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6136528 No.6136528 [Reply] [Original]


all tron holders are welcome of course.

remember to disregard the FUD guys, REQ was called a scam, LINK was called a scam, ETH and BTC were thought to have crashed multiple times, just remember that all of these coins went through rough patches and came through. with a man like Sun and over a billion chinamen we are going to make it.

And remember, this shit was at 3 cents a few days ago, mooned to 30 cents, then corrected to 17 cents. This was not a pnd.

>> No.6136646

Got in at $0.0019 and feeling very cozy

>> No.6136737


mirin. How big is your stack? I'm assuming it's large, when this hits a dollar you will ascend if you have a big stack. there's no way for you to lose with such early adoption

I'm holding over 50k, got in at 3 cents.

>> No.6136755

>And remember, this shit was at 3 cents a few days ago, mooned to 30 cents, then corrected to 17 cents. This was not a pnd.

OP are you retarded or just a stupid pajeet, you just described a pnd lmfao

>> No.6136960
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>this is your average trx buyer
Holy shit he made an announcement about a new exchange literally 10 hours before this person's post. Imagine how fast you people would sell if you ever bought some stinky linkies.

>> No.6137171


sigh. A true pump and dump involves a massive pump, and then a dump, and the dump usually crashes the stock/coin to an extremely low value. It started at 3 cents, 10x'd, then settled at a 5.6x after correcting. That is not a PnD, that is just sudden growth that is all too common in the market. If it was a true PnD we'd see the coin at much less than 5.6x it's original value before the rise, but it isn't.

maybe watch some youtube tutorials on market basics or educate yourself. cause you don't know much

>> No.6137219


I heard LINK had a crash at one point from 50 cents to like 15 cents or something, but look at it now, well over a dollar. This is why FUDders are just salty bois who didn't get in early enough

>> No.6137360

I have 15k. Bought in at $.03

I'm not in this for the long term hold, but will sell if it hits $.30 again. If it looks to be going higher, I might hold for a bit longer, but I intend to get out around there and look for the next moon. I don't have enough invested for a super long-term hold.

>> No.6137397

Got in at .005. Feeling extremely cozy

>> No.6137510
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XVG was the biggest crypto scam ever.... until like 4h ago

Dipped my feet in at .04 and literally went all in at 1000 sats. Lets see if we can break 2000 this week after whatever partnership

>> No.6137528
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It retraced to fibonacci you dumb fuck. Do you even understand what I just said? God I hate you.

>> No.6137537


fair enough, everyone has their own missions


you'll make it you comfy bastard

>> No.6137563
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It's ok the pain is going to go away soon mummy forgive me.

>> No.6137593

>It retraced to fibonacci you dumb fuck

What the fuck does the pizza guy have to do with any of this?

>> No.6137679


I got scared off by the verge FUD. Should've known it would eventually moon regardless


what did he mean by this?

>> No.6137722

Does Tron have any evidence of a working product or is it still just Chinese promises?

>> No.6137776

At this point I'm not even sure if a country called China even exists.

>> No.6137810

number won super like platform zuckerturd like decentralized like you buy my bag

>> No.6137863

Bought at .23. how fucked am I?

>> No.6137905

its going back below .10

get out while you still can

>> No.6137987


Oh shit, I didn't even realize. I put in the numbers though and it did almost an exact fibonacci retracement, went from 30 cents at peak to 15 cents at trough, 50% one of the fibonacci retracement numbers

anon is smarter than we thought

>> No.6138037

Its basically just a cool roadmap, lots of big promises, and hype from China's version of Zuckerberg with government connections.

So many amazing products fall into obscurity because the developers are made up of high-functioning autistic programmers. TRX has all the publicity and business know-how but I'm not sure anyone on their team knows how to code.

>> No.6138041

Yeah. It's a case of even if it gets up to $2, which is possible once the burn happens and more stuff is released, I would be at a whole $30k.

I feel like in that time, I could use the money I've made and catch some moons.

Best of luck to large bag holders with this. I think you all will make it. For us tiny bag holders, it's be fun too.

>> No.6138063

Aayyy I also got in at .005, feeling real comfy.

>> No.6138071 [DELETED] 

Pump n dump group here. Pumped STU to 300% profit earlier Next pnd in ~41 hours. Join here to get in on it


>> No.6138109

no. the other anon was right. this is a pnd. just because youre still holding it after it dumped doesnt make it a pnd. also, REQ and LINK are at 500m market cap and they less than 2 months from a finished product. TRX is nothing but a plagiarised white paper and its cap is 10B

>> No.6138118


it is a working product, it has already been implemented in some stupid chinese game. It is still being improved upon and partnerships are still being made, but the concept works. The upcoming months decide how well adopted this will be but I think it will make it

english please

stop FOMOing you skrub. You'll be fine just hodl but honestly why would you buy after the coin had mooned 7x already?


no evidence shitposter as usual

>> No.6138125

I got mine free from the binance airdrop. Forgot to sell when it 20bucks, i'll wait for the next pump over 100 before i sell.

>> No.6138237


stinky linky nobody knows wtf the oracle problem is. Nerds don't have enough money to prop up a coin all by themselves. You are literally all just repeatedly buying eachothers bags.

>> No.6138254

you stupid inbred pajeet fuck, maybe its the fact its such a shitcoin that no one can really value it being 0.30 with a 10 year roadmap you stupipd fuck fuck off fgt

>> No.6138269

its an erc20 shit token

all hype.

you think 1 little pokemon game justifies a 10billion market cap? lmfao

>> No.6138280

What concept? Their vision is vague as hell. "Decentralized YouTube/content creation platform where the users own their content and get paid directly."

If there's no governing source what stops users from posting CP and other darkweb illegal shit.

>> No.6138315

How many pokemon games does your coin have anon?

I didn't think so

>> No.6138322

massive buy walls going up, we might have a runner

>> No.6138352
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I had you at 110 IQ but now I feel like youre more of a 90

>> No.6138370


dude. how is it a pnd. by that logic every coin is a pnd, bitcoin went up to almost 20k then crashed to 13k, so you're saying btc is a pump and dump too? by your logic it is

go away

exactly. I think with the publicity, strong team, and asian market, it will succeed. of course nothing is for sure but I believe my friends, I believe

>> No.6138372

It was a poor, poor move. Everyone said it was hitting .50 and I, like an asshole, bought the hype.

>> No.6138529


Let me explain. I make a video on Youtube. Youtube pays me. Im subject to Youtubes rules. They can censor my videos or remove ads from my videos therefore fucking me over. Tronix is building an open internet where creators have a direct link to their audience and are paid tokens per stream. No Monopoly middle men like youtube or shitty ads.

>> No.6138547

It's an ERC20 token you scrub - it's almost trivial to implement into a game. Now that the normans got their first taste of fomo and buyers remorse it's no longer going to get shilled in normieland enough to make up for bagholders cashing out for better pastures.

>> No.6138571


none of these coins can honestly justify their market cap, most people don't even use crypto. Don't try to come in here with that "oh it doesn't have real life cases hurr"

1. essentially the entire market is overvalued, lets be real
2. market cap has never been an effective indicator in crypto


it's in the early stages, if the hype and marketing is this good early just imagine what it could grow into. and nothing would stop users from posting fucked up shit, but illegal activities are lowkey a big reason crypto is attractive to some people and hell btc started out mostly being used by drug dealers

you'll be ok. don't do that again. if a coin already mooned over 2 or 3x, just piss off, wait, and buy during a dip.

>> No.6138624


Its only an ERC20 token for now. Once the mainnet is online youll exchange them for their own tokens.

>> No.6138629

Who pays for the bandwith?

You would need a service provider. The service provider would need to get paid some of the donations.

You are basically making the Twitch tip system

>> No.6138637

I’m also still holding TRX since $.03. Crypto market fluctuates like crazy, but I’m still up 600% in my total portfolio in the past month even after today’s big drop (which seems to happen every 1.5-2 weeks). Every time TRX goes up one cent, I make $1200. Not too shabby.

>> No.6138697

Thanks man. I'm not an expert by any stretch, but I should have known better for sure.

>> No.6138724


Tronix, paid for by transaction fees.

>> No.6138754
File: 20 KB, 539x398, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yea duuu da guy that is JACK MA'S ONLY PRIVATE STUDENT at the moment.

Who is also BASICALLY THE CHINESE FUCKING ZUCKERBERG and partnered with a company that recently purchased the domain Game.com for 14 MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS.

The domain you mouth breathers, they spent that on the god damn domain. Do i need to make more obvious connections to you how this kid will not fail.

It has proof of concept and the game besides being addicting, besides being about dogs on the year of the dog in china where they give a shit about that kind of stuff, besides being released by a CEO who.. oh yeah


This kid will be the first graduate from Jack Ma's New Entrepreneur University and is his first private pupil. His fucking these is on blockchain and the concept of Tron. His these to graduate that he is presenting to Jack Ma who will share it with oh yea his friends who are... OTHER FUCKING MONSTER INVESTORS.

Im done. Get fucking raped you fomo pushing fgts. Research is the only real advantage in this game.

P.S. Translate this entire conversation into Mandarin and let me see how detail it sounds to the natives you cuck. They are now incorporated in San Francisco getting everything for English Investors properly translated.

Fucking morons.

**drops mic**

>> No.6138769

>nothing would stop users from posting fucked up shit

Holy shit, and you're all claiming this is going to replace or compete with YouTube?

>> No.6138825

Got in at fraction of a penny, holding 400k.

>> No.6138843

I forgot to add the game allows profit to be made and is a micro example of how big they are really fucking thinking.

>> No.6138905

delusional but I guess you need to be this low IQ to be scammed by shady chinks

>a fool and his money will soon be parted

this coin wont stop bleeding

>> No.6138913

>this is going to replace or compete with YouTube

If it does it would take like 10 yrs. I definitely see this being a thing for streaming sites though. Pump in donations and the site takes a transaction fee. Its hard to monitor shit like Twitch and this will make it easier for them to get away with minor copyright issues like someone listening to eminem while playing League.

Will also help get around the lootbox law in china since TRX is probably not considered "money" legally.

>> No.6139015

This is just going to draw people who want to stream shady/illegal shit.

>> No.6139049
File: 72 KB, 744x752, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not 1 logical counter? this is the sign behind people who are full of shit and just jealous.

Yeah bro your right ignore the actual logic behind the coin, the investors, the working product in a world of crypto and argue "muh charts". I bet you hold xrp you cuck.

Information is the only real weapon in this game.

never forget that.

>> No.6139085


dude you've been fudding up this thread multiple times. You clearly are upset you didn't get in earlier, otherwise you wouldn't be in here talking so much shit.

It's a project that isn't finished, but me and many others believe with the strong team, publicity, and market it will be successful. This is just what we think, you on the other hand are making concrete statements based purely on FUD. you can think that it will fail, but you don't KNOW it will fail, you just pretend you do.

>> No.6139161

Well I'd imagine they would still have mods to ban ISIS from streaming beheading vids. Some channels could have ads like now and be more heavily moderated while the rest get a bit more leeway.

Youtube is taking down pretty much anything a big company asks them to. Even some of the really large creators are leaving. Something like this could have a really quick adoption rate compared to all those cryptos that want to magically replace fiat.

>> No.6139247

why would I be upset I didnt invest, its going back below .10 within a day or two and I doubt many people ITT got in that low

I posted facts about the token, market cap, profitability of the company and future prospects.

you posted a bunch of buzzwords and memes. this is why you invest in chink scams

>> No.6139288

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6139329

I’m not selling till Tron buys me a civic

>> No.6139451


Did you just rage quit the internetz? 10 million users of a shit app in a country of 1.3 billion?
Sure buddy. You're not gonna make it

>> No.6139464

lmao yeah faggot Jack Ma is a buzzword. You forsure have not broken 6 figures in crypto.

I hate pussies like you who spread FUD. Says I post future prospects. The fuck? and I'm using buzzwords?


I can tell when nerds on here are softer than baby shit lmao

>> No.6139560
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oh you mean the communist one? way to pick that weak ass arguement as your "mic drop".

Try again beta. No weak handed fgts allowed in Tron.

Bet on the REAL Asian Zuckerberg or 2 random mouthbreathers who spread more FUD than facts?

Everyone ask yourself that simple question ignoring everything else if we want to take this to the most simple level.

>> No.6139593

market cap is a very effective indicator in crypto, and always has been

saying otherwise is deluded talk

>> No.6139684

It's not a P&D by my definition at least, because it was organized and pumped for the purpose of making a quick buck and getting out. This is just what normie-wave coins look like. See XRP

>> No.6139789

>sigh. A true pump and dump involves a massive pump, and then a dump, and the dump usually crashes the stock/coin to an extremely low value.
fucking use your brain. the dumper doesn't care whether the bagholders crash the stock or not after he exits.

>> No.6139945

you guys act like this is fucking verge or another shit coin with nothing behind it. Such exaggeration lmao.

>> No.6140142

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6140166

except tron actually DOESN'T have anything behind it. you faggots are letting your egos and muh iron hands get in the way of making sound decisions
i came in at .13eth, dipped out at .30eth, enjoy your bags. but you know what, i hope tron gains 3 trillion dollar market cap and makes you guys millions and i feel sweet regret. please screencap this so you can post it to laugh at me when trx makes you rich.

>> No.6140541


dude, obviously the pumper doesn't give a fuck. What I'm doing is pointing out the difference between a PnD and a price rise/correction. I believe it's the latter, since the founder still has vested interest in the coin and the price has stabilized well. Technically both a PnD and price rise/correction can be similar, but the lack of sudden pump, stabilized price, and continued roadmap by the project team lead me to believe that it is not a simple PnD.

none of crypto "has anything behind it", these coins are valued at what people value them. I won't laugh at you anon, IF tron works for me, I'll be happy, but I'm not gonna rub it in anyone's face. I can completely understand why you don't want to hold and that's fine, I just don't agree. best of luck in your crypto journey

>> No.6140727
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This promising? Or getting hopes up?

>> No.6140957

damn thats hilarious lmao.

>> No.6140988

This is retarded. Not trying to FUD but just cause they have a close office in a business area does not mean jackshit. There are multiple offices in that area for multiple companies, doesn’t mean anything. Shitty non factual hype is just as bad as FUD

>> No.6141045

Post it to twitter or somewhere to get all the normalfags hyped

>> No.6141088

On the tron.game.com site, whats the order of rarity for these little shits? Ordinary > Legendary > Epic > Rare, right?

>> No.6141184

I have 16,300 tron. Am I going to be rich?

>> No.6141485

Yes you will have some good savings, I'm at 18,000, wish I bought more.

>> No.6141678

>none of crypto "has anything behind it"
But that's wrong. Blockchains like Bitcoin or Ethereum provide services. Their utility, i.e., the reasons why you might value them, is what they have "behind" them.
Tron, on the other hand, appears to have minimal utility. The whitepaper is copied and pasted from other whitepapers, the site is a buzzword salad, and Justin's streams obviously aren't helping his case any. What service does Tron provide? What does it do that differentiates it from Ethereum, upon which it is built?

As far as I can tell, it will be the currency for a bike rental service, an online gift service, and a game service which Justin is already a part of.
But bike rental itself is a Chinese bubble that has already popped:
So those gifts and games better be REALLY good unless Justin can wrangle some other deals.. well, I'm sure he's trying.

>> No.6141808

11,000 in. back at .007.
I'm with ya on that.

>> No.6142421
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200,000 TRX... bought in at .03 cents

I will admit that I got greedy during the moon... I was waiting for .40 cents to sell 25% of position and buy back in on the inevitable dip, but that didn't happen.

Iron hands - HODLING - comfy in bunker

>> No.6142508
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bought in a .16 and have 6.5k am I fucked

>> No.6142767

140k at .01

Feeling cozy, but getting tired of waiting for another moon mission.

>> No.6142839

what price you thinking end of Q1?

>> No.6142877

50c at least

>> No.6143051

honestly as long as tron's investor announcement goes well I can see that happening

>> No.6143527

>Had 193k at .05
>a series of unfortunate events and several poor decisions on my part occur
>stack now 60k
It hurts bros ;_;

>> No.6143995

did you day trade?

>> No.6144525

Yes. I traded for a different coin sold that coin for a small loss cause TRX started to take off and I bought back in on the dip but it kept slowly bleeding for a couple days down below .05 I think. Then it came back up and I sold for a small profit thinking it was going to dip again like before but then that’s when it started the multi day run to the ATH. After that I got my stop losses pulled twice at different amounts by what had to be bots cause it was played so perfectly. Anyways moral of the story is just hold if you are idiot

>> No.6144651

sorry to hear that anon. I day traded a bit when I first started and realized that I'm too emotional and stupid to do that shit. always gotta hold i guess

>> No.6145218

>Top 10 coin with $10 billion mcap @$0.15
>Limited working product after 2 mo of development
>Getting added to new exchanges regularly
>CEO it's well connected
>Endorsed by Chinese gov't
>Coin burn coming up

This is a fucking no brainier. I 10x'd on the first moon and I'm looking forward to doing it again soon.

>> No.6145325
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>> No.6145327

Just hodl this shitcoin. Chinks know something we don't at the moment. They'll buy into it eventually.

>> No.6145386

Chinese whales are accumulating, 60k volume on binance to 40k up and down constantly with the price going from 1.1k sats to 980 sats. There's a rumour about insider info with this shit partnering with a very fucking prestigious company this week. fucking hold with all your might to see this go 10x