAO system. In order to participate and vote on proposals submitted by DAO proposers, you require some OPT. To earn more check out Section §8.2

Songs can only be bought with OPT and OPT can be bought with USD/Fiat. This USD/Fiat Option is only a convenience feature to make it more accessible.

>> No.6161400

everyone uses either spotify or iTunes music, and usually its spotify

>source: am normie

>> No.6161407

fud btfo !

>> No.6161654
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this is somewhat outdated since they switched to the streaming model

>> No.6161743

I don't see why this needs its own token anymore. It could literally use stellar as its currency if it wanted. There is no point in this token.

>> No.6161744
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>mark cuban is in it

the definition of "buy my bags pajeet"
cant wait for you to get dumped on by him and his private placement hedge fund buddies

>> No.6161763

You guys are awful at detecting sarcasm. I'm guessing you don't socialize with people very often.

>> No.6161821

>Bancor does nothing
>As Bancor is currently 9 dollars and steadily rising in the healthiest chart you've ever seen

>> No.6161871
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your friend was in the ICO for a reason. its a solid project. a lot of people go burned. but if you had bought as i told you, below ICO price at 5m mcap you would have 5x your money now. stay poor.

>> No.6161907

thanks, sold 100k

>> No.6161958

> You are literally buying a monthly subscription for 16 artists.

wait, is there actually an option for a monthly payment plan? Literally not mentioned of the FAQ, videos or whitepaper?

That's kind of a deal breaker for me - who wants to pay for songs individually anymore

>> No.6161965
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even assuming your shitcoin current makes it, it grows the pie for everyone else. if it explodes people will be looking for cheaper variations. OPUS can be second place. i will be driving 5 lambos instead of 7.

>> No.6162038

Got 50k OPT at $0.02

Comfy as fuck

>> No.6162069
File: 274 KB, 1472x828, 1513140170184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy my bags instead of your bags

sure, on it. just sold 100k and bought 100k

>> No.6162084

idk they announced they were switching from the 'buy song' model to a streaming model, but that hasn't been updated on their example service.

with such a good team doing research, I would be very surprised if they didn't go to a pay/month streaming model, it's the only competitive model atm

>> No.6162139


started as pay for song but went streaming.

>> No.6162155



pay per month

>> No.6162211

>using USD instead of the ETH value at the time of purchase

stay poor. ETH was 300 then. Bancor was $4, and now ETH is 1200 and Bancor is $9. Do the math retard.

>stay poor

say that to my ZCL gains with your puny 5x.

>> No.6162368

For music's sake I do hope OPUS makes it. The team doesn't matter, like how LTC is 'better' than BTC but adoption rates are what matter.

This coin has no marketing, no musicians and its all hype. I hope you do make it anon. Right now I'd say it looks like a hype bubble, but its possible it will have real value like someone besides the 16 artists.

>> No.6162432


whats your point? eth x4 since opus ICO, bancor x2.
OPUS will surpass them both. its just starting its moon mission.

>> No.6162560

who gives a shit about value. we are making gains and flipping for the next moon mission. crypto is all hype. you are in a position to get in on a 30m mcap coin and shill it to reddit and facebook.
its a simple concept to understand "spotify plus bitcorns" and it's cheap.

VOISE - 50mil - 2x OPUS
VIBERATE - 100mil - 4x OPUS
POET - 450mil - 20x OPUS
MUSICOIN - 50mil - 2x OPUS

>> No.6162631

They don't even have a website..

>> No.6162670


>> No.6162943

As long as you know its a PnD with nothing backing it, I am just trying to warn anon it is worthless.

>> No.6163014


Okay and why no backing even their is a top dev team who is ahead of their shedule?

>> No.6163148

Ahead of schedule? What product do they have? What artists are streaming? What working product? Ahead of schedule? You must be a newfag

>> No.6163151

yeah, so is 90% other shitcoins
thanks for the "warning"

>> No.6163266

if you don't see the value in replacing soundcloud with a sustainable model that's fine just watch us moon from the sidelines. im up 3x in one day and it's just starting

>> No.6163270

Look at the deluded retards saying its got a top dev team and its 'ahead of schedule' despite having nothing. You're welcome, I tried to take all the retarded horses to the spring

>> No.6163504

>despite having nothing

Wow I guess 90% of the top 100 coins can crash and burn like lehman brothers huh.

Opus has a working demo and they are ahead of schedule. Stop spreading fud you look like a faggot.

>> No.6163592

you really dont understand investing in low market cap coins.

>> No.6163597

Post up your blockfolio I am sure that you have one shit coin that you should sell, use the profit to buy some rope and hang yourself

>> No.6163822

I'm sorry but if youre spreading FUD about Opus you clearly don't like money.

>> No.6164597

thank you! just bought 50k