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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6139101 No.6139101 [Reply] [Original]

I have $1400 in 92 icx, I did the maths and even if this coin goes to $100 EOY I still won't break 10k
I have I got in to late? Fuck why did I waste so much time in that shithole /b/ cant stand the sight of that autist closet fagfest since coming here 2 weeks ago

>> No.6139162
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>i did the math

>> No.6139215
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> $100 EOY

>> No.6139230
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>I did the meth

>> No.6139260

Anyone has any real advice instead of just taking the piss out of me?

>> No.6139336
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>icx won't $100 EOY

>> No.6139361

Buy ICX and hold until the end of the month, take those gains and start seeking moon missions. If you feel risky put it all on EBET.

>> No.6139377

nobody can help that you're a broke fuck. you're too late to the game. you should have taken out a loan in december.

>> No.6139467

oy crikey u wot m8 put another crumpet on the dingo barbie, ol' chap

>> No.6139482

$1400/92 = $15.21

How the fuck did you get duped into buying this for over $15 when ATH is below $13?

>> No.6139492

>it won’t hit $5 by the EOY 2017
>It won’t hit $10 before Mainnet
>It won’t hit $100 EOY 2018

>> No.6139534

This is the only question that matters.

>> No.6139537

Been buying in since $5-6 with profits from elsewhere, I'm all in now

>> No.6139568

Don't worry anon you wont make it from just one coin. If that 1.4k turns to say 3.5k you can put it in a different coin that might do 3x for example. That's over 10k right there. Just don't over-diversify. I've held a coin that did 10x and only came out with 1k because I invested 100 usd. Just my 2 cents, good luck.

>> No.6139586

Are you mentally challenged?
You're not supposed to hodl for such a long fucking time if you're a poorfaggot with something more than 1k. Take your ICX gains at eom/mid-feb and put them in another coin that's gonna go 5x/10x.
Then repeat until you're a millionaire stupid cunt. If you do everything right and don't get scammed you will be above 100k EOY.

>> No.6139589
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>> No.6139616

Which exchange should you use?

Also, you got any good coins to shill for now?

>> No.6139934

>Which exchange should you use?
Depends on which coin you want to buy.
Best exchange atm is Binance.

>Also, you got any good coins to shill for now?
Look into these coins and DYOR, lot of fudders on /biz.

>> No.6140451

ok guys, Im a crypto noob and I bought 1 ltc at 350 a while back, now I realize it was a shit FOMO investment, I already have quite a few ICX, should I just take my 1 LTC and put it into ICX, since its much likelier to grow soon?

>> No.6140511

Do you like or hate money?

>> No.6140557

I like it!

>> No.6140615

Then buy ICX.

>> No.6140643
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>I have I got in to late?

>> No.6140751
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>I have I got in to late?
Every day, there is a chance to make money. If you miss a wave, just be ready for the next one. It WILL come.

>> No.6140839

this. dropped about 2 eth on it a few weeks ago. stacks worth 10k now. not the fastest gainer but its been consistent.

>> No.6140881
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>> No.6140926

Yes, you got in way too late. This is why the best bet is to go for good coins with low market cap. The high market cap coins aren't likely to give you big rewards.

The people holding ICX are shilling this extra hard because they want suckers to buy their and raise its value even though it's already on the cusp of being overvalued. Good coin, but not the best investment right now. You missed the boat.

>> No.6140970

you bought in way to high faggot. where were you when this shit was 2 bucks?

>> No.6141038


Keep telling yourself that

>> No.6141481

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6141539


Keep telling yourself that ICX is a sound investment at a whopping 4.6 billion market cap. There are so many better investment opportunities in this market right now. Bagholders are shilling ICX endlessly and are duping poor noobs into buying into a coin that has way too much money in it for what it's shown so far.

>> No.6141602

>icx is basically currently at ath
there are no bagholders you dumbfuck. do you even know what that means?

>> No.6141606

What makes something like ADA have a 20B+ market cap then?

>> No.6141632


>> No.6141636

stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid motherfucker who isn't getting on the shipchain, sureremit and PFR rockets

keep clinging to your top 10's, 30's and 50's

>> No.6141729

I'm very comfy with ICX you twat
Wouldn't call it bag holding

It just... keeps... growing.... sometimes after a few days but... it grows

Bag holding is buying into XLM , real talk

>> No.6141756

I like how this coin withstood the marketwide dip today. It has been very resilient. I have put 1 BTC into this, and now it's worth 2. I am very tempted to add to this stack.

>> No.6141761


ICX has barely moved compared to other cryptos in the past month. You guys have been losing out on a lot of profits by holding ICX, and you know it. The recent little run is nowhere enough to mitigate the lost opportunity cost.

Well have fun shilling. Anyone reading this - you shouldn't invest in ICX right now. Find undervalued coins, not overvalued ones.

>> No.6141792

I have done a lot of ip tracking and getting into Blockfolios and find that over 75% of fudders hold the coin they are fudding. I feel that you bought some and don’t know why. And you are looking to be spoonfed info because you are a lazy, sorry excuse for a human. And if that’s not the case, then get out of the thread, go on with your meaningless life.

>> No.6141831

im still not really 100% sure what ICON is, it does everything ETH does as well as everything OMG does yeah?

>> No.6141853

Where are the bag holders? This coin has been steadily gaining.

>> No.6141885

I'm not supposed to say this yet for I am accumulating still but someone tipped me off with this so I am paying it forward.

>low marketcap, good volume,
>still on (not so good exchanges)
>kucoin listing imminent.
>easy x5-x10 potential for 50x if holding
> one of the founders was from NXT

>great product already out
>under the radar
>just 5M marketcap easily 10x-20x
>great team and updates social media
>big exchange announcement next week
> first to market AI
> from ICO to now great demand for it
> yet to be listed on mainstream exchange
> potential x10 even EOY

Still DYOR but make sure to thank me after all your gains! good luck!

>> No.6141947

ICX represents 60% of my portfolio. I was able to get on the BCPT rocket ship at 40cents with 20%, and I'm on the rocketship to pluto with my other 20% on jibrel ico. I didn't lose shit.

ICX is still good value

and you don't know what the term bagholding means so shut your fuckin mouth

>> No.6142092

You're too late in icx, not cryptos.
If you had 1400 in it 20 days ago you'd be at 6k now.

Don't worry, when icx is at 18$ you'll have 2k then put same in an other promising coin, don't stay in it for 12 fucking months you idiot.

I started with 1.5k 3 months ago now 29k, don't worry we still have at least 2 years before crypto becomes boomer gains at 20% yearly max.

>> No.6142192

lol are you retarded
It's almost 10x'ed in the past month

>> No.6142500

>and it's gonna do it again!

that's where you lost the plot

>> No.6142619

>ICX has barely moved compared to other cryptos in the past month

I never said it was gonna 10x again. I don't think it will. I think it'll hit 20 or 30 bucks by the end of the month as mainnet comes out.
I was just calling you retarded because you said something retarded

>> No.6142937


So 60% of your money has been tied down ICX which has barely moved compared to other cryptos. Great job son. Should've put in a lot more on the Jibrel ICO - or any of the other undervalued coins which have been mooning these past few weeks. You're bagholding, bitch.