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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 696x449, OPUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6136686 No.6136686 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here before it moons. Decentralized music streaming platform with a demo already out. been in development for a while. Strong team. GET IN HERE it's already started

>> No.6136795

im in with 25k......am i making it?

>> No.6136843

Moving to streaming was a great plan. They're further along than almost any ethereum app out there. Bought in a decent chunk

>> No.6136892


>> No.6136964

no you're not pajeet shut it

>> No.6136993

Now to just hope they work on getting onto an exchange that isn't dogshit and we're moon

>> No.6137019
File: 6 KB, 562x34, EtherDelta PFR ETH (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6137038

it won't be til q2 probably. they've said as much

>> No.6137082

Only at 20M marketcap. Still early..

>> No.6137120

Streaming announcement gave a quick 3x or so. I'm super hyped on this one. I know I'm shilling but hot damn we are on this one early boys.

>> No.6137149

just read the whitepaper
i fucking want to buy in
will it dip?

>> No.6137274

I don't know man. It dipped to .14 USD last night but it seems stable right now.

it's only a difference of 1x

>> No.6137298

should I sell my XLM bags for this?

>> No.6137365


i have 20k payfair
should i sell for this??!?!

>> No.6137525

I think payfair has potential but haven't researched as much. Opus will fucking moon I know it.

>> No.6137582

>selling payfair
good luck lmao. look at the order book

>> No.6137641

dunno what to do, i think im buying a bit now and buy some more on the dips

>> No.6137711

Only 1700 here. I'm a fucking loser

>> No.6137785



>> No.6137827

get in DOT its the BNB for cryptopia, not that shit is going to moon!!!!!

>> No.6137880

62000 here!

>> No.6137931

i am in with 10k at 1300 sats !

>> No.6137984

DESU I don't own toooo much yet but I'm waiting on an eth transfer to snag some more

>> No.6137985

Crap compared to current. tokensale.current.us

Cheaper, ICO phase. Already has users and a real app. Opus has like 16 musicians that nobody ever heard of while current works with youtube, spotify, and soundcloud.

Sure fuck Cuban and Galia, but Sten from Storm and Johnson from PinkCoin are in. Easily much better than this shitcoin with no marketing (also cheaper).

>> No.6138016

Im a big ass whale, and this might perhaps be the worst or the best decision in my life, i accumulated more than 500k coins, and i'm all fucking in, either i make it or i lose. buying right now is perfect.

>> No.6138070

get the fuck out with ur panjeet scamcoins

>> No.6138186

Do you even know who the developers are? Learn to read.

>Sure fuck Cuban and Galia, but Sten from Storm and Johnson from PinkCoin are in. Easily much better than this shitcoin with no marketing (also cheaper).

Mark Cuban/Galia don't make pajeets, they make ICOs that double at first, tank then later go back up.

Opus is a shitcoin that nobody uses. Look at how many artists use it. You are no whale, I have way more crypto than you and I am very small.

>> No.6138216

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6138287
File: 59 KB, 897x485, 1504766553110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm your tits
there's very strong support at 100 sat. we are already bouncing. some early adopters took some profit. weak hands were shaken out. volume is picking up again. its at 30m mcap still. highly undervalued.

>> No.6138295


>> No.6138350

It's a streaming service but i can only listen to songs i've paid for?

I don't see the user appeal unless the buy is optional.

>> No.6138349
File: 505 KB, 1080x1080, 1500409119603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once the news come out you will be too late.
they've already suggested that they will accelerate their exchange plans if development of the platform allows for it. yesterday they announced that they are moving ahead of schedule development wise.

>> No.6138358

thats still a month away, do you even crypto?

>> No.6138491
File: 83 KB, 960x684, 1497894211435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a streaming service. you pay for a subscription and use the OPT token to interact with the platform. social features, bounties, exclusive content, bounties etc.

>> No.6138535


>> No.6138644


>> No.6138706

OPT seems like a great buy, it's a literal moon short-term and a legit promising project long-term

>> No.6138767

ether delta duh

>> No.6138822

best currency to move to hibtc to buy with?

>> No.6138888

LEGIT! Just read the WP. Mark Cuban is the man

>> No.6138973 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 1125x2436, A5DB58F3-825A-4D14-A08B-E4C404BF628F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. Made 8k on this one tonight. Thins one has huge potential once a normal exchange picks it up.

>> No.6139031


use litecoin, took about 10min total for me

>> No.6139046

LTC probably? I sent some over last night and it got there quickly with no problem

>> No.6139057

Yeah its really legit. I think you can get in early if you join the telegram. There is already an iOS app that works. Has emojis everywhere and fb and twitter logins (to steal that sweet sweet data).

Seems to be a storm for music. Has a bunch of algorithms for how it will trade.

With these marketing titans, it cannot fail.

>> No.6139317

Fuck Mark Cuban and his botoxed head
Buy Opus for true moon gains and lengthened penizh

>> No.6139401

Oh I did! Hoping I can get a good amount and it's not one of those coins that sells out in minutes

>> No.6139769

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6139801

this is multimedia. doesn't occupy the same space

>> No.6139990

Went in a got 10k.. Am I early enough..?

>> No.6140109

Why is their github inactive?

>> No.6140174

Just going off the demo i tried on their site: I couldn't play a song unless i bought it.
Streaming industry is not something to go off here. popular streaming sites have tons of content because they have big deals with record companies. Opus state in their video that they're going after unknown artists.

>> No.6140175
File: 274 KB, 1472x828, 1494793976793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

private repo

check the last Q&A on Medium

>> No.6140310
File: 296 KB, 1200x800, 1507117624872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, they but are looking to go after that market. it's up to you to figure out how big of a percentage of the streaming market they will be able to capture.
they are also not going after major artists at this time. more so the soundcloud crowd.

>> No.6140321

it's the same model as soundcloud basically. I think long term the success of the business relies heavily on the quality the artists upload

>> No.6140505
File: 208 KB, 1234x818, 1515158582170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soundcloud has a huge problem with monetizing their business model. OPUS solves that and puts most the money in the hands of the artists. win win.

no one is talking about it yet but for streaming to work masternodes are pretty much confirmed.

>> No.6140886

fuck am i noding at 25k?

>> No.6140990

Why is it dipping back to 1100 sat :(

>> No.6141366

i dont know, its speculation

>> No.6141533

I've never been on HitBTC or watched such a small coin before, can someone explain how to read these walls and the movement of the price when it's in 100-sat increments and it's so small

>> No.6141601

I just bought in with 1k

>> No.6141604

I bought 2000 and already made $300 thanks biz!

>> No.6141627

thx bought 100k

>> No.6141924

all you need to know is thats its a 30m mcap coin looking to distrupt a billion dollar industry. only way is up.

>> No.6142610

The walls on HitBTC are shifting
Get in tonight /biz/

>> No.6142622

anybody else getting error message on hitbtc when trying to deposit bitcoin

>> No.6142996

Plus there are no artists. Try the current music and video app if have iOS. It works already, way better than this worthless token.

>> No.6143049


Dude this shit has been around for months and has this little money in it. I recommend no one touch this shit. I've never fudded this hard. DO. NOT. TOUCH. THIS. PISSCOIN

>> No.6143135

My friend bought this ICO. Its terrible, he lost money in it and left it. No artists. Nobody cares about where the artists post their shit because nobody would buy a streaming service of nobodies. This would likely give them more exposure than if they were on soundcloud. They talk about frank ocean, but they don't even have a souja boy.

I don't know why anyone is falling for this pajeet scam.

>> No.6143557


>> No.6143582

lol you do know that most coins in the top 100 are just websites + whitepapers + teams, right?

why would you think this service would be full of artists? it didn't exist a few months ago.

all these coins are platforms. none of them have traction yet. not a single one. why are you applying that expectation to a 30m coin? so weird

>> No.6143634

Dude… you probably fucked up. This is probably a pnd.

>> No.6143670

pnd's are pfr or faceless teams with shit websites.

this is a fully developed platform COMING TO MARKET. how is this a pnd?

look at the other music coins worth 2x as much without a platform.

>> No.6143698

forget it, i get it now.

he's trying to suppress the price. this is the first 20-30mcap moon mission that's been on /biz/ in a long time.

>> No.6143736

Someone's trying to FUD till his money makes it to HitBTC...

>> No.6143737

That fake poster set tho.

>> No.6143766
File: 19 KB, 564x61, Bildschirmfoto 2018-01-09 um 01.18.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mad bro?

>> No.6143887

not joking, i sold half my xlm bags to load up

>> No.6143897

In with 10k, soon as they polish off the product and get on a couple other solid exchanges this thing is going to mars

>> No.6143898

cognitive dissonance. just trying to reassure yourself this was a "bad purchase"

ok bro. whatever. take your 500$ profit.

>> No.6143953

It's 10k profit… I'm keeping the rest, in case you, clearly, don't know how to add and subtract.

>> No.6144026

>opus worth 19b
>anon sitting in his diapies pissing himself to sleep
>if only i hadn't sold....

>> No.6144097

>other anon made bank on Opus
>still being retarded, he loses the money in a whim

>> No.6144177

>selling a coin that added 1m to its market cap every hour for 24 hours straight, driven forward only by the freak fucks on EtherDelta and 4chan

u can ride in my lambo anon. just wear ur diaper.

>> No.6144218

Poorfags always amuse me.

>> No.6144366

Digits of truth

Opus has turned on the wall at 1400 sat now... support coming in

>> No.6144366,2 [INTERNAL] 

My friend was just looking for this information. Thanks