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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 696x449, 10$ each q2 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6152152 No.6152152 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that this is the safest easiest x10-x40 you will ever invest in.

>> No.6152364

>Shilled at 20 cents
>Shilled at 30 cents
>Shilled at 50 cents

Now at 80 cents

Ill come back at 1 dollar Tomorrow.

Just a remindee, product launch shpuld come next month. Alpha already online. ((((((((8.5m tokens)))))))))))

Ice ice baby

>> No.6152586

More like 5$. This mcap is still so fucking low it's unbelievable

>> No.6152627

dont even bother telling the pajeet fuders on biz they dont want to listen

they can buy my bags in a few months

>> No.6152666


>> No.6152722

Already on 90 cents. Gotta sage all ebet posts. Need to accumulate more

>> No.6152769


>> No.6152787

hitbtc is so laggy wtf

>> No.6152865

Fundamentally, 40x is a bit of an understatement; 50-60x is a fairer estimation. I am just about to get on. Have been following the dev for a while - he’s been brilliant. Wish I got on earlier. Still cheap though. Anything under 0.0002 Eth is a winner because this should go to 0.035 following the launch (which is in the very near future). Everything is on track and good to go. Can’t wait to buy into this one! I’m writing this while my Eth is going through.
Well done in advance to everyone that gets on this one!

>> No.6153296
File: 234 KB, 1430x1476, 20180109_234734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already bought into this when it was 20c... I can already see the x30 coming at my way

>> No.6153381
File: 108 KB, 601x601, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're gonna be the cheapest and fairest online dicing platform. thats a big piece of that pie

>> No.6153419
File: 154 KB, 344x760, 1515151624219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUN-fag here, so I have no horse in your dice-rolling race.

Why is EBET better than DICE?

>> No.6153534

Its a shit version of fun fair, and that other sports and e sport betting coin

no use for it there's others that do it better, however when has that ever stopped anything from mooning

>> No.6153598

Where can I buy it? Hitbtc is fucking lagging

>> No.6153657

Thats your only option for now, Etherdelta doesnt have enough volume.

>> No.6153689

has the anonymous dev come back from vacation yet

>> No.6153760

EBET has close to 0 tx fees, with txs at 1 dollar per game DICE is unplayable.

>> No.6153893

What makes you think EBET fees will be any lower? And the house edge?

>> No.6153936

The guy is very active in the Discord channel.

>> No.6153941

DYOR this is why you cucks stay poor and buy at the top

it takes a few minutes to read the whitepaper

>> No.6153983

>FUD all the funfair threads
>start shilling ethbet precisely as predicted in the thread
Lmao you pajeets are so fucking obvious

>> No.6153988

There is no house edge. Its p2p, and simple as fuck

You can play against your friends, against anyone for a 50/50 chance. Hell you can even play against yourself, win the bet and pay 0% tax over any gambling winnings depending on your country. Thats fucking free crypto gains right there

>> No.6153990

1 It is running offchain
2 It is edgeless
Read the whitepaper

>> No.6153992

bought at ico fucking ages ago.. It was down like 80% almost every singke day since and just started going up like a week ago. I'm fine with waiting for this dumb shit to moon

>> No.6154026

>le pajet meme xd

Youve bought into the biggest overhyped shitcoin u cuck. Ebet has been around /biz/ earlier than funfair

>> No.6154031

also is this on any good exchange yet? Not even thinking about registring on a pajeet tier exo. No, not visiting etherdelta again either

>> No.6154054
File: 288 KB, 1258x1341, Screenshot_20180110-001149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy as fuck

>> No.6154087
File: 27 KB, 399x385, l04he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to mऑke x50 on this and see pink wojaks of FUDders

>> No.6154094

Yeah and it's been fucking shit worthless for most of that time too.

>> No.6154102

Not really, but the moon mission will even be better once it hits a normal exchange besides these mexican ones were currently in

>> No.6154140


>> No.6154251

Soon after the ICO a whale (Guy had over 2000 bitcoin and proved it in the Discord) dumped the price, he didnt even care how much he got for it - price struggled to recover from that.

>> No.6154258

Yes i too prefer to wait for high prices and THEN purchase

>> No.6154307

t. cuck that will fomo on ebet at 15 dollar

>> No.6154373

Or $50

>> No.6154423

HODLing since ICO. Put 1eth into it, my biggest gamble so far in Crypto.

This getting to $20 will see me realize all my crypto money goals within 2 years.
I'm well on track without it, but this is going to be the real bread winner.

>> No.6154447

i want to spend 800$, but i will manage to invest them only at saturday. will i manage to get quick x5?

>> No.6154567

if by quick you mean within months than yes

if by quick you mean in a few days you will lose that $800 chasing pumps

>> No.6154634

ICO buyer here, good to see this project getting some traction finally. For the new ones, I hope you realize the potential. This hasnt been shilled outside of /biz/, the competitors are trash and overpriced (funfair 800M for some local version of some shitty looking games for example lmfao), dev is working fully on getting a product ready before doing any proper marketing or advertisement. The time to accumulate is now and wait 3 months at least to consider any selling

>> No.6154785


The 0 funding has been spent yet. After the product launch marketing will go 100% real fucking quick. This is the ground level, gambling is fucking huge and this will become the standard. Ill gladly buy any bags anon think they can drop before this hits 15 dollar in march