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File: 20 KB, 576x268, China.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6137216 No.6137216 [Reply] [Original]

Prepare guys, buy the chink coins ASAP, China is about to enter the market again. Is this the comeback of NEO and WALTON?

>> No.6137307

It's the rise of VeChain. RMB pairs make their return.

>> No.6137380
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>> No.6137383

NEO is mooning as we speak.

>> No.6137403

>chinks actually giving a fuck about human rights
color me surprised

>> No.6137426
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>> No.6137503

Buy NEO now?

>> No.6137513

Fuck boys what sho I buuuuyyyyy I need a moon!

>> No.6137521
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Wow, they really did go full capitalist.
Kind of makes me proud!

>> No.6137546


>> No.6137560


>> No.6137574

buy ven immediately unless you want to stay poor

>> No.6137576

China was never against trading Bitcoin. They banned mining because it wastes their government-funded electricity.

>> No.6137594
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Kek, the whole thing is funnier

>> No.6137612

Buy some Nuls. Ching ching Bing bong.

>> No.6137613

>chinese gov is accumulating massive amounts of crypto
>encourages its citizenry to accumulate crypto

>> No.6137615

I sold my WTC for ICX...will buy back in soon.

>> No.6137646

No. It's time for VEN to make the fastest and longest bullrun of the year,

>> No.6137649

TRX is China's biggest hype coin by far

Or Ven if you want to hold something for a year like a loser

>> No.6137670
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next tweet faggot

>> No.6137688

China is hilarious.
>Spends months fudding Crypto while causing a massive bullrun for BTC and alts by buying the shit out of EVERYTHING
>Then tells their citizens it's okay to buy now.

China probably has the most crypto out of any country.

>> No.6137730
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>according to Marxism

>> No.6137750

my fukken sides

>> No.6137757
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>him right now

>> No.6137762

Wtc master node gonna make me rich

>> No.6137811

Ven is fucking trash

>> No.6137828

seems like WTC has doubled their paid shill army recently

>> No.6137832


>> No.6137873
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Wow. All this because some fool sold his bags for a loss and got butthurt about it.

>> No.6137958



>> No.6137977

I see this having a strong impact on the coins hitting Huobi this week, wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of new market gain across the board though.

>> No.6138011

Ven shills BTFO

>> No.6138022

this is a game of if's

>if you have the production of a global economic powerhouse at your disposal
>if it is the dawn of a new digital century wherein almost every human being on the planet owns or has access to a hand-held supercomputer that far exceeds the wildest dreams of creative science fiction artists, one that commects the entirety on humankind in one high speed network
>if a new type of natural resource, the cryptocurrency was announced that exploited the technological advances of the last century
>if you gamble and divert a significant portion of your production to this natural resource
>if this becomes a global currency and the crypto challenges the usd in value
it's a risky business but the payoffs would be astounding

>> No.6138052

Huge fucking news. Hundreds of billions of yuan will freely flow back into the market.

2018 is going to be glorious

>> No.6138068

China can project a lot of soft power if it becomes a cryptohub, it would be quite foolish of them to clamp down hard on it.

>> No.6138081

Bitcoin is about to wake up. Prepare your wojaks.

>> No.6138101


Why would the chinks invest in coins that are popular with and shilled to dumb westerners?

>> No.6138114

reminder: vechain got all the chinese government partnerships that walton wanted

vechain is going to be the #1 chinese crypto :)

>> No.6138144

No it didn’t.

>> No.6138240

Buy every Chinese coin now!

>> No.6138382

Bcash* is about to wake up

>> No.6138386

Lol everyone knows this place is laced with Vechain shills. It was a pump and dump.

>> No.6138606
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Shill me a Chinese coin. NOWWWW!!!!!

>> No.6138638


>> No.6138646


>> No.6138652
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>> No.6138673

ven got the chinese government partnership that every single chinese crypto wanted to

this time next year it will be the #1 crypto in china and top5 in the world

>> No.6138699

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6138704

wtf i love '''''communism''' now

>> No.6138711
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>> No.6138729



Pick your poison m8

>> No.6138763
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Tron but unironically

>> No.6138842


This is next level.

>> No.6138881

I've been researching Vechain but it's still so volatile, no idea if it will rise or fall. When a coin plateaus for too long it's a good idea not to buy.

Chinese coins are all really volatile right now, might be good for short term trades using smaller time-scales. I did 2x on a few that hit cuck coin earlier this week.

It's not too late to buy DBC still, solid growth, doesn't dip while there are dips across the board, plus it's hitting Chinese markets sometime this week.

Obviously it would have been better to buy a week ago, but most of my holding is in DBC at this point, it's impossible to ignore.

>> No.6138909

NEO is already pumping.

>> No.6138938

IOT Chain is gonna MOOOONNNN

>> No.6138954

>bitcoin according to marxism has no value so previous trades should be invalidated
Well he's right according to the Marxist labor theory of value. Too bad it's wrong. Besides, China subscribes to Socialism With Chinese Characteristics, as in, whatever the fuck they want it to be at any given time.

>> No.6139055

holy fuck....They care so much they wrote a little red book about it.

>> No.6139099

Isn't every socialist like that?

>Socialism is whatever I want it to be because in MY socialist world where I am god-king we live in a perfect utopia, technology and industry is booming but we don't harm the Earth and the polar bears are thriving and natural disasters don't happen but we still use coal as fuel it just doesn't affect the atmosphere because I'm the one in charge.

Socialism is just some reddat nerd's day dream.

>> No.6139105
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>I lost all my money so now I guess I'm a Marxist.
BTFO by your own kind, chink!

>> No.6139130

Yes, exactly why I bought NAS. Try and stay ahead of the curve if you want a ferarri

>> No.6139168

>Isn't every socialist like that?
No, socialism is basically "I'm going to take power in the name of The People". Everything leftist is about power grabbing.

>> No.6139293

>"I'm going to take power in the name of The People"

Yeah they can't just outright say they wish to be a brutal dictator I guess.

>> No.6139314
File: 43 KB, 960x720, 535b4311-d934-4d9d-8584-ceb2af17b3d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you ancap and market forces make you rich on all commie chink coins.

Thank you China you goofer.

>> No.6139383

NEO + CHINA = 24/7 mooning.

>> No.6139403


>> No.6139465
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>Not inversing the Chink government

>> No.6139515

get on coss.io before china takes it over

>> No.6139556

This guy is almost right:
Except Neo has already had it's hayday. Deep Brain Chain is 2nd token on the Neo network. It's fresh and exciting, plus Chinese markets open up sometime this week on Huobi. You'd have to be brainless to miss out on the brain train.

>> No.6139620

Deep Brain is intrinsically tied to NEO as you need to spend both GAS and DBC to operate use it.

>> No.6139640
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>> No.6139768
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>> No.6139910

Wtf did i just read

>> No.6140153

Dude, it's still illegal to use RMB to buy Bitcoin. But it is legal to go crypto to crypto and/or USD to crypto in China.