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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6138742 No.6138742 [Reply] [Original]

What other coins do you hold or will buy?

>> No.6139004

REQ, DBC easy 50% profit
Get in while you still can

>> No.6139067

i literally only hold ripple. bitcoin is finished. it's had 10 years to scale and now women are runining it. bitcoin cash wont scale either. it's done. the dream is dead. the banks will win again so might as well profit off of it.

>> No.6139404
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The absolute state of XRP holders.

>> No.6139469


Thank me later

>> No.6139638

dgb, pivx, stratis, neo, eos, kyber, ark, steem, link

>> No.6139760

Ethereum neo cardano tronix enigma chainlink

>> No.6140019

I'm in 25k each Dragonchain, Cardamom, and Qash

>> No.6140405

centralized jew coin. Fuck off.

>> No.6140465

XRP holders think they are intelligent

>> No.6140484

>not 50x profit

>> No.6140502
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>> No.6140539

XRP is guaranteed to pump further. It's a staple in my portfolio.

>> No.6140620

What are the best wallets to buy coins?

>> No.6140669

go buy coins with exodus and store them in localbitcoin website

>> No.6140708

> 50% XRP
>20% ICX
>15% REQ
>15% XLM

Ignore the youngfags who think a couple of months is a long period of time chasing scamcoins like Tron. Ignore the oldfags who think BTC or LTC is gonna be the future.

Buy shit that solves real world problems.

>> No.6140713
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Hahahahahhahahahah hahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha

>> No.6140745


>> No.6141186

XRP, XLM and XMR are all safe bets and suitable for anon's with deeper pockets.

Nevermind the cancerous /pol/tards who are working with pennies, lol. In that case, shitcoins might be more suitable.

>> No.6141317

i wish i had more wabi

>> No.6141365
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>> No.6141500
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WTF is happening to this coin, I bought the dip yesterday and was hoping to sell it around 17000 sats then move on. I woke up earlier this night and it was way down so I sold, now it's soon below the dip even.

wtf. Is it because normies didn't like it as expected when it got listed on coinbase?

>> No.6141526

haha this is your avg poorfag crypto investor. We aren't in a bubble yet boys.

>> No.6141542

Still not too late to long 0x coin.
Comfy hold since 50 cents here.

>> No.6141587

50 cents here too, 0x sounds about right

>> No.6141654
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It’s going back to 50 cents.

>> No.6141665
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He was trying to withdraw. Doesn't qualify.

>> No.6141666

But... I thought Ripple would tripple?

>> No.6141673

Just wait a few more weeks for when Ethfinex goes public and sites like Radar Relay get more people. Gonna be comfy as fuck.

>> No.6141681

I must admit, I thought this coin would moon today. I was happy when I had auto bought the dip when I got up.

Very disappointing. But hey, see it from the normie point. Why invest in something that's so unsafe as crypto for only expecting it to double in value. Then stocks are far better. You want this shit to moon, that's why you do it

>> No.6141725

To triple from here Ripples market cap would have to surpass bitcoins. Not happening any time soon.

>> No.6141745

pls be real

>> No.6141749

>Can't read
>The state of /biz/

0x is ZRX you monkey knuckler, not fucking ripple. No wonder hardly anyone on biz buys it. They can't figure the coin out.

>> No.6141770

>Coinmarketcap's decision to exclude Korean prices from the displayed XRP price made the price appear to drop, likely triggering some panic selling.

>> No.6141776

XRP isn't a crypto newfag.

>> No.6141795
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Sure about that? I'll take my actual picture of the market vs some imaginary lines some tweener faggot drew

>> No.6141812

>XRP holders are intelligent
>none of them realize the token is useless
You're some of the biggest idiots in the sphere right now. At least Justin Sun WANTS his coin to do something.

>> No.6141864

ah so this was what that shit was all about, coingekko too gave this insane price on them until last night it was always 2k sats more than it actually went for. I thought they were shilling for it
semantics nigger

>> No.6141926

His coin did something, it made me about 4k in a pump & dump to put into ICX. I'll buy it if it goes back under .10, but its not a hold coin because its a tweener scamcoin.

>> No.6141981

well I wouldn't mind if it went down to 10 cents again, and we could redo this lol

>> No.6142007

lel it's not a scamcoin, but it's definitely overly ambitious. that chink it's going anywhere thus not a scam.

>> No.6142010

No, XRP is literally not a crypto. Crypto currencies operate on proof. XRP is based on trust.

>> No.6142093

RippleNet is literally a chain of blocks and XRP is RippleNet's native currency. How is it not a cryptocurrency? Because it's not "minable"?

Because environmentally exhaustive proof of work algorithm is the future, right? kek

>> No.6142156

yes we all know that.. where do you think you are? ffs

>> No.6142171
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>RippleNet is literally a chain of blocks

God I hate you newfags. You're all fucking retarded. Read a whitepaper, learn wtf crypto currency fucking is. Also see >>6142010

>> No.6142245

RippleNet is based on very legitimate validators e.g. Microsoft and MiT. As time goes on, more will be added and RippleNet will become more decentralized.

>> No.6142282


This. I also only hold XRP. I believe XRP and XMR will be the only survivors of the Crypto-culling. Think XRP will go up more, and I have no use for the black market, so I only hold XRP.

>> No.6142293

A court order can compel the ledger to revert transactions or confiscate coins.

If that happens you have a fork in the blockchain and it’s literally dead.

>> No.6142296

Why not come up with a valid intelligent response and show me how I'm wrong? Calling me a newfag doesn't cut it, buddy.

>> No.6142357

Holy fucking r*ddit batman

>> No.6142511

It's a comfy feel, sitting on an ripple, knowing its gonna win out in the long run.
It's dirt cheap, anyone who doesnt buy at least 50 is just a complete moron. Long term hold for 3x gains absolute minimum

>> No.6142522
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I linked you to a post that defined why XRP isn't a crypto.

>surely picking validators based on subjective merit won't lead to problems
>what is government and banking

>> No.6142703

>A cryptocurrency (or crypto currency) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets.

>> No.6142822

You you left out is there is required proof to validate and secure the transactions. That's where XRP is not a crypto. That's the part you guys keep failing to understand.

>> No.6142868


> n...n...not a crypto...

Who cares. It's better than anything else out there and will be the next world reserve currency. Load your bags now so you don't have to wage-cuck for it in a few years.

>> No.6142941

Jesus Christ, you just don't get it. It's this trustless proof that makes a blockchain a blockchain. Centralized consensus like in XRP is just a database. This isn't a technological breakthrough, its just modern financial systems.

>> No.6143170


Bitcoin and all the other cryptos had 8 years to get their shit together and all they could do was fork, fork, ICO, fork, ICO. XRP is winning BECAUSE it is centralized. XRP gets tested, improved, tested, improved, tested, improved. Now it's an unstoppable weapon.

>> No.6143249

Yes, transactions are validated and secured by Ripple's validators. You're arbitrarily adding requirements to what classifies as a cryptocurrency and what doesn't.

>> No.6143503

Basically this.

XRP is a long term hodl.

Do you want an easy 3 or 4x profit?
Then buy and hodl
Every month we're getting more and more news of it being integrated into real life.
Just look at the normie news that hit a bit ago about people with chips in them that can pay for shit with xrp

>> No.6143907

why go for 3x XRP when you can 20x XLM

people are dumb

>> No.6143930


XRP is headed to $1,000 with a $50 Trillion market cap. It's the next world reserve currency.

>> No.6144197


This guy gets it.

>> No.6144489
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Sold half of my stack today and bought more LINK. This shit isn't even crypto.

>> No.6144670

Yes, that's true. They understand the real system, while BTC and eth holders are still running behind a dream which already is over.
Beside xrp will hold Petro and if available Putins Coin and Coin of Israel.

>> No.6144931


Toastwallet to store your XRP. Buy them from an exchange like Bitstamp or Binance and then transfer them to your toastwallet.

>> No.6144995


Or you can just make a new transaction to
send from A to B. Accomplishing the same thing without a fork.

>> No.6145034

do I have to pay 20 XRP to transfer to toast wallet?

>> No.6145064


Holdings as % of total portfolio in USD

XRP: 43%
XRL: 19%
ETH: 17%
1ST: 9%
XEL: 5%
GNO: 4%

Portfolio value $286,800. Total profit 1434%
Plan to get more 1st, XRL, ETH and add MSP to holdings

>> No.6145066

DBC is the most intelligent coin.

>> No.6145112
File: 9 KB, 400x400, Lala-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got myself some LALA. Currently in ICO and you can get an easy 10x out of this.

Use my ref code to get a 5% bonus on your purchase: tokensale dot lalaworld dot io / register / IZhlu8ZRo7o6nM0

>> No.6145221

How does one go about calculating a coins maximum potential price? For example many people saying XRP could never explode into the hundreds of dollars as that would result in a market cap in the trillions.

>> No.6145283
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Bancor, haven't invested in something this heavy since XRP

>Jewish origins
>Creator of the Euro
(Article from 2010)
>first project to automate exchanges and remove bidding

The beast wont be stopped once its awoken

>> No.6145338

Last year the brainlets here said ETH could never reach $100 because it would surpass BTC market cap.
Guess what, it hit $700 and BTC hit $20,000

XRP is going to triple figures and it will be $10 before the end of January. The majority of shitbirds on this board are going to lose money chasing and holding the biggest dogshit shitcoins going around just like the generation before them in July 2017.

A few of us are going to compound our profits into the millions.

>> No.6145435

Thanks for the response, I'm not really debating that point, I'm HODLing XRP atm because I believe it has potential, i just wanna know how you can go about calculating a coins potential price? or do you believe that any coin can reach any price, so long as it has the relevant support?

>> No.6145512

Talking sense. Just buy ICX, XRP and stop checking CMC every fucking day.

>> No.6145544

Yeah, that's what they said about it surpassing ETH. And it is still legit bigger than ETH despite CMC cumfuckery.

>> No.6145611

Consider this:
The entire crypto market cap hits 10 trillion. XRP manages to hold 15% of the share of that. Each XRP will be worth $42.

It doesnt even have to be number 1 to achieve that. Just by crypto in general increasing and XRP increasing its market share of that marginally.

Now think much bigger and that's where this beast is going.

>> No.6145643

xrp, xmr, nav, (ark)

>> No.6145734

You should take the staple out of your portfolio and use it to keep your retarded mouth shut.

>> No.6145886

Ven just been outed as scamcoin sell bags now quick!!!

>> No.6146355

Hey, what issue of Economist was this?

>> No.6146505

you fucks just hate making money?

>> No.6146559

They hate making money which is why they don't go into >>6145112 because muh pajeets.

>> No.6147064

So many people selling their XRP to buy FLASH
FLASH seems to be killing Raiblocks and Ripple

>> No.6147949

i made the switch a little earlier. dumped my ripple at ~+180% and 2x my 0x stack