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6137768 No.6137768 [Reply] [Original]

>Portfolio worth 450k, up from 2k in a year
>Spend all day browsing /biz/, fucking prostitutes and ordering food
>All while wagecucks slave away their lives for 14.50/hr

Truly the greatest timeline.

Who else /comfy/

>> No.6137805

hopefully i can be you next year

>> No.6137896

Verily. I order $200 platters of sushi that I don't even finish and give the delivery girl a big tip if she's cute. When I reach $1 million I'm just going to straight up ask them to come in and fuck after bringing me my food. Fuck you money is an actual thing and its a euphoric feel being empowered and free.

>> No.6137909

450k is BS unless you bought bajillions of NEO back when it was ANS, cheap as hell (shitcoin tier worth like $0.01 or less per ANS) and have been gaining GAS along with it the whole time or something

>> No.6137949

you can't retire on 450k

>> No.6137950

but if you made any gainz at all then congrats, you're probably smarter than half of this board

>> No.6137966


I just hit 200k a week or so ago from 1k in July. I am slowly adjusting my lifestyle.

>> No.6137997 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 400x269, pump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump n dump group here. Pumped STU to 300% profit earlier. Next pnd in ~41 hours Join here to get in on it


>> No.6138001

>buy trailer
>live in cheap state like Kansas or some shit
>eat cheap food
>live NEET life
>maybe own small restaurant and stream games as source of small income

>> No.6138007

How are you people cashing out?

>> No.6138031

Fuck off Pajeet

>> No.6138051


I mostly just sat in ETH, while being in some moon missions along the way.

>> No.6138056

bitflur.com for small amounts

>> No.6138059

I started with 750 a month ago myself. TRX was my real money maker. Bought in at 27 satoshi, sold at 1800, bought back at 950. My portfolio went from 750 to 40,000 in a month. FUCK ever working again. A few more luck outs like this and I'll buy a power plant. I'll be at OP's level in a year.

>> No.6138072

The only idea I have rn is through normiebase. HOW DO I CASH OUT WITHOUT BEING RIPPED THE FUCK OFF (i.e. 1.5% fees)? Localbitcoin seems too risky.

>> No.6138075

Wtf? 450k won't give you a "lifestyle", just a temporary boost. Seems you need to get a job and grow up.

>> No.6138077

Sounds like a ninja bitflur shill thread. OP waits for someone to ask "how? XD" and the n he proceeds to shill bitflur. The same modus operandi as the tonydumper scam when some guy claimed he made 4 btc using "other people's information". Creative but still scummy.
Regarding Bitflur:
It's a scam, they got 90 days to open a case on PayPal and get a refund while you lose all your btc lmao
This is getting shilled the same way as the tonydumper scam
No referral link or anything so no reason to shill it for free + that localbitcoins thread etc
Sure you get your money now but you get rekt in 90 days or earlie
Also why would they pay you 500$ for 400$ worth of btc? Only a retard would fall for this

>> No.6138142

Localbitcoins all the way. Just go with the guys with dozens of successful trades. I've used the same guy for all my cash outs.

>> No.6138151

Wow, you're astonishingly stupid.

>>450k portfolio
>>Get a job you hobo

I mean, is this bait?

>> No.6138260
File: 25 KB, 1084x549, 1 year ago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally 1 year ago. If you had bought 2k ETH and just held it for 1 year you'd actually have $2.2 million by now.

Chart the Top 15 coins every year on CMC starting from 2011 and look how they've grown each year. My new year's resolution was to buy $2000 of every coin in the Top 20 with a small portion of my gains and hold them until 2019, even BTC, even if I didn't care for them, even if it goes against every logical instinct that I have to believe that the cap and value cannot go any higher.

>> No.6138272

You're a fucking retard. You're literally self-confessing to the greatest financial opportunity in world history while wasting it all of it on being a lazy piece of shit, wasting money on takeout food and fucking hookers? Are you serious?

You WILL be poor, and you DESERVE to be,

>> No.6138286

>1 million
>fuck you money
>wasting it on whores

When I reach 1 million I'll finally afford that Honda Civic and maybe fuck a prostitute just once to see what it's like, maybe eat out once a month, while investing the rest in a balanced portfolio.

Why are you people so flippant about money?

>> No.6138288

What do you do with the cash? doesnt the government chase you for large deposits?

>> No.6138357


>thinks he can retire on 450k
>thinks banging diseased cumdumpsters makes him cool
>he thinks wagecucks make crap hourly

Feels good when you realize youre better than most people

>> No.6138379

I'll upgrade to a 2nd hand BMW when I get to 10 million dollars

>> No.6138414

Why are you ignoring all the previous years and what happened in 2014? BTC crashed from 1000$ and stayed at 300$ for 3 years

Don't get me wrong, it's all promising but you can't be this certain

>> No.6138548

2k ETH at $6-8 a pop is still a lot of money unless you somehow were convinced of this thing being the real deal

I regret not getting on the bandwagon sooner since I have always claimed to be attuned with tech and business.

>> No.6138620

1 mil is not even close to fuck you money.

>> No.6138748

I had people telling me how interesting and promising ether is

neither them nor me bought any

>> No.6138776


No it isn't, it's definitely possible. If he also jumped into RDD/DGB during pumps and sold appropriately as well as buying stuff like KCS or TRX and ANS at low prices you can have 500k easily. I started 1 year ago and have 400k. And that was with making mistakes and losing money a few times.

>> No.6138818

That's a fair and valid point but I don't really factor in 2014 and earlier because I consider those to be the pre-infant stages of the crypto scene that we know of today where 99% of people only really knew of BTC. Really, the only ones to make it out of that period were BTC, LTC, and XRP. It is an absolute certainty at this point that blockchain is here to stay, and there's a floor to this market that continues to rise. 2014 was an exception with the Mt. Gox occurrence but even that was a good and necessary thing in order to bring about more exchanges, including the more legitimate ones like Gemini. We're still very much in a wild west climate but the attention that crypto is getting in the financial and technical sectors and governments acknowledging it as an investment and target for tax are definitely indicators that it's growing and that it's here to stay. For what it's worth, I also work at Microsoft and run in circles with Amazon peers as well and blockchain is very much on everyone's minds for the tech, not for the gains.

>> No.6138823

So I guess I’m already living like a millionaire, cool

>> No.6138870
File: 2.90 MB, 500x540, 1514300830777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 year old with 500k
Literally only bought a new pc and some nice clothing. Still drive my piece of shit car.
You faggots aren't going to make it. Just because you have money doesn't mean you should spend it. Keep reinvesting.
t. bought 1000ETH last year

>> No.6138875


>> No.6138898


Feels bad man, I had thousands of NMC that are worth jackshit now. Same with Feathercoin. At least I kept my 200 LTC and a few BTC from back then. I don't know many people who had thousands in BTC except for early miners.

>> No.6138922

Also yes, I'm aware 1000ETH is over a mill. I made some horrific trades during the BTC/BCH fiasco, I always try to move forward rather than dwell on past under performing trades

>> No.6138951

2014 was not "pre infant", that was before that
litecoin was already a major player, people were mining bitcoin with asics not gpus

scrypt coins were the new thing that everyone was mining, but it was already a market that you could cash out from and make huge profits

>> No.6138997

There’s a million ways to have made that money last year

>> No.6139023

How did you cash out?

>> No.6139043

local bitcoins, coinjar.

>> No.6139063

And how much did you lose from taxation ?

>> No.6139069

you can if you move to nigeria or venezuela (or some other country).

>> No.6139277
File: 182 KB, 1803x1351, dog_lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't paid tax yet. Tax season is around july. I'm quite oblivious to the tax implications, I'm pretty sure they're not too bad in Australia. I've got about 45k in my bank account that i've cashed out incrementally over the past 5 months in small deposits. My mum works the ATO (Australian taxation office) and she said they don't really realise you have money untill you actually start paying taxes. Also me being a 20 year old, i can claim a lot on ignorance. I plan on mostly skimming off my stack when needed as opposed to large withdrawls.

>> No.6139318

This. Poverty mindset. Same shit as lotto winners going broke. Useless degenerate

>> No.6139360

Lmao get ready for a big wake up call. Is losing 30% of your money little?

>> No.6139363

I'm not talking about age of years. The fact that you can only name a handful of coins from that period is most definitely a telling sign that it was considered pre-infant in terms of usability and VSM compared to the possibilities of blockchain today. The only marketable idea at the time was digital currency. The worldwide consumer base and accessibility to entering crypto is unlike never before with 99% of people not even knowing how to mine without a gui. Are you actually under the belief that this entire market is going to just stop and disappear one day?

>> No.6139435

No, just that it might take you longer than you think to get the profits you want by holding the top 20 coins, for all we know there might be another period where everything falls for a couple years

>> No.6139440

This exactly. If you don't waste your money on the retarded bells and whistles 1m can last you a lifetime. At that point you just live comfy never having to worry about money, doing whatever the fuck you want (no, it doesn't need to be expensive to be enjoyable)

>> No.6139518

Thats alright with me, I'll wait till I get audited faggot.

>> No.6139716

Chill out. He is an idiot and I wouldn't do that but I am not at that amount. I don't plan to squander it, and I want to start other successful ventures. IRL I would probably start a business since Trump has deregulated so much stuff.

With that kind of attitude you are just acting salty. Live it up. OP might not be the smartest user but he can afford his extravagant lifestyle (as of now).

>> No.6139866

I just hope OP accounts for inflation, taxes and a longer life to spend gains on.

>> No.6139874


Ding ding ding we have a winner